The End

Can 2 Injured Souls Save Each Other



More Tumblr Gifs!!!! and more backhugging of course <3


Sunggyu opened the door as he heard the doorbell ring. 

            “Oh, it’s you,” Sunggyu said glumly as he opened the door and saw a smiling Dongwoo dressed up in a tuxedo. 

            “Ah Gyu!” Dongwoo went to hug Sunggyu but was quickly pushed away.  Dongwoo frowned but a smile quickly appeared on his face as he squeezed Sunggyu’s nose.

            “You really need to stop that!” Sunggyu said annoyed as he closed the door on Dongwoo. 

            But it opened just as quickly. 

            “You’re going to warm up to me eventually,” Dongwoo put an arm around Sunggyu’s shoulder, “I mean we are going to the same college after all.”

            Sunggyu rolled his eyes, “Don’t remind me.”  Sunggyu had decided to go back to college to finish his studies.  Even though he still had 2 part time jobs, Sungjong, Sungyeol and the persistent Dongwoo had convinced him that finishing college was something Sunggyu should do.  And Sunggyu only took one day of convincing because secretly he had wanted to go back to college ever since he dropped out.  He turned his head to Dongwoo and saw that the boy was really close to him. 

            “Sungjong!” Sunggyu exclaimed. 

            Sungjong quickly came down the stairs with Sungyeol who was carrying a large suitcase. 

            “I’m ready!” he eyed Dongwoo who was wearing a tux.

            “Did we interrupt something?” Sungyeol grinned as he nudged Dongwoo.    

            “Still trying to get my brother?  It’s not going to work,” Sungjong added. 

            “No I’m here for you,” Dongwoo winked. 

            Sunggyu smacked Dongwoo in the head, “Yah!”

            “Are you jealous?” Dongwoo gave Sunggyu a big smile. 

            The door opened and Myungsoo stormed into the room glaring. 

            “What’s going on?  What’s taking so long?”  Myungsoo eyed Sungjong and immediately softened as he grabbed Sungjong to him. 

            “You ready?”

            “Yeah,” Sungjong replied. 

            “Oh yeah!” Dongwoo turned his gaze to the two.  He ran out the door. 

            Sunggyu raised his eyebrows, “That guy is seriously weird,” he hugged Sungjong, “Have a nice trip.  Be careful.” 

            “Try not to get into any trouble,” Sungyeol patted his head. 

            “Oh but that wouldn’t be any fun,” Sungjong grinned at Sungyeol. 

            “Just don’t make us worry,” Sunggyu lectured. 

            “Of course.  Of course,” Sungjong hugged both his hyungs and quickly followed Myungsoo out the door to a waiting limo. 

            Sunggyu couldn’t help but laugh out as he saw Dongwoo in the driver’s seat with a driver’s hat on.   


            “I’m glad my first time in Paris is going to be with you,” Myungsoo said as he hugged Sungjong to him in the back of the limo.

            “Yeah,” Sungjong leaned into Myungsoo, “I also think making Dongwoo hyung drive us there in a tux is one of the funniest things in the world.”  Sungjong yawned.    

            Myungsoo eyed Sungjong who was looking fatigued.  He forced Sungjong to lay his head on his lap, “Go to sleep.  You look really tired.”

            Sungjong yawned again as he closed his eyes, “I was up late packing.” 

            Half an hour later, Myungsoo was trying to shake Sungjong awake. They had reached the airport.  

            “Sungjong we’re here,” Myungsoo said softly as he gently shook the boy.  Sungjong was silent as he turned in his sleep.  Myungsoo looked alarmed as he noticed that the boy was sweating profusely, “Sungjong!  Wake up!” 

            Myungsoo started panicking when Sungjong didn’t seem to react.  He pounded on the wall that separated the driver from the backseat, “Dongwoo!” 

            Dongwoo was opening the dividing slide in an instant. 

            “What’s wrong?”

            “He won’t wake up!”




























































































           After two months of happiness, was it all going to end?  After all the hardships they went through, after all the troubles and complications they had both overcome, was this how they would be rewarded?  Did happiness have a time limit? 


           Did Sungjong's tumor return?  


           Was Myungsoo going to lose the one person who had brightened up his life?


          Was he never going to feel Sungjong's soft warm hands on his?


          Or hear the overly bright voice that would always bring a smile to Myungsoo's face?


