
Soulstar - Crashing Waves and Glowing Dreams

Latin | noun

♦ sunset , west; setting; fall, ruin



Late that night, Jeongguk begrudgingly takes Taehyung back to that forsaken village. On their way he has to grasp Taehyung tightly - not that he minds, he actually revels in it - because the human is clutching the star piece to his chest and refuses to let go of it for even one moment. When Jeongguk offers to carry it and Taehyung vehemently shakes his head, pouts, cradles the splinter closer to him and declares that he'll be the one to take care of it from now on, the mer just smiles. Lets him hold onto it however tightly he wishes.

And is now looking for a way to get Taehyung to the scornful fisherman's house safely.


Maybe he'll he sneaky tonight.

Show the villagers a bit of his hand.

But, ah, it is a risk he has to calculate well. Because the villagers would notice - of course they would. Would question the strange phenomenon and count one and one together that it is his doing. A mer's doing.

Should he-

Should he really? For decades, Nakseongdae had no proof of him actually being here. To risk the ceasefire for a single human he met not even a year ago... Seokjin would call it madness. Would berate him for being reckless, for risking the fragile security he has. And Namjoon? What would he say? Would he say anything at all, or just hover behind his partner with a knowing little smile that the pink-tailed and so deeply scarred mer wouldn't see? Jeongguk can't go and ask him. Doesn't dare to leave Taehyung unprotected in a village full of people who want to see Jeongguk dead, and are ready to do he doesn't know what in order to accomplish it. Maybe even use Taehyung in whatever way is advantageous to them. 

No, no way can he leave now.

Maybe just a little bit of careful supervision will be alright. Just enough to keep an eye on things, at least until Taehyung gets inside.


After a while of the two of them just floating in front of the cliff, Taehyung notices his restlessness, his pondering.

"You are silent," he quips. Gives him a searching look and gently cups the mer's cheek in his palm, fingers of his other hand splaying wide around the star splinter to keep it secure.

Jeongguk flutters his eyes shut. Turns his head, and presses a kiss onto Taehyung's wrist. 

"I only want you to be safe."

Taehyung his head. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Jeongguk doesn't deign to answer.

Instead, he lifts the two of them up the very same cliff Taehyung climbed down earlier that day. Pushes through the painful shift as soon as the massive wave sets them down on the cliff's peak, forces the change quick and unforgiving within mere seconds, so he lands on his now familiar feet where fins have been moments ago. The crown of that very wave accompanies them at the mer's silent order.

They quietly make it through the nightly forest. Jeongguk keenly listens for any rustle, any traitorous sound a predator from the woods could make. He does not know much about the dangers on land. About what lives here that could be a threat to Taehyung's life - and maybe even cash in a few good strikes against Jeongguk himself.

Every time he switches his glorious tail for legs, he feels a serious lack of his powers. Feels the sea not answering to him as keenly as it usually does. He has grown accustomed to that sense of vulnerability. Yet tonight, every part of him is on edge. Night has never been a particularly risky time of the day for Jeongguk. For humans, however - for Taehyung - he knows it's different.

His fingertips tingle as he calls the water mass floating behind them even closer. Wants it near in case he needs it.

Every sense sharpened, he walks beside Taehyung as silently as possible with the floor covered in dead leaves. Slips his fingers into Taehyung's, and squeezes.


It turns out that his worry was ungrounded. Their trek through the forest is not interrupted by any unpleasant surprises. They arrive safely at the outskirts of Nakseongdae.

As soon as lights peak through the thinning tree line,  Jeongguk halts. Doesn't dare getting any closer than this.

He could, of course, easily stand his ground against the villagers - especially once he reunites with the sea. But it would be no pleasant encounter, filled with bloodshed and brutality. Jeongguk selfishly doesn't want Taehyung to see him like that.

"I'll keep an eye on you," he promises Taehyung. Kisses his forehead, cheeks and mouth, then lifts Taehyung's knuckles to his lips. Jeongguk has never liked farewells.

Taehyung steals another kiss from him, and nods.

"How do I meet you tomorrow?"

The following words sear through Jeongguk's throat like bile. It is an effort to say them.  

"You don't."

Understandably, Taehyung's eyes go wide at that. The mer hurries to explain, to dispel his worries, carding a hand through his pretty hair. 

"Wait for me, just for one day. Then I'll have a stairwell ready for you on the other cliffs."


He hums. "I'll build it the next two nights. When you walk on top of that cliff, keep a lookout for seven rocks that form a tight circle in the break, and two stone needles left to it. I'll build the stairs right into the stone there, and wait for you on the day after tomorrow."

