Epilogue 2

The Fugitives
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Epilogue 2 | Love is a Journey [Yoonhyun]




3 weeks before Taeny's wedding—


It's Saturday, and everyone's busy with household chores, especially the Kims, who are not only doing the laundry but also cleaning their bedroom. Meanwhile, Yoona and Seohyun, having completed their chores two days ago, secretly sneak out of the mansion. Yoona is dressed in a sharp blue suit paired with white sneakers, while Seohyun wears a charming sky-blue dress.


Since it was a secret day for them, Seohyun brought them food in their four-layer lunch boxes. Yoona drove the car for a couple of minutes until they reached Han River Park where it's already packed with people. But as they got out of the car, he spotted his secretary having a date with her boyfriend, he hastily ushered Seohyun to return inside.


"I think we should eat in the car. She might see us, baby," Yoona suggested. Seohyun reluctantly agreed, opening their lunch boxes and sharing the food with him. "Bon appétit, little potato," he said playfully, gently poking his girlfriend's tummy before taking a bite of his meal. "Hmm, I'm glad you prepared this early this morning." he automatically smiled as soon as he tasted the grilled pork.  


"I know you're always a big eater in the morning. Do you think they won't notice we're gone?" Seohyun asked as she casually took a bite of her food.


"If they do, we'll just say we went out for a date," Yoona suggested, still chewing.


"Yeah, that'll convince them," Seohyun giggled. "Let's just hope no one asks too many questions. Jessica Unnie can be pretty nosy, especially if we’re missing for too long."


"It's Saturday, right? They're busy with household chores and she will be like Tiffany Noona, always not curious about what we're doing when she's busy."


"But Jessica Unnie is different. She always likes to know our whereabouts to make sure we're safe."


"Right, she's like your older sister or mother," Yoona chuckled. Suddenly, he started coughing, and Seohyun quickly handed him his tumbler of water. "Did I just swallow a piece of pork without chewing it?" he exclaimed after a drink.


"Tsk, you and your fast mouth," Seohyun teased, playfully flicking his lips.


"I mean, I just noticed my secretary... she's approaching the car," Yoona explained, leaning back in his seat with a sheepish smile.


Seohyun's eyes widened. "She recognizes your car, Yoongie," she said, frantically hitting his arm. "Do something!"


"Let's just stay. I don't think she will..." Yoona's words trailed off as he watched his secretary leaning into the window, trying to peer inside.


"The window is tainted, she couldn't see us, right?"


"Yeah, this car is meant for privacy, baby. Just relax," Yoona reassured his girlfriend. "She won't hear anything from outside."


"I hope she won't call you," Seohyun murmured, but just then, Yoona's phone rang in the pocket of his blazer.


"Aish, just as you mention it," Yoona muttered, pulling out his phone. He looked outside to see his secretary calling him. With a sigh of defeat, he answered, "Hey, Secretary Kim."


"Mr. Chairman, where are you right now?" Ms. Kim Hye Yoon asked while inspecting the hood of the car.


"Oh, I'm at home, why?" He glanced at Seohyun and smiled sheepishly.


"I think I'm seeing your car right now."


"What car?" He asked, keeping his tone calm to avoid suspicion.


"The black one? The Starlight V17." 


Yoona softly chuckled. "I'm sure it's just the same model as mine. You know, we sold a lot of those during the campaign." 


"Chincha? But the plate number is the same."


"You're mistaken. I'm just at home, you know," Yoona attempted to lie, while Seohyun quietly focused on her food. "How could my car be at your place right now?"


"Um, okay. I suppose it's just a similar model with three numbers. Anyway, have a great day, Mr. Chairman," Hyeyoon said before ending the call and returning to her boyfriend.


"Damn." Yoona let out a relieved sigh. "I thought she wouldn't notice my car."


"That just means she's close to you and knows you pretty well," Seohyun muttered before taking a sip from her tumbler.


"You're not jealous, are you?" Yoona teased, nudging his girlfriend playfully.


"I'm just telling you the truth," she chuckled, closing her lunch box. "Finish yours before the clock strikes ten," she added, then turned serious, reminding Yoona of their appointment for the day.


"Ah, right." Complying, Yoona grabbed his chopsticks back and resumed his food.


Seohyun could only watch her boyfriend in silence and awe.




