Chapter 16: Our marriage

I am sorry I cannot wait for you until the end!

2 months later-

Both of us have been busy scheduling on marriage time. It can be the most exciting time for me to enjoy. We  gave out a lot of invitation to people to attend our wedding  4th May. We got many bless from artist, his fans, my ex-fans, friends and family. We told our both side family that we are getting married soon first they were just shock and screaming with happiness causing our ears to be deaf. Unfortunately 3 years ago my grandparents have died during a accident, I cried so hard during the time and I felt myself as an bad grandchild not attending grandparents funeral because I couldn't make in time  as I was working my best at Africa during the time. But glad my sister and my relatives wasn’t angry at me and they support me and encourage me to work hard for them while I am in Africa. So only my sister and my very close cousin and aunties and uncles are attending. But as I thinking who should I decided to take me to church as I  was walking down to Eunhyuk during the marriage and the first person I think was JYP my old-boss. Because JYP was the one that created me and brought me to a new world discovering music, so I think it's the best for me to choose JYP as the one taking me to Eunhyuk during the church .

JYP Entertainment-

JYP: You what?

Laura: I want you to be the one that walk me down to Eunhyuk during my marriage!

As I was seeing JYP facial expression it just wants me to crack up for his expression. How he looked shock and his mouth is like an O shape where you can fit an egg in there.

JYP: Why me?

Laura: Because your special to me and your also like a dad that took care of me many years ago

JYP was really emotion and started to have watery eyes but he nodded and I was really happy how he was willing to take the spot. Now everything is sort-out including bridesmaid, grooms maid, invitation, booking for the hotel and including honeymoon trip. Now it is just left with the dresses and suit to pick.

Both of us has decided to meet after he finish he schedule around 4pm at this Wedding Dress shop. I came early and waited for him await.

Wedding dress employee: Miss Zhou would you like to try, these dresses? (pointing to me at those dresses) As you are waiting for the groom to come?

I smiled and nodded and follow her around the shop as she kept suggesting me to wear which dresses. I like most of the styles but none really caught into my eyes, except one I got attracted too. And the employee suggested to try it on since I extremely like it, I smiled and nodded. As I went in to change, Eunhyuk came as he thought I didn’t come yet.

Wedding dress employee: Hello Mr Lee, Miss Zhou is just trying out her dress right now, why don’t you pick your suit first?

Eunhyuk nodded and pick his suite during the time and I came out to shock everyone how I look.


( Just picture me how I look if I am Chinese.)

Eunhyuk smiled and laughed how I looked so pretty to him. As I can see how his jaw is widely open.

Eunhyuk: OMG! You look so beautiful!

Laura: Thanx! (holding his hand)

Wedding dress employee: Miss Zhou, you look really nice in this dress! (as she was smiling towards me)

I smiled back and turn to look at Eunhyuk again

Eunhyuk: So you are choosing this dress for the wedding? (looking me deeply)

I shyly nodded and also the wedding dress employee gave me a advice to wear it since it fits me wear and suits me a lot. He gave me a peck on the forehead and decided to choose his suit for the wedding and pull my arms to form a back hug.

As he was picking his suite and got one that attached to him and he decided to change into it and as he was changing I looked myself through the mirror how I look so different. Suddenly the curtains open and I saw a handsome man standing there.



He was standing beside the curtain, grabbing many females hearts in the store. Showing his handsome side causing me to blush. 

Laura: Woah.. You look so handsome here!

Eunhyuk: Of course, I do! (acting childish)

I just stood there smiling and hugging him really warmly. We later turn to the mirror and see how matching we are. Even the couples from the store say we are just a matching couple. We smile to each other and thought we are very lucky but it just that we have good taste as we thought. 

Also we have taken many photos and was planning to post them during the wedding day, some crazy ones, serious one, loving ones and many more as seeing these photo I thought myself as the most luckiest women on earth to married this man.

3rd May (one day before we married)

-Laura and Elana Apartment-

I was seriously nervous and excited at the same time but I didn’t want to ruin the most loving moment before the marriage comes. Smile member, Elana, my sister and some of my relatives had came to join this moment with me. Well we are planning to do the Chinese, Western and also Korean version of the marriage because we both like the Western styles of marriage but we also have to think about our family since we are from different backgrounds for respect we decided to do both cultures marriage styles that can be more tiring for us but still it will be the most memory thing for us. My auntie started to brush my hair in tradition, it she brush gives me a bless from been a wife to Eunhyuk. I was seriously getting nervous as I can see all my friends eyes as they bless from wishing me to have good happiness. After I was done, I was to rest early cause bride usual have to sleep early and get everything sort out. Including Eunhyuk-omma and sister came  to give me some traditional food for marriages.

Laura: Kamsahabinda eomeoni!

Eunhyuk mother: It's okay child, we are going to a family soon!

I smiled and could feel the warm heart from been in this family.

Sora: I am very glad you and Eunhyuk can finally married! (as she was holding into my hands)

I just smiled what she say and continuing eat those traditional food. After eating those food I was asked to go bed early since tomorrow is my big day.


-Elana and Laura Apartment- 11am

Woah today it is my big day including him. They kind of arrive at my apartment early but was stopped by my friends and family.

Smile members, Elana and my sister, Wonder Girls, Miss A and Joo: I am sorry boys! But you cannot go in unless you pay us!

Super Junior, Shinee, TVXQ, EXO- How much? (curiously)

Smile members, Elana and my sister, Wonder Girls, Miss A and Joo: Were the pay is $9999999999!

