Going Crazy

Secret Love of Unbreakable Warrior

"Have you gone crazy? Why are you being like this? Please stop now and leave me alone. Seeing you suffocates me, please disappear from my sight."-Song JiEun ft. Bang YongGuk "Going Crazy"

It has been about 2 weeks since I had witnessed the scene that I have been fearing for the past few weeks and it has only been yesterday when Yongguk appeared in that very spot in my bedroom. I sighed. It is the start of a new day. And it is time to go back to living my life normally, but this time without Yongguk in my life. Daehyun slips into my bedroom and walked to my bedside.

"Are you feeling better now?" Daehyun asked. I know he had meant both my health and how I felt about yesterday.

"Yeah," I said.

"You think you can go to school now?" He asked.

"Sure," I said with a smile. Daehyun gave me a bright smile and left me to get ready. Even though it is still hard for me right now to be happy, but I should at least pretend I am, just for the ones that actually do care about me. I sighed and got off my bed. I got ready and headed downstairs.

For the whole entire day, Daehyun was trying to make sure that everything is fine with me. He slipped a small bottle of pills into my backpack without me noticing. Just in case, he said. I sighed but I know that Daehyun means well. I had told him I am fine and I even put in effort to make myself look fine and he finally bought it. He told me not to get into anymore troubles, which I rolled my eyes in response, but agreed that I will "try my best" not to get into anymore troubles.

I strolled through the halls quietly, trying not to attract any attention to me. I don't give off the cliche impression of a typical billionaire's daughter, who would be extremely popular, smart, gorgeous, a princess, have a beautiful and envious body, wants to be the center of attention and very spoiled. I guess I have disappointed people since I am very short, hardly talks to people at all, basically ignores everyone because I don't enjoy the attention, not really considered "gorgeous", I don't have top grades either, and you wouldn't really expect a billionaire's daughter to actually get a blackbelt in taekwondo. But that skill has failed me ever since the day I almost died and had Daehyun save me. I shrugged off that thought and walk through the empty halls. Then Yongguk came out of nowhere and pinned me onto the wall. I looked at him in horror.

"Why?" Yongguk asked me, both of his hands against the wall as he looked at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You wanted to break up with me, why?" Yongguk asked again.

"I think you know why," I tried to push him away but his arms did not allow me to go anywhere.

"I don't! That's why I need you to tell me!" He said.

"You kissed your ex girlfriend who you claimed 'someone you don't like anymore', you think I don't know?" I said coldly.

"How did you know?" Yongguk asked, shocked. I didn't answer and turned my head to the side, it was painful to have to think back to those memories.

"How did you find out?" He asked again.

"I saw it with my own eyes," I faced him and said.

"Look, Heaven, she kissed me, I didn't," Yongguk said and I scoffed.

"Do you think I would believe it? If she did, then why didn't you stop her? She wasn't strong at all, you can easily pull away from her without harming her. But did you? You didn't," I said. Yongguk didn't respond.

"You also said you would think about it when she asked you if you guys can get back together," I said quietly.

"She was weak at the time, I don't want to discourage her since I am the only person she has," he explained.

"So you break my heart instead of hers," I said quietly.

"No, Heaven, I would never do that to you," Yongguk said and his arms wrapped around me.

"I understand you spent a lot of time with her because she has no one, I undertstand you need to encourage her to work hard again but this time I can't understand," I said. Yongguk didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry," I said and put my hands on his arm to free myself.

"You are breaking up with me?" Yongguk asked. I pursed my lips and nodded grimly.

"No!" He said and pinned me back to the wall.

"You don't love me anymore?" Yongguk asked.

"I can't," I said. It was hard, having to say that to Yongguk's face, but I had to. I looked at him for one more time then I walked away slowly. Then Yongguk hugged me from the back.

"Don't go," He said.

"Yongguk, it's over......... We are over," I said.

"It's not over!! I loved you, Heaven. How could you say it's over?" Yongguk asked.

"You still have her to take care of........" I said.

"I don't care about her! I only want you........" Yongguk said.

"It's too late now, mianhae," I said slowly. Yongguk lowered his head and did not say anything. Suddenly, he grabbed me on my shoulders and looked at me.

"You are mine, I won't let you leave me," Yongguk said slowly.

"It's over, Yongguk! I don't love you anymore!" I yelled. Those words had hit him hard.

"Then I will make you love me again," he said and pulled my head to his and kissed me hard. I struggled and squealed for him to free me, but his strength was unbelieveable. I tried to push him away, but nothing had happened. Then he lips pulled away from mine but his hand is still on the back on my head. Both of us were breathing hard.

"Are......you........crazy?" I breathed.

"I love you," he said.

