The Truth

The Fugitives
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56 | The Truth




With trembling hands and a furrowed brow, Taeyeon stands vigil outside the surgery room, the crimson stains on his jacket a stark reminder of the chaos that led them here. Each passing minute feels like an eternity, his heart racing with worry that refuses to subside. An hour and a half has slipped away, yet no news has emerged from behind those sterile walls, leaving him on edge.


"Mr. Chairman!"


At the sound of his secretary's urgent voice, Taeyeon halts his restless pacing, turning to face her with a mixture of hope and apprehension. "Have they apprehended the culprit?"


Ms. Kim paused, taking a moment to steady her breath before delivering the unsettling news. "Yes, and it appears the individual in question was formerly employed as a worker at your mother's villa, where your family is currently residing."


"What?" Taeyeon's voice rose in disbelief. "Who could have possibly asked him to do such a thing?"


"I haven't heard from the detective. But they're trying to get information from the guy."


"What's his name? I need to talk to my mother about this," Taeyeon demanded, his fist tightening with suspicion creeping into his mind.


"He's 40 years old. His name is Park Sunghoon," Secretary Kim replied, showing Taeyeon the profile on her phone. "According to the bodyguard's inquiries with the villagers, he had a close relationship with your mother for quite some time 2 years ago. He wasn't just a gardener; he was also skilled at fishing. However, he was abruptly dismissed one day after your mother accused him of stealing her painting. Sunghoon was later arrested and served a year and a half in prison."


"Could it be that he's seeking revenge against my mother? Or perhaps my mother hired him to harm my fiancée?" Taeyeon's uncertainty was palpable, but the pieces of the puzzle seemed to be pointing in that direction and he hates it just by thinking about it.


"We'll have more information tomorrow, hopefully it was the case, Mr. Chairman."


With a heavy sigh, he pressed his fingertips to his temples, briefly massaging away the tension before speaking again. "Did my mother know about Tiffany's injury?"


"Perhaps it's because it has been the subject of village gossip, Sir. Additionally, I have informed your friends about the matter. I trust this was the correct course of action, Sir." 


"It's necessary. They all need to be informed, especially the girls and... D-Da-On." Taeyeon's voice faltered as he grasped the reality that his young son would witness his mother in such a state at the hospital. Collapsing onto a nearby bench, he released a heavy sigh, his frustration evident. "How will our son handle this?" he muttered, frustration mounting as he pulled at his hair and leaned his head against the wall. "I don't think he would like it."


"Sir, would you like to change your clothes? I mean, it's filled with Ms. Young's blood... and... your hands." 


"No, not yet, not right now... " mumbles him. "Not until I'm sure Fany's alright."


"I understand, Sir," Secretary Kim murmured, bowing her head respectfully before quietly exiting the room.


"None of the bodyguards anticipated this. If only we knew who the enemy was. It's my responsibility," he declared, his gaze drifting lifelessly towards the closed door of the surgery room, his heart weighed down with anguish. "Please, let her be okay," he whispered, tears welling in his eyes and trickling down his cheeks. "I shouldn't have stopped by the bus stop. This wouldn't have happened." he said as he hung his head low and quietly cried alone.


Moments later, the doctor came out and he rose from his seat with full attention to the doctor.


"It was quite a tough surgery for Ms. Young because there was a time that she went into cardiac arrest during surgery but she was able to pull through and we successfully saved her. She has to be transferred however to the ICU for the meantime until she wakes up."


"So she's still in critical condition?"


"Given the extent of her blood loss and kidney damage, her ability to breathe independently is compromised right now. Additionally, she's suffered multiple cardiac arrests, necessitating intensive care to ensure a successful recovery. I anticipate she'll regain consciousness within the next 24 hours, likely by tomorrow evening," the doctor elaborated with concern.


"I truly appreciate everything you've done, doctor," Taeyeon expressed with a respectful bow. "Saving her life means everything to me. I'm indebted to you for your expertise and dedication." He gently clasped the doctor's hand, conveying his gratitude with a tired yet sincere smile. "I'll remain by her side, waiting patiently for her to recover." he promised.


