Chapter 9: Doing my first operation

I am sorry I cannot wait for you until the end!


The day had finally came……. When I need to take a surgery to remove the tumour. I wasn't scared if the surgery fails or not but if I could see my family and friends again and also Eunhyuk. Will I still be able to love him even though we cannot be together? Too many question was in my mind and I try and control them so it would not effect me during the surgery. My members stay beside me the whole night and we talk and talk. Now its my surgery time and I scared I wouldn’t be able to see them. Hera saw something out in the windows and told me to come..

As I was looking out of windows I was shock to see something.. It was my fans "Smileys" spreading paper cranes on the floor and created a word for me "FIGHTING" my eyes started to be watery and I kept rubbing it. I was really please how my fans love me and support me during the time when I have the tumour in me.

As I was still looking down to them the door started to knock. We turn around and saw my grandpa, Kirt and my master standing there. I looked at my grandpa and he nodded. I know what he mean  it's time to do the surgery now. I nodded back and told my members to go while I get change. My members are waiting for me in front of the operation door. I was taken by the nurse in a bed where I can feel comfortable. While I was been taken to the room I looked up where the lights are so bright. It makes me scared in the last minute that I wouldn't see the lights again.

I finally arrived but stop to glance at my members, family, Junyoung and Super Junior who came to support me.

My grandma hold my hand and my face with her other..

Grandma: Don't be scared child! I will wait for you to come out

I nodded and looked everyone and told me to stay strong and they are will wait for me to come out. I suddenly glance at Eunhyuk and he stared at me deeply. I will always remember that look of his. He gave me a signal to not be scared, I nodded to him and glance to a different direction.

Grandpa: Don't worry I will make sure you will be safe after this

I nodded to him and turn to Kirt

Laura: Thanx Kirt

Kirt: No worries

Grandpa: Okay it's time now we better start..

I was been taken in… my operation has started and everyone from outside is worrying about me.

Grandpa: Okay let start now

Kirt and my master nodded including the nurses were prepare.

………………………. (during the operation)

My grandpa took some parts of my tumour and in order the nurses to take to the chemical check and to see what type of tumour is growing on me.  The surgery went really well but unfortunately it was to stopped after they heard what type of tumour in me. That was a star figure which mean it cannot be get rid of completely.

The operation stopped and everyone thought it will good news to be heard.

My grandpa, Kirt and including my master came out. Everyone approach to them to hear was the operation successful or not.

Grandma: Honey how was it? Was it a successful one?

My grandpa didn't spoke, but Kirt came forward to speak to everyone..

Kirt: She got the star figure tumour on her…

My grandma, my sister including Elana was shock after hearing the news. But the others didn't understand what they were talking about…

Elana was been pull to the group and to tell them about the news

Sungmin: What did Laura's grandpa mean she got the star figure tumour?

Elana didn't reply and have her head down after knowing

Helen approach to her and realise she was crying and hugged her

Elana: It means her tumour cannot be truly remove ( as tears coming out of her eyes)

Heechul: I don't get you?

Elana: If we remove the tumour completely Laura will  suffer and might die from loosing amount of blood if they go to deep into her spine.

Everyone was shock especially Eunhyuk

Kirt: We are still waiting for another report to check is it a negative or positive tumour. But don’t worry guys most inner spine tumour is positive so don’t loose hope…

Everyone was in silent and wanted to pray to god hoping it is a positive one

-Hospital room-

I don't know how long I slept but it was a pretty long one for sure. I opened my eyes slowly as I saw the lights again. I smile to it and known I survive from the operation. I turn to my left and saw him. He was sleeping on the table and I guess he might have stayed here for awhile and took a nap without realising. I stared at his face and wiggle my fingers to touch it. It reminds me about the moments we have together as he was sleeping on the table next to me if he gets tired companying me from studying. I accidently made sound and he move and open his eyes and saw me.

Eunhyuk: You woke.. (holding my hand)

Laura: Yea.. I guess you stay here for a while?

Eunhyuk: Yea the others were really tired and I told them to go back to rest and we will swap over to guide you..

Laura: Thank you

Eunhyuk: No need to be so welcome

As they having their conversation, Kirt came by checking on her

Kirt: Do you feel much better?

Laura: How did the surgery go?

Kirt: Unfortunately….

Laura: Unfortunately what?