Taehyung nods along with each point, his lower lip adorably stuck between his teeth as he listens in concentration. Jeongguk's chest fills with liquid warmth. And because he can - he loves it - he peppers the human's face with another round of kisses. Covers it so thoroughly with cute little pecks that Taehyung inevitably begins to giggle and squirm in his grasp.

"I'll see you in two days, then," Taehyung promises. Curls a lose strand of Jeongguk's ink black hair around a finger and watches as it slides off.

For a moment, Jeongguk slips away. Remembers how exactly the long braid Taehyung had made came undone not too long ago - how blissed out Taehyung had looked while riding him, how he kept threading his hands into Jeongguk's hair and tugged each time the mer ground up into him. Heat flares low in his guts.

One look past the trees is enough to extinguish it.

Getting back to their hushed conversation, Jeongguk repeats Taehyung's words. "I'll see you in two days, little star." down Taehyung's arm with the back of his claw, lingers at his wrist before entwining their fingers again for a short moment and giving them a good squeeze. Then he lets go. He can't postpone their parting any longer. Taehyung's feet are already turned towards the village. And no matter what Taehyung says, how much he denies it, Jeongguk knows he doesn't like to come back late and cash in a scolding. So he opens his hand. Lets Taehyung's fingers glide through his like sand on the beach, and wishes him sweet dreams.

As soon as Taehyung has to turn his back to him, the mer crooks a finger, beckoning the water mass over. The small piece of sea he carved out of the ocean's vast body listens easily. Floats over to him until it too weaves through his grasp. Half a thought has every drop he touches turn into mist. The blob dispels into a cloud, then thins out until it is barely more than a veil - so faint it is hardly visible yet the wetness still clings to everything. Bedewing skin, stone, and everything in between.

A subtle gesture has the sea mist float downhill and trail after Taehyung. It doesn't take long for the haze to catch up and engulf him.

Once it does, Jeongguk turns on his heels. Makes his way back to a cliff's edge not visible from Nakseongdae with swift steps, eager to reunite with the sea. To get back his real form and claim the tremendous powers he usually calls his own. Yet his focus never falters. Through the fog, he keeps watching Taehyung. Sends it into all the hidden corners and back streets to look out for ambushes.

It should be thin enough not to raise any alarm with the locals. With how wide he spread it, most of the fishermen shouldn't be even able to tell it is there at all. Or, to see it moving. See it creeping up the streets and following Taehyung like a shadow.

He furrows his brows in concentration as he jumps into the night sea from the cliff's peak, mental grip on the mist tightening. Keeps frowning when his tail rightfully returns with the same searing pain as always, lips curled back into a slight snarl.

Only once Taehyung enters a house without anything happening to him before does he let out a breath he hasn't realised he was holding. The tension doesn't completely vanish, however. For the inside of that house is out of Jeongguk's reach.

A faint feeling of uneasiness settles in his stomach.

He has no doubt it'll stay there until they meet again in two days.

Jeongguk detests having to let Taehyung go to those fishermen. But there is really not much he can do about it, can he? So he'll have to wait. Sit it out, and in the meanwhile do his very best to keep true to his word and provide his little star with a safe way to get into the water. Humans are so frail, after all. The very thought of Taehyung bare-handedly climbing down the cliff another time makes Jeongguk's guts churn.

With swift beats of his tail, he swims a wide berth around Nakseongdae's bay to its other side, and, fingertips tingling until they go numb, gets to work.




Jimin looks out of the window and squints at the fog. Scowls, as he keeps watching how it sneaks down the street against all physical laws. 

...Should he raise the alarm? Or is it too soon?

But Taehyung hasn't come back yet...

He gnaws on his lip as he contemplates the ins and outs of it.

Next to him, Yoongi snores gently, head rested on his shoulder. If he were awake, he'd surely call him out for overreacting. For being too superstitious, too suspicious of every little thing. He doesn't understand that all Jimin wants is to keep all of them safe. It's been the cause of quite a handful of arguments between them over the years. At some point, his boyfriend stopped fighting him about it. But whenever Jimin 'goes all mad about those fairy tales' as Yoongi likes to call it, the older would get that judging look that has Jimin pout and think about whether he wants to be stubborn or not.

(In most cases, the answer is yes. Yoongi can be disappointed in him or refuse to understand him all he wants, this is about everybody's safety. Jimin is not going to risk his entire hometown just because his other half likes to take things a little less seriously.)

After a few more minutes, Jimin carefully pushes him off and goes to grab the harpoon.


Taehyung eyes the weapon Jimin brandishes when he steps through the door at last.

