Chapter 8

Game of Thrones: Reborn As Pokémon

That fateful night, Lord Howland Reed returned to his seat in Greywater Watch with a heavy heart, accompanied by his wife. The woods had become a place of solace for him, a sanctuary where he sought the guidance and compassion of the old gods. His men, too, had joined him in this sacred pilgrimage, gathering beneath the oldest Weirwood tree in the region to offer prayers for his only son, Jojen Reed.

Greywater fever had swept through the marshlands, claiming the lives of many, including some of Lord Reed's loyal men. The disease had taken hold of Jojen, casting a shadow of despair over the Lord's heart. The woods echoed with their desperate prayers, a chorus of sorrow that reverberated through the mire.

In the midst of their collective plea, a soothing sound, almost like a celestial melody, reached Lord Reed's ears. Intrigued, he and his men emerged from their homes, drawn by the ethereal sound that seemed to permeate the air. To their astonishment, the swamp that had long been veiled in mist started to clear.

In the visible eyes of the gathered folk, a transformation unfolded. The once murky and somber landscape blushed with the vibrant hues of revitalized grass. Trees, dormant for years, began to grow before their very eyes, stretching towards the sky in a display of newfound life. A gentle breeze swept through the mire, carrying with it a sense of renewal and hope.

As the enchantment continued, the people felt a change within themselves. Bodies that had aged and withered now seemed to reverse in time. Grey hairs darkened, and those who had succumbed to illness experienced a miraculous recovery. An ethereal energy, soothing and revitalizing, invaded their bodies, knitting together the fabric of their beings.

The transformation extended to the once murky waters of the swamps. Clear and pristine, the water bodies revealed their hidden beauty. Trees bore fruits, a symbol of the newfound fertility that had graced the land. Fishes leaped in joy, their scales shimmering in the now-clear waters.

Tears of joy streamed down the faces of the people as they beheld the miracle unfolding before their very eyes. In the clearing mist, every man and woman dropped to their knees, overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessing bestowed upon them by the great old ones. The air resonated with heartfelt thanks, a chorus of voices raised in awe and appreciation.

In the distance, a silent observer watched the jubilation unfold. Xerneas, the guardian of life, remained at a respectful distance, his majestic form dimming as his antlers returned to their neutral state. Xerneas having witnessed the genuine gratitude of the people, decided to resume its journey towards the North.


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