The Reason Why...

Not so Simple Love


" Argh! ! I got this Goddamn Joker again! Darn it! "

Sooyoung grunted as she lost another round of Poker against Kwon Yuri and the ones who are supposed to be the role models of the school, Lee Sunny and Kim Taeyeon.


" You in card games Soo! Ever since the days you were pissing on your bed. "

Yuri ridiculed making the tall girl grind her teeth out of irritation.


" I think Sooyoung-ssi is just a very unlucky person... but... Losing 7 times each streak is... kinda like cursed... "

Taeyeon hesitantly said as she doesn't want to offend the younger girl by saying it so frankly.

" Anyways, cards are not allowed here in the campus right?.. "


" It's okay Taeyeon-ssi, we just borrowed it from our rebellious Ms. Park. Isn't it weird that she brings illegal items here in school and lets her students just borrow it all willi-nilly. "

Sunny said as she started shuffling the cards for another round. Sooyoung just bent her back on the chair and made stretching moans.


" I don't wanna play this stupid game anymore! "


" So you're the one who got this Sunny? You sure have guts... "

Taeyeon exclaimed as she looked at her short friend with a questioned face. She received a shrug.


" Well it sure is nice to be friends with you Taeyeon-ah. It's the first time that we hang out together and had fun, I think? "

Yuri grinned towards Taeyeon as the girl nodded happily.


" I never really believed that you and Sooyoung-ssi are fun persons when my cousin are with you guys when she was still here, but you proved me very wrong. You two are really REALLY FUN guys! "

The short girl noted wearing a very bright smile that the two best friends saw for the first time. Sunny just giggled as she gazed at her friend who was so gloomy earlier.


" Really? Then change the school trip's destination... I'm fed up with Han River and Ganghwado... Why not a cruise and a 5 days, 4 nights stay at Japan? And--- "


" Alright, Tayeon is not that powerful to make that selfish changes to happen. Money doesn't grow on trees or fall freely from the sky too you know. "

Sunny butted in. Sooyoung glared at her as Taeyeon just smiled sheepishly.


" Fine, and we're not really that fun persons when we are together, especially if it's only the two of us. "

Sooyoung pointed herself and Yuri as she explained.

Our group should be all together before the REAL FUN starts. "


" Yeah, we called ourselves the "SooRiHyoNa Patrol" when we were still kids. I can't believe we had such a lame group name back then. Who made that up again? Was it Yoona? "

Yuri kept on laughing by every word. Sooyoung's bright smile dimmed when she heard their youngest's name.


" Speaking of Yoona... Sooyoung... "

Sunny tried to persuade but Sooyoung interrupted.


" I've told you that Yoona was not happy with us anymore right? "


" ... Yeah I've heard that from you once... "

Yuri looked down with a sad smile in her face, thinking of Yoona. She knew that Yoona wasn't dumb enough to just think that everything will be okay just because they said so. She knew that Yoona is not a kid anymore.


" Should we seduce her back to us or something? "


" Seduce is not the correct word to say it though Sooyoung-ssi... "


" Yah, Kim Taeyeon! I told you to stop the formalities right? "


" We should! "

Yuri agreed and Sooyoung just nodded.


" See? This plan will totally work because that's how Hyoyeon reeled Yoona with us right? "

The tall girl laughed by that memory. Yuri joined in together with Sunny as Taeyeon was listening to their funny past stories.


" I can't believe that Hyo really thought that she was very y back then but she totally looked like a brocolli! And her hairstyle was very horrible back then too. "


" I know! Even my siblings said so but she didn't listen and went to school everyday with it! She went home crying once because some of her classmates due to that awful hair of hersand then she decided to change it, once and for all. " 

Taeyeon added which made Sooyoung glance at her.


" You know that moron? "

Sooyoung dumbly asked and received a smack on the head from her best friend.


" You're the moron! Of course she knows Hyo! She her 'Cousin'! "

Yuri remarked while her idiotic friend was rubbing the sore part where the tanned girl hitted.


" She's my 2nd Cousin actually. She's really hard to stop, especially once she starts her pranks. Aigooo, thinking about my experience about it gives me the chills... "

Taeyeon shivered because of her memory with the latter. 


" Anyways, should we do it now or--- "


The bell suddenly rang before Sunny could finish her speech.