"This is really taking overhand, dude."

Jimin, mouth pressed into a thin line, lowers his harpoon and offers no explanation. How should he get his point across to a world star who knows nothing about what it means to live with the sea? Who has no idea what happens when he as much as dips a toe into the water?  No, there is nothing left to say for him, really, except a snarly welcome.

"You are late."

The idol scratches his neck but is missing a convincing apologetic look on his face. Obviously he doesn't regret coming home in the middle of the night.


They'll have word about.

But, like, tomorrow. Because when Jimin looks a little closer at him, he can see Taehyung's slumped shoulders and the way he keeps squeezing his eyes shut before blinking them open again. Dude is dead on his feet.

So Jimin for the nth time swallows down his words and just steps aside to let him in. Puts his harpoon away - not too far, should he need it - and trudges over into the kitchen to warm up some milk as late night drink for the poor guy.


The next time he walks past a window and glances outside, the fog is gone.

Jimin's grip around the cup of milk tightens and he clenches his teeth.

This is not normal. They'll have to be on guard. Tomorrow, he'll tell the others tomorrow. Before things get out of hand.




Taehyung pulls himself out of dreamland with a deep, gritty groan. He doesn't have to move a single muscle to remember what he's been doing yesterday. His entire backside aches. Grunting, he shifts onto his side. Lifts a hand and rubs at his lower back, at his bum. As close to the burn as he can get.

Damn, it surely has been a while.

Not that he's complaining, he wouldn't have it any other way.

But maybe he'll need a nice, long, hot bath today. And pamper himself a little bit. 

And then there is that other thought nagging him. The oddity that his Jeonggukkie is even able to entertain the idea of him singing love songs like that for anyone but the mer.

This won't do.

It makes his competitive side stir awake - the same one that used to keep him in the recording booth until everything was perfect, kept him training until he could hit those high notes live without trouble, and made him workout in the middle of summer just so he could impress a certain someone.

He'll prove Jeongguk the truth. Will google "Kim Taehyung idol", present the mer an official list of all the songs he's ever written, and then sing them. Each single one of them.

Determination charges through him. Wakes him up proper and lets the literal pain in his fade into the background as Taehyung gets into the familiar mindset he also uses whenever he prepares for a tour. That mixture of nostalgia, perfectionism, anticipation and a few other things when he goes through his set list, recalling his old songs.

Yeah. That's right. Idol Kim Taehyung will make a short, secret comeback. And there will be exactly one person to ever know. He grins. Keeping that thought, he hops out of bed, stretches himself, and marches down the stairs.

There is a lot to do.


"...And then he almost poked my nose with one of those things whalers use, and I was like, you really have to tone it down a notch, dude. 'Cause that's not the kind of greeting I wanna get used to when I come back, you know?"

Next to him, Jeongguk nods against his shoulder where he sits pressed into Taehyung's side. He just finished his round of lighting all the wicks in the cave in broad daylight, and now has one of his brand-new books resting in his lap, together with Taehyung's left hand that he clasped into his and tugged towards him.

It hasn't been since long that they arrived in the cave mansion. Because maybe, perhaps, Taehyung has walked past the stairs hewn straight into the cliff for a total of six times. The mer sure has taken the word camouflage to a new level. But it had worked in the end. After Taehyung's aimless wandering in that foreign part of the forest, once he found the stairs, the descent was incomparably easier than doing some involuntary rock climbing. Took him only five minutes instead of over an hour. And with that ring of rocks thrown into the sea, they could also check out the visible cover part on their Required Features For A New Meeting Location Listtm. Behind that neat line of stones, Jeongguk's head poking out of the water could only be seen by Taehyung. (Of course, the whole matter of sneakiness would become pointless if a ship ever passed by and saw Taehyung climbing down the cliff to then never be seen again.  But in general, the idea was great.) It was a good plan. 10/10 would recommend.

As soon as they've safely arrived at the cave, Taehyung had poured both of them a big cup of hot chocolate from the thermos flask he snatched out of his landlords' kitchen this morning and put way too many marshmallows on top. A little sceptical, the mer had speared one of the floating sugar goodnesses on a perfectly manicured star night fingernail. Then watched it melt and run down his finger until his entire hand and wrist were sticky.

Taehyung had volunteered to it off for him, and learnt the hard way to be careful with putting his tongue close to the mer's sharp claws. After a little bit of panic when during their next kiss Jeongguk could taste blood in Taehyung's mouth, they'd calmed down enough to pick up their thread of small talk. Which maybe was the wrong name for it, considering how many in-depth questions the mer asked Taehyung as he wanted to know how he spent their one day apart. It was utterly endearing though, and Taehyung was positively gone for it.

