
Soulstar - Crashing Waves and Glowing Dreams

Latin | noun

♦The shining surface of the ocean


It takes a few more days for Jeongguk to catch fire and get infected with the undeniable joy of reading. But once he does, he is unstoppable. Like a starved animal that got allowed onto a banquet and is now eating to its heart's content. The speed of Jeongguk's progress is mind-boggling. Wasn't he even able to understand the alphabet two weeks ago, he can now finish a slim book within three days.

Taehyung always has the next volume of the series in his bag, just in case. It's funny, he thinks, how they always build up a routine that doesn't last for more than a few weeks before it changes. First he talked Jeongguk's ears off, then he started reading to him until the mer wanted to learn it himself. And now here they are, Jeongguk devouring book after book with barely any difficulties while Taehyung sits there and watches him.

Jeongguk never complains about it. He lets Taehyung openly stare for however long he wants. Which is more than Taehyung could've asked for.

It is an honour, he decides, to witness the divine beauty of Jeongguk. To watch him laze on the pier with a good part of his tail out of the water. Scales glittering like gemstones in the hues of a mountain forest and the waters of the Caribbean where it's resting on wooden planks before dipping back into the sea.

Taehyung still needs to look up the names of all the different kinds of fins but those upper ones close to the mer's shimmering behind (and what a fine it is, nicely rounded in a way that makes Taehyung bet he wouldn't be able to entirely span it with his hands if he tried) are out of water too, and spread out in soft, translucent ruffles. They make him think of times where people danced beneath giant chandeliers in their most exquisite attire. Look so delicate Taehyung wonders how they can navigate Jeongguk through the waters. But there must be a hidden strength in them no doubt. He doesn't think they're there just for the looks.

And if it comes to Jeongguk, hidden strength seems to be a reoccurring theme anyway. Taehyung can't pinpoint why, it's just a feeling.

An honour, he thinks again, as his eyes slide from the giant fish tail to a strong back and broad shoulders. To all that unblemished skin that's started to gain some colour, and the intricate silver chains twinkling all over it. To the muscular arms that keep shifting minutely whenever the mer turns a page in his book.

What Taehyung can't see much of, is his face. The strong features are either hiding behind a book or long strands of wavy black hair.

A pity, Taehyung laments silently for he thinks the finest sight of everything Jeongguk are his eyes. Big and round and always so expressive. Sometimes they bear a certain kind of sharpness that gives away the predator inside. And they are dark, so, so dark. Taehyung didn't have a chance to get close enough yet but he is sure they are not just dark brown like it's common here. There is some richness to them that doesn't look entirely human.

Bottomless black pits so deep he could very well drown. Only on the rare occasions where the mer doesn't avert his gaze after a second, though. Even weeks and months after their first encounter he is still shy. Still can't bear to hold eye contact for a prolonged time and is never the one to initiate any kind of skinship either.

"...Will she?"

Taehyung's head jerks up.

He scowls at himself for waxing poetry about his friend's appearance. But. He's an artist, and an artist's soul is never on vacation. Sue him.


Jeongguk gives him one of those cocky little grins he has whenever he catches Taehyung daydreaming. It happens. Shy boy who?

"Will Isabel really choose her own success above her children's lives?"

Isabel who?

Oh, right. The book. They're talking about the book now. Yes. Uhm.

Get a grip, idiot!

"I can hardly tell you without taking away the element of surprise, no?"


The mer has the audacity to pout.

Taehyung gapes. He feels attacked. Someone built like Jeongguk shouldn't be able to look cute like that.

Still pouting, Jeongguk goes back to his book, lips straightening out into a thin line of concentration and eyebrows furrowing.

Not even a minute later he has forgotten Taehyung's existence altogether.

It's obvious in the way his eyes fly from side to side and his mouth curls around little gasps with the unfolding drama. Because, spoiler alert, Isabel does not choose her children. Worst mother of the entire series, really.

And Taehyung, he's back to staring to his heart's content. All under the rouse of seeking inspiration for his new album but who is he kidding? The pages in his notebook are still as blank as they were two hours ago when he put it on his lap with the determination to get some writing done. It's not that he's procrastinating by any means. He's just... busy. Preoccupied with ogling that unreal creature in front of him, an unbelievable miracle given flesh and scales.

