Day by Day with You...

Not so Simple Love


" Y-Yul... "

Jessica can't believe that Yuri showed up and went to thier house unexpectedly. Actually she is shocked that the tanned girl had the courage to even let her face seen by Jessica after all that days she was hurting all alone, well that's what she thinks.


" Hey... "

Yuri looked down and greeted the other girl. She grabbed the strands of hair that went down her face and brushed it behind her ears. She kept on looking the other way, she can't bare to see Jessica's face because she missed her so much. It has been almost a month since they haven't talked and cried for each other's feelings.

" How are you doi--- "


" Why are you here? Go home... "

Jessica interrupted. Yuri glanced at the cold girl. Her heart squeezed by who she's seeing after all these days, the girl she loved, the one who kept on hurting her, the one she kept on waiting to come to her.


" I just want to see how you're doing. "


" I'm not doing anything, and even if I am doing something, it doesn't concern you. Go home now! "

Jessica exclaimed at the top of her voice. Yuri just smiled and sat down at the front door, not moving from her spot.


" I want to tell you something too. "



Jessica snapped while the other girl kept on smiling at her.


" I'm not moving unless you hear me out. Even if you close the door and walk away, I will wait until you accept my resolve. "


" Fine! That's what I've planned to do from the very beginning! Goodbye Kwon Yuri! "

Jessica slammed the door and leaned on it.


" If you said goodbye then that means you'll come back! I know you will! You said it!!! "


" I'm not listening to you! Get your stupid home! Get out of my property! "

She heard the girl on the other side humming a song, a familiar song she and a certain tanned girl kept on singing while either going home or being together everyday. The harmony of the song and the memorable voice of Yuri swayed the older girl and she managed to calm down a little bit. Not long enough, the tanned girl started singing the chorus of the song which made Jessica furrow her eyebrows and look at the shut door.


" Oh Day by Day ♪ ♫ Day by Day

Naema eumdo

Ni mamcheoreom

Sarangeuro chaewo neohul ge ♪ ♫ "


" Aigoo Kwon Yuri, why are you so hard headed... "


" It's because I have a skull!!! "

Yuri blurted out loud that Jessica and Krystal heard her.


" Pffft, that's right, unnie! You don't know that? "

Krystal bluntly said towards her big sister. Jessica used her ice cold glare at her which stopped her silly giggling.


" Why are you still here? Aren't you going at the Choi's house? "


" How the heck can I go there when your girfriend is sitting there blocking the only exit, huh? Use your head unnie! "

Krystal rolled her eyes and Jessica joined her in doing so. The older girl scoffed and crossed her arms as she went directly at the couch. She lies down and grabs her pillow.


" That thing outside is not related to me by any means and we don't have any kind of special relationship. I don't give a on any of you two, just do what you want. I don't care. I DON'T GIVE A SINGLE . YOU HEAR ME?! "


" I'm still not going! I'm gonna stay here until you get your in here and talk to me! "

Yuri shouted outside which made Krystal snicker and her sister provoked.




Krystal didn't listen to her sister and just laughed on at the table. Jessica flicked her middle finger at her then slumped on the couch again.


" Really unnie... It's the first time I saw you all worked up about someone... "


"Correction, it's two people that's getting inside my nerves right now... Just go and subtract yourself Soojung. And kick that dog out of the front door too okay? "

Jessica dug her face on her pillow and made a shooing gesture towards her little sister.


" Fine I'm leaving then. I'm not gonna do anything about your dog though? "


" Just get it out of our property please... "


Krystal wore her boots for the last time and opened the door only to see the raven haired girl covered in snow, shivering. The younger girl pitied her so she poked her. Yuri looked at her and wore a grin, her teeth bumping against each other due to the cold.


" H-Hey t-there K-Kryst-stal... "


" Please go home now, Yuri noona... I think unnie doesn't wanna talk to you right now... "


" Is that so?.. W-Well... It doesn't matter... I know she'll think about it, she'll come out as soon as I give her time... "


Krystal just looked at the girl who's so full of herself questionly.


" O-Okay... But please don't get sick while you do... I can't let you in because Unnie might kill me... If she didn't come out in the next 5 minutes, please return home already... I'll see you soon... "


" Got it! Bye Krystal! Thanks for worrying! "


As Krystal left their home, she looked back at Yuri once again.