As the doctor nodded and bowed in acknowledgment, Taeyeon's eyes followed the medical team as they emerged from the room, Tiffany's stretcher in tow.

Seeing Tiffany pale and connected to oxygen support pierced Taeyeon's heart. He hurried to keep pace with the stretcher as they entered the patient elevator, positioning himself beside her. His gaze fell upon her engagement ring, a poignant reminder of happier times.


"Thank you, Tiffany. I know it was incredibly tough, but you never gave up. You're such a strong woman," he whispered tenderly, though he knew his words were lost in the realm of unconsciousness. Grateful for her unwavering determination during surgery, he made a silent vow, "I won't allow this to happen again," a pledge fueled by his profound love and remorse.


"Please fill out this form once we've settled her in the ICU, Mr. Kim. It contains the necessary medications we'll administer through intravenous injections. We need you to check on them for approval and signature." explained one of the nurses, offering him a piece of paper.


"Yes." With a respectful bow, he accepted it. "Thank you," he replied softly, his voice carrying a mixture of weariness and determination.




[The next Day...]


With determined strides, Seohyun pressed forward, her pace unwavering even as she hurried to the hospital, her journey commencing straight from the airport at the break of dawn. Yet, as she crossed the threshold, an unexpected stumble sent her high heels clattering to the floor, a minor hiccup in her urgent mission.


"Omo, omo, are you alright?" Yoona came rushing to her immediately.


"Get my shoes," Seohyun instructed as she rose and dashed to the front desk without her footwear. "Hello, I'm searching for the ICU. Could you direct me to where I might visit my friend?" she requested breathlessly.


"Tsk." Yoona shook his head gently, scooping up his girlfriend's shoes as he casually trailed behind her towards the elevator. Crouching down, he offered them to her, guiding her feet back into them with a patient smile. "Why do you insist on wearing such high heels?" he chuckled softly, rising to his feet alongside her.


"I was in such a rush; I ended up grabbing the ones you gifted me last night instead of my sneakers," she explained through a hiss of frustration. "They're new, so they're a bit challenging to walk in."


"Yah! Hold that door!" Jessica's voice echoed from a distance as she and Yuri sprinted towards them.


Yoona hastily pressed the hold bottom on the side. 


"Hurry, Unnie!" Seohyun exclaimed gesturing at the older girl. Both arrived breathless, their chests heaving as they finally made it inside.


"Thank God we spotted you guys. Saved us a trip to the receptionist," Jessica exclaimed, pulling Seohyun into a quick hug.


"I thought you two had already arrived?" Yoona inquired, his finger hovering over the close button while Seohyun swiftly selected the floor for the ICU.


"We had to cook breakfast and help Da-On take a bath first, which is why we're a bit late," Yuri explained with a hefty exhale. 


"But where's Da-On?" Seohyun raised her eyebrows inquisitively.


"Oh, he's at home. He'll join us later," Jessica explained. "He's clueless for now, but we'll fill him in once he arrives."


"Yihyun is with him?" Yoona asked, his expression tinged with concern.


"Yeah, we'll swing by home during lunch break to pick them up," Yuri added reassuringly.


"I see." Seohyun slowly nodded her head which Yoona mimicked.



As the couples exited the elevator, they scanned the hallway for the ICU room number given to them by the secretary. To their surprise, they stumbled upon Mrs. Kim standing outside the designated room, her eyes b with tears.

Jessica's initial reaction was one of indignation. Without a moment's pause, she dashed towards Mrs. Kim, her anger palpable. In a sudden and shocking move, she seized the older woman's hair, causing Mrs. Kim to startle and her companions to gasp in disbelief.


"You have some nerve showing up here!" Jessica spat out, her voice laced with fury, as she forcefully tugged at Mrs. Kim's hair. "You're not welcome, you hear me?!" she continued, her grip unrelenting as Mrs. Kim struggled to break free.


"Let her go, Jess."


"Stop it, Noona." Yuri and Yoona tried to pull Jessica's hands off but she pushed them off instead and continued to assault the hair of Mrs. Kim.


