
Secret Love of Unbreakable Warrior

"I can't wait, my heart is already in danger. The moment I see you again, I'm automatic. This kind of feeling is still on and on and on again. I get a flashback to that time again in one moment."-After School "Flashback"

The chaser dream did not revisit again with Daehyun's arm wrapped around me and my head rest against his chest. I grinned at myself, glad it did not come back again. Finally I can stop thinking about it and it would stop haunting me.

"Daehyun?" I whispered and found him still asleep. Usually Daehyun was the one who wakes me up, he must have been tired.

"Daehyunnie?" I sang but he still didn't wake up. It was time to wake up and get to school. I had to shook him for a while and Daehyun's eyes opened.

"Time to wake up," I said with a smile and his mouth stretched into a grin. I ran my hand on his smooth skin and I noticed that it was unusually warm. I placed my hand on his forehead and it was burning.

"Daehyun, are you feeling alright?" I asked, my palm still on his burning forehead. My eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm fine, why?" He croaked. He doesn't sound fine either.

"You know you are not that good at lying either," I pointed it out and pursed my lips.

"Why?" He asked.

"You are burning up and you don't sound that great either," I said.

"Don't worry about me, we still have to get to school," Daehyun sat up.

"No, we are not going to school today, you should stay home and rest," I said, it had seem like the energy has been drained out of him, he looks really tired.

"What do you mean 'we'?" He demanded, followed with a cough.

"I am going to stay and take care of you," I announced.

"No, Heaven. Don't worry about me," he said.

"But-" I protested.

"You told me that I should take care of myself yesterday right?" He asked and hugging me to him.

"But that's-" I continued to protest.

"So I shall take care of myself and you should go to school," he said.

"But this is different, now you don't even have energy to take care of yourself and plus, I was talking about that you should take care of yourself when I am not here. Since I am here, I can take care of you since you are sick. You done this for me probably a thousand times already," I said and he chuckled lightly.

"Daehyun, just let me take care of you. You have taken care of me whenever I am sick without resting, let me do it for you this time," I said. He smiled at me and my cheek, probably too tired and sick to argue with me more. I went to the kitchen and got some pills and a glass of water. I never thought I would be the one who would be feeding pills to Daehyun. I shrugged at the thought and made my way back to the bedroom. 

"I hope I don't have to tickle you to eat the medicine," I said and he smiled. I feed the pills to him and he swallowed them obediently and I watched him with awe. It had seem so silly of me making a big deal of eating those pills that Daehyun had spent quite a long time to convince me to eat them.

"Sorry for troubling you to take care of me," he murmured.

"Don't be silly, I should be thanking you for taking care of me for that many times," I said.

"That was my job, your job wasn't meant to take care of me," he said.

"Oh yeah, you are paid to take care of me," I said.

"Whether if I am paid to take care of you or not, I am still going to do it. I don't care about the money, your father can not pay me but I will still be here for you no matter what and I would protect you with every effort," Daehyun said and I smiled.

"Go rest and don't worry about me for once," I said.

"I can't sleep," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"You stole that line from me," I joked.

"Anyone can say that," he pointed it out.

"Anyone can say 'no comment' so you can't say I stole it from you," I said.

"But I said it more than anyone," Daehyun said.

"That's an invalid answer," I said with a smile and he groaned.

"What is a valid answer to you then?" He asked.

"Something that sounds more logical than 'I said it more than anyone'," I said and he laughed.

"I came up with it myself, how's that?" He asked.

"You didn't come up with it yourself," I said.

"Fine, I made it my catchphrase," he said.

"Maybe someone already made it their catchphrase and you stole it," I guessed.

"I didn't, I came up it myself, ask anyone," Daehyun said proudly.

"Fine, but you said I can use it too, but now you are saying I stole it from you," I said.

"I decided to take your right of using my catchphrase," he said.

"Ah, why?" I whined and he smiled.

"Because that's not my catchphrase anymore if you can use it too," he said.

"Aren't you sick? Go rest," I said and he laughed.

"Don't try to change the subject," he said.

"I thought you weren't feeling well, maybe I should drag you to school along with me," I said.

"Okay, I don't mind," he said and sat up.

"Aish, lie back down and be quiet," I said.

"Yes miss Heaven," he said obediently.

"How did you get home yesterday?" I asked.

"I walked home," he said.

"What? It was raining yesterday night and you walked home?!" I exclaimed and he didn't respond, knowing that I am going to scold him.

"Jung Daehyun, you are failing in the course of 'taking care of yourself'," I sighed.

"I don't think there's such thing," he pointed out.

"There is now," I said.

"Since when did I take that course?" Daehyun asked.

"Too bad, you are going to get a 10-hour lecture on how to take care of yourself, you can't run away from it," I said.

