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Soulstar - Crashing Waves and Glowing Dreams

Turkish | noun 

♦ "silver serpentine"; the glittering reflexion of moonlight on water



Taehyung shivers. The damp wood is cold beneath him, the unpleasant wetness seeping through his lent clothes where he lay flat on the pier. His feet are propped up against the wall from one of the abandoned huts behind him. Here, in the heart of the u-shaped pier with its ramshackle abandoned shops looming over him, even the moonlight has a hard time illuminating everything. The water lays black in its wake, splashing and gurgling unseen in a much rougher manner than usual. And Taehyung thinks briefly, that were it not for the hand he's holding into the water with barely more than his fingertips submerged and wiggling in the bitingly icy sea, he would really rather be anywhere else. Anywhere more comfortable than this dark, wet, cold pier. This is certainly not a spot one goes for in the middle of the night when on the lookout for something cosy. 

He pulls his hand out after what feels like minutes but really can't be more than a few seconds, to blow some hot breath on his freezing fingers. After a while he simply decides to switch hands, tugging the one he's had in the water under his armpit. It doesn't make for the most relaxing position with how his arm is now cramped under his heavy body.

Whatever. It won't take much longer now. Already the sound of the waves slushing around the stilts is changing, as if the water has taken a different direction. And that, Taehyung muses as he huffs out a little cloud of breath, can only mean one thing.

Jeongguk is almost here.




With a sleepy groan, Jeongguk lifts his head from the rock he's been wrapped around, and blinks. Moonlight filters through a few holes in the ceiling and dips everything in frosty silver. The mer's nails scratch over the rock as he lets go. He yawns wide, then uncurls his tail and plops into the depth of the tunnel leading out of his cave, one of Asterin's berries in his grasp. Just in case.

He can still feel fingers wiggling in the water. A small smile tugs at his lips. At this point, he doesn't even have to focus on the sensation to know it's his Taehyung. Because yes, the villagers might sneak around on the pier, they might throw things into the water and linger in hopes for him to be dumb enough and come rushing over to inspect the pebble they just dropped. But never, not in a million years, would they actually make contact with the sea. From what Jeongguk gathered, they probably fear he'd bite their hands off or some other nonsense.

After he's been to the museum, Taehyung reluctantly told him some of the things he learnt that day. Some of the grotesque myths the elders laid upon him. And honestly, quite a few of them were so outlandish Jeongguk had to concentrate very hard not to laugh in Taehyung's face. Please. As if he'd ever rob infants out of their beds and on their bones until they were nicely clean and he could craft toys out of them. Or collect toe nails. Whyever would he do such a thing? Really, all these weird stories say a lot more about the people telling them, than about him, the mer concludes. (It only took him six days to grasp that thought. Which is embarrassingly long, and he'll go down before ever admitting it to Taehyung. But as it is, old habits and thought patterns die hard.)

The currents have a strong pull tonight, and Jeongguk scowls at the bay ahead, tugging just that bit harder. Seems like the sea wants to be a little disobedient. Not on his watch. Not when he is on his way to his beloved Taehyung. The sea better be on its best behaviour for as long as Taehyung is outside. With a scoff, Jeongguk digs his claws firmly into the currents and gives it a good pull.

It doesn't take much longer until he can not only sense but also see the many stilts of the pier ahead. Two second later, he slips his fingers between Taehyung's freezing ones and squeezes, then breaks the water surface in one long motion and rises up to give Taehyung a kiss where his head was hanging above the water.

It's worth the cute gasp that comes from the other, and even more so the stunned expression he sports. Jeongguk smiles.

"Hello, little star."

Taehyung splutters, and the mer smiles even more before inevitably turning serious. Because. With Taehyung's cold and slightly shaking hand in his grasp and the tired circles under his eyes, with the way he subconsciously sniffles, Jeongguk can't help but think that Taehyung shouldn't be here. Not now, at least. 

