I Remember II

Best Absolute Perfect

You walked back to your room in the inn soullessly. Didn't bother to close the window to stop the cold wind from gushing in, you went straight to the bed. You lay there for as long as forever. You know that you should be happy for Bang for achieving his dream of being an idol and indeed you are. However somehow deep inside, you wanted him to just be like any normal guy out there so may be one day you could bump into him on the street, have a chat, hang out again, like the old time and tell him about your true feeling. But that is totally impossible now that he is famous. You couldn't tell him your feeling, you wouldn't want any scandal to happen to him. And you certainly didn't want to seem like a gold digger, gone for five years and coming back to him now that he's famous. So you just have to keep it all to yourself, telling your heart not to beat fast if you see him, mind not to think about him, legs not to run towards him and arms not to reach out and hug him… All that thoughts made you cried even more.

The next morning, you had to put on tons of makeup to hide the swell of your eyes from all that crying. You put on a big smile in front of everyone you meet. A car from the company was parked outside the inn waiting. When you reached the company, your boss gave you a project immediately. "Oh man!!!" you screamed in your head with the new project slammed in your face on the first day of work. But the good thing out of it, you could get your mind off of Bang for awhile.

You sat at your desk for hours sketching designs of new outfits for a group of boys who are going to debut at the late January. "Urh!!!" you let out a groan while looking at the requirement needed for the outfits, "Tough, punk and each outfit has to be a different color?!?" "Hey, how is the sketches going?" your boss peaking through the gap of the door. You told him that you are having a problem and showed him a few semi finished designs. "This is nice!!!" he exclaimed and told you that the group is going to come over for a meeting to discuss about the designs.

Since there is still about 10 minutes before they come, you went to the kitchen to make a cup of hot chocolate. "Uhm!" you sighed in relieve at the taste of the wonder bittersweet chocolate after such a long tiring hours of cracking your brain. You tugged at your clothes and hair before entering the meeting room for the discussion. As you pushed the door open, you could hear your boss introducing you, "Here she is, Ms ___. She is going to be your designer for your debut." You bowed greeting them before sitting down on the chair next to your boss. When you looked up, that is when you saw… Bang.

He was looking at you with shock and surprise in his eyes. "Control yourself!" you told yourself over and over again while trying to stop your heart from beating against your chest as if it wanted to jump right out and fly to Bang. You could feel heat rushing to your face as you showed them the designs of the outfits. The other members were really excited and it was a good sign. You tried your best not to look at Bang when you told them the concept.

While you were talking about the outfits and tried to ignore Bang, you didn't notice him stealing glances at you. Little did you know that for these five years, he too, was trying to train as hard as possible to keep you out of his mind. But now that he see you, all those feelings that he had been burying deep in his heart came to live again. All he wanted to do at that point of time was to hug you as tight as possible and never letting you go. But he knows that he couldn't now that he is going to debut as B.A.P and he is the leader.

Apart from all the loud discussions and laughter, the room was filled with a silence from both you and Bang. But worse, the pain of not being able to tell each other your true feelings added to the tension even more…  

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I love this fanfic so much :3 ❤
numrock12 #2
@RockyBlue it's inspired by Se7en's story with his girlfriend on Strong Heart YG special edition :3
Chapter 20 is to mu like tablos storg on strong heart, during yg family reunion episode
update update! *pumps fists in air*
Update soon! Can't wait to know what will go on with the relationship :( !!
dreamsunachievable #8
.-. So.... she shouldn't have just ran out like that D: Or the manager should just let them be public already D; its not like that.. broken-doll sender will stop harassing her D:
so much kisses > v < hehehe, that's really sick of someone to send a doll with broken head to her D:< must be someone jelly of them >:3 update soon ^ ^ !!
whoa. it's getting interestiiing~