
Soulstar - Crashing Waves and Glowing Dreams

German | noun

♦state of having a sense of security and well-being


They go to the beach everyday from then on.

Taehyung can't say he's getting used to the way Jeongguk hugs him close while swimming them over. He doubts he'll get used to it anytime soon either. When you usually don't have any physical contact whatsoever over a long time, just the smallest touch carries weight. And when the mer smooches Taehyung against his solid chest that's a lot of contact.

It's the fifth time they are travelling via Jeongguk speed ship now and Taehyung is still reeling. This is way too much skin for him to cope with. It also doesn't help that the mer has body heat like a furnace so every part where they touch is positively burning. Taehyung couldn't ignore it if he wanted.

They are making a habit out of swimming together. Today they've taken a dip once already and then relaxed on what's becoming their boulder, with Taehyung once more being the one to read the story out loud.

Now that the shadow of the sea arch has wandered and is blocking the sun from their spot, they want to go on a second swim. It's a work in progress but Taehyung is working on convincing the mer that he's actually a good swimmer and has better stamina than he thinks. Just because he kept choking during their first swim. It was enough to make Jeongguk believe he's not good with water, which, excuse him. Taehyung always loved swimming. Especially in open waters.

The only thing bothering him is, that he doesn't know these waters at all. And with that comes a certain apprehension of hidden riptides and such. He says as much to Jeongguk while slipping down from the boulder but the mer stays perfectly calm.

"You don't have to worry about such things when you're with me."

It sounds like a vow.

And somehow, Taehyung is certain he doesn't grasp a fraction of the depth these words hold.



Jeongguk can't be sure the human recognises his vow for what it is. That doesn't change anything on the truth behind it though.

After all there is nothing more powerful than the beloved children of the sea itself - no shark or kraken or deep sea monstrosity could ever hope to compare. And with Jeongguk commanding the otherwise deadly tides in their little bay (there is a reason no human ever comes here), with his fingertips constantly tingling as he wills the vicious pull of the underlying currents to nothing more than a playful little tug around Taehyung's limbs, there is nothing the human has to be afraid of. Not when one of the seas's mighty treasures has fallen for him and is intending to keep him out of harm's way for as long as he lives.

They swim further out than the past days. Jeongguk keeps a close eye on Taehyung to see when he gets tired and his relaxed expression shifts into a strained one. It doesn't happen. Maybe he underestimated the human.

In the end it is Jeongguk who decides to turn around and swim back. He doesn't trust Taehyung to not show off and make himself look more unbothered than he is. Besides, the more they get out of the bay's cover, the bigger the danger of fishermen on the open sea noticing them by chance. Jeongguk doesn't feel like risking it. Not when they've just found a spot that truly belongs to them, without any danger of interruption.

On their way back he keeps brushing Taehyung with his fins more often. It gives him a strange sense of safety, feeling him and knowing they are safe, that there is no danger.

Taehyung gives him a questioning look more than once which he ignores.

They get back into shallow waters but Taehyung refuses to return onto the rock just yet. So Jeongguk comes up with something harmless to kill time.

"Do you know how to float?"

Taehyung tilts his head. "Float? You mean, like a starfish?"

Jeongguk is not sure what starfish have to do with floating. But the sentence seems to make complete sense to the human so he nods. 

"Nah, never got the hang of it. I always sink down like a lump of lead." He chuckles.

Jeongguk's chest swells. Finally. This, this is something he can teach Taehyung and not the other way round. Something actually useful. 

"Want me to show you?"

The mer is stumped when he gets a sceptical look as answer.

"No offence, but. How would that work? We don't exactly have the same anatomy."

True. However.

"So? I know plenty of swimming. We can figure something out."

And so they do. Jeongguk has to promise to keep his tail under Taehyung, just in case. He talks the human through it slowly. And like that, it doesn't take long for him to notice a major problem.

"You're breathing wrong."

"I'm breathing perfectly fine just like always," the human gasps.

Jeongguk hums.

"Yes. That's the problem. You need to take deeper breaths. How do you wanna float when there is barely any air inside you, hm?"

Taehyung pouts - and promptly sinks down further. Jeongguk is quick to grip beneath his shoulders and push him back up, tail doing the same with the legs. He tries not to think about how close they are. How he is deliberately touching a human all over.

It's Taehyung. If it's him, it should be okay.

It takes them a few more tries until Taehyung gets the hang of it and Jeongguk gradually inches away to give him space. Taehyung turns his head - and inhales a mouthful of water.

Jeongguk watches him splutter and scramble to stay afloat. He shakes his head. Pulls the waves flat with half a thought so Taehyung has enough time to compose himself.