" She sure is pushy... I hope unnie will finally realize that dating a girl comes with a big responsibility which she at... "


The Young girl skipped her way towards her boyfriend's home.




" It's really weird for you to invite me in the movies Taengoo... I thought you were gonna invite your girl. Since when did I become your girl? "

Sunny playfully asked at her absent minded friend. She looked at her worriedly and waved her hand in front of her face, dragging the other short girl back to reality.


" W-What did you say again Soonkyu?.. "


" Aigooo... I knew it was weird for you to bring me with you for a date instead of your girlfriend... Did the two of you fight? "


" N-No... W-We didn't fight... It's just... Pani has something else to do today so... "

Taeyeon replied and looked down wearing a depressed face. Sunny patted her shoulder to cheer her up at the very least.

" This isn't a date neither... "


" You dork! I know that! "

Sunny lightly punched her cheeks which made the older girl grin a bit.


" Well since I gave you my extra ticket, let's watch the movie I was so looking forward to see... I didn't expect that you'll be the one I'll be watching it with but whatever... "

The older girl pointed the movie titled "The Vow". Taeyeon's eye glimmered as she saw the movie's poster outside the theatre while the other girl just scowled.


" This movie ! Let's watch something else! "


" Wae?! I haven't seen this one yet! I was so looking forward to seeing this movie today! "

Taeyeon retorted making Sunny shrug.


" Too bad you invited the wrong person! Let's watch that one! "

Sunny excitedly pointed the poster presenting the movie "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter". The older girl continuously shook her head meaning she doesn't want to watch the movie her friend suggested.


" I don't want to watch Vampires! I wanna watch The Vow!!! It's my ticket! "


" Oh come on! Don't you think it'll be weird for the two of us watching a romance movie? I'm pretty sure we'll just see couples making out inside! "


" You're right... But I don't want to watch this!!! "

Taeyeon pulled her friend with all her strength. The other short girl held on to a lamp post, protesting to watch her favored movie. People in the lobby looked at them weirdly.


" What the hell are you two doing?.. "


The 2 girls stopped their bickering as the stranger walked directly towards them. Sunny's eyes lit up as Taeyeon just wore a questioned face.


" G-Giant! What are you doing here?.. "


" Eh? What's with the stupid question Midget? Of course I'm here to watch a movie you dolt! "

Sooyoung replied as she scratched her head. She then turned to the other girl.


" G-Good afternoon Sooyoung-ssi... "

Taeyeon bowed towards the tall girl and Sooyoung did the same.


" Drop the formalities Taeyeon-ah. You're older than me y'know. "


" Okay... "


" S-So... Giant, what are you gonna watch? And why are you all by yourself? "


" Aigoo... Why do you always have to ride my Shorty? Yuri went somewhere and Yoona is in God knows where.  "


" Why don't you watch a movie with us, Sooyoung... ssi. "

Taeyeon suggested formally. Sooyoung just sighed as Sunny thought that it might not be a bad idea.


" Yeah, Giant. It'll fell horrible to watch a movie all alone. "

Sunny adviced. It's actually her plan for Sooyoung to watch a movie together with them and be close to her.


" Hmmm... For sure... "

Sooyoung went straight towards the Snack Barn to buy a bucketful of popcorn and a large soda. Sunny pumped her fist secretly so that her friend won't notice her hidden intention.


" Wait... We still haven't thought of what movie we're gonna watch... "

Taeyeon reminded her cheerful friend. Sunny was surprised and suddenly turned towards her.


" Oh yeah! Hmm... Well why don't we ask Gian--- "


Just before they could ask the tall girl what movie she's interested watching, Sooyoung went straight towards the room where "Madagascar 3: Continental Drift" is showing.


" What is she a kid?! "

Taeyeon loudly exclaimed as she wore a disappointed face while Sunny just giggled. The short girls made their way towards the Ticket Booth to get their passes and followed the tall girl inside. 




Seohyun and Yoona are taking a break from their walk at the Park.


Yoona decided to buy some hot chocolate and snacks for them to eat while the other girl is busy reading a story book she started reading once again last night.


