Chapter 18: Having my baby girl

I am sorry I cannot wait for you until the end!


9 months later-

Woah my stomach eventually grew so fast by these month. I am so excited and nervous each day that my child is going to be born soon and its going to be a baby girl. As we thought about a good name Lee Shinye, english name Hailey Lee. Each day I touched my belly as I could feel my baby girl Shinye inside of me growing in happiness whenever she kicks me in pain. Eunhyuk will come and tell Shinye inside me to stop kicking omma because omma is currently in pain. But somehow she did listen to him and stopped kicking, I think she knew she will have loving parents after she comes to the new world.

Well since today I have nothing to do since I am on pregnancy absence, I decided to go to JYP for a visit since I miss them so much. As I arrive in front of JYP Entertainment it just brings me back to many memories back than but these memories will also remind in my heart never to be erase.

-JYP Entertainment-

Laura: Hello everyone!

Wonder Girls Sohee: Eonnie!!!!!!!!! I miss you so much!! Here have a seat!

Laura: Thank you Sohee! (as I was sitting down carefully onto the chair)

Sohee: Eonnie, how is the baby going? (cutely)

Laura: Its going really well!

Miss A Min: Eonnie, do you know is it a girl or a boy?

I nodded what she say and smile: Well it’s a girl!

Miss A Suzy: Have you thought a good name?

Laura: Well both of us decided to call our baby girl as Lee Shinye!

Miss A Fei: Shinye sounds a good name! (happily)

Wonder Girls Sunye: Eonnie, can I feel the baby? (nervously)

I nodded and took her a pair of hands feeling where's the baby girl is. She is really excited and told Wonder Girls that she could actually feel the baby moving around. Than suddenly all of them request can they feel where the baby is, I smiled and laughed but nodded and the same time and they think its miracles touching a baby that is not born yet. I notice someone on the doorway and it was JYP he smiled and waved at me, I waved back causing everyone to turn around and look, well he just came back from his meeting along with 2am, 2pm and JB they all missed me so much and hugged me tightly but unfortunately Smile wasn’t there but it because they disband and left the entertainment to success their dreams, well JYP didn’t really mind us coming back to visit because JYP Nation is like a family to us. So we always often come back to visit everyone and have chat with them until they leave for their schedule. Nickhun oppa is the person I miss the most because I always consider him as my older brother since he always take care of me and treated like a little sister when I have my tumour inside my spin. I was been asked to go to JYP office to have a chat, I nodded and stood up carefully with everyone's help and walked slowly to his office with JYP.

JYP: How are you doing now?

Laura: I am doing really fine! (smiling to him)

He smile back and I could see his facial expression as he wanted to tell me something.

Laura: Did you wanted tell me something?

He looked shocked as he didn’t knew I could tell he wanted to say something to me.

JYP: Well, I want to hired you back as our music composer!

Laura: Music composer, only helping JYP nation?

JYP: Well if you wish I can contact other entertainments do they want you to become their music composer also.

I nodded and I kept thinking to myself.

JYP: Will that be okay?

Laura: Well I still need to ask Eunhyuk, and I also giving birth soon! So yeah..?

JYP: No I am not trying to force you but I know you need to ask Eunhyuk, so I will respect your decision, I will wait for your answer!

Laura: Thank you! Appa..

JYP: It's okay my child!

Laura: I better head home now, also Eunhyuk will be worrying about me.

He nodded and accompany me out to the entertainment. As I was walking down the stairs with him, suddenly I slip to the bottom steps causing pain and tears out of me. JYP was shock and including 2pm Nickhun as he was taking me down to their main doors.

Nichkun: Laura, are you okay? (as he was holding my body)

Laura: I am in pain!! (as I was holding his hands tightly)

JYP: Don’t worry, will we take you to the hospital! (as he was taking his phone out)

The rest of them heard some noise and came out to see and all of them was shock how I was on the floor in pain. They quickly ran down and approach to me if I am okay.

Sohee: Eonnie, are you okay?

I couldn’t ask cause I was just in pain. As my water broke also..

Nickhun: She is going to give birth soon.. (replying to Sohee answer)

Jia: I will contact Eunhyuk oppa saying she is going to give birth soon!

Everyone nodded. Jia quickly took out her phone and call Eunhyuk saying I am giving birth soon. Eunhyuk at first was shock hearing me slipping down the stairs and also giving birth at the same time. Eunhyuk quickly hang out and came to JYP Entertainment as soon as he can before the ambulance came. Eunhyuk arrive before the ambulance, he quickly hugged me and wipe the sweat on me as I still in pain. Finally the ambulance came Eunhyuk was with me and we arrive at the hospital really fast. I was taking to a labor room and Eunhyuk waited outside, he call my friends like Smile members and Super Junior to the hospital as I was giving birth soon.