Seohyun stood to the side, a silent observer of the tumult unfolding before her. Uncertainty clouded her thoughts as she debated whether to intervene or align herself with Jessica's escalating actions. The situation was compounded by the fact that their friend Tiffany had been the one injured, and Mrs. Kim stood as the prime suspect. However, without concrete confirmation, the decision to take action felt daunting and premature.


Moments later, Mrs. Kim successfully gets freed as Yuri and Yoona hold Jessica's hands firmly.


"You're headed straight to jail!" Jessica's voice rang out, filled with conviction. "I swear to God, you'll face the consequences for this!"


"I swear, I'm innocent in all of this. My only intention that night was to perform for the villagers," Mrs. Kim protested defensively as she smoothed down her disheveled hair. "I had no idea something like this could happen to her."


"Are you saying this isn't your doing? Just like when you set Yuri up with that woman?" Jessica pressed, attempting to jog the older woman's memory of her past actions.


"That's the only thing I did. There's nothing else," Mrs. Kim affirmed firmly, unwavering in her insistence on the truth.


"Oh come on, a witch is a witch. You won't change your mind right away."


"If you can't believe me then so be it. I've got nothing to prove." She strikes back one last time before she turns and leaves.


Jessica tried to follow the latter but Seohyun suddenly blocked her way.


"Enough, Unnie!" Seohyun's voice cut through the tension, firm and resolute. "We're here for our friend, not to engage in a fight with her," she reminded Jessica, her tone gentle yet firm. "Let's not waste our energy on that woman," she added, her words carrying a sense of wisdom and perspective.


Jessica took a deep breath, allowing herself a moment to collect her thoughts and emotions. As she turned towards the ICU room, a weight settled in her heart, heavy with concern and sadness.


"Why does it feel like I'm always watching my friends endure hardships instead of finding happiness?" she wondered aloud, feeling the weight of their collective struggles. It seemed as though pain had become an all-too-familiar companion, overshadowing the fleeting moments of joy they so desperately sought.


Yuri slowly put his hand on her back and rubbed it gently to comfort her.


"It's probably karma," Seohyun mused silently. Observing Tiffany in the ICU brought back memories of the countless hospital visits in New York during their youth, each time they suffered from their surgeries. Yoona sensed her turmoil too and drew her in for a side hug, offering comfort with gentle on her arm.


"She'll be fine." Taeyeon's voice echoed from behind, causing everyone to turn and immediately hug him. "And I'm fine." he added with a chuckle, assuring his friends. It took a couple of minutes before they let go of him, much to his relief but it never fails to warm his heart.


"Hyung, hang in there." Yoona cheered on his friend softly.


"She's the toughest woman, I'm hanging here." Taeyeon replied as he patted Yoona's head.


"What was the doctor said?" Seohyun curiously asked.


"She'll wake up in 24 hours, so tonight, I bet we can talk to her again." shares Taeyeon.


"Oh, that's great news." Jessica let out a relieved sigh, exchanging emotional smiles with Seohyun.


"Um, I thought you guys brought Da-On too?" Taeyeon noticed the absence of his son, as he scanned the hallway.


"Oh, we'll fetch him later. We don't want to tire him out if we tell him early or bring him early." Yuri explained to his friend.


"He's fine, Yihyun is taking care of him." And Yuri additionally assured their friend. 


Nodding, Taeyeon smiled at his friends before his eyes shifted to Tiffany inside the ICU. "I guess my son will have more energy once he sees his mother outside this room later on."


"That would be the case, Tae." Jessica softly says. She's somehow relieved that Tiffany has someone besides her friends worrying about her.




"Didn't you two have breakfast earlier?" Yuri asked incredulously, observing Yoonhyun devouring their food in the hospital as though they hadn't eaten since their return from Busan.


"Yah, being worried all day can really work up an appetite. And this hospital is quite a trek from where we were. Not exactly easy to make pit stops at rest areas," Yoona explained on behalf of her girlfriend. He poured a glass of juice for Seohyun and gently nudged it closer to her.


Jessica sighed. "You two didn't even get a chance to shower, did you?"