So now here they are, snuggled against each other while the sheer curtains billow rather violently between the pillars and Taehyung keeps talking about everything Jeongguk has missed. They gaze onto the open sea together, where dark clouds gather at the horizon. Behind and next to them, several dozen small flames flicker in the wind. The blue fabric panels Jeongguk hung on the ceiling snap against bare stone ever so often. Taehyung can't help thinking of some good spanking whenever that particular sound echoes through the hall. He hopes the mer hasn't noticed him blushing or gnawing on his lip every now and then yet. 

The bluetooth speaker he brought (damn was he relieved when he switched it on earlier and realised it had indeed survived the trip through the sea) rests behind them somewhere close to that funky stone couch and plays soft piano tunes from Josh Kramer, Scott Buckley and whoever made it onto Taehyung's daydreaming playlist.

Taehyung grins to himself. Sure, he has told most of the things Jeongguk missed yesterday. But he omitted one little detail. He only mentioned that he'd practised singing. Not that he went through his entire set list.

He'd forgotten the time about it once the old training rhythm hit him full force. Had gotten swept up by his idol persona, by his life as a singer for a proper day and only realised how out-of-character it was for everybody here when he kept singing full-volume while grabbing an afternoon snack and heard a choking noise behind him. Jimin has been standing behind the kitchen counter, eyes impossibly wide and trembling hands raised in front of his open mouth. Yoongi had walked by too, then, given Taehyung an approving nod followed by a thumbs up, and vanished upstairs.

During dinner, Jimin wouldn't stop gushing about how he had no idea just how incredible of a singer Taehyung apparently is. It's been a bit awkward, really. As if he were having dinner with a fan at their parents' house. Yet also flattering.

Now he is feeling more confident in his skills. Not that one day is enough to catch up on all the training he skipped for weeks and months. But one or two songs, he can sing to Jeongguk today without being ashamed. Is sure he can do them justice. Only... maybe he shouldn't start off the entire thing with 'Love me again'. That one might not work in his favour to prove a point. However, that's okay. With how many songs he's written and recorded over the years, he wouldn't be able to get done within a day even if he tried. So he'll take his time. Start easy and sing one or two songs to Jeongguk everyday while getting back into swing. Getting his vocal chords used to the more challenging numbers steadily.

Again, what a good plan.

Things are just going smoothly with the two of them and their respective plan-making. Taehyung is very satisfied. Nods at himself while the dried sugar and milk foam off his mouth.

His efforts of cleaning up turn out to be in vain - at least partially - because Jeongguk smooches an equally sticky kiss onto his left cheek.


Taehyung wipes at his face. And manages to keep up the facade for a total of two seconds before they are both giggling.

"You big goof!" He throws a dry marshmallow against Jeongguk. 

The mer picks it up and pops it into his mouth without any qualms for the dirty clinging to it. "Mmmh," he hums. Closes his eyes and makes a show of tipping his head back. "Tastes like heaven. Gordon Ramsay approves."

Taehyung groans. "I should have never shown you the wonders of the Internet."

"That's a lie, and you know it."

"Cheeky brat."

To prove his point, the mer leans in and chomps down on Taehyung's cheek. With a loud shriek, Taehyung jumps off, and boxes at Jeongguk.

"Yah, what the ?!"

But Jeongguk is already laying on the floor and roaring with laughter, clutching at his belly as the sound fills up the entire large room. Taehyung fails to stay mad at him for even a single moment.

Their shenanigans turn into a fully-blown contest to see who can bite the most ridiculous body parts of the other. Which goes well... until Jeongguk decides Taehyung's still sore is a good place to try, and Taehyung socks him in the balls. Hard.

He swears it was an accident!

Anyway, now Jeongguk is down, howling in both pain and confusion as he fails to compute what happened. And it is on Taehyung to crouch down next to him, laughing, while trying to get out a proper apology together with an explanation why that part of the human body is no fun to get injured. Eventually, he settles for the mer's back until he calms down. And yeah, okay, Jeongguk gets an extra two marshmallows for good measure.

"The next time you wanna bite my , you ask nicely if it's still tender or not, okay?"

Jeongguk blinks at him with big, watery doe eyes. "You... what? It hurts?"

Taehyung snorts. "Babe. You dicked me down real good twice. And I haven't had proper for several years before. Do you really think I won't feel a thing afterwards?"

Cue an alarmed, jumbled mess of apologies from the mer which Taehyung has to fight off with a 'Stop worrying, that's normal'.

But aside from that, they spend a nice, calm day together.