His friend.

Who could've thought the world holds beauty like this? Maybe he should start praying. Thank whoever is responsible for Jeongguk, and for Taehyung getting the opportunity to meet him.

Jeongguk screeches.


He is clearly distressed. Too caught up in the story. It makes Taehyung wonder just how much of a new world reading is for the mer. How much he's been yearning to delve into unknown waters like that. It also makes him marvel at how well Jeongguk is able to understand foreign concepts as family and blood bonds. Or heritage. Otherwise he wouldn't have that look now.

Taehyung reaches out to pull him in a hug, then falters. Retracts his arm. Jeongguk doesn't like skinship. He has to value that.

"Keep reading," he just urges instead. "It gets better, keep reading."

So Jeongguk does. And Taehyung can get back into his mind again.

His thoughts start to drift off in murky waters then. Linger on questions like where he would be without Jeongguk now, if he would wander the woods around Nakseongdae all by his lonesome self day by day. Or what he's going to do once he has to leave for Seoul and his old life. How he is supposed to cope with the loss of Jeongguk.

Because it would be one, a loss that is. Jeongguk might be the best thing that ever happened to him.

He looks at  the mer again, the sparkling droplets on his scales competing with those riding atop of the little waves in front of them. At least he doesn't shy away from his stares anymore. Doesn't hide away himself in all his gorgeousness.

'Marmoris', Taehyung writes down at the top of the page.

'I open my eyes, and grapple for my treasure box, myriads of gemstones sparkling in blues, greens and whites, and underneath them all there is you...'

His gaze flits to Jeongguk's face and his parted lips as the mer reads through the finale.

'Your breath rolls over my skin like lazy waves, engulfing and submerging me, and underneath them there is you...'

The words keep pouring out of his pen on their own once he started. Jeongguk manages to finish the book before Taehyung is done writing. He can feel Jeongguk's eyes on him but hasn't it in himself to put down the pen just yet. Not when he's pouring himself into what's going to be the first official song of his next album. 

'Underneath it all is you.'

Not when his heart is driving home a truth he wasn't aware of yet.

'You, you, you.'


"What do you wanna read next?" Taehyung has finally closed his notebook and is back to lounging on the pier. Legs in the water and feet idly splashing Jeongguk. The mer has squawked at him at first but by now doesn't even bat an eye at the childish gesture. "Continue with the series or start something new?"

Jeongguk's eyes widen.

"There is more?!"

Taehyung smiles. This adorable boy, really.

"Of course, there are tons more. 'The 39 clues' is only the first series in that universe. There is also the 'Cahills versus Vespers' series, 'Doublecross', 'Unstoppable' and more."

Jeongguk's jaw slackens. And Taehyung with a grin thinks he's got his answer.

"I'll bring you Vespers Rising tomorrow, kay?"

The mer nods quickly. Taehyung's grin widens. He's just happy they have the same taste in books. Which is awesome. He can bring all his favourite books that are way underappreciated by the general public and make Jeongguk a hoe for them. He may be an idol on paper but by night he's mostly a diligent reader. And now he's a man on a mission.

Once they are done with the 39 signs, he is going to introduce Jeongguk to The Mysterious Benedict Society, the works from Neal Shusterman, the Engelsfors trilogy by Mats Strandberg, and so much more. He should make a list. Have read Jeongguk all those books and then they can geek out about them together. Awesome!


"What is it even you do all day on your own?"

Today is bajirak kalguksu time and Jimin has gone all out. He happily slurps away on the noodle soup while waiting for an answer. Taehyung lowkey wonders how the fisherman has the energy to cook dinner like that when he has to get up at o' clock everyday. Is there a secret to it? Is it witchcraft? Can he learn that too?

Jimin is still innocently looking at him. His question however, is anything but innocent. Taehyung decides to ignore it for now and shove in another big bite of food. Maybe it'll work.

By now he should know better than to think Jimin is one to give up easily. 

"Taehyung-ah? Did you hear me?"