It was an hour's drive to City Hall, and thankfully, they weren't late at all. However, upon arrival, they found the registrar's office closed, so they had to wait outside.


"You got the ring ready?" Seohyun asked, finishing her makeup touch-ups.


"Absolutely. It's in my pocket," Yoona replied with a charming smile, patting his chest where the pocket under his blazer was located.


"Wait, let me put some lip balm on your lips." Seohyun moved closer without hesitation, gently applying the lip balm. "It's quite dry; you should use lip balm more often."


"Just when did you become so concerned about this?" Yoona asked in disbelief, gently biting his lip.


"Since I started endorsing that beauty product," she giggled proudly.


"Your contract with those products is just a year or 2?"


"Since it's selling, they changed it to 3 years. That also goes with Tiffany Unnie, Jessica Unnie, and Yihyun's contracts."


"Whoa, you're earning quite a bit, aren't you?" Yoona was amazed and proud of his woman.


"As long as the product sells, I guess I'm making more as an endorser than as a Security Girl," Seohyun shared as she fixed Yoona's hair. She smiled and kissed his cheek. "You're all set for our marriage."


"And so are you," Yoona smiled back, gently fixing Seohyun's hair too.


Just then, the registrar's office finally opened their windows, and Yoona hastily stepped forward.


"Um, I booked an appointment for today. Under Im Yoona and Seo Joohyun," he informed the lady, whom he had also booked the appointment with.


"Oh, I remember. Yes, it's indeed today, June 10th. But, it's only the two of you?" the lady inquired, puzzled.


"Yes, is there anyone we should bring with us?" Seohyun asked, curious as well.


"I mean..." The lady checked the documents. "Did I forget to mention last time that you guys should bring witnesses? At least two close relatives or friends would do," she explained, sharing the document that the bride and groom would sign and witness, along with the registrar's office and the city mayor.


"We can't proceed if we don't bring two of our friends?" Yoona exclaimed upon discovering the requirement.


"Yes, I'm sorry if I missed telling you two," the lady apologized.


Stepping closer, Seohyun cleared and inquired, "Will you guys wait if we bring someone else with us?" 


"You're booked at this schedule, yeah, you can do it but the witnesses should arrive before noon, otherwise we will have to cancel and do it some other time."


"I see. Please give us a minute," Yoona said, ushering Seohyun back to the bench. "Who should we call to come? We can't bring our friends, could we?"


Sighing, Seohyun began to ponder for a moment until two people came to mind. "Is it okay if we call your secretary?"


"What? We just lied to her earlier," Yoona chuckled in disbelief. "Let's think of other people."


"Mr. Cha?" She suggested. "We can call him right now."


"Yeah, let's ask him to come. But who will be the other person?" Yoona raised his eyebrows.


"Mr. Seo," Seohyun exclaimed once again. "He's not on duty today, right?"


"You have his number?"


"Yup. You call Mr. Cha, and I'll call Mr. Seo." Without hesitation, Seohyun gets up and dials the bodyguard's number.


"Heol, she's really close with the bodyguards too," Yoona murmurs in awe. However, he brushes off the thought right away and dials Mr. Cha's number, who answers within a couple of seconds.


[Mr. Im, how may I help you this Saturday morning?]


"Are you available today, Mr. Cha? I mean, I need someone to stand as our witness... for my marriage with Seohyun." He hesitantly shares the info.


[Omo, you guys are getting married?]


"Hey, can you come to Seoul City Hall right now? I need you before noon. And please don't tell Yuri Hyung," he desperately pleaded, and then the line suddenly went quiet. 'I hope he won't decline,' he thought, feeling anxious about the possibility of rejection.


Seohyun returned to him with a bright smile. "Mr. Seo is on the way," she excitedly shared.


"Mr. Cha hasn't returned my call," Yoona pouted sadly. "I hope he doesn't decline," he mumbled with a soft sigh.


"He won't, don't worry about it," she said as she took her seat. "But if he does, I'll have to ask another bodyguard." 


"Bodyguards as our witnesses? Are you insane?!" He exclaimed in disbelief.


"Why? Do you want to call Yuri Oppa and Jessica Unnie? I thought we didn't want to spoil Tiffany and Taeyeon Oppa's wedding too?" She challenged him, daring him to call their friends.


Yoona groaned in frustration. "Ugh. Fine." 