"But I don't......love you," I breathed.

"Let......me...... go...." I said.

"Never," he said shortly and his lips were on mine again. Is he crazy? Have Yongguk lost his mind? Why is he being like this? Suddenly it had felt like a force had took Yongguk off me and I opened my eyes. It was Himchan.

"What's going on?" Himchan asked.

"It's nothing......." Yongguk puffed. I gulped for air.

"Are you crazy?" I yelled at him. Tears stream down my cheek slowly and I walked away in quick pace.

"Heaven!" Himchan caught up with me.

"What happened?" He asked me but I did not answer.

"What's going on?" Himchan stopped me. I looked at him.

"I...... broke up with Yongguk," I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I saw him kissing his ex girlfriend in the hospital........ that's why I was crying that day," I said slowly. More tears came.

"I-I'm sorry," he said.

"And today I broke up with him...... but then he doesn't want me to and he kissed me and didn't let me go," I choked.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah........ I am fine........" I said and coughed.

"I can't believe Yongguk....... How could he?" Himchan said. I started coughing again, my cold has not completely recovered but I was feeling fine until now. I coughed as I gone through my backpack for the bottle of pills. I popped one into my mouth and washed it down with water. I choked a little bit on the water and I coughed.

"Heaven, are you sick?" Himchan asked and patted my back gently.

"I'm fine," I brushed it off but I coughed again. Himchan handed me my bottle of water and I drank it. I felt a little bit lightheaded and I covered my face with my palms. Then I feel Himchan's arm around my shoulder hesitantly. I had suddenly reminded myself that I shouldn't be here with Himchan. I shouldn't even be talking to him at all after what I had done.

"I-I should go, thanks," I said quickly and turned to leave.

"Heaven, wait!" Himchan called after me but I didn't look back and kept walking in quick paces. It had suddenly seem like I have no one that I want to go to. At the moment I longed for Daehyun, he is only person that I would want to talk to right now. Then, as if God heard my prayers, Daehyun approached me.

"How do you feel now?" Daehyun asked.

"I am fine," I said earnestly.

"Really?" Daehyun questioned and I rolled my eyes.

"When are you going to stop worrying about me?" I asked.

"Until I can read your mind, which is never," Daehyun said with a smile.

"So........ Anything happened so far?" Daehyun said carefully but I understands what he wants.

"There's...... something I didn't tell you yesterday," I said hesitantly.

"What?" He asked.

"I........ Um....... I broke up with Yongguk yesterday with a text message," I said.

"You did?" He asked, surprised. I nodded.

"And today he came and asked me why," I continued.

"What happened then?" Daehyun asked.

"I told him that I don't like him anymore and it's over," I said.

"What did Yongguk react?" He asked.

"He was upset," I finished. It would be better to leave out the part where he kissed me crazily and Himchan's presence.

"Oh," was all Daehyun said.


The rest of the afternoon was distracting since Yongguk was on my mind and what he had done was completely unexpected. I spent most of the class glacing outside the window and completely zoned out. Then the bell rang which startled me, I gathered my things quickly as students begin to leave the classroom. Stop thinking about him, I told myself. I decided the best way to stop thinking about him is to bury myself in piles and piles of homework that are not due for another month. Time always pass by when I am working, and there's about 2 to 3 more hours for me to kill since I have to wait for Daehyun to finish all his classes. I got out of the classroom and made my way to the library. Then I felt a light tap on my shoulder and I turned around and found Yongguk right behind me, I let out a small gasp.

"You are cute whenever you are surprised," he said and put his arms around me.

"Stop it! Haven't I made myself very clear? It's over," I asked and free myself from his arms. Seeing Yongguk just breaks my heart all the time. The image of him kissing her would always surface my mind.

"Heaven, don't be like this," he said.

"It's over. You need to live your life without me now and I have to live mine without you," I said.

"We are not over, you are still mine and I will follow you everywhere if I have to," he said.

"Are you crazy?" I asked him. This has been the second time since I said this to him. I walked away in disbelief.

"Heaven! You hear me? You are mine and no one can have you! You cannot rid of me! I will make you love me again!" Yongguk called behind me but I continued to walk without another glance at him.