Taehyung makes a show of chewing and swallowing slowly.

"What do you do everyday?"

"...Uhm." He remembers the promise he made to Jeongguk. Their pinky-oath. "Uh, nothing big, really. Going for... a stroll here and there, I guess...Just the usual, you know?"

Jimin hums. Yoongi keeps eating as if there is no conversation happening whatsoever.

"You should join me for a day. Get the real sea life experience in ultra HD," the fisherman suggests grinning. Seem like he planned to bring it up for awhile and is very excited about it. "Besides, I wouldn't mind seeing someone else than my uncle and his friends on deck for once."

Taehyung mulls it over. He doesn't have anything against the idea per se, but.

"Let's assume I say yes. Then I had to get up for that little adventure, when exactly?"

Jimin inhales his last noodles and the soup around his mouth away.

"I mean, I usually have to get up at four, so."

"Okay yeah no, not happening."

His landlord laughs at him. Taehyung turns away.

"Dude, you are on vacation for who knows long, you can catch up on sleep anytime. Live a little when you're already here, will ya?"

Taehyung huffs.


The next morning he joins Jimin and they have breakfast together, Taehyung in all his grumpy half-awake glory. Jimin snickers the whole time. He stops snickering the moment they get to the trawler and Taehyung takes one look at the bold letters and folds in two.

Jimin's uncle might be an uncle but he definitely is also a dad with that kind of humour.

"Real- really?! High C's? Are you for real? Your trawler is named High C's? Oh god..."

He's wheezing.

"Don't," Jimin hisses, "mention the pun to my uncle if you want all of us to survive and not face five hours of terrible jokes."

Taehyung doesn't promise anything, just clutches at his sides. Damn, he sure is out of shape when a little bit of laughing gets him winded like that. Maybe he should pick up his workout routine.

On the other hand... nah.

A weathered man in his fifties is already awaiting them on deck, crew scuttling around behind him. The resemblance to Jimin is almost uncanny. Rather than uncle he could very well be his dad.

"Oi, time te get on board princess, we don' have all day!"

Taehyung mumbles a timid Yessir and scurries after Jimin.

This is gonna be a long day.


Honestly, 'long day' doesn't even cover a fraction of it. They might've been only a few hours on that trawler but Taehyung swears he aged at least three years during his time there. He thought fishing is a serene sport and supposed to be idle and all that. But this... this is madness. He has no idea how much fish Jimin and his uncle are hauling but surely it must be tons, right?

People are running around. Every now and then something is shouted but most of the time the crew works in tandem with the practised ease of spending years together. Taehyung's search for a safe spot has taken a while. First he thought he'd be okay next to the cabin but then people were running around there too. He moved to the railing then, which was even worse.

And which may or may not be the reason he's finding himself mid-plunge overboard now. He didn't even see the guy bumping into him before it was too late. And now, when he's just this close to take an involuntary dive, Taehyung can't help but think there are way worse things that could happen to him. It's not like he's afraid of the sea. Or of falling to his death.

The crew, however, seems to disagree. The very moment more than half of Taehyung's body is leaning over dark blue water, the guy who ran into him is screaming man overboard. He's still falling when he can see bodies lining the railing and the whole crew staring at him in pure undulated horror. Huge round eyes up and down the ship.

What a funny view, Taehyung thinks.

Then his back hits the water.

The world goes dark for a few seconds, and wet and endless. And while his body is reeling to distinguish up from down, his mind gives a short joyous squeal. It's by far not how he imagined it, but he's finally taking a dip in the sea!

Moments of happiness like these are known to not last long, though. As soon as Taehyung breaks through the water surface, the joy is snuffed out in an instant as he beholds the crew scrambling to get him back. A ring buoy has been thrown his way, people are running around again but this time a lot less controlled and a lot more panicky.

One of the lads takes a hold of Jimin who lowers himself off the trawler to reach out for Taehyung. (As if they hadn't thrown that ring buoy thingy with a rope after him already.) Either way, the fishermen are loosing their heads. Hysterical shouts, loud clatters and, to put it simply, chaos reigns on deck.