...Except for the part where they have a pillow fight throughout the entire hall, one of the pillows catches fire from one of the many burning wicks and Jeongguk panics, dosing not only the pillow but also the two of them with a giant wave of freezing sea water.

...And the part where, after Taehyung has sung his two songs of the day and dissected the lyrics together with the mer, Jeongguk asks him to sing one of those songs he used to hear on small ships. Which somehow turns into a sea shanty karaoke competition. One, that which Taehyung loses. He has no idea how that could happen. (But then again, it's Jeongguk. Of course he wins in everything, even if it's a singing competition with someone who sings for a living. And Taehyung is not mad. The giddy smile on Jeongguk's face that makes his cheeks bunch up and the corners of his eyes crinkle so much his little star tattoos almost vanish out of sight is more than worth it.)

There is only one part where Taehyung is not sure whether to laugh or not. Whether he should maybe feel a tiny bit uneasy.

It's when, while getting ready to bring Taehyung back to the stairwell, Jeongguk says with dead-serious voice, "If that Jimin-hyung points a weapon at you again, you kick him in the balls."

How is he supposed to react to that?




That night, Jeongguk is fuelled by enough vigour to push through ten body shifts in a row.

The mere thought of anyone pointing a harpoon at Taehyung...

A low, vicious snarl rips out of his throat. Stone screeches where he digs deep gauges into it with his claws.

He'll make a routine to check Taehyung for even the slightest bruise every time they meet from now on. This is not tolerable.




Maybe Taehyung is a bit paranoid, or maybe that's his inner magpie. Either way, he treats the star splinter with utmost care. Wraps it up in several layers of velvet carefully, and puts padding in between for maximal security. And comfort. In case this thing is somehow alive in the end.

The fabric was a remnant of a long coat he's worn in a music video years ago. He'd begged the director to keep the piece back then, but after the shoot was finished, had no use for it any longer. Now at least that old rug has gotten a new purpose. It's protecting his most valued possession.

Wrapped up as it is, he has chosen to put it at the bottom of his trunk. Can't quite pinpoint it, but his sixth sense is telling him that he shouldn't let anyone see it - not even his landlords. So he puts it away where it's safe and sound. Only digs it out at night right before sleep, to unwrap it and make sure it is all well. Despite him sometimes worrying that he might be overly careful, it sure has its charm. Like he is protecting a secret treasure.

"Like a dragon," he mutters to himself as he wraps the rock up yet again. Then chuckles. Peels the fabric back for one last glance as he remembers how different his treasure had looked when Jeongguk had held it. Like a glowing, beating heart.


Taehyung sits up straight.

"Heart... dragon... dragon heart... the dragon of the grand deep blue..."

Unwrapping the star splinter properly to lay it on his bed, he leans over to switch on the bedside lamp.

Sleep can wait. He's got to get out some words as long as they keep flowing. 

"Inspiration is a to strike at such ungodly hours," he grunts to himself with a tired grin.

And then proceeds to fill page after page in his notebook until his ballpoint pen runs out of ink. Only then it is time to go to bed. Oh, and to put back his treasure, of course. With his eyelids heavy like leaden gateways, Taehyung tugs himself in. What a lucky coincidence, he thinks, that his brainwave had him discover a potential new nickname for his most beloved mer. Well, it is not completely fleshed out yet. But something with dragon seems fitting for that fierce mer who holds his heart so tenderly, no? Maybe Taehyung can do something with that. Commit some word smithery. Alas, another time. Today was a good day yet now he really, really needs his sleep.


"Okay, so I am working on that new song," Taehyung admits as soon as Jeongguk has brought them back to their cave mansion.

He gets comfortable while speaking, patting for the mer to sit down, and then wastes no time to sprawl himself all over Jeongguk's lap. The mer follows his non-verbal instructions with a soft laugh. His hand easily finds the way to Taehyung's hair and begins carding through it, the painted nails occasionally scraping Taehyung's scalp. Taehyung hums. Snuggles further into the hold, while he flips through his notebook.

"A new song? What's it about?"

Taehyung reaches up to scratch under the mer's chin. Jeongguk slips his eyes shut, cranes his neck, and lets out a low rumble. Taehyung chuckles. Big kitty boi.

"I'm using a sea dragon as an allegory this time. A dragon heart. The dreamer, protector and hunter in the deep. But there is a problem. Here." He points at a certain spot on the page and reads out loud, " 'Who do you belong to, when you close your eyes? Who holds your heart in the deep blue night?' I want to explore that 'deep blue' part more in the next verse. But, you see," he says, "I don't know a thing about the bottom of the ocean. Can you tell me about it?"

