A New Year to build a dream on.

Love Line Sequel

*To fit the mood of this chapter you can listen to:

After School - Someone is you



The past week, Donghae noticed that _______ has been sick.

Her frequent bathroom visits and hearing her vomit often worried him. He gets awaken by this early in the morning and so he follows his wife into the bathroom, holding her hair up for her. Every time he’d ask her if she was okay she would always assure him that there was nothing to be nervous about.

He thought that maybe it was just the winter flu that a lot of people get during this time of the year.

But then again she was also being moody (more than usual) and craving for food, ‘pms perhaps?’ he asked himself, not realizing the obvious.



It’s about New Year’s Eve and so Donghae and _______ ate the special dinner that the two cooked together. Donghae helped _______ out in most of the dishes and as well as disturbing her from cooking with his playful ways.

The couple ate dinner, recalling the things that happened over the past year. The good and the bad memories were brought up and it just showed how much the two has been through and everything just strengthened their relationship.


Donghae and _______ stepped out on the balcony 5 minutes before 2011 came. They waited for the countdown and for the fireworks to start. Donghae wrapped a jacket and a blanket around ______ to prevent her from the harsh cold weather.




“Happy new year yeobo!” Donghae and _______ exchanged their greetings at the same time making them giggle.

“You made me very happy over the past year _______. I couldn’t stop smiling and loving ever since I met you. I’m so happy to be spending my life with you.” Donghae told _______ as they embraced each other.

“I’m very grateful to have you in my life oppa. You don’t know how much you mean to me.” ______ replied before the two shared a passionate kiss under the bright sky filled with sparkling fireworks.

“My heart bursts like the fireworks every time I’m with you.” Donghae cheesingly told his wife.

“Ayyy..That’s so corny oppa. Let’s see what I can think of. Hmmm…I see sparks every time we kiss?” _______ replied, unsure with her answer.

“We should kiss all the time then.” Donghae childishly replied, making _______ lightly slap him on the arm.


After the fireworks ended, the couple went back inside their place.

“Oppa, wait right here.” ______ told her husband as soon as they stepped in their living room. She went inside their bedroom for a bit to fix herself and his present. ________ didn’t change her clothes, she just placed a ribbon - bow on top of her blouse where her belly button would be.

“Awww…you’re my gift for tonight yeobo?” Donghae raised his eyebrows up and down at ______ making her laugh. “hmmm…maybe *giggles* your gift isn’t only me oppa, but also…there’s a gift inside me.” ______ said like a riddle. For a minute Donghae spaced out, trying to process what his wife just said. His mind was loading like he was running on Windows ’98.

______ smiled when the moment of recognition appeared on Donghae’s face. His jaw dropped. “Gift? For me? You…you mean?” he stuttered and also was unable to make a coherent sentence.

“Oh my god! I can’t believe I didn’t realize that you were experiencing morning sickness! There were signs everywhere” Donghae mumbled to himself, only realizing what has been happening to _______ for the past few days were signs of pregnancy.

______ nodded and took Donghae’s hand in hers. She squeezed his hand a bit first before placing it on her still flat belly. “Oppa…I’m pregnant!” she confirmed the news to Donghae.

His smile reached from ear to ear.

“I’ll be a father??” Donghae who was close to tears asked once again, his hands caressed ______’s stomach.

“Yeah. I know it wasn’t part of our plan yet but --” _______ was trying to explain things that didn’t need explanation to.

“Forget about our prior plans! Don’t get me wrong _______, I love the news! If destiny wants us to start a family early then we should be just thankful. I can’t wait to inform the others. Thank you yeobo! Thank you for everything!” he said before hugging _______ tightly and lifted her up from floor. She laughed at Donghae’s movie-like actions but then hugged him back.

“Wait am I hugging you too tight? Aish! I’m so insensitive. I have to be more careful now.” Donghae placed _______ back on her feet. He was feeling more conscious of his actions now that he knew that there’s a life forming inside of ________.

“How long have you been pregnant?” he asked.

“About 5 weeks now. I was able to confirm it a day before Christmas, after you left. ”

“Why didn’t you tell me right away when I came back?” Donghae asked curiously.

“Because I wanted to tell you on a special day, I mean isn’t it cute to have a ‘Christmas’ baby or a ‘new year’ baby even though our baby won’t be born on a holiday at least the day I told you would be a memorable one and so that’s why I waited to tell you on this New Year. Isn’t it a great news to welcome the year?”

“It’s the best way to welcome the New Year with you.” Donghae told _______ sweetly before kissing her on the lips.

“Can we tell the guys?” Donghae asked again, eager to let the other important people in his life know.

“Of course you should call them. The girls already knew before you, I hope you don’t get mad.”

“I’m not. They’re your family too.”

“Oh yeah speaking about our families. I want us to tell them personally so that’s why I haven’t told them yet.” ________ told Donghae about her plan.

“I definitely agree with you. We’ll visit them soon. I’m sure they’ll be very happy”


Donghae and _______ sat on the massage chair recliner that she gave Donghae for Christmas.

She sat on Donghae’s lap like he was her Santa while he got his phone out to call his group mates.

“HAPPY NEW YEAR!!” The guys screamed over the phone as soon as they picked up his call.

“Happy new year to you guys too!” The couple replied cheerfully

The guys on the other line started to talk all at the same time making it sound very chaotic.

“Hey wait, we have some news to announce.” Donghae got the guys’ attention.

“What?!” Heechul asked slightly sounding irritated since he was cut off.

“I’m having Donghae oppa’s baby.” _______ informed them.

It was silent for a second making the couple confused but then loud noises could be heard a second after. It seemed like a big party was there.

“Congratulations!” Leeteuk, Shindong, Eunhyuk congratulated the couple in sync.