"Why are you here at such an hour?," he asks with sleep still crusting his voice. His thumbs rub circles in the backs of Taehyung's hands, and half a thought of him has the water soaking Taehyung's clothes turn warm.

Taehyung leans down to boop their noses together in apology. "I couldn't come any earlier. Jimin is guarding me all day, and the villagers are hell-bent on not even letting me within sight of the sea."

Jeongguk is not surprised. Hearing his assumptions confirmed makes him still angry, though. What right do these people have to keep Taehyung from him? To confine him, watch him, and decide for him what he is and is not allowed?

If it weren't for Taehyung here, finally back within reach and with that look of relief and pure adoration on his face, sweet, peaceful and loving Taehyung, the water around Jeongguk would be roiling already. But as it is, Jeongguk wills himself to at least seem calm. With the way his poor Taehyung has been treated the past days, he sure does not need Jeongguk to throw a tantrum on top of everything.

The mer does, however, make a mental note to roughen up the sea the next time one of Nakseongdae's trawlers leaves the shore. Let these stupid fishermen know exactly what he thinks of their treatment towards his beloved.

"Then how are you here now?"

Taehyung pats the space next to him. Jeongguk follows the invitation all too easily, hoisting himself up onto the pier until he sits with his back against a hut. Taehyung doesn't hesitate to crawl into his lap and wrap himself around him. The mer holds him tight, one hand sneaking under the unfamiliar clothes and running up and down Taehyung's back as they both take a moment to just bask in each other's company. And when Taehyung peppers feather-light kisses over every part of Jeongguk he can reach, the mer notes with no small amount of satisfaction that in the past few days Taehyung must have missed him just as much as vice versa.

Jeongguk sighs into the sweet kiss Taehyung drops onto his open mouth. Allows himself to indulge the two of them for a little longer before he repeats his question.

Taehyung wiggles around some more, then rests his head on Jeongguk's chest and hums. His hands curl into lose fists, one of them getting stuck in Jeongguk's silver chains the way they often do. With a small huff, he thinks better of it and grapples for one of Jeongguk's hands, lifts it up, frowns cutely at it, then goes for the other one. The one with a ring made of twinkling silver, blue and green wrapped around one of Jeongguk's fingers. Taehyung dots a kiss onto it, then laces their hands together in the same manner Jeongguk did as greeting, and snuggles further into his hold.

"Yoongi showed me a secret tunnel."

The mer lifts his brows. Now that is surely not what he was expecting. "A tunnel?"

"Yeah. Apparently the village is full of them but most people have forgotten. Yoongi says they were built during the last war."

Jeongguk hums. He remembers how decades ago he felt lots of vibrations coming out of Nakseongdae's direction for several weeks, and how he wondered what it meant. But it was also the time when there was an unusual amount of human activity on sea, with many big and heavy ships that were shooting things, and other things that were dropped into the water and exploded there. So Jeongguk had Nakseongdae left to be, and gone to pay a prolonged visit to his parents, curiosity be damned. He wasn't keen of getting his tail - or any part, really - blown into smithereens just because the bay of Nakseongdae didn't stop shaking. Is this what it was about? Building a tunnel system?

However, more importantly-

"Is he to be trusted?"

And it's not that Jeongguk doesn't trust that Yoongi guy, it's just... yeah, no, that's exactly it. He is, after all, a part of this village before anything else. Why should he help Taehyung if not because he has ulterior motives?

But Taehyung nods.

Jeongguk direly hopes his judgement is right.

"Yeah. He's actually been arguing a lot with Jimin because he doesn't approve of this entire madness. Even made Jimin sleep on the couch."

The mer blinks. "Is... is that bad?"

"For a couple? Yeah, it is," Taehyung says with a fond chuckle in his voice. "It's like you're putting your partner into timeout."

"What is- never mind. So Yoongi showed you a secret tunnel so you can see me, or does he not know?"