Jeongguk hums above him. His hand briefly halts before a thumb traces along the shell of Taehyung's ear, and then his fingers slip back in Taehyung's brown hair.

"The bottom of the sea..." he says, then pauses.

While Taehyung waits for the mer to continue, the silence gets filled with the crashing of waves - growing louder and louder, swelling until they become a noise that overpowers everything else, even Taehyung's thoughts. Then they ebb away once more, to gentle laps that barely reach their spot up high. He silently grins up to the mer. Out of the two of them he sure is not the only one with dramatic tendencies.

"The heart of the sea is the most peaceful place. But also the most violent," Jeongguk muses. "At first glance there is nothing but gentle blackness that wraps around you from everywhere. An inky darkness that seeps through your gills into your lungs and slowly drowns you until coming up for light becomes more painful than sinking that deep."

His other hand flits under Taehyung's lose cashmere pullover and draws lazy circles on his hip. "But the longer you stay, the more you notice that you are not alone at all. There is so much beautiful life down there. And then you look some more, and notice the most hideous predators lurking around too."

After a failed attempt of Taehyung trying to write with the notebook lifted over his head, he begrudgingly rolls off the mer's lap and shuffles onto his side. Puts the notebook on solid stone and tries again, now with the loss of the gorgeous sight that is Jeongguk's pretty face.

"Okay, wait..." he scribbles down some more, "go on."

The mer, however, hesitates.

Keeps quiet for so long that Taehyung turns back around. Jeongguk sports that guarded look of his Taehyung so rarely sees these days. He reaches up to caress the mer's cheek. Tugs at one of his many silver earrings when he asks, "Is it a secret?"

"I'm not sure," comes the low admittance. Jeongguk muses about it some more before perking up. "How much do the people believe your songs?"

Taehyung snorts. "You mean, like, how literally they take the lyrics?"

Jeongguk nods slowly.

"They don't."

"I... what?"

The idol chuckles. "I often use metaphors. Say something as substitute for something else entirely. At this point it's become a sport amongst my fans to see who can decipher my latest lyrics the fastest, ya know?"

Jeongguk furrows his brows in that adorable way that make him look a few centuries younger than he probably is. "So..."

"So if I write about merfolk, a dragon heart, or weirdly specific allegories about the sea, everyone will either put it in a fantasy context or search for double meanings. I could literally write 'I slept with a merman' and they would say I am talking about yin energy and turning it into a matter of diversity, or something like this."


"Just accept that humans are weird and like to overcomplicate things."

That at last pulls a full-fledged laughter out of the mer. Taehyung doesn't have to try hard for joining in, at this point it's all too natural. 

They laugh together for a good few minutes before Jeongguk leans down to pepper Taehyung's face with kisses and then smooch his face into the soft pullover.

"Alright, then. I'll tell you all about the true heart of the sea..."


Taehyung drinks up everything he tells him. At some point barely looks at what he's writing as his hand keeps flying over paper, eager to catch everything Jeongguk says.

Then he thinks about it.

Sits hunched over his notes and gnaws on his pen as he tries to put the puzzle pieces together. Add something in a way that could enhance the new song. Jeongguk, by this point used to how Taehyung gets whenever he works on lyrics, pulls him into his lap with a content hum, fingers splaying over Taehyung's thighs and soothingly rubbing up and down. Taehyung can faintly feel the way the mer's chest raises and falls against his back in slow breaths. Feel the warm air tickle his nape and ears. It grounds him. Keeps him tethered to the presence, preventing him from drifting off too far while he gets into his creative mind space. It is an unfamiliar experience. Yet he welcomes it with open arms, because this is Jeongguk.

He can't tell how much time passes. Only notices the daylight slowly changing as he keeps writing and writing, crossing out some things and re-formulating others as he selects the best parts and follows various leads.

Somehow, the dragon heart prompt and his new knowledge about the bottom of the sea turns into not only one, but two separate songs. The latter theme could very well become a beautiful outro. He scribbles down a few chords together with instrumentation ideas, along with visual keywords for music videos. At this point, the backbone of his album is very much complete. The next step will be excessive fine-tuning.

Ahhh. Taehyung smiles. This is so exciting. He loves working on music with true passion. 

Jeongguk pecks him on the cheek once, twice.

"You're glowing," he murmurs. Noses along Taehyung's neck, then softly presses his lips onto Taehyung's shoulder. "I love it when you are like this. When you are this happy."

Taehyung turns his head to give the mer a proper kiss.

"All thanks to my precious muse."

A slight blush dusts Jeongguk's cheeks. Yet he still asks, "What is a muse?"