"No time for that," Seohyun replied after taking a sip. She sighed lightly and flashed a teasing smile at the couple before her. "But you two certainly look like you've been on quite the adventure."


"Yeah, your outfits are totally off," Yoona chuckled softly.


Yuri and Jessica exchanged glances, taking in each other's attire; Yuri in a pajama shirt and jogging pants, and Jessica in a nightdress layered under a padded jacket.


"We didn't have time to change either. I mean, we had to sort out breakfast, help Da-On, and then rush to the hospital," Jessica replied softly, punctuating her words with a tired yawn. "But hey, at least I got to give that woman's hair a tug," she added with a chuckle, a hint of pride in her voice.


Yuri scoffed in amusement. "You sure had that all mapped out. Just be careful not to make it a habit; she might sue you."


"It was worth it," Jessica remarked with a giggle.


"But Taeyeon Oppa... I think he's restless. We should take turns keeping him company," Seohyun sighed, casting a shadow over the table.


"Yeah, we'll sort that out after we finish eating," Yoona agreed without hesitation.


"I'll just head home alone, Jess. You stay here with them," Yuri declared, and Jessica nodded in understanding.




"Da-On, are you all set?" Yihyun's voice floated into the Kims' bedroom as she entered. Da-On, nestled on the bed, was busy packing snacks into his backpack. "Oh my, that's quite the spread you've got there," she remarked with a soft chuckle, eyeing the assortment of snacks.


"No, these are for Omma. She loves these cheese crackers," Da-On replied with a smile, momentarily pausing his packing to explain. He then hopped off the bed, heading to the closet to retrieve something. Yihyun watched as he grabbed the yellow jacket, rushing back to carefully tuck it into his backpack.


"Why did you include it?" 


"Omma loves this jacket." He explained softly.


Yihyun smiled and nodded. "Wait, did you already know?" Her expression shifted, a sudden realization dawning upon her, a silent acknowledgment of something she shouldn't have.


"About Omma being in the hospital?" Da-On furrowed his brow, a mixture of concern and curiosity evident in his expression.


She gasped. "How? I mean, Yuri told me he hasn't shared it with you?"


"I overheard you talking with Yuri Appa earlier before you mentioned we were going to see my parents," Da-On explained, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness as he zipped the backpack closed. "I think Omma is hurt, isn't she?" he added, his pout reflecting his concern.


"So there's no need for us to explain to you."


"So she's really hurt?" Da-On's voice quivered slightly, his eyes beginning to well up with tears.


"Yeah, I'm sorry, Da-On." Yihyun's voice was soft with empathy as she gently settled onto the bed, wrapping her arms around the young boy in a comforting hug.


"I thought Appa promised to protect us?" Da-On's voice cracked with a mixture of disappointment and confusion as he recalled, tears welling up in his eyes and trickling down his cheeks.


"Oh, did he tell you?"


"No, he told us. That night in the Sunshine Village, during the fire. He told us he will protect us. But Omma's hurt right now. He didn't protect Omma?"


"Wow, your memory is sharp," Yihyun remarked in disbelief, her fingers tenderly brushing away the tears staining Da-On's cheeks. With assurance in her voice, she continued, "Your Appa did everything he could to protect her, Da-On. Sometimes, things just happen beyond our control. But I'm certain he did his best to keep your mother safe." She wrapped her arms around him once more, offering solace, but Da-On only cried harder. "Shh, it's okay... it's okay," she murmured soothingly, her embrace unwavering as she comforted the young boy until his tears subsided.


After a while, the sound of her phone chiming in the pocket of her blazer caught her attention. Retrieving it, she saw Yuri's name on the screen. "Oppa," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she answered the call.


[I'm getting near, please be ready so we can leave as soon as possible.]


"Ah, yes."


[Did you get Jessica's clothes?]


"Yes, it's in my backpack."


[Good, and Da-On?]


Yihyun paused, observing Da-On as he shouldered his backpack. "Yes, he's all set," she confirmed with a warm smile, her eyes reflecting fondness as she gently brushed her hand against his cheek.


[Okay. I'll hang up now.] Yuri said before ending their call.