Getting back onto the trawler turns into a matter of less than five minutes. Yet even when Taehyung is back on board, the crew is still horrified. Jimin's uncle orders their immediate return to Nakseongdae. Nobody questions it or seems even a tad bit surprised. Just follow that routine only they know, to haul back into the harbour.

Taehyung watches from his little corner where he's bundled up in a thick blanket.


The city boy fell into the water and they act as if they're all going to die.

Every five minutes or so Jimin drops his tasks to rush over and pull him into a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you survived!"

"It wasn't even that bad. I fell like, three metres. It's just water, chill out a bit."


Forever confused, he turns his head to the sea. And for a moment thinks he can see a familiar shadow in the water.


"Seriously, you could have died."

Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"Uhm, I can swim?"

They're back in Nakseongdae and it's lunchtime. Jimin is sitting next to him on a jetty and sharing his sandwiches with Taehyung. Based on everybody's reaction, they've been back much earlier than usual. The townspeople have been worried instantly but Jimin's uncle said a few strict words that made no sense whatsoever to Taehyung and that was that.

Jimin hasn't been smiling ever since Taehyung went overboard. Which is a rare sight in itself.

And also unnecessarily dramatic.

"It's not about that," he keeps insisting. "You don't understand."

Which, true.

How is he supposed to understand a damn thing when no one bothers to explain anything to him?

Did he try asking Jimin? And his uncle (who weirdly enough is named Park Jimin too, which made Taehyung wonder if his friend got named after his uncle and if so, why, to which he just got a 'Please never talk about it again'), and that San dude, and Wooyoung, and a few other crew members? Yes. But did a single one of them give the slightest hint of an answer? N to the ing O.

And that's why they are having the same conversation since at least half an hour. In fifty shades of "I'm so glad you're alive." - "Well, duh." - "No, you don't get it.", just with different variations.

So darn frustrating.


Jeongguk greets him with a somber expression this afternoon. Taehyung huffs. Look at that. Another guy who refuses to smile at him today. Not that the mer usually is a beacon of sunshine or something, but still. The whole thing starts to seriously get on Taehyung's nerves.

"You fell," Jeongguk says instead of a greeting.

Taehyung nods. That answers at least one question of the day. 

"So it was you who I saw."

Jeongguk's mouth presses into a thin line. Oops. Too direct, then.

The question is, why does Jeongguk look at him like he's some kind of escaped criminal?

No. Wait. Could he be-

"Were you worried about me?"

Taehyung catches sight of the mer's eyes widening before he turns away. He gapes. What? He was... actually right? 

No, no way. That can't possibly be it. 


Before Taehyung's brain can start to seriously hurt from thinking this outrageous possibility through, he better tries an easier question. Or so he hopes.

"Uh. How did you know I fell anyway?"

Jeongguk doesn't even budge.

...Wrong question again?

Nevertheless, Taehyung waits a few minutes without adding anything else. Grills the mer in his own stew, so to say. Or more like, gives him the time he needs to answer. Yeah, if he thinks about it like that it sounds a lot more nice.

And the best thing is, it works.

Jeongguk doesn't turn around to talk to him, but still.

"...I felt you."


He what now?

What does that even mean?

And okay, maybe Taehyung has been on a dry spell for a little while. Ever since signing the idol contract, to be honest. So - he does some quick math - for a bit more than eight years. Hm. That's not exactly 'a little bit'. How long does it take to reach satori from abstinence? Is he halfway there yet? Wait, does it even work that way?

Either way, maybe that line of Jeongguk had Taehyung's thoughts go in a not so innocent direction.

I felt you.

Gosh, he wishes. With these muscles and everything. Jeongguk is everybody's wet dream. 


Something like that is never going to happen. 

Taehyung slaps himself. The sting is just enough to bring his thoughts back onto the right track. And finally Jeongguk turns around and looks at him.

"What are you doing?"


Jeongguk squints. "Are you mad because you don't understand?"

"I, no, that's not it..."

"I know it'll sound weird for you, that's why I didn't want to elaborate at first."

Taehyung waves his hands, not really getting where all of this is going. "And you don't have to, it's okay-"

"It's just, I don't really know how to explain it to you. Because, I mean. When a human walks around in your forest you can't feel his every step, can you?"