“We’re so happy for you guys.” Sungmin and Kyuhyun said

“We’ll be with you every step of the way.” The other guys stated after they calmed down.


The couple soon cleaned up their place after that hyperactive call with the Super Junior brother-in-laws.

“So when should we go to your first doctor’s appointment?” Donghae asked a bit excitedly after _______ laid beside him on the bed.

“hmmm…I don’t know. We should go soon, while your schedule is still free.” _______ replied back as she wrapped placed her arms on Donghae’s body, hugging him while he placed his arm around her shoulders letting her head rest on him.

“What gender do you want our first baby to be?” Donghae asked curiously while his fingers played with the strands of _______’s hair.

“First?” _______ repeated with an amused tone.

“Of course we have to have more babies after this. I have to spread out my genes and prove to the world just how loving we are and how beautiful our kids would be. We’ll make a soccer team! Everyone will be so proud.” Donghae grinned as he pictured out their future making his wife laugh “Well I wish our first baby’s a guy so he can protect his younger sister that will come next.”

“That sounds like a good idea. But whatever the gender’s baby would I’m sure we would be able to raise them well.”

“I hope so. I’m honestly feeling anxious oppa. I’m not sure if I can be a good mother.” _______ confessed her concern.

“Hey don’t think like that. You’ll be a great mother. Remember the time where we had to take care of a baby as a mission for We Got Married.” Donghae tried reassure _______.

“That’s different.” ______ slightly mumbled

“It’s not. I’m good at predictions. Remember what I told you that time?”





Donghae helped ______ by opening the door to the bedroom for her. She entered their bedroom with ease and gently placed the baby down on the center of the bed.

She then surrounded Mi-Young with most of their pillows, keeping her safe and secure in the middle.

Fortunately Mi-Young did not wake up and ______ was just staring with the little girl in awe.

She took the small thin blanket and placed it on the lower part of Mi-young’s body to keep her warm.

Donghae leaned to the side of the door, admiring the sight in front of him. _______ looked so comfortable at being a mother.

“I think you’d make a great Mrs. Lee Donghae.” he unconsciously thought aloud, making ______ hear what he just said.

_______ smiled and looked back over her shoulder. Donghae slightly blushed and felt embarrassed that he couldn’t contain his thought in his mind.


*end of flashback*


The two chuckled as they remembered that day.

“Don’t stress out too much, okay? That won’t be good for you and the baby.” Donghae kissed _______ on the forehead

“I won’t anymore. I know we’ll do very well because I have you.” ______ replied and snuggled her head closer to Donghae’s chest.

They then exchanged ‘Good night’ ‘Sweet dreams’ and ‘I love you’ with each other.


Things just seemed so perfect and they couldn’t be any happier.


Happy 2011 you guys!! I hope you've been having a great start ^_~ 

Just in case you haven't seen my new year's video / blog post for you guys: click here.

I'm just a wall post / tweet away if you guys need / want someone to talk to.

Anyways, I hope you guys liked this New Year chapter ^_^ Of course, your guesses were right. haha


Tell me what you think, tweet me at: twitter.com/nisrandom


~Comment Replies~ love love love you guys <3

nimsaengho: No you aren't!! ^_~ aww...hihi thanks. Hope you like this New Year chapter.

sj15forevrr: Yeah I just had to write him being like that. haha ^_~ Happy 2011!

kdonghae20: Sorry if you had to wait long ^_^ It's okay, at least I know that you're enjoying the story ^_^ Thank you! Here's your update.

5forever1: I enjoyed writing Donghae's 'naughty' side haha. Now you know ^_~

yesungie: aww...YAY!  I'm glad you loved it ^_^ Yeah me too, just a bit of a tease is good enough sometimes. 

imaginedreamlove: Hot times is a really y song! ^_~ hihihi

ColaSmackles: hmmm...now you know ^_~ Hope you like the new year chapter.

redshuz: I know, right? I'm going to be putting in flashbacks from Love Line.

SHERYLN: *shakes and wakes you up to read the new chapter* ^_^ Yeah she won't be alone.

sheskristine: Yay for sweetness!! ^_^ <3 I'm happy you liked it.

gabie_16: No one should complain about Donghae's *rawr* side. haha It's Donghae after all ^_~ LOL

eunhyukmylover: Yeah he is pretty excited at times ^_^ I'm glad I made you smile. Thanks for waiting! Hope you like this chapter.

ikawaiirock: aww...they are very sweet, aren't they? ^_^ I’m jealous. haha

ilovefishy: me too! While I was rereading it. haha Hope you like the New Year's chappy. ^_~

celine_neji: If Onew = chicken; Heechul = iphone / selca's. haha ^_^ All the love for the boys. Glad you felt that way ^_^ oh cool! yay! Where are you located?

sjlalalalalove : That's not bad ;) Hope you like this chapter.

ezralaine: aww..you're too far from me. I'm from Paranaque ^_^ Donghae and his 'imaginitive' mind.

AngelsCreed: Hope you like this update ^_^ haha just slightly R ;)

cupidzangel: Yeah The boys are always playing the devil and the angels. haha they influenced Donghae's mind. ^_~

eunhaecupcake: At least he will be able to relax without bothering his wife. haha ^_~

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Chapter 19: awwwww so cute :)
mineforever021 #2
so cute and lovely...
Wah! So cutee <3
fyrn95 #4
kyaaaaa what a sweet story :))
Love it :D
joanmayg #6
i really love this so much ~^^
love it <3..
pepperoni #8
Since the female lead came from AS, i'm pairing Donghae with Nana. Wohooooo! I love the story! :))
This is a very nice story. I'm still reading it though. I cried in Chapter 10 & 11.