"I am too weak to run anyways," he sighed.

"Exactly," I said.

"Is there any way for me to get out of this lecture?" He asked.

"Nope," I shook my head. Then Daehyun closed his eyes so suddenly and it had seem like something had happened to him.

"Daehyun?" I said. No response.

"Daehyun?!" I yelled. Still No response.

"Daehyunnie!!!" I screamed and shook him for a while. Then he opened his eyes and gave me a childish smile.

"Yah! Jung Daehyun! Are you trying to scare me?" I said and slapped him on the arm.

"Ow," he said and winced.

"Sorry, did it hurt?" I asked, worried.

"Of course not," he gave me that childish smile again.

"You are really....." I trailed off when he pulls me in for a kiss abruptly.

"You think by kissing I can forgive you? You are not getting this out that easily," I said with a smile.

"What? Is that what you think? I wanted to give my beautiful and kind hearted girlfriend a kiss to show how much I love her," Daehyun said innocently.

"Pshh, you are funny," I marked with some sarcasm.

"It's true," he said with a smile.

"I am not buying this," I said.

"Aish you are hard to convince," he complained.

"Whatever you do or say, you are not getting out of this lecture. I shall start now," I said and cleaned my throat.

"I'll kiss you for the whole time so you can't go on with your lecture," he said and I blushed.

"That's not the proper way to get someone to shut up," I said with a smile.

"As long it works, it doesn't matter," he grinned.

"So you would kiss a teacher if she was giving you a lecture, or you would randomly kiss a person who is simply talking too much?" I asked and raised my eyebrow.

"This way only applies to you, only you," he said, his hand on my back.

"Good, or otherwise you are going to get into a lot of trouble if you go around kissing people when you want them to shut up," I said with a smile.

"I will only apply this method to you, no one in this planet besides you," he said, my cheek.

"What if I don't like this method? Can I arrest you?" I asked.

"You can, but I won't stop," Daehyun said with a smirk.

"Go rest," I rolled my eyes.

"Okay okay," he said and closed his eyes. I watched Daehyun sleep quietly for a while. Without noticing I was smiling, just by watching him sleep makes me happy for some reason. Did he feel like that too? All the time when I was resting, he watched me quietly without a peep out of him. Just looking the dull me, resting peacefully. Did that make him happy too? He was never in a hurry to wake me up, his eyes were always fixed on me. It doesn't seem to bother him, watching me sleep quietly, it doesn't seem boring or dull to him, which is what I am experiencing right now. I could look at him all day without getting bored. Daehyun seemed like a statue to me, a perfect, flawless statue.

It had amazed me how quickly Daehyun recovers from his cold, but I still wanted to let him get more rest and didn't let him do anything. I brought his dinner upstairs and fed him.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked and I rest my palm on his forehead, it was no longer burning but still a little bit too warm.

"Yes," he said.

"Are you hungry? Or you don't feel like eating?" I asked immediately.

"Hold on a second, don't overwork yourself, now you are really worrying about me too much," he said with a smile.

"I want you to recover quickly," I murmured.

"I want to recover quickly for you too," he said.

"For me? You shouldn't say it is for me, it's for yourself too," I said with a smile.

"I am more concerned on what you want," he said and hugged me to him, he put my head against his chest.

"So if I wanted anything, you would get it for me?" I asked.

"Yes, but when you are a billionaire's daughter, I think that is not going to be a problem," he smiled.

"There are stuff that you can't buy with money too, so you will get me anything I asked you?" I asked.

"Hmmmm..... That depends on your behavior," he said.

"Eh? What behavior?" I asked.

"If you are good then I will get you whatever you want," he said.

"Aren't I always good?" I asked innocently, bating my eyelashes at him.

"No, you never listen to what I say regarding your safety and health," Daehyun pointed it out.

"I do!" I objected.

"Really?" He asked me with intimdiating eyes.

"Fine, I don't," I said finally and he smiled.

"Plus, you probably think I nag too much," he added.

"Oh yeah, you nag sooooooo much," I exaggrated and he chuckled.

"I don't nag that much," he said.

"You don't know it until you see it yourself," I smiled.

"And you steals food from me too," he said.

"Since when?" I laughed.

"When you want the bread from me," he said.

"Sharing is caring!" I recalled.

"And I said I didn't care about you," he said.

"That was mean, I actually took it by heart," I pouted.

"Aish, you know I would never mean it," Daehyun said, he rested his cheek on my head.

"I have never met anyone as mean as you, you wouldn't even share!" I complained.

"I told you everyone always steals my food so I wouldn't share," he said.

"You don't even need to eat that much!" I complained.

"How do you know?" He nudged.

