Yours Truly...

Not so Simple Love


" You're acting strange again Yul... "

Sooyoung weakly said at her best friend who's busy zipping her winter jacket. The forecast said it would snow today. Winter's already here.


" And you're not even telling me where you're going right now. What a sight... "

She bluntly said while reading a comic book, rummaging the bag of chips beside her. Her best friend on the other hand pretends not to hear anything from Sooyoung. She put on her scarf and is ready to go.

" Oh so you're just gonna leave? Fine! Don't tell me! You know what I'm going to tell you something, Yoong is not happy one bit on what's happening to you! "


Yul gets her shoe from their dusty shoe rack. Sooyoung followed her at the door of their apartment, pissed that the tanned girl is not paying any attention on what she says.


" You promised that you'll not gonna let us fight again, but it seems like you're provoking me to... "


" I'm afraid that if I tell you, it's gonna be the same result... We may break our promise... "


" Argh Yul!!! "

Sooyoung loudly sighed as she scratched her head. She took a peek at the busy latter and sighed again.

" You're not gonna keep it to me forever, are you? Be glad that you have a friend like me, someone who's understanding and does not kick your in this kind of mood... "


" Thank you for not kicking my then. I have to go... "

Yuri said with a smile on her face which made the tall girl grin.


" At least tell me where you're going... "


" A friend's house. Someone you don't know! Hihihihi... "

She teased while opening the door.


" Oh, a secret lover eh? Be careful not to get pregnant at the age of 18! "


" Shut up! HAHAHA! I'll see you later at supper! Don't eat the food yet okay? I'll eat you if you did! "

Sooyoung let out her tongue at her which made the tanned girl smile. Yuri slowly closed the door and rested her forehead on it. Her face turned gloomy when she lost sight of her best friend


I'm sorry Soo... I lied again... but I don't want you to worry... I'm gonna take care of this matter alone. " 

She walked down the stairs and headed on to her destination.




I'm sorry Pani, I didn't have any time to see you at all this week. I really miss you! "


" Oh no worries at all, Taengoo... "


Tiffany and Taeyeon are talking on the phone. Fany was looking outside her room's window, not minding what her lover's talking about.


I promise I'll spend a lot of time with you this week. I'll ditch my S.C. work if I have to! "


" Don't do that... "


But I want to cuddle with you... and some other things that lovers do, like hugging, kissing... humping... "


" Yah! ByunTaeng! "


HAHAHA Nevermind about that! Anyways, I just miss you a lot... "

The girl on the other line calmly confessed. Tiffany's still absorbed on looking at the winter sky, she looks sad and took a deep breath that Taeyeon clearly heard.

" Are you okay, Pani? Want me to go to your house? "


" Wae? "

Tiffany responded.

" There's no problem at all Taengoo. Cross my heart! "


O-Okay... Want to go out today? My mom got extra tickets at the movies and there's a new movie that I really want to see. Wanna come? "

Taeyeon offered with an excited tone. She really wants to make up on the times she hasn't spent on Tiffany.


" ... Sorry Tae... I'm... Kind of busy right now... "

The latter kindly declined. The girl on the other line felt sad that she won't get to see her lover again today.


" Oh don't worry about it! It can wait! I don't know if I can though... I really want to see you... "

She now said on a sad tone.


" I'm sorreeeeeeeee!.. "

Tiffany sweetly apologized.

" And I have to hang up now, I have something to do. I'll see you at school... "


B-Bye... "

Taeyeon stuttered. She feels that the other girl is acting weird, but she just shrugged it off thinking that she just had her period today.


" Byieeee! "


... I love you... "

Taeyeon's heart took over and just spilled those words, but these are her true feelings so she didn't want to keep it stuck forever.


I love you... so much... "


" ... I know... "

Tiffany hesitantly said. Taeyeon felt a stung of rejection from the other girl but still holds her dearly.


