Special : Untold Story - YulSic

Not so Simple Love

Yuri's P.O.V.


" It was back from 2 years ago... When I first met her... we were only first years, and it was almost the middle of the term... My feelings still haven't change for you... Jung Jessica... "


" I still... "


2 years ago : Sone Academy


" It's so HOT!!! "

Said Sooyoung, my tall and ignorant "Pain in the " friend. She's the same age as me.


" I know... they said that summer's coming really early this year... it's only June but the heat's already killing me... "

Said Hyoyeon, my year older upperclassman friend.


" Yeah it's the first time that it got this hot here in Korea... I think the temperature today is... 28 degrees I think... "

I, Kwon Yuri together with my two troublesome best friends are hanging out on the schoolyard. It's because it's so hot inside the school, the AC is not working and there's so many students inside so it became more hotter.


" We Koreans are used to cold weathers, we will not survive in deserts... "


" Are you stupid Soo? The desert is much hotter than this... But yeah it does feel like we're on a desert right now... "


" I wonder what Yoong's doing right now? Probably she's dying because of the heat... "


" Wanna go to her classroom today? I don't want to stay outside any more longer, the sun is killing me... "

Our school's highschool building and middle school building are on the same campus. Speaking of Yoona, Im Yoona is our year younger friend, she's our maknae and she's going to graduate in middle school soon too, meaning she's going to join us here in high school.


" Nahhh... It's so hot I can't even move... "


" You just don't want to move your lazy Soo... You don't deserve those long legs at all... "


" Shut up! You're just jealous, Ugly! "


" What did you say, Lazy-Stick? "


" Toad... " (an Idiom meaning Very Ugly)


" Come on now guys stop fighting... The heat's really getting in to the two of you. Want me to buy refreshments? "

These two really makes a spoonful of trouble, but I don't really think they're that bad.


" Make this Stupid Lazy buy it, so she has something to do instead of cooling her off under this tree. "


" Toads ain't supposed to talk! "


" What did you just say?! "


" Ribbit ribbit ribbit!!! "


" Shut up!!! "


" I'll do it... "

They'll keep bickering until one of them gives up... Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's kinda annoying... and sometimes Yoona joins with them too! They're really out of control, I love that about them. The four of us became friends since we were kids, probably like we we're only in pre-school?

" Hmmm... I guess Fanta Orange is enough for the both of them... I'll have the Grape one... "

As I was walking back and reminiscing our past memories, I happen to run by a blonde girl from my class, she's wearing glasses... It seems like she was running away from something.


" I-I'm sorry... "


" No... it's okay... ummm... "

I'm so bad at remembering names.


" W-wait a minute! You were the one who bumped into me! You're the one who's supposed to be sorry! "


" P-pardon? "

She changed her personality!


" Do you think that I got this glasses for nothing? I saw that you're the one who bumped in to me! And now my glasses has a chip on it too! Argh it's all your fault! "


" W-what? Huh?! How is it my fault? You were the one running all willy nilly! Covering your eyes and stuff! How is that my fault?! "

What a rude woman! It's clearly her fault! What the hell?!


" Don't cover yourself up! It's your fault! Hmph... "


" H-hey! W-w-w-wha!!! "

She makes me bristle my anger! Argh!!! I super hate girls like her! It's a good thing she left for good! Well... she did look cute. Argh! This is why I hate es!!! (Yuri likes girls with glasses) Now that I kinda remember, she's alone in class... but I think she has that girl she always and only talks to? Wait! Why am I thinking about her!


" Yo Yul, Soo left. "


" ... "

With that cute face, I wonder why she doesn't have many friends and admirers... Well her attitude is really off...


" Earth to Kwon  Yuri?! "


" H-huh? Yes? "


" I just said that Stupid left! She ran off with that small girl... I think she called her ummm... Su... Sun... Suni I think? All I heard is that there's "Sun" there! "


" You don't have to be angry thinking about it... "


" I'm not angry!!! "


" ... Whatever you say... "

Well you look like you're angry to me...


" Anyway, let's go inside now classes are gonna start soon... "


" Sure... "

I wonder why the thought of her keeps poking through my brain... Maybe there's something wrong with me...