"I, uhm." Taehyung starts. "No?"

Jeongguk nods and leaves it at that. Which opens a new array to tons of more questions Taehyung has, but most importantly-

"Wait, does that mean you felt it when I fell from the trawler?! Is that possible? How far away have you even been?"

It's enough to have the mer blush. Which in itself is the most adorable sight. Taehyung wants to coo but doesn't dare.

"I... yes. I feel everything in the water."

The way it's said as a shy admission does not fit the mind-numbing truth Jeongguk just flung at him. The wonder. The possibilities. He leans forward and for once, Jeongguk doesn't react fast enough and stays put, so that their noses are almost touching.

"That's so freaking cool!"



That's so freaking cool!

Taehyung's eyes are wide, his words filled with excitement and this familiar warm broad smile makes an appearance. It's easily one of Jeongguk's favourite sights.

And clearly a situation where he doesn't know what to do with himself. As so often when it comes to Taehyung. So Jeongguk does the next-best thing he can think of to divert the human's attention from himself and yet another merfolk secret he just revealed, and asks for the book. Watches the human rummaging through his ever-present bag until he finds it and hands it over to him.

For a while Jeongguk just pretends to read and hopes Taehyung doesn't notice. He mulls over what he just said. Surely there is no way Taehyung has grasped the depth of that information, right? He's worried about that, not only because of what it means for merfolk when Taehyung does understand, but also because he's not sure if the knowledge could endanger the human in some ways.

Not all humans are kind and open-minded the way Taehyung is. And  if they find out he knows more than the average fisherman about merfolk - what would they be capable of doing to him?

Time to drive across a point.

"Taehyung," Jeongguk says with his most serious voice as he stops pretending to read, "you can't tell anyone. You know this, right?"

The human furrows his eyebrows but nods. "Yeah, of course. I promised not to tell anyone."

Jeongguk hums. "Good. Just... remember. Nobody can know. It's dangerous."

"Dangerous how?"

The mer lets a bit of the centuries-old being he is show as he answers. "Don't you know? Humans can be vile."

Again Taehyung's eyes widen but with a vastly different emotion than before. A grim expression flits over his face before it settles in understanding. Jeongguk thinks he may have revealed too much of his hand once more.

"You don't have to fear anything from me," Taehyung vows. Says it with enough determination to make Jeongguk smile.

"It's not you I'm afraid of."

Not anymore.

Not ever again.

But these words, too, are better left unsaid.


They have reached the height of summer, where days are long and nights but a short blink of time. Which means there is a lot of daylight Jeongguk can use to read in his cave. Sure, reading at night works too. He lived in the deepest part of the ocean for a while and knows his eyes can adapt to darkness if need be. But daylight has always been more comfortable.

So he makes good use of the light and the fact he needs little to no sleep, to practice reading. Out loud. Not because he can't read in silence, but. It's just something, anything to make his teacher proud. He wants to read Taehyung stories just the way he did.

And yes, maybe deep down he knows he's not only doing it as form of repayment. That his motivation is more than mere gratitude.

What a funny world.

Despite him never planning to befriend a human let alone grow affectionate past that, it seems that's exactly what's happening now. He is in a free fall for Taehyung. Probably has been for a while now. And it's a scary thing. Because, Jeongguk doesn't dare acting on it. Doesn't dare recognising and intensifying their bond to a point past return for he knows it wouldn't go well.

Knows what Taehyung thinks of him, why he keeps looking at him the way he does. For the human, he is a pretty thing. Something to admire but not to cherish. What Taehyung sees is his tail, his inhumane appearance - admittedly something Jeongguk prides himself to be quite the sight indeed. Seokjin has complimented him often enough for it, and some other mers he met over the decades too. He sees Jeongguk the mer.

But what he doesn't see, what would make the definite heartbreak all too hurtful, is Jeongguk the person.

So Jeongguk refuses to give in. There is no point in trying when Taehyung can't see all of him.Nno matter how much he wants to.

Even so, there are other things aside from his heart he can give Taehyung. Wants to, no matter the human will never grasp how deep it all runs for Jeongguk. 