In the labor room I was using my force to push the baby out but I was just totally in pain and tired and also having sweat coming out. The nurse told me not to give up and keep pushing, she was holding my hands as I was squishing it. For my last hope and push I success giving birth to a baby girl that has the loudest crying on Earth. All the nurse and the doctor was just smiling as they were really happy how my baby girl is born. One of the nurse came towards me holding my baby girl. She told me to hold it for the first time. I look at Shinye my baby girl for the first time, her pure face, nose, eyes, mouth, ears, hands are just so unique for her.

The nurses came out with the news and causing everyone excited and emotion how I gave birth. I came out of the labor room because I really tired I felt a bit sleep. Eunhyuk came to me as he thought I was dead.

Eunhyuk: Honey..

I slowly open my eyes and smiled to him while I was just sweating so badly.  Eunhyuk smiled back and kissed me on my forehead.

Eunhyuk: You did a good job! (whispering to my hear)

Laura: Shinye is finally born! ( speaking weakly)

Nurse: We will take her now to her room to rest, you guys can follow.

They all nodded and follow the nurse to my room.

Hera: Laura, your baby is just so cute!

Laura: Thank you! (as I was lending my body to Eunhyuk)

Elana: What did you guys name your baby?

Laura and Eunhyuk looked at each other: Lee Shinye! English name Hailey Lee!

Everyone smiled and thought what a good name.

Jessica: Who's the godmother and godfather for Shinye?

Both of us just smiled because we don’t know actually who can be the godmother and godfather for Shinye but we decided to choose our best mate that is Sugie and Donghae.

Laura: Well the godmother is Sugie!

Sugie looked surprise but very cute how she is the godmother of Shinye.

Sugie: I promise you guys, I will become the best god-mother on Earth for Shinye! (cutely)

Laura: You better be Pan-da! (demanding her)

Sugie: Of course li-on!(childish)

Everyone started laughing because of the funny conversation we were having.

Eunhyuk turn to Super Junior announcing who's the godfather for Shinye. Looking at them I could see their confidence words they were kind of jealous when Eunhyuk announce its was Donghae oppa as the godfather. Most of the Super Junior oppa just want to kill him from been hyper as the godfather.

Well eventually the media and on the internet you can hear about the news that I gave birth to healthy baby girl, because of the photo Eunhyuk release on twitter of the family photo we taken at the hospital for the first time and he tweeted that I am a father now!! Even our family came to Seoul really quickly after Eunhyuk call them saying I gave birth to a healthy baby girl, even my sister is currently accompanying with me and also with my baby girl.

-2 weeks-

Ah… finally home now and also with a newcomer Lee Shinye. When we arrive home Shinye was just extremely excited as both of us could hear her cute little sound making. But since she is still a baby she need some rest, as we tuck her comfortable in her baby bed with a lot of pink decoration in her room.

 She is just as cute as usual with her pure white face and round shiny eyes. She just reminds be when I was little as a toddler and even Catherine but she was much worst than me. But one thing that made my heart completely is having my own family. Taking care Shinye isn't a easy thing but if I think positive having her in my life with Eunhyuk is always an happiness thing so I will think positive.  For taking care Shinye, I took a one year leave in-order to take care my daughter until she is one year old.

I even accept the offer from been JYP Entertainment music composer, since my music skills haven't die out and also I can spend this time writing music and also taking care of Shinye.

Including my friends they also became parents after me giving birth to Shinye, second to become a mother was Elana giving birth she also gave birth to a baby girl Sungmin and Elana name their baby girl as Lee Sungyuk, english name Elaine Lee. What a cute name?  We often spend time together as our children like to play together and we often helped each other in music to create new beats as she also been hired by JYP again to be the music director and also helping other k-pop artist from having great music notes and mv shown to their fans. 

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EunkyungLee #1
I cried so much at the end =( I love the story =) <3
EunhyukFutureWife #2
Amazing story
*sobs* touching.. :')
*sobs be patience eunhyuk oppa..
get well soon for laura eonni..
OMG There's gona be a lil Eunhyuke!..>.< adorable
awww i love the DRESS...>.<
thanx XD
i will update as soon as possible but not right now cause i feeling really sick at this moment of the cold weather >~<
xXCute_Star_136Xx #8
Read's forewood...
'Smile Group
Laura- Leader and also the leading rapper in the group (Nickname: Lion, Lion Omma, Old lady)
Elana- Main vocal (Nickname: Koala, Dirty mind lady, scary person) (Sungmin girlfriend)
Sugie- Sub-vocal and sub-dancer ( Nickname: Kung fu Panda, clumsy Sugie) the one who Laura can talk to about her feelings
Jessica- Lead vocal (Nickname: Seal, Ahyumma, Snail) (Donghae girlfriend)
Hera- Main rapper and lead dancer (Nickname: Crazy women, ghost, good child)
Helen- '
HEY It's my name! I am REALLY going to read this now!

Reads chapter one..
Awesome.... Really good.. continues reading...

This is really great! I'll subscribe a keep reading. ~<3
awwww soooo cute >.<
thank you after Tuesday I will update most of the chapters where i am too >< thank you for supporting me!