" Oh! That's the bell! We'll see you later, Yuri-ah, Sooyoung-ssi! "


" Aish! Stop it or I'll rip your mouth off you! Quit being so formal! "

Sooyoung complained and playfully punched Taeyeon in the stomach.


" Okay! Arasso... Sooyoung. "

Taeyeon disclosed as she stood up from the seat. Sooyoung smirked and waved goodbye to the two danshins.


" Bye Yuri! I hope you get hit by a truck Giant! "


" What a way to bid goodbye, Midget! I hope that happens to you! "

Sooyoung scoffed and Sunny put out her tongue towards her. Yuri waved as the two exited their classroom.


" So... About Yoona... "


" We should really make things better so that Yoong will forgive us... You're not the only one who treated Yoona like a child. We'll do it together... "

Sooyoung explained at Yuri who smiled by her friend's honesty.


" Yeah... When should we do it? "


" Probably after Ms. Park will stop gawking at us like right now. Face your front you idiot! "

The tall girl pushed her friend and as Yuri did so, she saw their teacher glaring at her. The two of them didn't realize that the lesson was about to start and hid their faces due to embarassment.


The two of them were then invited to the Teacher's Office for stern scolding and extra homework.




After School:


" Juhyun, could you fetch me some paper in the storage room? I think the printer is out... "

The Vice President requested as the younger girl just nodded.


" Sure thing Jieun-ah. Should I bring the whole box? "


" Yes please! Thanks for the help Juhyun-ssi! You're a big help with the work! Sunny will have to treat us lunch tomorrow for ditching! "

Tayeon thanked while Juhyun just smiled at the Dorky President who was lifting a whole set of books she carelessly bumped in to and scattered all around. 


" I'll help with you that, Taeyeon-ah... "

Jieun gave a wide smile towards the short girl and took the half of the books, making Taeyeon's face visible.


" Thanks a lot Jieun! I never know what I'll do without your guys' help! "

The President wore her dorky grin and placed the books back where they belong together with the Kind Vice President.


Juhyun closed the door and hurried towards the storage room right next to the Gym. She got the box of printing paper and passed through the opened gym's door which wasn't open when she passed by earlier. She took a quick peek inside and saw someone that made her eyes glimmer.


It was none other the Mischievous Yoona who was again, on an individual practice with her own dance moves. The extra curricular dismissal bell rang a few minutes ago, the other students who are in clubs are going home or at least reached their home right about this time. Yoona, who is a member of FLARE, is someone who the young girl seems to take an interest in to.


Seohyun was mesmerized as she saw the other girl burn with determination by every move. Suddenly, someone secretly approached her and tapped her shoulders. This made her startled and unfortunately litter all the paper inside the gym, making Yoona surprised.


" Oops... Sorry about that... "

Sooyoung apologized and quickly picked up the scattered papers.


" O-Oh no... It's alright... "

Seohyun hid her face, afraid if this person found out what she was doing. Another person helped them gather the sheets, a tanned girl who was sighing continuously and muttering cusses towards her tall friend who's the one at fault. The tall girl kept on talking back at her and argued.


" You're so stupid! I told you not to just poke onto someone so suddenly! Now we lost our chance to seduce Yoong! "

The tanned girl yelled. The tall girl angrily retorts, saying that she's sorry and knows the she IS a MORON a very long time ago.


" Seduce me? "

A slim girl asked while wiping her sweat off with her towel and then crossed her arms, looking at the two girls who were still bickering against each other.


" Uhhhh... It's her idea! "

Yuri pointed Sooyoung, letting go of the paper she gathered accidentally.


" WHAT? How is it my idea when you were the one who remembered the thing with Hyo! "

The tall girl retorted aggravating the other girl to talk back only to be stopped by the other girl who started to help harvesting the scattered papers.


" Sorry for the burden they gave you Seohyun... Do you ummm... Need something in the gym or?.. "

Yoona asked, turning away from the latter embarassed by what the other two have done. The young girl boldly answered.


" Yes, I was tasked to make sure the Gym doors are locked and to get a box of printing papers for the Student Council Office Printer. "

The young girl lied at the last part of her speech. She doesn't want to make herself branded weird by saying she was staring at the other girl who was very busy practicing earlier.


" Jinjja? Oh, I'm so sorry... I thought that I could use the gym after the rest are gone so I could practice a little bit more... Mianhe! "

Yoona pleaded for forgiveness only to receive a wide smile from Seohyun.