I got to the library and sat down. I pulled the small bottle of pills and ate one and put my hand over my face. It was unsettling, hearing Yongguk saying he will never leave me alone and he will follow me everywhere if he have to. I can't say I don't love him at all. Part of me will always love him, but the majority part of me don't trust him anymore and wants nothing to do with him. I sighed and decided to concentrated on my homework, to forget about him. I buried myself into homework for a good 1 hour. But strangely, I had felt like I am being watched by somebody else. Maybe I am just hallucinating, I told myself, and get back to work. But at the corner of my eye, I could have sworn I saw someone watching me. I lift my head up and turned around, everything was normal, people are minding their own business and not caring about me. After finishing all my homework, I decided to leave and meet up with Daehyun. Then I had saw someone that looks like Yongguk walking past me. I sighed. I thought I was suppose to forget about him? Why am I imagining these things? But as I walked, I continued to feel I have been watched and followed, and there's always a shadow that had somewhat reminded me of Yongguk. I felt nervous and was ready to defend for myself in case anyone wants to hurt me, it had felt like I was going through that dark alley whenever I take that shortcut to go home. Of course now I don't go to that shortcut ever again since I was almost killed there and plus Daehyun is always with me now. But old habits die hard and my instinct told me to be alert and ready whenever I feel like someone was following me. I shook my head. Heaven, relax, this is a school, not a dark alley, you are not going to get killed here, I told myself. I must be tired, it has been quite a day, and I am going to go home with Daehyun now. I always feel safe whenever I am with Daehyun, so I don't have to worry about anything. I put that thought at the back of my mind and met up with him.

"Hi," Daehyun greeted me with a smile.

"Hey," I said.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked me.

"Yup," I said and we walked. But then at the corner of my eye I saw someone following us. I stopped and looked back.

"Is something wrong?" Daehyun asked.

"Uh....... Nothing," I reassured him and we continued to walk. In the empty halls there were only two of us, but for some reason I heard a third set of footsteps behind us, I turned and I could have sworn I had saw someone.

"Heaven, what's wrong?" Daehyun asked.

"Don't you feel like someone is following us?" I whispered.

"What? Where did you get that?" He asked.

"I could've sworn I saw someone following us," I said.

"If you are scared, you can hold onto my hand," Daehyun offered and I did not hesitate and clutched on Daehyun's hand. I walked closer with Daehyun and he had made me feel less jumpy. But I couldn't help but glance back once in a while.

"Heaven, don't worry, no one is there, you are just probably tired," Daehyun put his arm around me and comforted me.

"Yeah, I am probably just tired," I agreed with him. But I knew I did see something. It is not something that I had imagined because I was tired. It was real. Then I glanced over my shoulder but didn't find the shadow I thought I had see. Confused, I sighed and hesitated for a while until Daehyun had urged me to keep on walking.


I buried myself deeper into schoolwork like yesterday, but the feeling of someone watching me never faded. It had made me all jumpy and restless and distracted. I sighed and pack my things up and decides to go outside for a walk. The cool wind had calm me down a little bit and I plugged my earphones in my ears and listened to music, this way I won't be all jumpy whenever I hear a weird noise. As I was going through my bag for my book, I had realized I had left my textbook at the library. I made my way down to the library and found my textbook closed and placed nicely on the table. It creeped me out a little bit since I had remembered clearly that I certainly did not close my textbook. It had been sitting on the table neatly as if it had known that I would come back for it. I walked slowly to the table and picked it up from the table. It had seem so weird to me, even though it could simply be someone who came across my textbook and decided to put it nicely there. But I looked around, there were barely anyone here and they were all minding their own business. I flipped through the pages and one of the page caught my eye. I flipped back to that page and found a note there. I held it up and read through it. On the note it read: I miss you, please come back to me, I'll follow you everywhere. I dropped the note in shock and stood there, frozen. These words had seem familiar, including the handwriting. The last section had echoed in my mind. I'll follow you everywhere........... It felt like I had heard these words somewhere. A thought suddenly struck me and it had make sense. Is it really Yongguk who wrote this note? But........ How would he know that I was in the library? How did he know I would come back for my book? I turned and looked around frantically and I saw nothing. Could Yongguk be the one who is following me around? I focused on the last section. Yongguk had said he would follow me everywhere if he had to, he would make me love him again yesterday when we met yesterday.............

No. I told myself. Yongguk, a stalker? It seems impossible. I would probably laugh at that thought several days ago. But now I do not find that amusing. Am I scared of him? There's no reason of why I should be afraid of him. If I keep pretending that I am perfectly fine without him, eventually he will get bored of following me around and leave right? I looked at the note and crunched it up into a ball and toss it into the garbage can. I don't want him back, I am perfectly fine without him, he can forget about the thought of making me love him again.

I walked through the halls nervously. I kept glancing back and forth and I would ran into the wall or to somebody once in a while. What's wrong with me? I thought I am not afraid of him, then why am I getting all nervous? I tried to keep myself from turning back for a while, then I noticed someone that is walking closer and closer to me. I turned around and searched for that person, but I didn't find anyone.

"Whatcha looking at?" A voice said over my shoulder and I jumped and dropped my books. It was Himchan.