"You humans are weird," he says. "You can't even hold your breath long and start panicking when swallowing the littlest bit of water and yet you love to swim. The water clearly is not an element made for you."

Taehyung scowls. "So? I  might've not been born for the sea but I can still love it."

Jeongguk closes his eyes and swallows hard. He shouldn't think too deeply into that one sentence, but. He is the sea. Well, part of. He's born from it. He belongs to the sea and the sea belongs to him. So for Taehyung declaring his love for the sea... the human could've very well confessed to him directly.

The mer turns away, biting his lip. No. Don't be stupid. As if.


They keep playing in the water together for a long time, with little breaks in between where Taehyung swims over to the sea arch and hoists himself onto a ledge. Jeongguk himself stays in the water - there would be enough place for a second person if they squeeze tight together, but that's still too close for his liking. He doesn't stay far away though. If the human twisted his leg just a little, he could put his foot on Jeongguk's shoulder.

And so, while they seek protection from the scorching summer sun, they talk. True, Taehyung does most of the talking. But he's by no means monologuing. And Jeongguk has to admit, the human has a way to make him talk. Taehyung has caught up on them not being remotely the same age and so has made it his task to learn about all of Jeongguk's weird hobbies. That's lots of fodder for conversation.

"So you never had any pets?"

Jeongguk shakes his head. He's his back and languidly floats in the water with his belly up.

"No, never."

"Not even close?"

He hums. "I used to get along well with sea otters."

Taehyung nudges him with his foot. "Get along? What does that mean exactly? Don't be so vague."

"Okay, okay," the mer chuckles. "I... maybe trained them, a little."

Taehyung almost falls back into the water, eyes big and mouth wide open.

"Trained?! You can train sea otters? They are trainable? Ohmygod, tell me everything!"


Back when Jeongguk still stayed at the archipelago, Namjoon used to joke about getting old and desensitised. Which is utter nonsense, but enough to make Seokjin laugh.

Sometimes Jeongguk can't help but think about it. Wonders if he's getting old and desensitised himself. It's not often that he thinks stuff like that, but how could he not, when every time he carries Taehyung to their new spot and back he has the feeling the human's grip on him tightens more?

What an idiotic thought. Jeongguk is really not amused about his mind playing him tricks.

But just in case... Just in case he's not imagining things, Jeongguk has picked up a certain book from his own little library. He only found it recently, tucked into a tiny niche hidden behind one of his favourite troves - three books that's been lost to the sea long enough to completely loose their initial form and purpose. One of them got deformed to a shapeless chunk of paper, one turned into a tiny coral reef with various corals growing on the covers, and one that's gotten completely crystallised. It was a present from a good friend who claimed it came straight out of the dead sea. True or not, it surely is a curious sight, just as its two brothers.

And there, behind his three gems, Jeongguk picked up a copy of Jessica Roux's "Floriography". A guide to the Victorian flower language. Jeongguk has no clue what 'Victorian' means, but this book still fascinates him. Each flower has a certain meaning and together they can send elaborate messages. The pictures are pretty too. Jeongguk just wonders how big these flowers are in real life. Some of them would be gorgeous in the size of his head.

He turns to the next page and reads, 'Dahlia, eternal love and commitment'. The next page claims daisy means innocence, purity and childhood. And on and on it goes. What an utterly fascinating thing, that flower language.

Now Jeongguk doesn't know much about flowers, how to sustain them or where they grow. Yet he knows plenty about the treasures of the sea. The prettiest shells, corals and stones and how to get them. 

So he makes a plan.

In the time he doesn't spend with Taehyung, he'll start roaming the vast ocean ground for gems worthy of the enthralling beauty that is Taehyung. He's never done something like this before.

For Taehyung he feels like he should try. 

And maybe pay a visit to his parents soon. To ask Namjoon about how the whole thing really works, how Seokjin and him came to be long ago, and what he ought to do next.

The night is still young. If he leaves now, he can make it on time. Pay a visit and be back by the time Taehyung awaits him at the pier.

The mer makes his way out of the cave system he's been calling his home for the past few decades and heads into the open sea. Once he's far out enough to sense nothing but endless blue around him, he starts pulling at the water masses. Takes a deep breath. His strong tail beats once, twice, thrice, then he's found his rhythm. Faster than any human construction could ever wish to be, he cuts through the sea.

Within minutes he's passed the southernmost peak of Korea. Swims a wide arch around the Japanese islands and makes his way to the parts of the North Pacific that get shunned by humans. The water body around him keeps changing rapidly, seascapes flying by as blurry pictures. Night changes into evening and afternoon as Jeongguk keeps swimming.

