Chapter 14: Our last moments

I am sorry I cannot wait for you until the end!


After the propose and the filming from the cameraman our news were spread really quickly, as we are getting married.

I was really happy including him and family as they wish us for a long time to get married ever since our relationship got reveal to the public. 

As our happiness comes each day, Elana and I are leaving the music industry in a short time and also we have move out Smile Dorm and apply for a apartment in our work place. The place was kind of big, one massive open set kitchen, two separated rooms, HD TV and also a great land mass to live how our apartment is surrounded with lots of trees.  

New Year has passes already, I still remember new year since it Sungmin oppa bday, Elana accompany him for the last bday celebrate by them both and they didn’t allow anyone to go near them. And also after I leave the group I have to elect a new leader from leading the group and JYP and I made up our choice and it was Hera. Since Hera looks like a spoke person and she was comfortable been with many people and takes in charge and responsibility with most of the stuff. I think it is best to choose her as an leader from leading the group. At first she was shocked but with many support she is willing to take up this challenge.

-Elana and Laura Apartment- 2nd January 2012 (2 days before they leave)

Laura: Hey Elana are you packing already?

Elana: Yeah, in case I forget something, what about you?

Laura: Yeah soon!

Elana: How are you guys doing?

Laura: Fine, we are planning to have some night together tomorrow? Your planning than?

Elana: He told me wait for him at this café and he is going to tell me something ..

Laura: Woo, I think someone is going to married soon!

Elana: Oh, SHUT UP! (blushing)

Laura: Don’t worry, everyone gets married during the life including you!

Elana: Well, when Eunhyuk propose to you at first did you thought about a lot of stuff in first place?

Laura: Well I kind of since, we are doing the international volunteering doctor program and I didn’t know should I say yes or not since, we don’t when will we return

Elana: Do you think I should say yes?

Laura: Just let your heart tell you the answer, if you truly love this man and want him to be the person you spend for your rest of your life then. I think you should yes but that’s my advice so it your choice and let you heart to tell you!

Elana nodded and Laura left her in her room and went out.

Laura: I just don’t want you to regret your chance from loving someone

Well Elana kind of took the chance and say yes when Sungmin propose to her. I feel really happy how another couple can be together, it's like me and Eunhyuk. How in first I was sick and didn’t want him to know ,we broke up and I was with another guy and he was dating with another girl. Many things have happen just in one year but I am really glad I get to know him and love him during the way. Well today will be my last day and also Elana at JYP Entertainment and music industry. I still remember back in 2003 I was only 15 when I came here, standing in front of the company as to prepare to become trainee and work myself out as singer. Well I success and done excellent job during my path as a singer and a leader in the group. I seriously want to thank Leeteuk oppa from helping me becoming a good leader after debut, during every speech I say when we  win awards I always thank them from supporting us and treating us like sister with care and love through out our times as singers.

JYP Entertainment-

Miss A, Wonder Girls, 2pm, 2am, Smile and Joo made a farewell party for us.  I seriously want to cry but for my family JYP Nation I stopped the watery tears coming out and smile happily to them and thank them from taking care of me when I first came to Korea. Because most of them when Smile came to Korea they were still trainee and they were also the ones that taught us Korean. We had extremely fun, having so many food, karaoke, mini dance battle, stories and water fight at this cold weather!

Unfortunately its getting really late, and we have to go back home and rest and pack little stuff before we leave.

Laura: Bye guys I am going to miss you guys!

JYP Nation: We will miss you both! Come and visit us if you guys come back for a short break!

Elana: Okay, sure!

Smile: Bye guys! (making a group hug)

Elana and I hugged each member from different groups and headed home afterwards.

Laura and Elana home:

Elana: We finally arrive! (throwing herself on the sofa)

Laura: Why don’t you shower first and pack your personal belongings while boarding on the plane during the time?

Elana: I am going be quick! Okay?

Laura: Okay

After Elana headed to the bathroom and Laura went to her room and packed her stuff. Suddenly the door bell started ringing and she was surprise  seeing two mans in front of her.

Laura: Oppa, what are you guys doing here?

Sungmin and Eunhyuk laughed after hearing my words.

Sungmin: Well, I want to spend tonight with Elana and take you guys to the airport tomorrow morning! And him (while pointing to Eunhyuk) came to join the fun

I looked at Eunhyuk curious as I forgot that we will having some night together! Elana finish having a shower and notice me I was standing in the door.

Elana: Hey Laura, who's in the door? ( coming towards me)

Elana looked at me first and turn around as she was surprise to see Sungmin.

Elana: Oppa! Come in! (dragging Sungmin)

While I was been back-hugged by Eunhyuk.

Laura: Hey

Eunhyuk: Hey, lets go to your room now! Have saying to say to you!

I nodded and lead him to my room. I closed the door and sat him on my bed.