It was a children's book titled "A Paradise Story", a story about a Knight who's on a search to save the "Captured" Princesses abducted by the Evil Lord in a Kingdom called "Paradise Lost". It was one of her favorite stories ever since she was a kid and she reads it even now to relive her past memories with it and once dreamed of gaining her own knight. She felt like she's one of the lost princess who kept on wishing the knight will find her immediately. The Poor Princess who was kidnapped by the Evil Lord as she was the former Royal and Noble Princess of the once proud and peaceful land. She was imprisoned in a small room at the top of the Evil Lord's castle, waiting for the knight to find her after his quest of finding the others.


But... She only wished that the knight will be hers and hers only. She didn't wish for the knight to attain the other princesses before her. She wanted to keep the knight all by herself and will do everything for him to only look at her. That was what Seohyun longed for all this time...


Seohyun searched around to look for Yoona's presence but she was still not back so she continued on reading.


A Sketchy Looking Young Man suddenly came on to her making her pause on reading. She glanced up to the man, thinking if he's someone she knew.


" I'm pretty sure you're that woman I am looking for right? "

The man asked with a smirk plastered on his face. He was wearing sun glasses even though Summer was way long gone. Seohyun narrowed her eyes, trying to get a better picture of the guy in front of her. The man tilted his glasses as the confused latter is still thinking in the back of her head if she knows him.


" So, did you take your time scanning my handsome face or are you just checking me out? "


" I beg your pardon but... Who are you? "

The girl asked as she got a little annoyed by the man's false speech. She received a grin from him as he now removed his glasses.


" I am just the man who you will be soon dreaming of... "

He winked at her as she backed off by his words. She wanted to walk away from him and find Yoona but a pair of hands suddenly stopped her from doing so.


" Where do you think you're going? It's rude to leave while talking to a handsome man such as myself. Come on Ms. Seo, let's talk... "


" I don't know who you are and what your intentions to me, I don't really care but please stop touching me. And why do you know my name? "


" Let's just say I knew it from a friend of us both... "


Seohyun kept on strangling the guy's arm off her so she could run away. There were not much people walking around at this part of the park so nobody could see them. The man with the use of his buffed body, he pulled her closer to him and s his arm around Seohyun's waist. The girl was terrified by the situation she was in to but she remained calm, knowing that that someone will save her.


" Now you can't run awa--- "


A bag suddenly hit his head just before he could finish his sentence. He pounced back and freed Seohyun who ran behind the bag owner.


" What were you trying to do to her Taecyeon? "


Taecyeon carressed his chin, surprised that his ex girlfriend was with the girl who catched his eyes ever since the night of the party. Yoona glared at him intently as Seohyun was covering herself behind the older girl's back.


" Taec! Where are you? "


" ... "


Yoona and Seohyun took this opportunity to get the bag and run away. They started sprinting off quickly, away from him as possible. Yoona grabbed the younger girl's hand firmly as they started running without any destination.


Seohyun felt comfort and ease just by looking at the other girl's back. It was slim and dependable. She wanted to embrace it but she was afraid to surprise the other girl so suddenly, fearing that she might leave her because of it. She just smiled, thinking that her prediction of being friends with this beautiful girl was never a mistake.


Seohyun gripped onto the book tightly.


" I knew I made the right choice... Thank you, my knight... "




" Why are you still here Yuri? How many times do I have to tell you to go home?.. "

Jessica loudly noted towards the girl who was freezing outside their door.


" I-I t-toldju I'm not going u-until you talk to m-m-me--- ACHOO!!! "


" And that's why I tolju to go H-H-H-OME!!! "


Yuri cleared and wiped her nose using the sleeve of her jacket making the girl inside the house scoff but she pitied her after Yuri's second continuous sneeze.


Yuri heard Jessica's footsteps as it faded away from her ears. The freezing girl felt depressed that her attempt of speaking with Jessica "Peacefully" is not progressing at all. After a few seconds, she was shocked as the door suddenly opened a little and a blanket, a hot compress and a box of tissues was thrown next to her. Yuri glanced up and saw the blonde girl's hands go back inside as she closed the door again.