And aside from being a good student and progressively getting over himself with his apprehension of human proximity, what Jeongguk can do is share another secret. Nothing big for merfolk in general and not even for him, but for the human it might be. He can show Taehyung a hidden spot even the locals don't know. Where they are truly for themselves in the best sense of it and he doesn't have to be on edge about fishermen storming the pier and attacking him every moment.

Tomorrow, he'll show Taehyung tomorrow.

If he wants.

If he trusts Jeongguk enough to follow him.



At dinner, Jimin is still going on and on about how Taehyung could have died and how he'll never take him to the sea ever again. He also exchanges a grim 'Has everyone been warned yet' with Yoongi to which the other just nods.

But, honestly? Taehyung sits there, let's him talk and it goes in one ear and out the other. He's got more important things to worry about than his apparently just barely evaded death. Like the fact that Jeongguk must've been coming for him at break-neck speed.

Or the revelation how he can feel everything in the water, because holy ! How awesome is that? And how does it work exactly? Does he have like, a thousand invisible feelers floating around, or is it more like a sonar, or does it work because of vibrations? And how far does that control - is it control or more like sensing - reach exactly? Can Jeongguk feel what's happening at the Korean west coast? Can he tell when Taehyung so much as dips his big toe in the water?

He's got a myriad of questions and once more no chance to ask. The way Jeongguk's eyes have shuttered were a clear sign. Probing wouldn't get him anywhere.

"You're so lucky you are not dead yet," Jimin says for the twentieth time or so.

Yet all Taehyung can think about is Jeongguk.


The next day Taehyung is not greeted by grabby hands demanding a book to read. But by Jeongguk still in the water, head tilted back to look at him and asking,

"How long can you hold your breath?"

Which, good morning to you too, he guesses.

"I have a very long breath," he declares proudly.

Generally true. As an idol he needs to have a long breath, especially as soloist performing long shows all on his own. Except, he is on vacation. And hasn't been training for a while. But surely his ability to hold his breath hasn't dwindled into nothingness yet, right?

Begrudgingly Taehyung makes a little correction. 

"I have a longer breath than Hobi-hyung."

A statement that's admittedly more impressive to people who know Hoseok, but well.

Jeongguk nods. "Can you hold your breath for a minute?"

"Last time I checked, yes."

Another nod.

"And... do you trust me?"

Taehyung has to push down the urge to laugh. What an honest to God stupid question. 

Wasn't that- isn't it obvious?

"Of course I do!"

Jeongguk turns away bashfully and gnaws on his lip. Looks every bit of an insecure young lad. Taehyung thinks he can feel his heart double in size.

The mer sounds as hesitant as he looks when he asks, "Then, can I... I mean would it be okay- can I show you something? A place?"

"Do you even have to ask?"

Because Taehyung, he would probably follow the mer everywhere. It's a truth that comes to him fast and easy and brings a certain sense of clarity with it. Taehyung has no clue what the other is planning yet he trusts Jeongguk with his life.

Which in itself must be a sign. He's always been easy to trust and believe in the best within people, but not to that extent. Just another facet of their relationship, another unique little thing he wants to treasure.

The little smile on Jeongguk's face is a slow thing to show, nothing more than a mere twitch of his lips at first. Then, before it has bloomed into its full glory, the world spins and Taehyung has a split-second to open his mouth for a big breath before he's pulled into the water with his clothes, bag and all.

He squints against the salty water and for a moment doesn't even register the hand pressing down onto his mouth and nose. And then the world spins again, but also not, there is a push and pull at him, like wind - no, water - tugging at his limbs while simultaneously pressing them close to his body. The water and the sheer speed of something (of them?) stings terribly enough in his eyes to squeeze them shut.

Taehyung has lost all sense of orientation. He just knows that they are moving, and at an incredible speed at that. Has the vague sense of something constantly going down like a mighty boom next to them. Is that Jeongguk's tail?

He can't be sure. So he keeps his eyes shut, concentrates on holding his breath and tries to count the seconds as way of distraction from whatever the is happening. Prays Jeongguk won't let go of him where he's got a strong arm wrapped around Taehyung's waist.