On the way Home


" I forgot my pitch glove on my desk... "

As we were on our way home, I happen to forgot something at school.


" Whaaaaaaaaaaat?.. Well no use, I'll come with you Yul... "

Sooyoung voluntarily said, you don't have to force yourself.


" I'll come too Unnie! "

Our nosy Maknae said. The four always go home together, sometimes we don't because I have Baseball practice or Hyo has Dance practice.


" Don't worry, I'll go alone. Go ahead without me. "


" Really? Be careful then Yul... "




Back in School


" I have to hurry up... "

I opened the door and I saw someone inside... She's leaning on the window pane, looking at the endless sky. The sun's light made her hair shiny and orange. She was all alone in this room. We were all dismissed like 2 hours ago already, I wonder why she's still here...

" Ummm... "

She looked this way... Much to my dismay, it was that rude girl earlier.


" Oh... You're... "


" Why're you still here? "

Wait... what am I saying?


" None of your business... "


" Hmph... Whatever I'll just have to get my things then I'll go... "

She kept staring outside... It's like she doesn't care what's happening around her... Maybe she's lonely...

" Anyway... The school is closing right about this moment so you better hurry up and go home... Your family might be worried about you... "

Why do I keep... worrying about her like this?


" ... I know that stupid... "


" W-what did you just say?! I'm just stating a fact! "

Her attitude's really really off!!!


" Anyway... Your name's Kwon Yuri right? "

I'm impressed that she knows...


" Yeah what about it? "


" Nothing much... "


" I have to go home. I'll see you tomorrow. "

I don't really have time for this.


" Hey... "


" What now? "


" You... will understand right? "


" What are you talking about? "

She said that with a lonely look on her face... She is lonely...


" ... Nothing... Just go... "


" Okay, that's what I've planned from the start... "

Why did she say that? I don't get her at all... She's weird... I might understand what? Argh! I have to get her off my mind!






" You don't have to change schools and move away... "

Sooyoung just finished crying over Hyo's transferring. Hyo decided to accept what the school offered her, a scholarship in to a Talented Arts school for her outstanding chreographies and dance moves. That's why she's moving away.


" You don''t have to! You don't have to! You don't have to!!! "

Yoong cried a lot too... This will probably, be our first winter that we will not be whole.


" Come on you guys! You're making me cry  too! "


" So don't go! You can always stay here! Stay here with us! "


" You know that it's too late for that now right? "


" But... "


" No buts! "

Hyo is so mature... I really want to be like her too, strong and brave.

" Oh by the way... Yul! Come here for a sec, I wanna talk to you! "


" S-sure! What is it? "

I wonder what she wants from me?


" I know that you're the calm and mature one in all of us, so I just want to say that, take care of Yoong and Stupid for me will you? "


" H-huh? No, no. I'm not mature, I'm pretty childish you know... "


" Now, now. I know that I'm the oldest but that doesn't mean I'm the one who's always mature. Take this as a favor, take care of them okay? "

You're really the mature one Hyo...


" Sure... "


" Okay! That's settled! I have to go! "


" NO!!! "


" Hahaha! Stop being a baby you guys! I'll visit sometime too! "


With all that said, Hyo left us and moved away. We call each other everyday and talk about what's happening. Everything weren't the same as before but it's still okay... 


" Hey Yul... Let's live together... "


" W-what? The Hell's happening to you Soo? Saying weird stuff. "

I was surprised on what Sooyoung suddenly said.


" No really, we should... I really want to try living with someone other than my family and my annoying little brother. "


" Why with me then? And do you really think that Aunt Choi is gonna let you? "


" Because you're my best friend! And we're almost 2nd years anyway  come on! "


" Whatever Soo... I'll go to our practice now... "


" No wait! Argh! "


" She says some pointless things sometimes... "

I really want to move away from home too... I'm sorry Soo, if I can find a job I'll be the one to offer that to you...




" Stupid rain... "

The practice was postponed for tomorrow. Argh! And tomorrow's Saturday too!!! Now I can't go with Soo and Yoong at Famous Wok!


