Chapter 13

Game of Thrones: Reborn As Pokémon

In that moment, all concerns and worries were forgotten as every person in the gathering marveled at the extraordinary scene. Eddard stepped forward towards Bran, his gaze fixed on the ancient weirwood tree in their castle. The tree now bore golden leaves that emitted a gentle glow, and even the carved face seemed to be smiling.

The mysterious happenings left everyone puzzled, unable to comprehend the why behind it all. Suddenly, some men and women couldn't contain their overwhelming emotions. Kneeling with tears streaming down their faces, they began cheering, exclaiming, "My God has answered my prayer!" The collective realization swept through the gathering as people noticed not only the enchanting sight but also the transformative effects on themselves. They felt younger, and ailments that had plagued their bodies were miraculously cured.

The awe-inspiring atmosphere prompted everyone to kneel, as they believed they were in the presence of a divine power that had answered their prayers.

Even those who had doubted or turned away from their faith found themselves kneeling, overcome with regret for their disbelief. They prayed fervently for forgiveness, acknowledging their ignorance and seeking redemption. The same sentiments weighed heavily on those who had converted to the faith of the Seven; they felt ashamed for betraying their original beliefs and hoped for forgiveness as they knelt in prayer.

Suddenly, the sky burst into a mesmerizing display of colorful auras, eliciting cheers from the gathered crowd. It wasn't just the people who celebrated; birds and animals joined in, singing their own songs of reverence to the divine presence felt around them.

Among those from the South who had followed their lady to the North, including the Sept priests and followers of the Faith of the Seven, a deep longing arose. They wished fervently for their own god to manifest, to erase any lingering doubts about their faith. Struggling to maintain their resolve, they clung to their kneeling positions, but with each miraculous sight before them, their hearts wavered.

For some, the overwhelming display of miracles shattered their belief in the Seven, as they felt the presence of a real deity answering the prayers of true believers. Overcome with emotion and confusion, they cried out for forgiveness, unaware of the truth behind the inexplicable events unfolding in the Godswood. 

Catelyn, who had always found the culture of the Northmen strange, had grown accustomed to their ways. Despite her discomfort, she braved the unsettling Godswood to join her husband. Her desire had always been for Eddard, a spiritual man, to follow her faith. She perceived the North's religion as less organized and fairly simplistic compared to hers.

However, in the midst of the vibrant Godswood filled with prayers, cheers, and lush surroundings, Catelyn's perspective shifted. The once unsettling Godswood now emanated a sacred atmosphere, with the weirwood tree glowing in a gentle golden light. Feeling the blessing in the air, Catelyn's reservations melted away. Her gaze fixed on the weirwood tree, she went down on her knees, realizing that her faith should not be a barrier but a conduit for the blessings upon her family, her husband, and her people.

It was the same for her children. Sansa, who had once favored her mother's gods over her father's, had a deep appreciation for the intricate beauty of the Faith of the Seven. She loved the statues, the leaded glass pictures, the fragrance of burning incense, and the magical play of rainbows over altars adorned with precious stones. Her fondness for detail drew her towards the southern faith.

However, in the present moment, Sansa discovered a newfound beauty and reality in the Old Gods' faith. The Godswood, once less appealing to her, now held a certain power and charm. She was the first among the Stark children to kneel alongside her mother, and the others followed suit. 


Hey, everyone. I know many of you have been disappointed by the slow release and lower word count lately. Sometimes, authors can get a bit lazy, you know? They need some motivation. So, I've decided to add this fanfic to my Patreon. For those who want early access with a bulk release, like 2-3 chapters combined twice a week, you can choose my premium membership.

But remember, it's unedited content, which might differ a little from the Webnovel release. And guys, it's a donation and motivation for me to complete the story. For those who are okay with a late release, I might release 1 or 2 chapters once a week. Take care!




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