With a thoughtful hum, Taehyung twirls the tip of Jeongguk's braid around his finger. "It is, like, a source of inspiration. Someone who is the reason for someone else to create beautiful things. Like, when some artists find their muse, they paint them several times. And then those paintings turn into masterpieces, because they were so immersed in their muse, and their muse pushed them to new limits." He lifts the tassel and brushes it against his nose until he has to fight a sneeze. "I think, usually the artists find only one muse in their life. Like a soulmate. Or the love of their life. You know?"

The mer hooks his chin over Taehyung's shoulder.

"Does that mean I'm the love of your life?"

Taehyung chokes.

(He doesn't deny it, though.)


That evening, after Jeongguk has done his round and lit up all the wicks, he goes to fetch something from behind the couch.

Taehyung has actually noticed a few sheets of paper peeking out under the blanket hours ago, but didn't say anything. The way Jeongguk apparently at hide-and-seek is adorable on its own. For now, Taehyung will let him believe that he did a good job at hiding.

But Jeongguk bringing Taehyung a stack of paper is not a surprise, not really.

What is a surprise, is that they are, well.

They are gorgeous ink drawings.

Of several sea creatures, ship wrecks, fins, but mostly of himself.


The mer fidgets. Bites his lip, then grabs one of Taehyung's hands, pulls it out of its sweater paw, and begins playing with it. Entwines their fingers this and that way as he resolutely stares down.

"So, remember how you gave me that pretty pen?"

Taehyung nods.

Yeah, sure. He does. That still doesn't explain a thing.

"So, uh... I'm not a confident poet, like you."

Taehyung almost calls him an idiot right away.

"I mean, I practised writing with it, of course. But then it got wet. And I discovered I can do a lot of other things with that ink you gave me if I keep adding water. So I tried out a few things and, yeah..."

Taehyung gives him a soft glare. "Jeonggukkie."


"What the !"

"I, uh..."

He explodes. "These are fricken awesome! Oh my God! I had no idea! I mean, I kinda did, but I didn't?! Like, I knew you are an artist, obviously, but I didn't know you're an artist kinda artist! I mean, what the hell?! Does that mean you taught yourself drawing like that and with such a difficult medium in only a few weeks? Does your awesomeness know any bounds? You need to leave a few skills to the other peasants on this earth, yo!  This is so ing amazing, holy !"

"So... you like them?"

"Are you ing kidding me?!? When are you going to hold your first exhibition, star boy?!"

Seriously, are there any limits to that stupidly impressive mer? Taehyung might need at least one more heart to cope with all the a certain someone puts him through. What the . He was not prepared for this. He looks at the drawn baby sea horse, at the way its cute little tail curls around a black algae, and wants to cry.

This entire heart attack-inducing drama switches their roles in a hilarious way - for now it is on Jeongguk to calm down Taehyung, not the other way around. He manages to get through to him by sneaking into Taehyung's pullover. Sticks his head under the hem and keeps pushing, has it rig up, up and up, until they are both stuck in a soft cocoon, their chests pressed together. Jeongguk boops their noses together and grins. Playfully nips at his lip.

With a light-hearted giggle, Taehyung pushes the pullover entire off. Then shakes out his hair until Jeongguk splutters, and he laughs even more.


Jeongguk grins up at him before straightening his back to his full height, towering above Taehyung proper. "Hi yourself." 

He broadens his shoulders, chest popping out with the movement, and-

Yeah, okay, maybe Taehyung's throat goes dry.

Just a little.

As if staying sane in Jeongguk's presence has ever been an option.


They gradually learn the language of each others' body like the most diligent scholars.

Taehyung knows Jeongguk is mapping out every curve and crevice of him, knows he tenderly runs both hands all over Taehyung's skin in an attempt to memorise the shape of him. Knows that the reason the mer keeps changing his grip on their lengths is because he wants to learn all the different noises Taehyung can make in the throngs of pleasure. And that he kisses each moan and whimper right off him just so he knows how these sounds taste, too. Taehyung knows, because he is doing the same. He recognises how it looks and feels like.

This kind of studying seems to come to Jeongguk much easier than reading and writing, let alone basic arithmetic. Already after only a few times he is well-versed with most secrets of Taehyung's body, has familiarised the spots where Taehyung is especially sensitive to touch. Expertly scrapes his nails over the places that make Taehyung squirm, where he has learnt Taehyung moans loudest when , kissed or bitten there.

Ah, he is a menace. 

So unrelenting in giving, giving and giving, to a point where Taehyung thinks he can't possibly come again but the mer takes it as a personal challenge and indulges him yet another time.