" It's not a big of a deal. I'm glad that you're giving your best on dancing. I always see you practicing on your own and it makes me inspired to see someone so determined. "


Yoona blushed by the younger girl's compliment and just grinned. The two best friends, on the other hand just look at each other, thinking that the younger girls seem pretty close.


After a few minutes, they packed all the papers in the box neatly and sighed out of relief. Sooyoung and Yuri tried to excuse themselves by tip toing their way towards the exit but Yoona pulled them by the collar as she needed some explanations from the older girls by what they have done.


" Thank you for all your help and I am very sorry to bother you on your practice, Yoona... "

Seohyun timidly bowed her head and said goodbye to the three girls.


" No problem at all Seo... I'm happy that... you said that I make you inspired. I promise that I'll keep doing so! "

Yoona gave her a two thumbs up and a bright grin. Seohyun brushed her hair at the back of her ear, making her red face more obvious.


As Seohyun left the gym, the three girls are left with an awkward atmosphere. Sooyoung can't bare it so she kneeled down against Yoona's foot.


" YAH! What are you doing! "

Yuri asked loudly that it echoed all over the place. The tall girl grabbed her wrist and pulled her down with all her strength making the tanned girl fall down forehead first. Yuri cried due to the pain and hit her friend.


" Shhh, aren't we supposed to ask for forgiveness?.. "

Sooyoung whispered to Yuri.


" This position isn't really alluring you know... and we're supposed to tempt Yoong, right? We're like praising some sort of God--- "


" Just do it will you?! "


Yuri felt defeated because of the tall girl's pushy attitude. They bowed down, desperate to apologize to Yoona who was packing her stuff and is ready to leave by any moment.


" You know unnies... I don't really want to sound harsh because we had a lot of happy memories together but... "


SooRi got up to look Yoona in the eyes but the younger girl was already at the door, facing her back against them.


" I... think it was really a mistake to look up on to you so much. I want to try and do things on my own now. I want you to look up to me too, as someone who can be acknowledged and pretty dependable... "

Yoona clenched her hand after her expression of compelling words. Sooyoung and Yuri looked at each other once again with a smile plastered on their faces. They looked towards the Young girl and sighed.


" You've matured a lot, Yoong... "


" Thanks Yuri unnie... "

Yoona turned towards her old pals wearing a broad smile. She pumped her fists in the air and then pointed her index finger facing the older girls who were smirking out of happiness.


" I promise that I'll be able to comprehend all of the things I do not yet know. I would like you two to help me, not as a child nor the youngest, but as a friend. "


Yoona walked out towards the outside world, leaving the older girls who were dumb founded by her last speech.


" That idiot, I thought she was acting cool and all that but then she asks for help. "


" I thought that too. Well whatever, that's the least we could do... as her sunbaes right? "

Yuri grinned at Sooyoung who shaking her head. They bumped their fists and exited the gym.


They made another promise, one that will little by little, mend their cracked friendship.




" We're finally done! That's all the hand outs needed right? "


" Yes that's all. Thank God we finished it this early, now we don't have to worry about the school trip advertisements in the coming year. "

Jieun happily announced as the President's face glowed by the thought.


" Which means we'll have a long vacation and no Student Council work for weeks! Aye Aye!!! "


" Well not really, we have to make sure that the school trip money is counted and kept in a safe place. Plus we're in charge of the Christmas Party that's going to come, not long enough from today. "

Seohyun interrupted which made the older girls sigh out of frustration.


" Aigoo, Juhyun. Why do you have to be such a butthurt? "


" I'm not Taeyeon-nim. But you're right, those things are not much of a hindrance and are easy tasks to do. We can pretty much enjoy the Hollidays without thinking about excessive amount of work, like today. "


" Thank the Lord for Winter Hollidays! I can now spend some time with my Tipani! "

The short President delightfully declared as she stretched her small body to release some tension out. 


" Oh... ummm... Listen President... I was wonderring if we could... "

Jieun shyly said as she stuttered by every words she tried to mutter. Taeyeon wore a questioned face and just grinned.


" What is it Jieun? "

The Small President tilted her small head and the other girl just hid her flustered appearance.


" N-Nevermind President. Look at the time, it's evening already! We should head straight home. "


" Let's! "


Tayeon made an okay gesture and Seohyun just nodded her head.


" The two of you go ahead first... I have some job left to do in the Library. "


The two older girls bid her good bye and exchanged Take Care. Seohyun made her way towards the Library.