Soon, he'll be there soon.


"Nooo, Joonie, look who is in a hurry! Look who's stirring up the whole archipelago."

Jeongguk grins. Some things never change. Seokjin still delights in being a busybody and making a ruckus about anything, it seems.

The elder mer has been coming his way when he's still been minutes away from the archipelago. First, the unmistakable tail has come into view. That gorgeous pink, like the prettiest sea urchins, dotted with light blue. Next, Seokjin's excited face became clear. Then the mer opened his mouth and began speaking. And has kept blabbering ever since.

He stops talking Jeongguk's ear off only now, to make a dramatic pause and wait for his partner's reaction.

Namjoon doesn't disappoint. The familiar mop of sandy hair peeks around a reef, mouth wide open. As if he hasn't sensed Jeongguk's arrival long ago. Jeongguk snorts. But if Seokjin wants a show, then the kind-hearted mer is all too happy to deliver, as always.

Indeed Seokjin looks much pleased by the whole scene.

The short pause is enough to give Namjoon the chance of a proper greeting. He slinks around the reef, jagged fins in the colour of a raging wildfire catching on some corals. The mer frowns at the little cloud of red seeping into the water before the wound can cluster. Another thing that didn't change. If Namjoon was mortal he probably would have killed himself with his clumsiness long ago.

Seokjin is immediately there to chide and dote on him alternately.

Yeah, Jeongguk feels like he never left. Home sweet home indeed.


Maybe five hours later, Jeongguk is on his way back. Packed with a huge snail shell, some good advice, and a human-made thing Seokjin found which none of them have an idea what it is.

Unsurprisingly, Seokjin has been not amused when Jeongguk told them about Taehyung. Has been fiddling with his dark long hair, undoing and redoing his braid several times - a habit he gets whenever he's nervous - while lecturing Jeongguk. 

"You just can't trust humans, little one. You never know what they'll do next."

Seokjin has good reason to say words like these. From early on he's warned Jeongguk to be wary of humans. The formerly dewy-eyed and outgoing mer has been heavily attacked more than once by humans in the past and now refuses to come anywhere close to them. A handful of the cruellest scars from that time still haven't healed and probably never will.

Namjoon however has told him a different story, has told him of the humans' curiosity and kindness, of their never-ending creativity. 

Jeongguk likes that version much better, he thinks, as he dives deep under a fleet of trawlers. And honestly, how could he ever fear Taehyung the way Seokjin does, let alone loathe him?

Visiting his parents - the two mer who took in newborn Jeongguk and raised him like the family member he is, the two mers who he considers as much his parents as the stars and the sea - has brought some clarity. Even if there is little to no chance of Taehyung reciprocating his feelings, he'll openly cherish him from now on. Will do his best to court the human, just like Namjoon told him. Protect and care for him for whatever time they've got together. And if Taehyung never loves him back, it won't have been a waste still.

He nods to himself as he makes a detour to one of his favourite places.

Yes. He's sure now. Taehyung is worth it.


Rays of the first sunlight cut through the water by the time Jeongguk has reached the place where a familiar rock slightly bigger than his head lays hidden. A rock that feels a little bit like home.

He was there, many years ago, when the burning star fell from the sky and plummeted into the sea. A star that was lost on its track, not caught in a hopeless love. No mer had been born that night. Instead, Jeongguk had found, the dead star held a different kind of secret. One that twinkled yellowish green at some spots.

Until now Jeongguk had no use for his discovery. Sometimes when a bittersweet feeling nestled deep into his chest he came here just to hold the stone and feel closer to the sky, but that was it. Maybe now it is time to share a piece of his treasure.

The ear-sized piece of green stone he broke off the star is warm in Jeongguk's hand, where he keeps water swirling tightly around it. He has to hurry. Has to try eroding the edges as much as he can before he reaches his caves. The sun is rising higher with every minute. 

Jeongguk pulls harder at the water masses, tail beating down swift and powerful, sea between his fingers sizzling where it swirls even faster around stone.

He doesn't need to hurry, per say. But he wants to. Wants to put his plan into action as fast as possible. A human's life is short, every day counts. He should hurry. Should get his first present done before meeting up with Taehyung today.

The mer pushes himself even more against sea and time.

Faster, faster!




Yoongi squints at Taehyung as greeting. He is working the afternoon shift this week, which means daily awkward run-ins like these. The view of that grumpy guy is not enough to put a damper on Taehyung's mood, however.

"Morning, hyung," he sings.

Puts a generous layer of butter on his sandwich and then, balancing his chosen toppings in the other hand, bounds over to the table.