"Did you follow me?" I asked bluntly.

"No......... Why would I?" He asked. Now I seemed very stupid for asking that question.

"N-Nothing," I said nervously and we both kneel down to get the books. I accidently bumped my forehead against Himchan's and I slumped down onto the ground.

"Omo, I'm sorry," Himchan said and he helped me to a bench with my books on his other hand.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"I-I'm fine, what about you?" I said.

"Didn't feel a thing, but I think I bumped you pretty hard," he said with a smile.

"I'm okay," I lied.

"Let me see the bump," he said. His face was very close to me and he pulled my head closer to him and observed the red bump.

"How is it?" I asked after a while.

"You might want to put some ice on that," he said with a smile. I chuckled. Then I had feel someone grabbing onto my arm and pulled me away from Himchan. I looked up and it was Yongguk, his hand on my arm. His grasp was firm.

"Yongguk......" Himchan said but he did not respond and punched Himchan. I gasped lightly and Yongguk dragged me with him.

"Let go of me!" I yelled at him but he didn't respond and kept on walking.

"Bang Yongguk! Stop!" I yelled and he stopped.

"Why were you and Himchan doing?" He asked in a cold voice.

"That is none of your business," I said.

"I said what were you and Himchan doing? Is that a difficult question?" Yongguk roared and I was scared for a minute.

"We weren't doing anything!" I yelled.

"You call kissing as not doing anything??" He yelled.

"What?" I questioned. Kissing?

"You and Himchan were kissing! I saw it and don't you lie to me," Yongguk said. I was outraged.

"We weren't kissing!" I screamed.

"Oh, so you wouldn't consider this as a kiss either then?" He said and hugged me tightly to him that I couldn't even breathe and kissed me very harshly. I had feel like he is choking me as my eyes watered.

"We weren't kissing! I accidently bumped my forehead and he was checking the bump you idiot!" I gasped and pushed him away from me. Then I had suddenly realized something.

"Are you the one who have been stalking me?" I asked quietly. He didn't answer and I know the answer now.

"Yah! Bang Yongguk! Have you gone crazy? Why are you being like this?" I yelled and tears filled my eyes. Now I was scared, the note, the continuous stalking of him, when he had hurted his best friend, when he had kissed me harshly......... It was terrifying.

"Heaven, I didn't mean to scare you........." Yongguk said quietly and walked towards me and I backed off.

"Can't I explain?" He touched my arm gently.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I screamed and backed off several steps.

"I'm sorry baby," he said.


"I can explain......" He said.

"PLEASE, I AM BEGGING YOU, LEAVE ME ALONE. SEEING YOU SUFFOCATES ME AND I NEED YOU TO DISAPPEAR OUT OF MY SIGHT," I yelled. Having to say this was heartbreaking, but I had to say it.

"I don't wanna see you," I said finally. Yongguk looked at me sadly and walked away from me slowly. I looked at him. I had wanted to say "Stop! I don't mean it! I still love you and let's get back together." Because it is true, there's still that part of me that loves Yongguk, but I can't. I have made the decision to end this relationship, and I am going to stick to it no matter what, because it is better for the both of us not to be together for now and forever.


Annyeong readers! Since I am very busy these days since exams and projects due dates are very near I can only update little by little each day. So I guess I will be updating probably once a week, mostly likely on fridays until exams are done at the end of June! Thanks to all readers who have been waiting patiently and loyally for the update of each chapter and I appreciated it~ Stay tuned for the next chapter coming next week!

P.S. Aigoo sorry Yonggukie for making you seem so mean in the story....... Saranghaeyo oppa~  

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Chapter 42: Hiiii! I just found this fic 2 days ago and I couldn't stop reading! Literally! It was so good! I just love how you make me feel the emotions the characters felt and rhe way the story twists and turns unexpectedly! Just amazing :D please do make a sequel! Pleaaaaassssseeeeee! Hehehehe :3 Thanks for the epic story btw ^_^
ennink_ciel #4
Chapter 43: Yongguk! Yongguk! Yongguk!!!!!!!! (´▽`Ʃƪ)
Chapter 43: I'm so happy!!! Omg, OMG!!!! I can't wait for the sequel!!! OMG, I am fangirling right now!! OMG, OMG OMG!!!! Update soon author-nin!!! Your killing me!! :'DDD OMG, OMFG, I can't wait!! HWAITING!!! <3333
Chapter 43: i'm waiting for the sequel.... =)
Lovelydooly #7
Chapter 43: SEQUEL !!! XD

I looking forward it.
Just re-read this. <3 Do you still remember me, author-nim? lol.
hippo_guk #9
Chapter 42: Owww it's a really nice story *O*. Daehyun and heaven are cute together