[Hello, are you still there, Mr. Im?] Mr. Cha returned with a breathless voice. 


"Um, am I disturbing you with something?" He got concerned because he sounds like he's busy at the moment.


[Yeah, I am. Yuri just called through the villa's telephone and ordered us to prepare lunch later because he and Ms. Jung are coming. I'm sorry, I don't think I can go there, Sir.] 


Yoona felt like his world was crumbling, but he remained calm. "Oh, I understand, Mr. Cha. Anyway, just don't mention this to my Hyung," he warned him.


[No worries, Mr. Im. Congrats on your marriage, Sir.]


"Thanks," he replied, calmly ending the call. "Now I think we should call my secretary, not another bodyguard," he firmly declared.


"Should've done it earlier," Seohyun chuckled in amusement.



"Ms. Kim Hye-yoon and Mr. Seo In-geuk, as witnesses of this marriage, please sign here," the lady from the registrar's office instructed, pointing to the designated lines on the papers. The two witnesses took the pens from Seohyun and Yoona and signed without hesitation. "And now, our couple," the lady continued as the witnesses stepped aside. Yoona and Seohyun retrieved their pens and signed the four layers of documents that would legally unite them in marriage.


"For now, let's wait a few minutes for the mayor. He will give the signal to exchange your rings before signing these documents."


"Is he on his way?" Seohyun asked softly.


"Yes, he'll be here in about ten minutes, Ms. Seo," the lady confirmed as she offered snacks and a water bottle to the four of them.


Yoona inspected the bread and drinks to ensure they were plain before offering some to Seohyun.


"Mr. Chairman, why are you doing this without your friends?" Ms. Kim whispered.


"It's because the wedding's coming up, and everyone is excited about it. We don't want to spoil my friend's wedding," Yoona explained with a friendly smile. "But please, keep this to yourself, okay?"


"You can trust me on this, Mr. Chairman." Hye-yoon cheerfully smiled as she took a bite of her food.


"Mr. Seo, you too. I know you often see our friends at the mansion, but don't share this with anyone, not even Da-on," Seohyun said firmly, looking at the young bodyguard.


"Yes, Ms. Seo," In Guk nodded in assurance before taking a bite of his bread.


"Da-On can be very observant. If he asks you anything, don't answer," Seohyun instructed firmly.


"Absolutely, ma'am," In Geuk replied, smiling anxiously as he gulped. Seohyun's serious demeanor was intimidating, but he was confident he could keep the secret.


After a while, the mayor finally arrived. He asked the couple to stand before him with their rings and then invited them to say a few words to each other as they put them on.


"Seohyun-ah, I know this isn't quite how you expected to get married, but I promise you one thing: I will take care of you even more than when we were dating. I will work hard not only as your husband but also as the father of our child. I promise to love you from today and always," Yoona said softly, slipping the silver ring onto Seohyun's left ring finger, next to the promise ring he had gifted her before.


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multistory 0 points #1
Chapter 66: Nice way things doing a full circle… awesome storytelling the whole through. Looking forward to your next creation!!!
0 points #2
Chapter 65: Chapter 65: The Fugitives: Rugrats edition 😁
Those baby pics for reference are so cute!
From their looks, it matches very well whose child each one is!
Im Ha Eun for sure looks like the most mischievous one! 😅
They did took from their mothers too, with those escaping tricks! 😂
This chapter is cuteness overload! With the morning routines each baby have with their fathers left alone to tend to them, and their favorite oppa, Da-On! ☺️
Also Choon Hee being fond of her brother... 🥹
I'm sorry for picking a favorite, but Yuri's time with CheonSa that can't be disturbed is so cute, add to that, Yuri also playing with their baby on the playground! 🐣😁
Oh, it's so cute the mothers watching their babies mischiefs! 😁❤️
1132 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 66: Lol the three little troublemakers hahaha.... Authy thank you for this wonderful story ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
0 points #4
Chapter 66: Thank you author for the every detail you put in this story. Love it. finally happy ending for everyone
multistory #5
Chapter 65: These lil troublemakers are too cute!!
1132 streak #6
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls 🤭🤭🤭... And lol Da On is also a good teacher to his little sisters... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
1132 streak #7
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls hehehe... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
adorable babies girl, daon protect your 3 sister okay
Chapter 65: Aww (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) this is adorable!