Super Junior, Shinee, TVXQ- You kidding? All together we don’t have that much!

Smile members: Than we are sorry! Our best friend cannot married a guy that doesn’t pay us than!

Eunhyuk just smiled and handed an red envelope but it was just a prank.

Miss A Suzy: OMG! OPPA!!!!

Eunhyuk: I am sorry but we are going in now! Lets charge in!!!

Super Junior, Shinee, TVXQ-:CHARGE!!!

As they barge in. Eunhyuk call out my name to tell to come out now. Well since its morning we will go through the Chinese and Korean version of the marriage. We first bow to our family than to each other and again to our family. The ceremony went really well and now it is to change to my wedding dress. And travel to the church place, at the church many artist arrive, and somehow paparazzi was just there taking photos. It time to begin, everyone stood up and I was walking down with JYP holding my hand. As we were walking down we were just having little conversation.

Laura: I am really nervous!

JYP: It's okay, to be nervous!  And I believe in you, you will be a good wife!

Laura: Thanx, Mr Park!

JYP: I thought you say I was your appa? (curious)

I laughed what he say: Fine, appa!

JYP: Don’t be scared child! Appa is always here for you!

Laura: Thank you appa!

As the conversation ended, I already arrive next to Eunhyuk. JYP gave my hand to Eunhyuk to hold as we turn to see the priest. 

Priest: Well we now start now!

We both nodded and was just listening to what the priest say until the final moment. That both of us say I do!

Priest started with Eunhyuk first: Mr Lee Hyuk Jae,

Do you take  Miss Laura Zhou  as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?

Eunhyuk smiled: I do!

After Eunhyuk say I do, the priest than smiled than turn to me asking the same question.

Priest: Ms Laura Zhou,

Do you take Mr Lee Hyuk Jae as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?

I blushed a bit what he say: I do!

Priest: Now I will announce you guys as husband and wife's, please help your husband and wife from wearing the ring!

Both of us stare deeply to each and smile at every moment, our ring holder than is my sister Catherine gave us the ring the one he propose to me back in 2011. After we help each other wearing the ring, we saw the priest towards us.

Priest: Okay.. Now Mr Lee you may kiss the bride now!

The audience started screaming: Kiss her! Kiss her!

Making both of us blush. Eunhyuk removed my veil and looked at me in his cuteness and kisses me on my cheeks. Everyone started clapping and cheer for us, for our marriage. Than we have the night ceremony, unfortunately due to Eunhyuk doesn’t drink, he drank most of the soft drinks and liquids at the wedding ceremony while I took the most alcohol during my life. Everyone had extremely fun, we taken many photos and we got many bless from each artist, our boss and friends. That night ended really quickly, everyone had fun and was really exhausted after organising a lot of stuff today. They headed home while Eunhyuk and I stay at the hotel for one night as we are going honeymoon for 1 month and a half. Places we are going are Australia as he wanted see the places I grew up, China, America and Africa the place I been working for 4 years.


Laura: Are you tired? (giving Eunhyuk a back hug)

Eunhyuk: Not really, I want to have a moment tonight with you! (as he was whispering to my hear)

I blushed what he said cause I understand what he mean as he wanted to go into a more deeply relationship while we kiss. He carried me in bridal style to the bed and have a much deeper relationship before going to the airport in the next morning.

I waked up early and could see him sleeping deeply in his dream land.

I tapped his shoulder to wake him up: Honey, wake up!

Eunhyuk turn around and smile how I call him honey… Eunhyuk nodded and woke, he changed really quick and was prepare to go the airport. We caught the taxi and headed to the airport. We told ourselves lets have a wonderful honeymoon together for this 1 month and a half! Lets have fun!! Hahaha

Eunhyuk: Honey.. (making me turn to him)

Laura: Yea.. (smiling to him)

Eunhyuk: I love you! (as he was nibbling my nose)

I smiled what he say : I love you too! (as I was putting my arm around his shoulder)

Eunhyuk than push himself closer to me and kiss me before we go flying to our honeymoon.

Eunhyuk: Let's have fun together shall we? (as he was whispering to my ear)

I nodded and cutely smile to him and also he did the same thing. We hold our hands again and off we go flying to our honeymoon destination!                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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EunkyungLee #1
I cried so much at the end =( I love the story =) <3
EunhyukFutureWife #2
Amazing story
*sobs* touching.. :')
*sobs be patience eunhyuk oppa..
get well soon for laura eonni..
OMG There's gona be a lil Eunhyuke!..>.< adorable
awww i love the DRESS...>.<
thanx XD
i will update as soon as possible but not right now cause i feeling really sick at this moment of the cold weather >~<
xXCute_Star_136Xx #8
Read's forewood...
'Smile Group
Laura- Leader and also the leading rapper in the group (Nickname: Lion, Lion Omma, Old lady)
Elana- Main vocal (Nickname: Koala, Dirty mind lady, scary person) (Sungmin girlfriend)
Sugie- Sub-vocal and sub-dancer ( Nickname: Kung fu Panda, clumsy Sugie) the one who Laura can talk to about her feelings
Jessica- Lead vocal (Nickname: Seal, Ahyumma, Snail) (Donghae girlfriend)
Hera- Main rapper and lead dancer (Nickname: Crazy women, ghost, good child)
Helen- '
HEY It's my name! I am REALLY going to read this now!

Reads chapter one..
Awesome.... Really good.. continues reading...

This is really great! I'll subscribe a keep reading. ~<3
awwww soooo cute >.<
thank you after Tuesday I will update most of the chapters where i am too >< thank you for supporting me!