"Because you asked me to help you finish it one night, remember?" I asked.

"Asking you to help me finish food? That's impossible. I am known as the shik shin, you know," he said and winked.

"Sure you are," I murmured with a tint of sarcasm and he laughed.

"Let's play truth or dare," I challenged.

"Oh? Why?" Daehyun looks surprised.

"Are you scared to tell me the truth or scared by my dares?" I challenged.

"I am not scared, bring it," he said with a childish grin.

"Okay, truth or dare?" I begin.

"Um..... Truth," he said while my hair.

"How many girlfriends did you have before meeting me?" I asked.

"Aish, why do you always ask this kind of question?" He complained.

"Are you scared to tell me? Because there were too many?" I wondered.

"Of course not. I had none," Daehyun said confidently.

"Really?" I said.

"Yup," he said.

"Okay, I believe you, for now," I said and he chuckled.

"Why can't you believe the fact that you are my first love and there's no one I had dated or liked before you?" Daehyun questioned with a hint of amusement.

"Because so many girls wanted you so I thought it must be impossible that you don't have a girlfriend before me," I said.

"You are thinking too much," he chuckled.

"Your turn," I said.

"Truth or dare?" He asked.

"Truth," I said.

"What do you like the most and least about me?" Daehyun asked.

"I like you the most is how caring and nice you are towards me, you always seems to care about me more than anything else in the world and you never stayed mad at me no matter what I have done," I said.

"Being too nice to you is one of my weaknesses I need to fix," he joked.

"Ah, why?" I complained.

"Just joking," he showed me his childish grin again.

"I like you the least is when you nag," I said.

"I see we are back on the nagging issue again," he chuckled.

"Sometimes you nag too much about my safety but I am confident I can take care of myself," I said.

"You know I am worried about you, but I will try to nag less if that makes you happy," he kissed my forehead and I smiled.

"Truth or dare?" I asked.

"Truth," he said.

"Who do you love more? Cheesecake or me?" I asked, knowing that Daehyun's favorite food is cheesecake.

"Cheesecake of course," Daehyun answered immediately.

"Yah! You answered it so fast, can't you at least consider the choices that has been given to you so my feelings won't be hurt as much?" I asked.

"I would answer you without thinking for sure, I just like to tease you," he grinned.

"Ahh seriously, I think you love teasing me more than you love me," I sighed and he laughed.

"That's not true, when I tease you, you always get so frusturated and you are adorable when you are frusturated which makes me love you even more. So technically I love you more than I love teasing you," he said.

"Ah, is that so?" I murmured.

"Yes. Okay, Truth or dare?" He asked.

"Umm...... Dare," I answered.

"I dare you to never leave me and be with me forever," Daehyun whispered at my ear and I blushed.

"I accept," I said and he smiled and give me a kiss. I cuddled into a ball with his arms around me and his head rested on my shoulder. This was a dare that I am willing to do more than anything.

I was living in the perfect life, I couldn't have asked for more. I have everything, I have a boyfriend who truely loves me and cares about me more than anything and most importantly, I am happy when I am with him. Daehyun makes me feel like I was floating on air when he is with me. There's not one moment that I did not enjoy when I am with him. I have loving parents who also cares about me even though they are not home often, I have all the money in the world, I have no worries because I was living in my dream life. Nothing could have gone wrong.

But I was wrong, everything is going to change, for the worse.

One afternoon we returned home after school and to my surprise, the security guards at the door were all gone. There's always guards securing the doors and in my whole entire life, I have not seen the front doors not secured by guards.

"What's wrong?" Daehyun asked, sensing my uneasiness.

"Umm...... The front door is quite..... empty," I trailed off.

"What's wrong with that?" He asked.

"You see..... The front door has always been secured by security guards everywhere, and it has been like that ever since I was little," I said in a quivering voice.

"Let's go," Daehyun said cautiously, his hands tight around mine. We entered the house and my eyes widen in horror. The house was a mess, and on the floor were full of guards lying on the ground, in pain. There were intruders in the house. As my eyes scanned through the house to find the intruders, someone had grabbed me from the back. I looked back and there were a whole bunch of people in black suits that I had not recognize, there were so many of them that I was sure that they had outnumbered the guards in my house.

"We have been expecting you, Miss Heaven," the person grabbing me from the back whispered in a threatening voice. Without knowing what to do next, I kicked him from the back which sent him down to the ground, grimacing in pain. It was nice to know that my taekwondo skills have not failed on me this time, but then I had realized a whole mob of intruders are closing on me and Daehyun. My eyes widen in horror and it was not because the whole mob of intruders, it was because I don't feel Daehyun's grip on my hand anymore. I didn't have time to find him, I had to defend for myself. I tried to fought off as many as I could, and I had surprised many of those intruders by my fighting skill, but then I feel like wave of electric shock in my body which made me collapse onto the ground in pain. They had tasered me.