"Don't call me that."

Ugh, such a buzz kill. Taehyung fights the urge to roll his eyes. 

"Should I rather call you 'oh, mister landlord supreme', then?"


"That's what I thought, hyung."

Yeah, he's being smug about it. Sue him. After Yoongi exposed him to Jimin, the older owes Taehyung anyway.

Luckily they don't have to bear with each other for too long, as Taehyung only stays long enough to have breakfast and pack his lunch. Within minutes he's off.

The streets are already warm in the late morning sun. The air hums of summer, and Taehyung feels inclined to join in. Humming should be no problem to his incognito agenda, right? And music of whichever kind makes everything better. It's a fact. He starts humming snippets of different pieces from the Pirates of the Carribean soundtrack and matches his steps to the tempo, bag bumping against his thigh rhythmically.

It's a beautiful day in a beautiful summer, and Taehyung has never felt more carefree. Or, scratch the care part. He feels free. Unbound. And he is going to meet up with his friend who is the embodiment of that word. 

Young, wild and free. No, not young, not entirely. There is undoubtedly something ancient coming through every now and then. Usually in moments where the mer thinks he is not looking. So maybe 'young' is not the right term. Maybe 'deep' is more fitting, for there is a depth to Jeongguk, an abyss that hides stories, secrets and mysteries. Taehyung can't wait to uncover them - at least however much the mer is willing to show him.

Deep, wild and free. Jeongguk, his friend.

Taehyung grins.

That's another thing he noticed about himself. Nowadays he starts smiling while he's still a couple streets away from the sea. He can't help it. Just thinking of Jeongguk has the corners of his mouth moving upwards on their own accord. And isn't it a nice thing? To meander through town grinning from ear to ear in sweet anticipation?

His bag thumps faster against his thigh as Taehyung quickens his steps. He can already smell, hear and see the ocean. A few more minutes and he'll feel it on his skin.

And by now he is prepared for their swim sessions. His bag is lined with plastic these days, and then everything is wrapped in plastic bags separately. As much as Taehyung trusts Jeongguk, he does not trust the water to stay away from his belongings. His phone remains home, just in case. He also started bringing a small towel along with wearing trunks under his trousers.

Not because the mer made a weird comment, but because Taehyung seriously feels too under his gaze. Feels stripped bare to his bones, every secret laid open when Jeongguk just stares at him long enough. It's... unsettling.

But at the same time it's not. Because sometimes, there is a point where they seem to cross a line and Taehyung feels himself settling deep within his very core. In these moments he feels invincible, as if nothing could shake him. He's completely calm, then. Grounded.

It has taken mere weeks for Jeongguk to become his save haven.

His smile broadens at the thought, and turns into a fully-blown grin with teeth and all as he skips down the pier.

Jeongguk is already waiting behind the ramshackle huts. A small smile that, if Taehyung didn't know better looked borderline nervous, plays around the corners of his mouth. 

"Jeonggukie, hi!"

Oh, damn.

Taehyung freezes. He didn't intend to say the nickname out loud. That's not... Jeongguk wasn't supposed to know. Ah, dang, really. Just his kind of luck.

And indeed the mer gives him a long look, one that makes it easy to interpret things into it. 

"...Hello, Taehyung."

Then he merely reaches out a hand for Taehyung and waits. Which is legit. He knows that's all he's gotta do at this point for Taehyung to get out of his clothes and into the water. It's almost lukewarm. Taehyung gives him a sheepish smile, then takes the offered hand and off they go.

Speed-diving with Jeongguk - is that an existing term? Well, it is now - is still exhilarating. But Taehyung thinks he's slowly getting the hang of it. At least he is now aware of what his own limbs are doing. He knows to keep his eyes tightly shut. And has made it his new thing to try sensing which route they take, whether they go right or left or wherever.  (So far he is not doing a very good job, but practise makes perfect.)

When they reach their secret bay, something about the mer seems off. It's about the way he doesn't meet Taehyung's eyes and even goes so far as to turn his head away. It's an effort to catch Jeongguk's expression but Taehyung can manage. And what he sees - that serious look on his friend's face - floors him. Taehyung is definitely missing out on something.

What the is going on?

He gets his answer sooner than expected, when Jeongguk goes out of his way to hoist Taehyung onto a bolder close to the shore. Another first. Usually Taehyung climbs onto the rocks himself - well, not always. But even so, this time the mer seems to be extra gentle with him. And just when Taehyung is about to ask him about it, Jeongguk dives back down with a loud splash.