" Don't get the wrong idea... I just don't want a Monkey get sick in front of my house and be arrested for animal abuse... "


Instead of feeling dejected, Yuri felt satisfied and happy that Jessica was worrying about her even though she didn't get the chance to see her face.


She inserted the hot compress inside her jacket to warm her almost solidifying stomach, wrapped the thick blanket around her freezing body and blew her nose using the tissues. Feeling much more better than earlier, Yuri wore a smile and snuggled the blanket.


" I always knew that everybody was a fool, calling you an Ice Princess and all... You are one of the most warm hearted person I ever know, even if you don't care about a lot of stuff pretty much... "


Jessica stood still beside the door. She was preventing herself to listen to Yuri's words, but it made her sit down, wanting to hear more from the other girl.  After a moment of silence, Yuri opened once again.


" You still there?.. "


No one responded. Yuri snorted to clear her nose and wiped the snot that was trying to get out. The girl inside sighed after thinking through if she would answer her or not.


" Yea... "


" Awesome... Why don't you let me inside? I'm freezing here you know... "


" Don't be so brash Kwon Yuri or I'll leave and proceed on my beauty sleep that YOU INTERRUPTED. "


Yuri felt the coldness of the other girl's words thet it helped the weather outside. A strong wind suddenly blew.


" Brrrrrr... "

The freezing girl's body shook because of the chill. Jessica looked like a Mafia Boss not caring about her Men's health. She suddenly wore a saddened face when she remembered that the girl outside is not just any stranger or a beggar, it was someone who she almost loved.


Yes, she almost loved Yuri. The only thing that was stopping her for utterly doing so was because the other girl knows that she was in love with someone else and she was only there to help her ease the pain and take care of her, until that girl was the one who fell in love with her first.


" ... It's hard for me to look at you... "

Jessica whispered but Yuri still heard her.


" Is that so?.. "

Yuri took a deep breath and shut her eyes, trying to get a hold of her feelings.

" Me too... "


" Then why are you here?.. "

Jessica felt disheartened by Yuri's respond. She got a chuckle by the raven haired girl which made her frown.


" I just... want to hear it directly from you... "


" The what?.. "

Jessica moved closer to hear Yuri a little more clearly and sat beside the door. As she leaned on it, she felt the door moving slightly because of the other girl's breathing.


" I want to hear it... if... you don't want me anymore... "


The older girl's eyes got bigger as Yuri finished the words she muttered. She got mad but told herself to keep calm as she doesn't want to turn this talk into an argument.


" Why? "


" If you did, I would give up on you... "


Jessica held her forehead for support. She slightly positioned her hand down, she felt the coldness of the outside and how horrible Yuri must be feeling right now. Jessica wanted to know why Yuri is asking her to say this as she was messed up with what's happening between them, she doesn't know what to do.


" Why?.. "

Jessica quietly asked once again.


" It's because I don't want to hurt anymore... And I just thought... it would be the best for both of us... I still have feelings for you though... but... it's just... Ugh... "

Yuri dug her face in between her knees thinking of possibly explaining her resolve in a best way Jessica would easily comprehend. She knows Jessica is a specific person, she wants the whole detail and would not accept anything half assedly done.


" It's just what?.. "


" It's because... I thought that you might be hurting because of me too... "


" I'm glad you used your common sense right this time... "


Yuri felt a pang of humiliation but she felt relieved that she got it out of her chest. Jessica on the other hand, was thinking through a lot. She predicted that this day would come but she didn't expect that Yuri wants the opposite. It's as if Yuri wanted her to say to leave her alone, which she never knew Yuri would have ever wished for her to mutter since she loved Jessica so much.


" You want me to say that I don't want you?.. "


" I know it will hurt a lot but... I just want to settle this... I'm tired of pretending... "


" Pretending?! "

Jessica raised her voice as she heard that word so calmly by the other girl. Her patience was being tested as Yuri didn't respond for at least half a minute.


" Weren't we pretending to just be lovers? You just used me right? "


" Used? Where in the world did you get those abrupt memories? I didn't use you! You were the one who felt like you were being used! "


" Don't make me feel more stupid than I was back then Jessica! I woke up from all of it... I was blinded by you... I thought you were only depending on me because you love me but... You never looked at me at all... You were busy looking at her, at the one you really loved... That's why I... "


Jessica felt the sadness of Yuri's words. Guilt built up inside her as she thought and knew that all of what Yuri said was true but she never intended of using her. She got quiet, not knowing what to throw back onto the other girl.