            “I can’t believe you fell for it!” Sungjong opened his eyes and got up from Myungsoo’s lap. 

            Myungsoo was in shock as he hugged Sungjong to him.

            “You idiot!  How could you do something like that?  You know how worried I am about you!”

            Sungjong hugged Myungsoo back when he realized that Myungsoo was shaking.

            “I’m sorry!  I didn’t know you would act like this!  I just---“ Sungjong tried to comfort his boyfriend as he wiped at the tears that were forming at the corner of Myungsoo’s eyes. 

            “I thought I was going to lose you,” Myungsoo said silently, “I thought that---“    

            “Myungie, I’m here to stay,” Sungjong said and then he kissed Myungsoo.  As he was pulling back, Myungsoo leaned forward so their lips wouldn’t disconnect.  After so many kisses, how was it possible that every kiss always felt the same as their first one, strong enough to make rockets fly into the sky and volcanoes explode ;D? 


            “God you guys are disgustingly cute.” Dongwoo was looking at them through the open door he just swung open.  He turned away and put a hand on his chin, “ day it’ll be me and Gyu ^_^” 




I want to thank all of my wonderful subscribers for reading this fic!  Especially the ones who commented!!! I really love comments so reading those from you really made my day!  I hope you enjoyed reading it because I really liked wriiting it <3  I hope you support me in the future if I decide to write another myungjong story!!  I have a fic called college is all about... that has some myungjong in it if u guys haven't read it 

My wonderful friend rainxsky13 is also a myungjong author so please check out her stories!!!  they're really good!!!  AND BerrieDust has a myungjong story! while 143TOFU has a completed myungjong songfic! 

ALSO if you would like a copy of this story, I can email you the PDF of this story through email, just PM me your email and I'll send it to you! 

Thank you everyone!!! Bye-yeom <3

Toshi out!


And I'll end this with a final Myungjong <3


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DesdemonaDeLaMort #1
Chapter 16: This was so cute >< I really enjoyed reading it!
The way their relationship grew and how they were there for each other... I never wanted it to end!
Thanks for writing ^-^
___blu #2
Chapter 16: Meli from ao3 here! I really like this one!
Chapter 16: thank you author-nim for writing this story, I really loved it~~
Eternitystars #4
Chapter 16: That scared me
JaeYong_TY #5
Chapter 16: omg i thought you were going to kill sungjong
alphabat9 #6
Chapter 16: I love your story really <3
Chapter 15: Annyeong! :) I was really intrigued with the whole premises of this fic, the fact that they (Sungjong and Myungsoo) could come together in a time where they both felt weak and helpless and come out strong together. I thought this would be an angst filled fic but to my surprise it was very cutesey, lemony fluff (which I totally adored) with angsty bits.Chapter 15 'Myungsoo's Secret' absolutely killed me (in the good way)! UGH THEY ARE SO PErfecT TOgETHEr! I love how Gyu is totally fine with Myungie coming over to see Sungjong. As weird as this sounds I totally love how they have already had meaning they are comfortable with each other so early into the relationship! I wish you did a sequel.. like maybe the aftermath? Like, Myungsoo having flashbacks to the fire or Sungjong becoming obsessed with trying to be as healthy as possible for Myungsoo's sake and his own that he develops an eating disorder so Myungsoo not only is trying to help himself but Jongie (idk first thing that came to mind). I Just love how you write and definitely would want to see an accompaning fic to this masterpiece! Either way, I am in love with this fic and can't explain to you how much I am fond of this fic, it's truly a work of art! Happy New Year! <3
jdinfinite #8
Chapter 16: Hi! This story is perfection! I came here because I love angst (what's wrong with me? LOL) but the fluff and cute interactions between the two boys was the cutest thing ever! I love the storyline and the development of the relationship. First it was light soft conversation but that lead to something more deep and intimate. UGH THE ANGST WAS PEREFECTIONNNNNNN. THE FLUFF WAS PERFECTIOOONN. You know what else was perfection? When Myungsoo was creepin on named Jongie. I love this fic! It made my heart flutter! Kudos to you author-nim! :) Myungjongie for the win!
Chapter 16: It's great!! I seriously like it <3
I think you're saying that you won't troll us but you do on the last chapter. OMG! You shocked me on the scene when Sungjong don't want to wake up. I think that he's really gone.
Last one, I like the picts too. Myung's backhugging Jjong. How cute <3