
Can 2 Injured Souls Save Each Other

2 weeks later


Myungsoo got out of bed and found his slippers without a problem.  He was about to head out of his room to visit a certain someone when he was thrown back by someone who fiercely hugged him.

Myungsoo was in shock; he wasn’t sure if this was a dream or not. 

His hands hung limply by his side and he felt the person let go of him.

“Kim Myungsoo!”

Myungsoo grabbed out and touched Sungjong’s soft face.

“What are you doing here?” Myungsoo asked with a shocked expression. 

“I’m better!”

Myungsoo was afraid he heard wrong. 

“Why aren’t you happy for me?” Sungjong was grabbing Myungsoo’s hands and jumping up and down. 

Myungsoo laughed and started jumping too, “I’m so glad to hear that!”


“I couldn’t have done it without you,” Sungjong stopped jumping and brought Myungsoo’s hand to his heart, “You fixed something in here.  I will never forget how good you were to me, Myungsoo.”

Myungsoo frowned again.  Why did Sungjong sound like he was going away?  But that can’t be.  He just said he was better. 

“I’m going home,” Sungjong sounded happy but he was really sad that he wouldn’t be able to see Myungsoo every day anymore.  It was always a comfort to know that he and Myungsoo were in the same building, even if they couldn’t be in each other’s company.

“You’re leaving?” Myungsoo’s voice was soft and his hands loosened and dropped. 

“But you’re leaving soon too, Myungsoo,” Sungjong said, “You’re going to be out of here in no time!”

“That’s not the point.”

Sungjong was taken aback by Myungsoo’s cold voice.  Myungsoo turned around and reached out for his bed but Sungjong back-hugged him. 

“I’ll come to visit!  I have to check back here every week so my doctors can make sure my tumor isn’t growing back.  I’m not leaving you, Myungsoo.”

Myungsoo leaned back into the hug and touched the arms that were around him.

“So you’re not leaving for good?”

“Hey I promised you I wouldn’t right?  You were there for me.  I’m going to be here for you too!” 

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DesdemonaDeLaMort #1
Chapter 16: This was so cute >< I really enjoyed reading it!
The way their relationship grew and how they were there for each other... I never wanted it to end!
Thanks for writing ^-^
___blu #2
Chapter 16: Meli from ao3 here! I really like this one!
Chapter 16: thank you author-nim for writing this story, I really loved it~~
Eternitystars #4
Chapter 16: That scared me
JaeYong_TY #5
Chapter 16: omg i thought you were going to kill sungjong
alphabat9 #6
Chapter 16: I love your story really <3
Chapter 15: Annyeong! :) I was really intrigued with the whole premises of this fic, the fact that they (Sungjong and Myungsoo) could come together in a time where they both felt weak and helpless and come out strong together. I thought this would be an angst filled fic but to my surprise it was very cutesey, lemony fluff (which I totally adored) with angsty bits.Chapter 15 'Myungsoo's Secret' absolutely killed me (in the good way)! UGH THEY ARE SO PErfecT TOgETHEr! I love how Gyu is totally fine with Myungie coming over to see Sungjong. As weird as this sounds I totally love how they have already had meaning they are comfortable with each other so early into the relationship! I wish you did a sequel.. like maybe the aftermath? Like, Myungsoo having flashbacks to the fire or Sungjong becoming obsessed with trying to be as healthy as possible for Myungsoo's sake and his own that he develops an eating disorder so Myungsoo not only is trying to help himself but Jongie (idk first thing that came to mind). I Just love how you write and definitely would want to see an accompaning fic to this masterpiece! Either way, I am in love with this fic and can't explain to you how much I am fond of this fic, it's truly a work of art! Happy New Year! <3
jdinfinite #8
Chapter 16: Hi! This story is perfection! I came here because I love angst (what's wrong with me? LOL) but the fluff and cute interactions between the two boys was the cutest thing ever! I love the storyline and the development of the relationship. First it was light soft conversation but that lead to something more deep and intimate. UGH THE ANGST WAS PEREFECTIONNNNNNN. THE FLUFF WAS PERFECTIOOONN. You know what else was perfection? When Myungsoo was creepin on named Jongie. I love this fic! It made my heart flutter! Kudos to you author-nim! :) Myungjongie for the win!
Chapter 16: It's great!! I seriously like it <3
I think you're saying that you won't troll us but you do on the last chapter. OMG! You shocked me on the scene when Sungjong don't want to wake up. I think that he's really gone.
Last one, I like the picts too. Myung's backhugging Jjong. How cute <3