Things go dark, then blinding light and the next moment they are breaching the water surface together.

Through greedy gasps for breath - there is no way they've been underwater for a whole minute but he's been caught off guard, okay - Taehyung takes in their surroundings. Steep cliffs even higher than those around Nakseongdae encircle a small bay. There is nothing there except for an actual beach that gets cut off by the tall rocks rising into the sky. On the left side there is a beautiful sea arch and closer to the beach there are also some rocks of various sizes scattered in the water, surfaces smooth from centuries of waves polishing them.

Not a sign of humanity.

Again the feeling of motion tugs at him but this time much more subdued. Jeongguk is gentle as he manoeuvres them closer to the beach and over to one of the rocks. Tender almost, in the way he lifts Taehyung's entire soaking form out of the water and onto flat stone.

It's only once he lets go and Taehyung has to scramble for a proper hold on the rock does he come to realise just how close they've been. How he's essentially been pressed into Jeongguk's chest with nothing but a flimsy shirt as barrier. He wonders what it took from the mer to touch him like that. Marvels at the first contact Jeongguk initiated.

"You didn't faint." Jeongguk notes where he went over to a smaller rock and hugs it with both arms to stay afloat.

Taehyung grins. 

"Told you I got a long breath."

A hum is his answer and Taehyung watches the gills fluttering with it. Wants to touch them and feel the vibration against his fingers. 

But first things first.

"What is this place? Where are we?"

Jeongguk purses his lips, looks around once, then his head.

"...Do you like it?"

"I, yeah, it's beautiful."

Not a lie. This bay is like a tiny secret paradise. It makes Taehyung want to live in the wild, with no one but seasons and the weather being his master. Maybe one day, or in a parallel universe...

He shakes his head, looks back at Jeongguk.

"Really. Thank you for showing me."

That timid smile is back before Jeongguk lets go of his rock and sinks into the water to start swimming some laps in the bay. Leaving Taehyung on his own to take in the serene scenery or make his way over to the beach. He does both, in exactly that order, as soon as he notes the water is shallow enough for him to walk where Jeongguk let him off.

Another asset of this place: there are barely any algae. Taehyung has been to beaches that looked nice at first view but nasty at second with carpets of algae close to the shore. But this one here is clean, only pristine turquoise water and golden sand and greyish rocks.

Once he reaches the beach and he's done a fair amount of digging his toes into toasty warm sand, Taehyung makes to get out of his soaked clothes - starting with his bag. And only then remembers the book inside. . He  in a sharp breath, then opens and upturns the whole thing. Two apples, a bottle, a plastic bag with more food, three ballpoint pens, his notebook and Vespers Rising tumble into the sand. 

The corners of his notebook are soaked but it has only affected a handful of scribbled-down lyrics. And the book, miraculously is as good as dry. At the top the pages start to curl from dampness but that's all. Somehow his lunch pack must've blocked out most of the water. Taehyung sends a little Thank You to heaven and sets the book next to him. It's probably better off here than inside his dripping bag. Good thing he didn't bring his phone, or they might've gotten electrocuted.

He gulps.

Oh god. Next time they have to plan this whole thing better.

...Will there even be a next time? He hopes so.

After the initial shock, Taehyung remembers his original intention. He unceremoniously strips, lays his clothes out to dry, then stretches and flops down on the beach. Jeongguk is still happily swimming around in the secluded bay. A save sign that there are no other humans around. Taehyung watches him from his spot. It'll easily become his new favourite hobby.

He can see Jeongguk dipping under with majestic arches of his big tail as it breaks the water surface before being submerged once more. Demanding his undivided attention without calling for it. For once Jeongguk is being at complete ease with his surroundings. Free. Taehyung has never seen him like that before. Even when Jeongguk became more relaxed around him he never let his guard down, not like that.

He is just like an animal now. Like a young stallion that gets to leave the stables for the first time in a long while and bounds over the paddock without a care in the world.

Just as he thinks it, there is a loud splash and Taehyung watches Jeongguk jumping high out of the water and doing a flip, then falling down with a splash. His form is beautiful. For a moment he created an almost perfect circle, back bent in a deep arch and hands reaching out to touch his fins. 