" Fany-ah... Why did you deicide to go out with a girl? What made you do this? I thought you were in love with a man?! "

I can hear someone shouting inside the classroom. It sounds like...


" I... love her Jessie... What else? "


" Don't you know that you're doing something ridiculous and stupid?! A woman can't fall in love with another woman! That's not... "


" I know that Jessie... But isn't it more acceptable that I fell in love with her as human? I really love her... isn't that a real reason?.. "


" F-fany-ah... "


" I thought that you're going to be a supportive friend... I guess I was wrong about that... You'll... never understand after all... "


" ... "


What the hell's happening here? A black haired girl ran away outside the classroom, it seems like she's crying. Did they have a fight? I looked inside and saw that girl again. She's curled up like a ball, leaning on the wall while sobbing like a baby. It's a pitiful position really, though I don't really know what happened... She looked my way... Ugh... I wish I was born as a Ninja.


" ... Did you see and hear everything? "


H-how did she know?!


" N-nope... I just got here... "

Maybe she's a psychic?

" ... I didn't want to disturb you so--- "


" Do you understand? "

She said so suddenly... That question and words again... Just what does she mean by that?


" What?.. "

She looked at me with a sad face... Like she has something important to say...


" I'm... in love with a woman... "


I didn't really get her... She's such a loner... but...

" I don't see any problems with that... "

I want to know her more...


" You're lying! "


" I-I'm not! Being in love with the same gender shows freedom! The only one to blame is the society anyway for letting it become an issue... I don't... think it's bad... at all... "

Why am I being drawn to her this much? Is it because that I was alone too?


" No one in this world understands... I want someone... who I can share this pain with... with the one who can understand... "


" You're only saying that because you're always alone. Why not try being friends with everybody? "

Is it that I'm really drawn to her is because of?...


" Are you stupid? No one! I mean No one will ever understand me... Even you can't... "


" I can!!! "

She's so stubborn! I hate this part of her... I want to know more about her feelings... I want to know her name...

" I will make myself understand! I promise! I will... "

I want to know everything all by myself...

" I will be with you! I will get rid of your pain and frustrations! "


" !!! Wha?! Y-you won't! You're not in love! D-don't say such stupid things you Stupid Kwon! "

She's flushed... Tears kept pouring out of her eyes and slide down her cheeks. She's adorable!


" You already know my name... I don't remember yours though... Hehehe "

I want to be with her...


" S-see?! You don't even know my name! Stop touching me! "

I leaned closer to her, wanting her to stop shaking and shivering.

" W-what?! "


" Tell me your name. "

She really is... beautiful...


" ... Jessica... Jung Jessica... "


" Ooohhh, are you half american? "


" None of your business Kwon... "


" Oh come on... I want to know everything about you... "

Finally there's something...


" S-shut up! Get away from me!



" You're such a cold person! By the way, call me Yul! I hate being called by my surname... "


" Y-yul then... "


" Good! "


Something... that I can keep all by myself...




All done :D

Tell me what you think oof this Special Chapter :))


YulSic for everyone! And Hyo's here too!

Chapter 11 coming soon! Comments are welcome!

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JeTi and SooSun will be featured in the next update! Stay tuned y'all :D


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Chapter 19: vamos mujer actualiza pronto que estoy impasiente o mejor di como termina si al final quedara taeny o jeti
Chapter 19: quiero leer mas así que
Chapter 19: I love SooSun moments! I look forward to reading more of them ;)
dorkyspazzer #5
poor yul!! T___T make sica jealous!! XD
Ahhh!!! soosun!!! ♥♥♥
shimin98 #6
Please i wan jeti :(
@Xavier89: Heads up! There'll be lots of it my friend :) This is pure angstdrama, sure hope I included that in the foreword.

@soosun4evah: *dies together with you* XD
I don't like too much drama

;__; Beautiful Chapter :">

I'M SORRY I took soooo looooong to read your fic, but i was sooo busy with school and sleepy BUT NOW i read on!
and i can tell it became MORE CONFUSING THAN BEFORE! XD
I will have to see whhat comes next...