Kirt: You got the star figure tumour on you

I was shock hearing the news and a tear drop out of my eye. Eunhyuk saw the tear and use his thumb to rub it off.

Laura: Is it a negative or positive one? (turning my hand into a ball as closing my eyes)

Kirt: It a negative one

Laura was completely shock and let go Eunhyuk hand after hearing the news..

Eunhyuk was also shock and didn't know how to help…

Eunhyuk: What happens next?

Laura: It means I will be going into a 5 weeks full treatment. Each treatment will be more pain than other. In order to kill the tumour of stopping it to be spread…

I turn into a different direction and I didn’t want to see anyone and I just felt I just wanted to be alone..

Laura: Can you guys please leave? I want to rest….(tears non-stopping coming out)

Eunhyuk and Kirt went out silent. Eunhyuk couldn’t stop the pain from his love. After he got out he punched the wall as he was expressing his anger.

Eunhyuk: WHY HER??(angerily)

Kirt: Life is just like that…

Eunhyuk: Aren't good people meant to have good life? Laura is a good person who helps people, love…  he couldn’t say anymore..  And thought its not fair for a good person to have this kind of life

Kirt: Laura need people to support her and need to people to be with her to fight the tumour

Eunhyuk nodded. Kirt couldn't see how his first love (Laura) man could love her so much that him and he felt jealous how he couldn’t hold onto her during the past…..

Kirt: I will be here for a while to treat her during this time if there is problem I will use up my life to help her okay? I have a meeting going.. I need to leave now.. Bye

Eunhyuk nodded and say bye to him.


-Smile Dorm-

Everyone was silent didn’t want to eat, speak or even think what is going to happen to Laura.

Sungmin: Elana, do you want to eat? You haven't ate today? (hugging Elana)

Elana: It's okay I am not hungry (as her voice was really down)

Sungmin: You need to eat something to have the strength to help Laura when her treatment comes..

Elana nodded and Sungmin went to kitchen to bring some foods for her. While the others just stay there in silent. Eunhyuk came to Smile Dorm to tell the others the news about the report.

Eunhyuk saw everyone in the living room looking really down including Leeteuk how he love Laura so much as a sister. In his heart is just like a sister is sick and brother cannot help.

Eunhyuk: Her tumour came out to be negative

Everyone looked at him and took inhale some oxygen and let it out slowly…

I looked at her Grandma. Her grandma was just in silent and her sister was hugging her grandma telling her Laura need support and help from her. And we need to be there for her.

Eunhyuk was thinking himself Laura have love him so much she thought of herself to break up with him in-order to receive the pain and suffer from her.

These days I completely forgot about Tahe ever since we have a fight. Tahe sometimes really pisses me off with her attitude.  Sometimes I prefer been with Laura instead.


I am still busy but after Wednesday i will be freely updating my fanfic ^^v 

thank you for supporting me and unfortunately weekned i might update it really late because busy doing 2 essay and study a topic test and my life will be over!!

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EunkyungLee #1
I cried so much at the end =( I love the story =) <3
EunhyukFutureWife #2
Amazing story
*sobs* touching.. :')
*sobs be patience eunhyuk oppa..
get well soon for laura eonni..
OMG There's gona be a lil Eunhyuke!..>.< adorable
awww i love the DRESS...>.<
thanx XD
i will update as soon as possible but not right now cause i feeling really sick at this moment of the cold weather >~<
xXCute_Star_136Xx #8
Read's forewood...
'Smile Group
Laura- Leader and also the leading rapper in the group (Nickname: Lion, Lion Omma, Old lady)
Elana- Main vocal (Nickname: Koala, Dirty mind lady, scary person) (Sungmin girlfriend)
Sugie- Sub-vocal and sub-dancer ( Nickname: Kung fu Panda, clumsy Sugie) the one who Laura can talk to about her feelings
Jessica- Lead vocal (Nickname: Seal, Ahyumma, Snail) (Donghae girlfriend)
Hera- Main rapper and lead dancer (Nickname: Crazy women, ghost, good child)
Helen- '
HEY It's my name! I am REALLY going to read this now!

Reads chapter one..
Awesome.... Really good.. continues reading...

This is really great! I'll subscribe a keep reading. ~<3
awwww soooo cute >.<
thank you after Tuesday I will update most of the chapters where i am too >< thank you for supporting me!