Merman bagel, a tiny part of Taehyung thinks. The bigger part is stunned into silence and busy letting Taehyung's jaw drop to the floor.

What the .

Jeongguk can do things like that?! Just how high did he jump now? That was more than two metres above water, right? Is that normal?

What the .

Taehyung wants to see it again and again.

The mer keeps swimming around and doing tricks. He doesn't seem to get tired. Taehyung watches him in a trance. He doubts he could avert his eyes if he wanted to. Not with how gorgeous Jeongguk is when he's being in his element.

Even a blind man could see how much he loves the sea and the sea loves him back. Taehyung is a lucky man getting to witness all that.

Jeongguk stops eventually and makes his way over to one of the rocks close to the beach. But Taehyung can still see him leaping high into the air, like an afterimage. He has no doubt what he'll dream about tonight.

The mer signals him to come over, so Taehyung does. He barely notices the smile that refuses to leave his face. Jeongguk swims with such joy it's highly contagious. And awe-inspiring. 

The water laps at his feet, then his calves and soon his thighs as he takes step after step on the soft sand. Jeongguk tilts his head and watches him coming closer with burning gaze. Belatedly Taehyung wonders if his is a problem for the mer. He probably hasn't seen a human before. But once Taehyung reaches him, Jeongguk doesn't comment on it. 

Just asks, "Do you want to go on a swim together?"


Yes, yes, yes.

Taehyung grins so hard it hurts. 


Swimming with Jeongguk is an unreal experience.

His huge fins keep brushing against Taehyung. It almost feels like gentle kisses on his skin.

A few times the mer swims ahead and then waits for Taehyung to catch up, which gives him finally the opportunity to watch his fins working in the water from up close. It looks just the way he imagined it, like curtains fluttering in a summer breeze. But prettier. Graceful and fragile yet with an undeniable strength to them. The colour gradient of them - a dark inky greenish blue close to the tail morphing into a pale shade of teal towards the end - makes it look like they partially disappear with each shift. Some part of them always matches the colour of the sea, turning them invisible before they reappear with the next movement. It's like watching magic happen.

Taehyung swallows a bit of sea water twice because he is too busy staring.

Jeongguk notices and has them swimming back to the shore soon. He keeps looking over his shoulder with a worried expression. Taehyung follows him and silently curses his own stupidity for cutting their swim short.

Once back to the beach, Taehyung fetches the book and then makes his way to a large boulder a bit further in the water, skipping from stone to stone to get there.

But as he wants to hand it to Jeongguk, the mer declines.

"Can you read for me today?"

Taehyung eyes him a little confused. "Hm? Why?"

"...You're better at it."

Well. He doesn't get it but if Jeongguk asks him that nicely, how could he say no? So he gets comfortable laying on his belly and enjoying the sun on his bare skin, and starts reading.

"Alright. Vespers Rising, by Rick Riordan, Peter Lerangis, Gordon Korman, and Jude Watson. 'Damien Vesper didn’t plan on killing anyone today'..."

Jeongguk tucks his hands under his chin, head lolling to the side, and closes his eyes as he listens. When Taehyung's eyes flicker up from the page he can see a faint smile playing around the mer's lips. He gulps.


He wants to see Jeongguk smiling more.


They watch the sun painting the summer sky in vibrant colours before it begins to set. No sooner does Jeongguk bring back Taehyung the same way the came. And this time Taehyung is prepared. He takes a deep breath that easily lasts him for their speedy trip. An egoistic part of him wishes it wouldn't be a hand Jeongguk uses to seal off his nose and mouth. He shakes off the silly thought.

As the mer retreats for the evening, Taehyung stays at the pier and watches after him. That close to town Jeongguk is quick to disappear into the water and out of sight. But the pictures are deeply rooted in Taehyung's mind. Even if he doesn't get a second chance to see the mer acting that carefree, he won't forget.

"You are like a wonderful melody I can't get out of my head," he murmurs.

Gets up and hurries to be on time for dinner.

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xlmrclnsmnpk 24 streak #1
This sounds really interesting, I will read soon!