"Who will look after Pumpkin and Mr. Butter, Noona?" Da-On's concern surfaced, realizing that no one would be staying behind.


"We'll drop them off at the pet nursery. They'll be well taken care of until we get back," Yihyun reassured him, rising to her feet and extending her hand. "Shall we?" she asked, ready to embark on their journey together.


"Yes, Noona," Da-On replied, his tone tinged with gloom as he accepted Yihyun's hand. Together, they walked out of the bedroom in silence. For the first time since they moved to their new home, the atmosphere weighed heavily upon them, their hearts burdened by the news of Tiffany's incident.




Seohyun hurried into the bustling cafe, scanning the tables until she spotted Jessica, her friend, slumbering with her head resting on the worn wooden surface.


"Unnie, wake up," she pleaded softly, reaching out to gently shake her friend's arm. But Jessica remained undisturbed, lost in the realm of dreams. "Come on, Unnie," Seohyun whispered near her ear, giving her another gentle shake. "The cafe owner won't be too pleased if you nap here." It took a few more coaxing shakes before Jessica finally stirred, blinking sleepily as she returned to the waking world.


"Wae? What's wrong?" Jessica mumbled, her voice thick with sleep, as she stretched her arms upwards and let out a huge yawn, like a sleepy kitten waking from a nap.


"The cafe owner called me using your phone because you fell asleep here," Seohyun explained, swiftly retrieving the device from nearby and handing it to Jessica.


"What?" Jessica exclaimed, jolting awake as she realized the situation. She spotted the cafe owner watching them from the counter and immediately began bowing animatedly in apology. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she ut

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multistory #1
Chapter 64: How you’ll feel better soon. Look forward to the next instalment.
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1125 streak #4
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha
Chapter 64: Whoa! Another baby on the way! 🐣🐣🐣
Love this Kim Family Epilogue!
Da-On's so cute during the wedding reception with Mr.Butter and Pumpkin! And his excitement while opening Lawyer Han's gift!
It was so nice of Mrs. Kim to have that party for the Kim family, especially Da-On!
And the black card she gave to Tiffany! 😲
I like what Taeyeon said about the card for Tiffany to use it for herself too, not just Da-On, because she deserved it. ❤️
Awww! They went back to Sunshine Orphanage! It's so warm, the welcome they got!
And they rebuilt the girls' house... 🥹
It was so nice fore Da-On to reunite with his friends!
Seohyun's message to Tiffany though! 🤭
Did Da-On read his Seohyun Omma's mind of sleeping with his friend? 😁
It's so funny how Tiffany's heart race because of the thought of making baby number 2! And when Taeyeon noticed it ...😁😁😁
It was so cute how Taeyeon knew about the baby! 🥹
The Kim family's dynamics is very nice! It all felt very natural!❤️
Love how detailed you write about the whole thing, the setting, the mood! 😉
Looking forward to the last installment of the epilogue! ❤️
multistory #6
Chapter 63: Am all caught up now.. epic ending look forward to the rest 😉
Chapter 63: Seohyun and Yoona are experts in sneaking out! 😁
That secret date that ended up inside the car and Yoona's persistent secretary, that he tried so hard to hide from but in the end he ended up calling to be their witness! 🤣🤣🤣
But having said those vows.. 🥹
How they chose the name to give... Very meaningful! ❤️
And also them catching Da-On eating Seohyun's choco pie despite the note Seohyun put! 😁

More epilogues?! 👀
Chapter 62: 😅
I thought Jessica would really be gone...
But it was really nice to have that silver lining!
It is so difficult to be on Jessica's position, having to witness Seohyun's pregnancy, even though she's happy for her. And add to that the stress and pressure of having a very healthy lifestyle.
It's also nice that she has her family supporting her, despite Da-On's teasing. 😁
And Seohyun and Yoona's little potato is a girl! 🎉
1125 streak #9
Chapter 62: Lol Da On naughty as always 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I really love Yuri's supportive and patience towards everything and congrats Jessica, but what you did is silly, if not for that couple then you must've run away from Yuri again
tyeam0309 #10
Chapter 63: I love this plot. Sadly it will end soon.