A few seconds later he is back. And seems to think Taehyung won't notice how he's holding one of his hands behind his back. Is this... is Jeongguk trying to give him a surprise or something? 


Jeongguk is still avoiding eye contact at all costs, but Taehyung thinks he sees a hint of-

A swift kick into the water sends tiny droplets flying straight in Jeongguk's direction. The mer splutters and turns away, finally granting Taehyung a good view on his flushed face.

How cute. He is blushing!


Jeongguk uses his free hand to tug at one of Taehyung's and puts something on his open palm.

"For you."

The mer fidgets around some more. Then he glances up to Taehyung before plunging back into the water. 

And Taehyung?

He gapes at the yellow-greenish gemstone in his hand. It's bright and clear, an oval shaped, smooth stone that's small enough to fit into his palm but big enough to not look like a cough drop.

(Not that Taehyung would seriously confuse it with medicine just because of its colour.)

He lifts it closer to his face to study the intricate carvings. The sun catches in it and sets it aglow, like a young leaf in a spring forest, the tiny carved swirls seeming to dance.

Taehyung is speechless. 'Beautiful' doesn't cover a fraction of it.

It's, just, wow.

It's easily the most beautiful gem he's ever seen. (And k-pop idol Kim Taehyung has seen plenty of pretty and expensive jewels. Lots. Of them. None can hold a candle to the pendant he is holding now.)

"Thank you," he breathes into the direction of the subtle splash next to him.

Jeongguk hums. 

"...Do you like it?"

"It's magnificent."

And Taehyung has a feeling he already knows the answer, yet he asks anyway. "Did you make it?"

The way Jeongguk gnaws at his lip is confirmation enough. Taehyung smiles. He'll treasure it forever. His first gift from Jeongguk, and such a splendid one.

The mer sinks back down into the water until only his eyes peek out. And then, like an absolute child, starts blowing bubbles with his mouth and gills. 

The cackle rips out of Taehyung without warning, almost throwing him off the boulder. Who would've thought the mer could be this cute? 

"You're adorable."

Cue more of Jeongguk's bubbles appearing.


Taehyung has to leave the trinket on the boulder when he joins Jeongguk for a swim. He doesn't trust himself to hold onto it the whole time he's swimming, not when Jeongguk is outright glowing today. He can't look away.

But as soon as they take a break on the jut of the sea arch, the mer reveals that yes, he's taken the gemstone for safekeeping, does Taehyung want it back now? yes he does! He gingerly accepts it and studies the swirl pattern some more.


Taehyung squints. Looks at the solid silver necklace around Jeongguk's neck where all those tiny body chains are fastened, at the carved swirl pattern that vaguely resembles waves.

"Did you carve the same pattern for me like on your necklace?"

Jeongguk looks away and blushes once more.

"...Do you not like it?"


"No no, I love it! And that you made me a piece of jewellery that resembles your own makes it even better. It's like I'm bearing a small piece of you with me now." 

Taehyung gives him his brightest smile.

The mer smiles back.

"I'm glad."


That night, sleep doesn't come to Taehyung easily. He lays awake for a long time and looks at the stone. A peridot, if the Internet is to be believed. He wonders how Jeongguk came to it - and if it has a deeper meaning.

Jimin doubtlessly noticed his state of distraction during dinner but didn't comment on it. Which Taehyung is thankful for. His head is full with Jeongguk, and Jeongguk only.


Since their very first meeting he felt oddly at home with the mer, even if it took him a while to put a finger on that feeling. Taehyung has known from the very beginning that he could trust Jeongguk with his life. That he is safe with him.

How ironic, he thinks, how it took him weeks to tell Jimin and Yoongi his real name whereas Jeongguk learnt it on day one.

Because he lives in the sea and wouldn't know the names of famous idols anyway, his more rational part argues.

Taehyung ignores that part in favour for the more romantic explanation: that there's been a special bond between them from the start. (He's a sap, he knows.)

What puts a damper on his mood is the obvious discrepancy between them. The whole 'them being them' thing. With Jeongguk as a miracle born from an impossible love on one side, his very existence mind-blowing. A wonder.

And on the other side, Taehyung. A mere human.

Who could compare?

Taehyung sighs.

Jimin stops by his half-open door and peeks into Taehyung's room.

"Hm? Everything okay?"

The idol smiles wistfully. "It's nothing, don't worry."

Jimin nods and leaves.

Taehyung sighs again . Even in dim moonlight the swirls on his peridot seem to dance. His very own piece of Jeongguk to cherish.

I think I have a crush on you, but sadly I am only a little bug and you are a garden.

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xlmrclnsmnpk 24 streak #1
This sounds really interesting, I will read soon!