Tears of overstimulation, joy and passion - an exhilarating mix - traipse down his cheeks as Jeongguk twists the fingers inside him. Little gasps and whimpers spill out of him, completely out of his control. Through the blurry haze, Taehyung tries to focus on his favourite secret spots of endearment - the mole right under Jeongguk's mouth, his tiny star freckles, the arch of his brows, the scar on his cheek, his gills. All those things that are captivating only on second view, when one looks beyond those impressive eyes, pretty lips and the strong jaw.

With clammy hands, he pulls Jeongguk down to kiss all those things.One after one after one. He has to try a few times. Misses the mole twice with how much he jerks and s up into the mer's grip as he gets milked through yet another . But the determination, the heart is there. So he soldiers on, and tries again to worship Jeongguk just as much. Show him how beloved he is. Even if Taehyung is unravelling more and more, and has difficulties to formulate a single thought at this point.

Jeongguk's eyes are incredibly soft as they peer down at Taehyung and let him do his thing. He holds still for once as he offers himself up to Taehyung's caresses, both hands staying in and around Taehyung but no longer teasing him. For that alone, for the way the mer gives him full access to every part of him as if it were nothing, Taehyung could kiss him silly.

He tries his very best to do just that.


That night, Taehyung stares at the star splinter entrusted to him by his mer for a long time. It feels like a promise, somehow. Like a vow, like something that goes way deeper than all the other gifts they exchanged before. Almost like...

His breath hitches.


But what if he is reading too much into it? Then again, when has Jeongguk ever given him a reason of doubt? And as Taehyung takes the time to listen to his inner voice, to his heart and soul, the answer is already there. He is not afraid to take that same step the mer took, to get one bit closer.

So he writes an e-mail.

And the next morning, one of his favourite jewellers sends the response that she is ready to video chat.

"You tell me, Kim-ssi, should I be honoured that after more than half a year of absence from everything, you are contacting me of all people?" 

The woman gives him a tired yet benevolent smile and bows her head to the camera. The first few grey strands peek through her formerly black bun. Seems like the stress from all the extravagant commissions given to her by idols is finally getting to her. Taehyung almost feels bad for adding yet another task.

"Ah, you know I could never do without your nimble fingers and the pretty things they create, Miss Kang."

"Aish, you old charmer."

Taehyung grins.

Miss Kang perches the chin on her hand and raises an eyebrow. "So... what can I do for you this time?"


Later, Taehyung tells Jeongguk about all kinds of rings. Even goes as far as making the mer run by him everything, just to be sure he understood it right.

"Okay, now tell me about engagement rings, what are they again?"

The mer rolls his eyes. Stretches his limbs and languidly sprawls himself all over Taehyung's lap with a dramatic sigh. And then shamelessly stretches some more, so he can reach up and tuck a lose strand behind Taehyung's ear.

"I answered that thrice already. Just like the wedding rings, engagement rings, friendship rings and-"

"Humour me."

Another sigh, followed by a gentle hand down Taehyung's cheek.

"Who am I to ever deny you of a thing?"


Luck, Taehyung learns, is a fickle thing. Because as happy he is with Jeongguk and as wonderfully their new meeting spot works, as much Jimin is unrelenting.

Taehyung gets back that night after he sung three more of his songs to Jeongguk and the mer asked him to teach him the lyrics to one of them so he could sing along. They've shared a sweet kiss for every wick Jeongguk blew out (which were 162, if Taehyung's count was right - but maybe not, as he kept getting distracted by those plush lips on his). Taehyung is still in high spirits. Elated from the great time he spent with his favourite person in the world, head in the clouds as he keeps riding that emotional high.

But this time, the fisherman doesn't let him be.

Doesn't take Taehyung's "Nothing in particular" as answer to his question as to what he's been doing all day and what happened to him to be this happy. Instead, he blocks the way up the stairs and very resolutely tells Taehyung to sit his down in the kitchen.

Apprehensively, the idol listens. Feels his cheerfulness draining out of him with every trudging step he takes towards one of the chairs at the table. Whatever Jimin is about to do, it's not gonna be pleasant. The landlord's entire demeanour is sour, his movements stilted, mouth pressed into a thin line and furrow buried deep between his brows. Taehyung hasn't even sat down yet and already wants to bolt.

"So," Jimin says. Folds both hands in front of him and peers over them at Taehyung. It feels like a scorching glare.

Taehyung squirms.

"Tell me, Taehyung-ah. Did you meet a mermaid?"

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xlmrclnsmnpk 24 streak #1
This sounds really interesting, I will read soon!