Another moment of silence was constructed between them.


" If you were to say those words... I'm thinking of starting again... "

Yuri hesitantly noted.


" So you're just gonna let yourself disappear after all this... Then go ahead! I don't want you and I never will! You heard that? LEAVE! "

Jessica bolted up and completely snapped because of her overflowing anger.

" Run away Kwon Yuri! Isn't that great? Now you can have your revenge on me and you don't have to deal with my daily whining on why Tiffany doesn't love me and complain about you wanting to be touchy with me! Desert me! "


Yuri heard every word Jessica said and stood up. She rummaged her jacket and pulled out an envelope.


" ... Thank you... "


Jessica felt tears was forming in her eyes and wiped it, preventing it to fall. She doesn't want to shed tears just because of Yuri, she was fed up after all this time she cried for her.


" It's my pleasure. Now leave me. Farewell Kwon Yuri. "


" Goodbye... Jung Jessica... "


Jessica heard their gate creak and watched as Yuri left when she opened the door to get the things she lent the girl.


Jessica never felt this horrible in her whole life. She never wanted to say those words since Yuri is the only dependable source she ever had.


How is she going to get a hold of her own feelings now that she let Yuri slip out of her hands.


When she grabbed the blanket that was folded neatly, she saw an envelope inserted in it. She wanted to throw it away but a word "Sorry" was embedded on its back. She wripped the envelope and read the letter. Yuri's letter was neat and her penmanship is easy to read. Jessica read the letter silently in her head.


" Dear Jessica,

I wrote this letter and I decided to give it to you after our talk about my selfish matters...

I've always known how hard it is if you're not loved by someone who you wanted to be loved with...

I wanted to hear those words from you because I only loved the selfish you.

The you who is in love with Tiffany. The you who only knows me as a peasant,

for only wanting you to be tied with me by pretending I'm a dependable person.

I felt I'm of use to you and fell in love with you by doing so...

I wanted you to only depend on me yet I yearned for more than that...

I felt horrible about it and I apologize to you for it...


For this reason, I chose to start over...

By start over, I meant to do it again but anew.

After all this time thinking everything that has happened between us,

I am still in love with you.

I will do everything for you to fall in love with me Jessica...

I don't want you to look at anyone else.

I crave for your love every day, every night.

I will fulfill this desire even if I have to be selfish.

I want you Jessica, and I vow to you...

I will never let you go nor see you hurting.


"A goodbye may seem forever. A farewell is like the end,

but in my heart is the memory and there you will always be..."


I choose you, before everything else.

I love you... "


" You really are an imbecile Kwon Yuri... You're the biggest imbecile I ever know... You're a moron... stupid head... an idiot... "

After the blonde girl read the whole letter, tears streamed down her cheeks like there was no tomorrow.


" How can you make me say all those horrible words to you... You dummy... "




It's hard to deal with the all out angst XD Will update with a cheerful chapter then expect more angst drama next after it.


I love angst so please deal with me XD


Dis for errbody who were askin' for YoonHyun and YulSic.


Do comment and subscribe (if you don't want to then more food for me XD JK)

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JeTi and SooSun will be featured in the next update! Stay tuned y'all :D


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Chapter 19: vamos mujer actualiza pronto que estoy impasiente o mejor di como termina si al final quedara taeny o jeti
Chapter 19: quiero leer mas así que
Chapter 19: I love SooSun moments! I look forward to reading more of them ;)
dorkyspazzer #5
poor yul!! T___T make sica jealous!! XD
Ahhh!!! soosun!!! ♥♥♥
shimin98 #6
Please i wan jeti :(
@Xavier89: Heads up! There'll be lots of it my friend :) This is pure angstdrama, sure hope I included that in the foreword.

@soosun4evah: *dies together with you* XD
I don't like too much drama

;__; Beautiful Chapter :">

I'M SORRY I took soooo looooong to read your fic, but i was sooo busy with school and sleepy BUT NOW i read on!
and i can tell it became MORE CONFUSING THAN BEFORE! XD
I will have to see whhat comes next...