Okay bye now! Take care of yourself, if you don't the ghosts will come and get you! "

She dorkily replied which made the other girl scared.


" Taengoo! "


HAHAHA!!! I'm only kidding! Now bye for real! "


" Kbye!!! "

Tiffany hang up first. 




" We usually fight on who's gonna hang up first... Pani... What's happening to you... "

Taeyeon exclaimed while looking at her phone. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She then slumped herself on her bed.


I really miss you... "


On Tiffany's standpoint, she was just sitting on the window pane, looking at the gray sky. She was feeling guilty at the same time she was feeling confused.


" ... I'm sorry Taengoo... "

She looked at her room.


Everything's a mess. Her bed is unfixed, papers are on the floor, dusty shelves, cluttered containers of make ups and wilted pots of flowers. She then walked towards her pinboard full of pictures. She grabbed a picture, a picture of her best friend, Jung Jessica. 


" Say Jessi... Do I have to let go of Taengoo? She has no use for me now... The false feelings I have for her, it was all pretend... Were you jealous?.. "


She kissed the picture and rubbed it on her cheeks.


" I can't wait to have you... After all these years... "


You can finally be mine... "




" Sorry to just call out on you like this, Seohyun... "

Yoona is walking at the park with Seohyun, her new friend.


" Oh don't sweat it... "

Seohyun replied. Yoona felt awkward all of a sudden.


" I-It's too cold to sweat it out... so... ughhh.. "

Seohyun looked at her weirdly. Yoona blushed thinking that she made a wrong move.


" You know that what I said is not literal right? "

Seohyun chuckled making the other girl even more embarassed.


" I... I know... I was just joking... "

Yoona said while looking the other way, hiding her flushed face from the other girl.


" So tell me why you asked me out. "

The straight forward girl asked which made Yoona look at her with a shocked face.


" T-That's not what I think it means right?! "

Yoona loudly questioned. Seohyun just snickered at the other girl's silly way of understanding simple words.


" You read too much Romance Novels I suppose. Of course I mean it on a friendly way. "

She accurately answered.


" O-Ohhh... "

Yoona felt embarassed again.


" Just be yourself when you're with me Yoona. You can tell me anything you want. I have confidence that I can understand what you're feeling. Don't hesitate. "


" I'll do that... and thanks... "

Yoona smiled at her and the other girl smiled back. They continued their walk and Yoona looked up at the winter sky.


I'm happy that I have a friend other than those Unnies. Someone who doesn't keep matters on me and is the same age... Someone who doesn't treat me like a child... "




It's because she loves you, you idiot! You ARE important to her. You ARE more important than me or Yoona or her family. You ARE her everything! "


" Aish! "

Those words kept on repeating at Jessica's mind. The talk she had with her ex lover's best friend, Choi Sooyoung (Check Chapter 12 for less confusion). She shook her head, trying to sweep it away from her head and possibly forget about it.


Why did she throw everything away?.. I don't get it! I don't get it at all Yul! "

Jessica pulled herself together. She can't let herself act like this in their house especially if her Little Sister is here.


End everything now before she falls apart... "

Sooyoung's words still bugged her mind.


" I thought I already ended it... but I guess it's not easy for her... "

She dug her face on to her palms and weeped silently.


" I'm feeling it too... Why does it have to be so hard... hurting someone?.. "


A flashback of her and Yuri's memory drifted through her stressed mind.


" Hey Jess... "

Yuri called her lover while walking towards the bus stop together. The sun was setting.


" What is it now Yul?.. "

Jessica coldly responded. The tanned girl just smiled and suddenly grabbed Jessica's hands.

" W-What are you doing you Byun?! "


" Hey! I'm not doing anything wrong! It's just natural for lovers to hold hands while walking together right? "

Yuri explained. The other girl was not convinced.