Laura: What did you want to say to me?

Eunhyuk: Your leaving tomorrow, and I going miss you a lot! (putting his head down)

Laura came closer to him and gave him a shoulder hug to warm him.

Laura: Tell you the truth! I am going to miss you more monkey boy! While I am away I am afraid someone is going to take you!

Eunhyuk: Don’t worry! Someone wouldn’t take me cause you have Smile members watching me and if I do anything wrong they are going to report to you immediately!

Laura: Ha.. So you better watch out then! (touching his nose, as she was turning his body towards her)

As there were a moment of silent both of them move closely together and made their lips touched together to form a kiss. They later broke and smile comfortably to each other.

Laura: Well tonight I guessing you are staying here and take me to the airport right?

Eunhyuk nodded cutely and stoked my hair afterwards. And use his force to push me down to my bed suddenly.

Laura: Ouch!  What was that for?(slapping Eunhyuk shoulder)

Eunhyuk smile and started to lean closer to me.

Eunhyuk: I want to have some night together!

I blushed what he say and nodded to him. First our nose was touching each other than they started to nibble in miracles without me telling them. Than our lips started to touched and formed a long term kiss. We only left once again our top but still with singlets since we are still not married and I going be a doctor in a long term program, there no point been pregnant at this time.

After the long term kiss, we hugged each other like teddy bears. I was touching his eyes, nose, and mouth where I most fall in love but not only that I still love his heart and his personality. Been a nice, care-free, non-stopping and playfully monkey. He woke suddenly and I thought I might have touch his nose or his face parts to hard causing him to wake.

Laura: You woke!

Eunhyuk: Yea, why aren't you sleeping, don’t you need to rest?

Laura: Yeah, but some reason I feel like touching your face while you sleep!

Eunhyuk smile and blush at the same time. He went on top of me and kissed me again. I smile and kiss back.

Eunhyuk: Rest now! (holding my body towards him)

I smiled and nodded and felt asleep deeply into his hug.


-Laura and Elana house- 6 am

Both of us woke up really early and wake the person next to us.

Laura: Wake up monkey! (shaking him)

He turn around looked at me and laughed. He also felt asleep again but glad the torches I use on him, he woke in angrily. 

Even Elana has to use torches to wake Sungmin. Well those two manage to wake up and get ready in time to take us. In the car was just awkward silent how there is two couples in a car, while each couple just do the thing holding each other hand and smile to each and have their last moment together.

We have arrived at the airport and we didn’t really want to say bye to each other. And one thing was we well kind of shock is Smileys were there waiting for us and seeing us for the last time. We bow to them and told each of them to take care and be healthy! We saw our master waiting for us at the entrance we took off our airline tickets and hugged him for our last time. And also them.

Laura and Eunhyuk hugging

Laura: Take care monkey!

Eunhyuk: Take care lion, also I love you!

Laura: Me, too! (hugging tightly towards him)

Eunhyuk pecked on my forehead and to my lips for our last time! I smile to him and hugged extremely tight as I could feel his heartbeat. As I turn around I realise Sungmin and Elana was also doing the same thing as us.

Laura: Bye!

Eunhyuk: Bye!

Elana and Sungmin: Bye!

Off we go to the entrance enter with airline and off we go boarding onto our planes, our first destination was Africa.

Eunhyuk, I will come back soon! Wait for me, also I love you! As I was mumbling my words as Elana was just staring blankly to the windows.

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EunkyungLee #1
I cried so much at the end =( I love the story =) <3
EunhyukFutureWife #2
Amazing story
*sobs* touching.. :')
*sobs be patience eunhyuk oppa..
get well soon for laura eonni..
OMG There's gona be a lil Eunhyuke!..>.< adorable
awww i love the DRESS...>.<
thanx XD
i will update as soon as possible but not right now cause i feeling really sick at this moment of the cold weather >~<
xXCute_Star_136Xx #8
Read's forewood...
'Smile Group
Laura- Leader and also the leading rapper in the group (Nickname: Lion, Lion Omma, Old lady)
Elana- Main vocal (Nickname: Koala, Dirty mind lady, scary person) (Sungmin girlfriend)
Sugie- Sub-vocal and sub-dancer ( Nickname: Kung fu Panda, clumsy Sugie) the one who Laura can talk to about her feelings
Jessica- Lead vocal (Nickname: Seal, Ahyumma, Snail) (Donghae girlfriend)
Hera- Main rapper and lead dancer (Nickname: Crazy women, ghost, good child)
Helen- '
HEY It's my name! I am REALLY going to read this now!

Reads chapter one..
Awesome.... Really good.. continues reading...

This is really great! I'll subscribe a keep reading. ~<3
awwww soooo cute >.<
thank you after Tuesday I will update most of the chapters where i am too >< thank you for supporting me!