Hard to move on

Everything about her
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After the quartet had a fun meal together, Freen drove Heng home and Nam right after.

The two younger girls looked at each other with adoration and the blonde found a romantic place to have a nice talk.

Freen parked the car on top of a hill, where they could enjoy the night view.

Becky glanced at her lover’s lips, craving for an ardent kiss. However, she knew that her Phi hadn’t recovered yet.

Extremely anxious, the 24-year-old tried to calm her heart to have that talk.

__ P’Fiin... we don’t need to talk about anything serious now. Just relax, babe.__ Becky sensed something was bothering the older one.

__ Well, we don’t need it. But I feel we should, Bec__ The Thai actress commented.

The 20-year-old held her partner’s hand and encouraged her:

__ Alright then. I’m all years.

Freen smiled and murmured:

__ My head and heart are all messy lately. Not even sure if I am still able to put into words everything I’ve been feeling and thinking.

__ It’s okay. I’ve been a mess too.__ The younger one laughed.

After a few seconds in silence, the charming female continued:

__ Everything I said in the past is true. All my worries, my hopes, my feelings for you. Those are facts.

__ I know, teerak. I trust you.

Becky was the blonde’s sunshine and her lively facial expression was enough to calm her down.

__ Many good things are happening to us. And I know many more will come. Especially for you, who dream of an international career.

__ They will come to you too, my talented person.

Freen opened a smile because of her girl’s tenderness.

“I love you so much, babe... You have no idea.” __ She thought before continuing to talk.

__ To be honest, I’m just glad to witness your plans becoming real. As you know, I live a day at a time. But... because I care so much about you, I’m willing to think of the future when it comes to supporting you. I wanna be there. I’ll hold your hand whenever you need. I’ll have your back.

__ Aw, P’ Fiin! I’ll be there for you too. I’ve told you many times. Even if no one loves you, I’ll be there for you.__ Becky used her softest tone.

Freen was on the verge of confessing her feelings more directly, but her phone vibrated and she saw Mrs. Armstrong’s name on the top of the screen.

The lady sent her a message. So the artist stopped speaking to read it 

“Darling, Becca probably didn’t tell you about this. But I feel calmer if you know the truth. She keeps receiving death threats. Very scary ones.”

Freen’s head spun, and she remembered the anonymous messages sent to her, threatening to kill her girl.

__ P’ Fiin, are you okay?__ That comforting tone of voice brought her back to reality.

The blonde cleared and said:

__ Yes, I’m fine. It’s just... I don’t know how to tell you this without being an .

__ We always talked about everything. Why would you struggle to tell me stuff?

Avoiding eye contact, the older one declared:

__ As I previously said, I want to take care of you. I want to support you, Bec Bec. As a friend.

Becky tilted her head and frowned.

__ I’m sorry. What? I’m a little confused. Don’t you think you keep sending mixed signals, P’Fiin?

The 24-year-old nodded and confessed:

__ I know it sounds crazy. But right now, it’s the best for both of us. I’m not mentally stable to be in a romantic relations

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Once again, this is fictional and I'm not respecting timeline. I also changed my plans about some events.
Ps: IF you hate Freen or don't like Freenbecky's bond, go find another author and stop reading me. Thanks.


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Yoontae48 #1
Chapter 27: OMG, this is the best story that I read about FreenBecky, I cried and laugh while reading this beautifull story, thank you so much for bring this beautiful story to my life author ❤️🤍
Chapter 27: Omg 😱 wow 😮 authornim, wow 👏👏 the story is written so beautifully. My dululu FB heart 💘
🤞 Future🤞.
story19 #3
Chapter 27: After yulsic, i found freenbecky. The great chemistry of freenbecky. Great story there. Beautifully written. Keep writing. It is been really a while since I login to this account. I just want to read, but this story deserve a comment. Kudos to you author-nim.
Chapter 27: Wooohoooo!! Im very happy with how the finale turned out! Touching, fluffy and lovely ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙💚💚💚💛💛💛 Thank you for sharing! Looking forward to new FreenBecky fics in future from you 🙏 take care and stay safe as always 😊
Chapter 27: Well i am with both of their moms 🤣🤣🤣
1290 streak #6
Chapter 27: I can imagine the side eye their moms gave them LOL
Chapter 27: I do feel complete after reading now 😊 knowing they will have a mini Freen as well is so Awwwwwwww! Thank you for sharing ❤️
JuReen_Sloth #8
Chapter 26: They announce they are together is 1 heck of a news but TRIPPLET?? that is totally gonna break the so meds for monthssssss... Untill the babies is out.
1290 streak #9
Chapter 26: TRIPLETS!? Oh good lord bless there souls 😭🤣
Chapter 26: Wow!! Triplets is definitely a very fortunate and lucky instance for them. Can wait for the 2nd special chapter now... Sadly this story is ending 😢 thank you fir the update, take care and stay safe