" Next time you do this, be sure to ask me first before you do something unexpected and uncalled for, ByunYul! "


" Arasoooooo!!! "

They kept on walking while their hands are intertwined to one another. Yuri pondered upon her thoughts and looked at her lover with a smile on her face.


" Why are you smirking like that? You're thinking dirty thoughts of me are you?! "

Jessica self proclaimed and hit Yuri with her school bag.


" Ouch! No! "

Yuri cried while rubbing the part where the hit landed.

" I was just thinking... What will you do... if I let go of you?.. "


" Eh? I'll go straight home of course, what do you want me to do? "


" No that's not what I meant! "

Yuri looked at their connected hands and wore a serious face.

" I meant if I forget about you... "


" ... Then I'll do the same. It's stupid to hold on to feelings that are not reciprocated y'know! "

Jessica answered.


" ... I wish you feel the same way for me though... "

Yuri mumbled to herself.


" What was that? "

Jessica used her icy glare at her.


" Oh nothing! Nothing! I just said that I will never ever let go of you! So maybe someday you would reciprocate my feelings. "

Yuri grinned which made the other girl smile, just a small smile. Yul squeezed Jessica's hands tighter.


" You wish, ByunYul! "


" I have a feeling that Santa will grant that wish of mine! "


" You're so childish... "


Their hands still connected, the sun has already set.


End of flashback.


" What a self centered wish... "

Jessica muttered. She laid down on their living room couch while staring at the window.


" Today will be the first day of snow this year Unnie! Mom called and said to just use a heater fan. "

Her Little Sister said.

" Aigoo Unnie... Just gonna lay your all day on the couch again? "


" Shut up! And why are you dressed? You're going out again? "

Jessica reluctantly turned to her sister.


" Yep! Minho oppa asked me to come over at their house to meet his parents! Kyaaaa!!! "

Krystal squealed.


" Really? Just be sure to lock the door when you get out. "

Jessica turned the other way not interested on what her sister is talking about.


" Whatever! I have to go! Remember what Omma said okay?! "


" Heard yah! "


I don't have time to think about other things right now... I'll just sleep... "


Just before Krystal wears her boots, the doorbell suddenly rang 2 times.


" Krystal! Who's that?! "

Jessica asked.


" I don't know! I'll check! "

Krystal opened the door and she was surprised to know who it was.


" H-Hello Krystal... is your unnie here?.. "

The visitor asked.


" S-She's... "


" Krystal!!! Who is it?!! "


Krystal went towards her sister and gestured her to come and see who it is.


" Unnie, it's looking for you... "

Krystal said.


" Who the heck is it? Aish! "

Jessica unwittingly went towards the door. The unnamed visitor was looking the other way. She made her way towards her.

" What do you want?.. "

The visitor turned to face her, much to Jessica's dismay, it was someone who she doesn't want to see right now.


" Hey, Jess... "


" Y-Yul... "




Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD


BTW, if some of y'all don't like duh all out angssssssssst XD Check out my second fic :) and the horrible one-shot I made :)))


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JeTi and SooSun will be featured in the next update! Stay tuned y'all :D


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Chapter 19: vamos mujer actualiza pronto que estoy impasiente o mejor di como termina si al final quedara taeny o jeti
Chapter 19: quiero leer mas así que
Chapter 19: I love SooSun moments! I look forward to reading more of them ;)
dorkyspazzer #5
poor yul!! T___T make sica jealous!! XD
Ahhh!!! soosun!!! ♥♥♥
shimin98 #6
Please i wan jeti :(
@Xavier89: Heads up! There'll be lots of it my friend :) This is pure angstdrama, sure hope I included that in the foreword.

@soosun4evah: *dies together with you* XD
I don't like too much drama

;__; Beautiful Chapter :">

I'M SORRY I took soooo looooong to read your fic, but i was sooo busy with school and sleepy BUT NOW i read on!
and i can tell it became MORE CONFUSING THAN BEFORE! XD
I will have to see whhat comes next...