
What Color Is Your Heaven? {ONE SHOT} CLOSED!!!

"taeyeon? is something wrong?" i asked as i got worried with every passing second.
"oh um no. i am fine."replied teayeon as we started to head to our class. i knew something was majorly wrong if she wasn't telling me. so if she was hiding something from me it must be important.

"yea! sooyeon! hurry up or we are going to be late for class." said taeyeon as she waited a little ways away from me.
"sorry i was thinking about something." i said as we started to pick up our pace to the classroom. on the way we notice kikwang waiting just a little ways away from the classroom.
"kikwang! what are u doing outside theclass room?" i asked as we got close enough.
"lol to warn you two that there is a new teacher. An he is a werido." said kikwang as we all started to walk into the class. an what do u know he was right there stood our new teacher.
"names?" said the new teacher without looking up from a piece of paper. he looked kinda cute from the side view but was totally a strange person.
"jung sooyeon." i said as i walked past him.
"taeyeon." "kikwang" replied the other two as we made way to our seats in the back.
"you three have new seats." replied our new teacher.
"what? why?" i said out of shock.
" it is not far from the back. it is only two rows up." replied the teacher.
"but why?" i asked again and this time he looked up.
because we have a couple of new students coming and i want them in the back of the room. and your three seats are the only seats that i have a good veiw of through out the whole class." replied the teacher
"fine if it is important." i said as i moved to the new seat assigned to me.
"sooyeon what was all that about?" asked kikwang. neither of my friends are used to me acting out. shoot no one in school is used to it.
"it was noting." and it was nothing cause i was still fully focused on taeyeon's secret she is keeping from me.
like 5 minutes passed and the bell rang for first period to start. now you see i didn't expect to see the most beautiful guy ever walk into our class room.
"class this is Jung Heechul, Kim joong hyeo, and Park jae lin. they are new and i expect everyone to take good care of them." said the new teacher.
"wow he is so beautiful." taeyeon whispered into my ear.
"yeah he is. but his eyes are so captivating." i said and what i said must have taken her off gaurd cause her gasping scared me.
"what is it taeyeon? are you ok?" i asked as i looked over her to see if anything was wrong with her.
"sooyeon are you feeling ok?" kikwang said because i don't really see guys. well i am like by alot of guys but i don't like any of them back. i am very popular and i could care less about it. but this guy caught my full attention.
"why don't you go talk to him?" said taeyeon.
"maybe i might give it a try." i said. but i notice that he didn't even look at me when i said him as he walked by.
after a few classes i see that jung heechul guy and he is by him self. i started to head his way when he noticed me coming his way. well i thought he noticed.
"why can't she just leave me alone?" i thought as i turned away from her when i noticed that she was coming my way. an there was something about her. she just made my heart race and my face burn. i have never felt this way about anyone before. why do i feel this way for her of all the girls why one of the popular girls. she is more than likely full of her self.
at least 2 weeks have passed an i have ignored her and i could tell she was about to snap but iknew i had to keep away. i hated that my feels for her grew even without getting to know her personally. it was as if she had a spell over me and didn't even know it.
"YEA! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM! DID I DO SOMETHING TO MAKE YOU HATE ME?!" yelled yooseon as she pushed me into a wall. she was pretty strong and i wasn't expecting it.
"no." was all that came out of my mouth.
"NO THEN WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH A JERK TO ME?!!" she yelled at me. i notice that people passing were paying attention to what was going on. then i saw them her two best friends. they were heading our way and i guess they were coming to calm down yooseon and was i wrong.
"you jerk! yelled her female best friend.
"i can't believe a guy could treat a girl like you treated our friend." replied her male best  friend.
"i am sorry." i said cause i knew if i said any more than that all my feelings would spill out of me. i didn't want that to happen no matter what she says.
"why can't you just try to get to know me?" she said and i could hear that she was about to cry.
"cause!" my reply came out harsher than i inteaded for it to. what happened after that all went by so fast. i do remember her letting but she was gone after words.
"why can't you just try to get to know me?" i asked as i was about to cry.
"cause!" was all he said and i felt my heart shatter so fast. all i knew was i had to get away from the pain and away from him. i didn't even realize i let go of him all i knew was i was running. i just let my feet take me away from him.
"SOOYEON! WAIT UP!" i knew that voice. where did i know that voice. i felt like a shell and my soul and life was good and dead.
"sooyeon please snap out of it." said taeyeon
"yea! sooyeon! you didn't even know the guy! plus there alot of great guys out there."said my other friend kikwang.
"yeah." was all i replied.
i didn't talk as much these days but i did bring my grades up but i still felt empty when ever i was around him or saw him. i felt so much pain after i saw him walk away.
later that day our teacher asked me and heechul to stay after school to clean the class room. go figure we were the only ones who had not clean the room yet. An thanks to that i was stuck with him for god knows how long cleaning this room.
after everyone left for home i was cleaning the board. i hate cleaning the board i am always to short to reach the top.
"here let me help you with that." said jung heechul
"i got it." i couldn't even make my voice sound mean. i sounded hurt and broken at the same time.
"i am sorry." he said but i couldn't see his face. but i was also afraid to see his face.
"yooseon. i treated you the way i did because i was falling for you so fast and i couldn't handle it. i really do like you but i am not use to feeling some much emotions for one person." he started to say to me and i swear i felt like a truck ran me over.
"what?" i said as i turned to look at him. i gasped when i realized that he had moved closer to me.
"be my girlfriend!" he said with such a serious face.
"why?" i said cause i wanted proof he really did like me.
"cause i can't handle seeing you hurt because of me and because i love you." he said the last part so softly.
"ye!" was all i could say before i started to cry from so much joy.
before i could do anything else jung heechul pulled me into a hug. as i was about to hug him back he took me off gaurd when he pressed his lips to mine.
"my first kiss!" was all i thought about for like 2 seconds.
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teddiebears #1
just popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.
Visiting old fics!
congrats <3
Infinite_7 #4
congratulations~ :DD
luhans-vaqina #7
congrats on the random feature^^