The school was already isolated. The chirping of crickets can be heard, rebounded throughout the empty classes.


Seohyun was cleaning up the front desk of the library as she will not be able to do so in the next few days. As she was clearing the dusty drawer of the desk, she saw a rusty key.


" A key? What is this for? "


She turned her head to make sure she's the only one inside the room. The young girl wore a confused face and looked for keyholes which the hidden key can be inserted. She inserted the key into the exposed keyholes she encountered but no luck.


" It doesn't fit to any one of the drawers... Oh... "


She made her way towards the old trunk that the previous Librarian owns. She got dosed on Positive HIV and left the young girl with the responsibility to take care of the library until the school hires someone to take over her. Seohyun slowly inserted the key into the keyhole.


She gradually turns the key, then the young girl suddenly heard loud thumping sounds.


" Ahh.. Eottoke... It fits... "


Her heart was pounding because of what she was doing. She heard the lock of the trunk clicked. The latter peeked up to sense if there was somebody else inside. She opened the trunk hastily and saw a rectangle thing, clothed up and tied with a string.


" What is this?.. "


She stood up and locked the chest once again but she didn't place the book back. She returned the key in the drawer and locked the Library. She untied the string and removed the cloth. She was surprised when she read the title of the book that was embedded at the hard cover.


" A Paradise Story, the Untold Tale... There's a novel about it?.. "


Seohyun wore a confused look and checked the book by each sides while walking.


Once the young girl got out of the place. She heard footsteps, coming towards her way. Much to her dismay, it was yet again the man from the other day.



" Well if it isn't the gorgeous lady back in the park... "


Taecyeon blocked the terrified girl's course.


" You again?.. "


" Must be nice to see me again eh?.. "


" Why are you still here? The school is about to close... "


" You should really tell yourself that, and I just got a feeling that a beautiful woman might need a ride so, I waited for you. "

The young man smirked and offered his hand to her.

"The name's Taecyeon, Ok Taecyeon at your service... "


" Thank you for your self-indulgent assistance but... I'm not really interested to accept anything coming from you, Sir..."

Seohyun calmly denied and walked away from him, this time Taecyeon didn't stop her.


" Aigoo... Just like what Mr. Jungkwon said, his daughter is really stubborn... "

Taecyeon scoffed and glanced at the girl who stopped from her tracks.


The young girl suddenly turned around with a grief expression on her face.


" Mr. Jungkwon?.. "


" That's right Princess... Your father's name. "


" How do you--- "


" Oh dear... It looks like the trapped Princess doesn't know anything about her destined future. "


Taecyeon slowly made her way towards the girl who was trembling from fear. She tried to avoid his gaze but she failed, she looked at him straight in the eye.



The poor Princess was kept by the Evil Lord inside the Tower for ages. She was kept all alone, waiting for the knight to save her.


" There is no such thing as a happy ending, but if I'll ever meet him... My knight... Oh how would I feel so free and loved... "



" My knight... When will you come for me?.. Save me from this abrupt world we're living in..."



Taecyeon held her chin and averted her gaze towards him. He smirked broadly and whispered to her ear.


" I am your destined Future Husband... "



" The Princess' heart has already sunk down from despair before her late knight saves her... "




Will update in the next few days. :D


Please do tell me what you think of the story, I'm taking it slow since I don't like rushed things and I wanna see how the pairs end up ;) I promise the next chapters will get more interesting and of course, DRAMATIC ♥


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JeTi and SooSun will be featured in the next update! Stay tuned y'all :D


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Chapter 19: vamos mujer actualiza pronto que estoy impasiente o mejor di como termina si al final quedara taeny o jeti
Chapter 19: quiero leer mas así que
Chapter 19: I love SooSun moments! I look forward to reading more of them ;)
dorkyspazzer #5
poor yul!! T___T make sica jealous!! XD
Ahhh!!! soosun!!! ♥♥♥
shimin98 #6
Please i wan jeti :(
@Xavier89: Heads up! There'll be lots of it my friend :) This is pure angstdrama, sure hope I included that in the foreword.

@soosun4evah: *dies together with you* XD
I don't like too much drama

;__; Beautiful Chapter :">

I'M SORRY I took soooo looooong to read your fic, but i was sooo busy with school and sleepy BUT NOW i read on!
and i can tell it became MORE CONFUSING THAN BEFORE! XD
I will have to see whhat comes next...