"Impressive skills, Miss," the intruder complimented in a mocking smile.

"Where's Daehyun?" I yelled without thinking.

"Ah, your little friend? He is very impressive, but too bad that we outnumbered you guys," he chuckled. And I heard footsteps and I lift my head and I found Daehyun also grimacing in pain and he was on his knees.

"Let him go!" I yelled at the intruder.

"Not possible," he smirked.

"What do you want from us?" I asked.

"Actually, we only need you," he said.

"Then let him go! You only want me, now you got me, let him go!" I screamed.

"No! Heaven!" Daehyun roared.

"Looks like he doesn't want to go, hmm..... what a pity," the intruder said in an easy tone.

"Just let him go," I muttered.

"Heh, I don't think I can do that, you see, I would get fired if I let anyone go. And we wouldn't want that, now, do we?" He teased.

"You-" I broke away from his grip and ready to attack but another wave of electric shock sent through my body. I yelped and collapsed on the cold hard floor.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" I heard Daehyun's voice thundered. But the intruder said nothing besides laughing.

"This would please you more then," the intruder said and I screamed when another wave of shock hit my body. I was crying in pain now.


"Heh, that is brave, I will acknowledge that, but you see, I can kill you more easily now rather you kill me now," the intruder said. I opened my eyes and I see a gun pointed to Daehyun's head.

"You see that, Miss? I can kill him right at the spot if you try to disobey what I say," he chuckled.

"I WILL DO WHATEVER YOU SAY, JUST LET HIM GO!" I screamed and the gun dropped. I sighed in relieve.

"Hmmm..... We got star crossed lovers here, don't we? Boss is not going to be pleased about this," he sighed.

"Boss said to bring the girl back alive, not to kill anyone," a voice said.

"Ah, you are absolutely right, anyways, you better behave if you want him alive," the intruder said to me.

"Fine," I muttered.

"Take them away," the intruder instructed. I was being dragged away from Daehyun. Then I had a flashback to my dream. I was being dragged away from him, no matter how much I screamed for them to release me, I was getting further and further from Daehyun. I get a flasback to that time again in one moment. Tears blurred my vision and when I blinked, I saw my chaser reaching out to me and screaming my name on the top of his lungs. Only this time there's no one here to wake me up from this nightmare.


Annyeong! Okay, first of all, I am very very sorry that I updated later than usual, because my internet was not working properly for about 2 days and there was a storm this week which cut off the electricity so I couldn't update for 3 to 4 days but today I had some time and I finished up this chapter! There's some action in the end of this chapter which probably took you all by surprise right? And you guys can probably sense the new character is going to appear soon so make sure to keep reading! A huge thanks to my subscribers for subscribing, commenting, and reading! I really appreciate it~ Gomawo! *Bows* You guys are the best~ kekeke

This chapter's fanart will feature........ *drum rolls* DAEJAE! kekeke I ship this couple the most in B.A.P XD I ship BangHim and JongLo too XD

Anyways I will try my best to update as soon as possible, hopefully my internet is not acting weird again and I hope there's no more storms that cuts off the electricity...... *sigh* Yo, listen up, this is my tragic love story...... (Sorry I was thinking of UKISS 0330 when I was ranting about the storm....) I will see you next time in my author-nim note when I update chapter 31~ Bye Bye~


The-author-nim-that-has-nothing-more-to-say-since-she-is-too-busy-staring-at-B.A.P (This doesn't make sense either.....)

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Chapter 42: Hiiii! I just found this fic 2 days ago and I couldn't stop reading! Literally! It was so good! I just love how you make me feel the emotions the characters felt and rhe way the story twists and turns unexpectedly! Just amazing :D please do make a sequel! Pleaaaaassssseeeeee! Hehehehe :3 Thanks for the epic story btw ^_^
ennink_ciel #4
Chapter 43: Yongguk! Yongguk! Yongguk!!!!!!!! (´▽`Ʃƪ)
Chapter 43: I'm so happy!!! Omg, OMG!!!! I can't wait for the sequel!!! OMG, I am fangirling right now!! OMG, OMG OMG!!!! Update soon author-nin!!! Your killing me!! :'DDD OMG, OMFG, I can't wait!! HWAITING!!! <3333
Chapter 43: i'm waiting for the sequel.... =)
Lovelydooly #7
Chapter 43: SEQUEL !!! XD

I looking forward it.
Just re-read this. <3 Do you still remember me, author-nim? lol.
hippo_guk #9
Chapter 42: Owww it's a really nice story *O*. Daehyun and heaven are cute together