Friend From Japan

Can 2 Injured Souls Save Each Other

Myungsoo looked up when he heard footsteps stop outside his door.  It had been about a week since Sungjong left and he missed the boy dearly. 

“Well did you miss me?” a voice drifted in from his door and then hurried footsteps stopped near his bed.

Myungsoo’s mouth was open and the owner of the voice carefully closed it for him.

“You stupid idiot!  Why didn’t you tell me what happened to you?  I would’ve come straight here!  I had to find out through school!  School!” Myungsoo felt a hard slap on his chest that made him straighten up from his lying position into a sitting one.

“What the hell!  Is that how you greet me?”

The man laughed and Myungsoo smirked, “You still have the most obnoxious laugh, Dongwoo.”

“You know you love it.”  Myungsoo could tell that Dongwoo was probably sticking his tongue out at him. 

“You look really bad,” Dongwoo said as he put a hand over Myungsoo’s bandages.

“I’m sure no matter how bad I look, you’ll always look worse.” 

“Are you kidding me?  Everyone loves me in Japan!  I’m quite a stud with my purple hair and all,” Dongwoo joked. 

Myungsoo started coughing on his own saliva, “You have purple hair!?”

“Of course!  You’ll love it when you see it.  Oh wait I mean…”

“You idiot.  I will be able to see you know! I get to officially take off these bandages in about a month.  And hopefully I will have my full sight back.”

“And if you don’t?” Dongwoo was hesitant to ask.

“Then I’ll get it back in another three months.  They said I will definitely get my sight back and I’m holding them to that.”

Myungsoo lay back in his bed with his hands behind his head, “Are you going to be here for a while? I could use the company.”  Myungsoo felt a strain on his heart when he thought about how lonely he’d become without a certain someone. 

“Yeah, I’m actually here for a week.  I was freaked out of my mind when I---oh—“

“Oh?” Myungsoo got up from his lying position on the bed.

“I just saw someone pass by,” Dongwoo started laughing like it was nothing, “I thought your parents would’ve bought out the whole floor just for you.”

“Who passed?” Myungsoo asked.

“Um it was just a boy, around your age.  He looked—“

Myungsoo ignored Dongwoo as he jumped out of bed, but he misjudged the jump and thumped into the chair that Dongwoo was sitting on.

“What are you doing?” Dongwoo asked as he helped Myungsoo stand up correctly. 

“Sungjong!” Myungsoo yelled.

“Hold on,” Dongwoo forced Myungsoo into the chair.  Myungsoo heard Dongwoo leave the room and then come back. 

“He’s gone, but this was on the door knob,” Dongwoo put something in his hand.

“What is it?” Myungsoo felt it, but couldn’t figure out what it was. 

“It looks like chocolate,” Dongwoo laughed, “Want to share with me?”


“Did you say hi to Myungsoo?” Sunggyu asked as Sungjong got into the car. 

“Um…” Sungjong bit his lip as he remembered Myungsoo looking so happy with his friend.  The blond man had a happy energetic personality that brightened up the room.  For some reason Sungjong felt jealous.  But at the same time he was happy that Myungsoo wasn’t lonely.  He was glad that Myungsoo wasn’t waiting for him.  Maybe Myungsoo didn’t need him after all, “I gave him my present so it’s okay, hyung.”

“How did the check up go?” Sunggyu turned to him.  Sungjong turned to look his hyung in the eyes.  Sunggyu could always tell when Sungjong was lying.  If Sungjong avoided his eyes for a second Sunggyu would probably go into the hospital himself to find out exactly what happened during the check-up.

“Everything’s fine, hyung!  They’re surprised on how well I’ve recovered,” Sungjong said in a plain voice. 

Sunggyu broke out into smile, his eyes disappearing into thin lines.  He rubbed Sungjong’s head joyfully where the hair was beginning to grow back. 

Without further words he started the car.


Hey Guys I just want to give a special thanks to

Suh-Lest <3 Ashertua <3 J_A_N_I_C_E <3 rainxsky13 <3 lovely_ninja_monkey <3 143TOFU <3 Amybell <3 LightSchwarz <3 zanalovekpop 

Thank you for taking the time to comment on my story!!! It means a lot to me and I look forward to reading all of your comments every time!!! especially the first four who comment a lot  <33

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DesdemonaDeLaMort #1
Chapter 16: This was so cute >< I really enjoyed reading it!
The way their relationship grew and how they were there for each other... I never wanted it to end!
Thanks for writing ^-^
___blu #2
Chapter 16: Meli from ao3 here! I really like this one!
Chapter 16: thank you author-nim for writing this story, I really loved it~~
Eternitystars #4
Chapter 16: That scared me
JaeYong_TY #5
Chapter 16: omg i thought you were going to kill sungjong
alphabat9 #6
Chapter 16: I love your story really <3
Chapter 15: Annyeong! :) I was really intrigued with the whole premises of this fic, the fact that they (Sungjong and Myungsoo) could come together in a time where they both felt weak and helpless and come out strong together. I thought this would be an angst filled fic but to my surprise it was very cutesey, lemony fluff (which I totally adored) with angsty bits.Chapter 15 'Myungsoo's Secret' absolutely killed me (in the good way)! UGH THEY ARE SO PErfecT TOgETHEr! I love how Gyu is totally fine with Myungie coming over to see Sungjong. As weird as this sounds I totally love how they have already had meaning they are comfortable with each other so early into the relationship! I wish you did a sequel.. like maybe the aftermath? Like, Myungsoo having flashbacks to the fire or Sungjong becoming obsessed with trying to be as healthy as possible for Myungsoo's sake and his own that he develops an eating disorder so Myungsoo not only is trying to help himself but Jongie (idk first thing that came to mind). I Just love how you write and definitely would want to see an accompaning fic to this masterpiece! Either way, I am in love with this fic and can't explain to you how much I am fond of this fic, it's truly a work of art! Happy New Year! <3
jdinfinite #8
Chapter 16: Hi! This story is perfection! I came here because I love angst (what's wrong with me? LOL) but the fluff and cute interactions between the two boys was the cutest thing ever! I love the storyline and the development of the relationship. First it was light soft conversation but that lead to something more deep and intimate. UGH THE ANGST WAS PEREFECTIONNNNNNN. THE FLUFF WAS PERFECTIOOONN. You know what else was perfection? When Myungsoo was creepin on named Jongie. I love this fic! It made my heart flutter! Kudos to you author-nim! :) Myungjongie for the win!
Chapter 16: It's great!! I seriously like it <3
I think you're saying that you won't troll us but you do on the last chapter. OMG! You shocked me on the scene when Sungjong don't want to wake up. I think that he's really gone.
Last one, I like the picts too. Myung's backhugging Jjong. How cute <3