A Race To Find The Prize

Why Wont You Fall For Me Already!?!

Oh Mae Rae's Point Of View


Junyoung sat down on the other side of the booth so he was facing me. He leaned his head on his hands and stared at me.

"What are we doing today?" I asked.

"I don't know." He answered.

Did he have nothing planed. He spent practically all day trying to get me to hang out with him and he didn't even plan to go anywhere.

There was a moment of silence before he spoke, "Want to go to the park?"

"Sure," I said.

We both stood up and started walking to the park that is about 3 blocks away. He opened the door for me on the way out of the cafe.

He is such a gentleman.

On the way to the park Junyoung turned to me and asked, "Can I see your phone? My phone accidentally deleted Key's number."

I got my phone out of my purse and handed it to him.

I could hear the sound of clicking buttons, and after a few seconds he was finished.

He handed me back my phone and I put it back into my purse.

I looked over and he had a mischievous smile on his face. When he turned to me it turned into a cheerful smile.

What is he planning?


Junyoung's Point Of View


When she handed me her phone I blocked everyones number so they could not contact her to ask where she is.

I gave it back and smiled to myself.

When i turned I saw her staring at me, so I gave her a cheerful smile.

This was going to be fun.


Minho's Point Of View


As I was running around town I texted Mae Rae:

To: Mae Rae

From: Minho

Where are you?

I waited. 5 minutes passed by. 10 minutes passed by. I kept waiting for her reply until finally a hour went by.

That's right. I spent a hour looking for her.

I thought about taking a break, but the thought of Junyoung with Mae Rae motivated me to keep going. I will never give up on her, even if I pass out I will keep looking.


This is so frustrating!

Why cant she just stay away from him?

I slowed down to a walk because I was starting to get a massive cramp. I might have just ran 10 miles.

While I was passing the arcade I heard something that immediately interested me.

A laugh.

Not just any laugh, Mae Rae's laugh.

It is easy to tell her laugh from others because it is so unique. It is the type of laugh that brightens up your day. Every time I hear it I just get so happy and relieved.

I especially got happy and relieved when I heard her laugh right now, in front of the arcade.

I found her!

She is safe, and just knowing that makes me excited.

I made my way into the arcade looking for her. I will casually bump into them and join them so I know Mae Rae will be safe.


Jonghyun's Point Of View


I had been searching for hours.

I had taken very few breaks along the way of my search so I wouldn't lose my energy.

I looked everywhere I could possibly imagine Mae Rae or Junyoung going to, but found them no where.

I went to the only place I haven't looked so far.

The arcade.

I walked in and searched the arcade for a sign of Mae Rae or Junyoung.


Okay, I know I never update, and I am soooo sorry. I keep saying I will update more, but I never have. I made a few more polls. I really need everyone to fill these out because it helps me. I also would like to know who you guys think deserves Mae Rae, and I would like an explanation of why you think so, because I want Mae Rae to start to notice feelings for someone, but you don't have to explain if you don't want to. Also, I have an idea for another fanfic and I wont start it until I am done with this one. I haven't told anyone about my idea because it is a surprise. It will be an apply fic, because apply fics are fun. When this story is done I will put a link at the final chapter incase you want to apply. Thank you for supporting me!



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I feel bad for Jonghyun <3 He is my Bias....
Love it. :))
It's sooo strange to read that Seung Ri is a girl! Or was that just a grammar mistake? 'Cause Seung Ri from is definitely a hot guy ^_^
I love it!!
I smacked my head when I saw it was Minho. XD towards the end I was so sure it was Mir for some reason. I feel stupid now...haha.
LOL. I totally saw this coming.. ^^ <br />
<br />
OMG. IDK if you have a sequel yet or not.. but if you do, you should make her and Minho have a yoogeun baby :D
i want u to make a sequel of this one....and i wanted JONG to be wid her...:(..never mind..all is well
she chose Minho!!!! :D YAY!!<br />
ooh i hope you make a sequel ^^<br />
looking forward to it :)<br />
thank you for writing this, <br />
OMG! I knew she was gonna chose minho!! :) <br />
O h my gaah!!! :D<br />
its minhoooooo! >:D her fake bf dat is... Update soon! :D