2nd Mission [Part 2]

When An Attached Nerd gets placed with An Idol

You took out everything you've bought and laid them on the kitchen table. Then took out the pots and pans, and working tools and set them up or place them at the places that they should be at.

You blew your bangs, "This shall be the first time I'm cooking real food..."

You first place the kimchi into the blender, then went aside to cut the green onions. 

"How do I use a knife?" You muttered to yourself as you inspected the knife on your hands. "Do I hold it like this or the other way? Or- AHHH!"

Juice started flying towards you, staining your top and your apron. *WAIT! THE BLENDER!* 

You dashed to the blender with your arms spread in front of you. "I need to shut this thing!" You shouted with fear and embarssment. Every crew member was watching you, plus, it's gonna be on the show. 

You pushed the off button. Unfortunately, it didn't turn off, instead, it quicken the speed of the blender, causing more kimchi juice to fly around the kitchen.

"Argh! Come on!" You muttered through clenched teeth. You continued pushing every button on the blender machine, none of them worked, well, except making the situation worst. 

Suddenly, you felt warmth behind your back, then an arm went forward, brushing against your face, before reaching the power socket. You could feel the breath of the person on your bare skin, causing your heart to flutter. You felt a tingle of disappointment when the person pulled back. You turned to look.

At the particular moment, that person turned to face you too. "Who are yo-" You held your breath when you nose brushed against the other person, Minwoo.

You just did an eskimo kiss with him, maybe a brief one, but still, it was something. Both your eyes widened immediately at the skinship, again

"M-Minwoo..." You muttered softly. 

His ears were reddening again, just like during the supermarket incident. This time, it was redder. He had his jaw slightly opened, just like an idiot. 

You cleared your throat before stepping back, "W-What are y-you doing here just now?" 

He gulped before replying, staring onto the ground and shuffling his right feet, "I-I was thinking of checking what you we-were preparing for me, y-you see..."

You nodded slowly, trying to absorb everything he just said. You were still shock from what happened. You and Minwoo are husband and wife, but, not in reality, right? So, was it appropriate to- You even have a boyfrie- 

*Yeah right, boyfriend...* You pouted angrily.

Minwoo chuckled softly before waving good bye. "You only have 40 minutes left! Good Luck Yeobo!" 

"Ye-yeobo?" You blushed.

Soon, you finished preparing the food. You were glad that the food turned out well, nonetheless, it was your first try in cooking. And, it wasn't to your closed ones...


You heard the bell ring. *It's time for showcase and tasting~ I gotta show Key, who I can be without him.* You thought with a determined look on your face.

You brought the food out on a tray, then laid them on the table. Whistles from the boys could be heard when you stepped onto the stage. *I guess looks does matter in the society...* 

You took a seat, and waited for Minwoo to arrive. 

He came in shortly after you sat, he smiled to you, before waving to the crowd. Girls squealed and started jumping on their spot when they see him.

He placed the tray on the table, and sat opposite you. You swear you could feel daggers stucking into your body at that moment. You didn't even want to look at the girls.

"Waiter! Now reveal the food~" The Emcee said through the microphone. It was Jokwon, the husband of Ga In, the Adam Couple.

You felt your heart palpating faster than it should, *I hope it tastes good...* 

The waiter removed the metal cover that was revealing the dishes underneath. Minwoo had prepared a Western course for you. 

Black Pepper Grilled Steak with Chips. They looked terribly good and HIGH-CLASS from yours. You pouted immediately when you see your dish. It was neat, but, it looked really cheap compared to Minwoo's.

You could hear giggles from the girls beneath the stage. You sighed, *Failure*

Minwoo placed his hand over yours, you jumped. Everyone was giving jealous glances. "It's okay, I think it tastes good too..." Minwoo assured, giving your a eye smile that immediately melted your heart.

"G-Gomawo..." You nodded, then he pulled back.

"That was sweet~!" The Emcee said through the microphone, "You progress as fast as we do!" He laughed loudly, but no one followed. He cleared his throat awkwardly, "Well, may the husband and wife taste each other's dishes!" 

You picked up the knife and fork, then sliced a small piece and placed it into your mouth. Immediately, the taste melted inside your mouth, sending you to heaven. You chewed happily and swallowed the steak and took another slice. 

Minwoo took a piece of the kimchi pancake, and ate it. He beamed immediately when he taste it, it reminded him of his Mom's cooking, his idol since young. He showed a thumbs up to you, before slicing another piece. You grinned.

"Try it." He said as he showed the fork with the kimchi pancake on it.

"I-I.." You stuttered, but just took his offer.

Sure enough, gasps were heard. "It tastes g-good.." You smiled. *I'M PROUD~*

You looked at the crowd gathered below the stage, Key was looking at you with a irritated face. You pretended you didn't see it. *Serves him right for treating me like this behind his back!*

"Well, now, can you rate each other's cooking? 5 fingers for Perfect, 4 fingers for Good and 3-" Before Jo Kwon could even finish his sentence, 2 hands already shot up. Each with 5 fingers.

"Well, so, let me pick two random students from the crowd!" Jokwon hovered his finger, then shouted, "You and the girl next to you!"

*KEY AND HYUNA?!* You screamed in your thoughts. 

You and Minwoo stood up, and held the plates in your hands. Hyuna went to Minwoo and tasted his dish, before giving a 5 fingers rating.

You stared at Key, "Idiot..."

He looked at you, "W-What?"

You shook your head, "Taste the food, oppa-nim.."

He gave you a confused look, why were you speaking formally to him like you don't really know him at all? 

"Taste it!" Hyuna hissed.

He took the fork and took the kimchi pancakes before eating it. He smiled, the smile you always melted when you saw it. This time, it somehow didn't work that well. It only gave you the creeps. You made a disgusted look before quickly hiding it with your forced smile. 

Key only stared at you for a moment, with the same confused expression before showing a 5 to Jo Kwon.

Then, he left the stage with Hyuna.


"Well, guess you know the results? They won!" Jo Kwon clapped. The students followed, just not to embarass the idol again.

"Proceed to the classroom newlyweds!" Jo Kwon instructed. "Have fun~"

With that, both of you left.



I will really like it when you comment! :) Thanks for the suscribes! Can't update soon after this weekend, holiday's ending at my country. :'(

Key's gonna get mad here~

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Hehe. Let's see who she'll love


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Chapter 14: GAHHH THOSE GIFS <3 hwaiting author-nim! I love this story so far (: cant wait to finish reading everything!
Chapter 24: woww... Hyuna's mean. Well, at least in here she is. -.- update soon ^^
Chapter 24: nice update author-nim!! :) and don't worry lots of people have writer's block too ^^
good luck with everything, and please update soon :)
Waaa~ Update soon, please. >_< I want Sehun and ~~~~~ together. >w<
oh... so he lost his memory of her... or is he faking it? lol dont' know why i have a feeling that he's faking it... haha pls update soon!! :D:D
so he doesn't remember? update soon. :)
I agree with KimSoogi =)) please update soon ^^♥
ahhh :D awesome update :D:Dhwaiting!!
Oh NO! She can't be in love with Sehun ;3; She has to be inlove with Minwoo!
yeah lols orry i just clicked that i'm over 18 and it didn't do anything else ^^ keke my bad... and aww i love the ending, but its sad about Key!! i wodner which parts he forgot and which he remembered... what if he forgets her... no he can't!! lol pls update soon author-nim ^^