"Oh no, he definitely knows. But." Taehyung shifts in his lap until they can properly lock eyes. Jeongguk curls his hand into Taehyung's - or maybe Yoongi's, for it sure does not smell like Taehyung - pullover and pulls the water out of his clothes, which Taehyung registers with a pleased hum.


"But," Taehyung echoes, " rather than Yoongi, it's Jimin I'm worried about."

The mer clenches his jaw. Takes a few deep, controlled breaths as he forces his voice to remain almost unsettlingly calm. "How so?"

Taehyung gnaws at his lip as he contemplates his next words. Jeongguk doesn't even have to think before he is brushing a thumb over it and follows it up with a soothing peck.

"It's just... something feels off, you know? At the first days, he kept cornering me about you and asking questions about where you live, how strong you are and whatnot. But since yesterday he is, like, almost too calm. And when I went out today to try and meet you, which was obviously a fail, he even acted like we are still on best buddy terms. As if nothing happened."

Jeongguk can't help the scoff at those words. Yeah, because spying on your friend and watching his every step is totally 'nothing'.

With a light smack on his arm and a pout, Taehyung continues. "Yah. What I'm trying to say is, he's acting suspicious. I think he might be up to something. And it's just... even with the tunnel I don't know if it's still safe for us to meet here. I also doubt I can get to your rock staircase without anyone noticing."

The mer takes his time to mull it over. 

"But... somewhere else?"

He is not ready to lose Taehyung this fast, this easily. Just because of one nosey human who obviously decided to ruin that beautiful thing they have together, no less.

Taehyung slinks down and props his chin against Jeongguk's chest so he can peer up at him through his lashes. Which is coincidentally the ideal position for the mer to dip his head down for a sweet and short kiss on Taehyung's lips every other second. (Or maybe, Jeongguk muses with a twitch around the corners of his mouth, maybe it's not a coincidence at all. Maybe that's the sole reason Taehyung shuffled around. The satisfied hum he lets out at every kiss sure speaks for itself.)

"I mean. I could get out my car for once and try to throw Jimin off-track. But there are two problems."

And for whatever reason, it seems that Taehyung decided to tell by tweaking one of Jeongguk's s each.

"One, Jimin has a motorbike. Which means I can't promise that I'll be actually able to get rid of him. Because, you know, motorbikes are fast and also more versatile than cars."

He tugs at Jeongguk's right , and the mer has to bite down on his bottom lip hard to stifle a moan.

"Yah, I thought we agreed that in this place we have to be careful not to draw attention," he hisses.

Taehyung grins up at him innocently. "But I missed you."

"So you tease me?"


He doesn't look the least bit apologetic. On the contrary, there is a certain glow to him, as if he's immensely satisfied with the world and himself. So, naturally, Jeongguk caves. Let's Taehyung have his way if it makes him happy.

"Alright," the mer relents with a fond smile. "And number two?"

Taehyung's grin turns victorious. His hand creeps to the other side of Jeongguk's chest. "Two, I have no clue how tightly knit the fishermen community here is." 

Jeongguk in a sharp breath as his left falls victim to Taehyung's evil fingers.

"Why... why is that a problem?" He almost bats Taehyung's hand away when it lingers to give another pinch. Almost.

"Because if the communities are close with each other, maybe Jimin would ask people in other villages to keep an eye on me if I manage to shake him off. So maybe... maybe I shouldn't take my car after all. It could be too recognisable. Or... wait."

He slinks off Jeongguk's lap to grab his bag and pull out his phone. On his way back, he comes up behind Jeongguk, puts his chin on the crown of the mer's head and wraps both arms around his shoulders.

"You look beautiful, by the way," he mutters. 

Jeongguk preens. And for a moment allows his faintly glowing body to turn brighter with the guidance of the moon and stars on the cold night sky. Just for a second, before he puts a damper on it again, always conscious of the villagers noticing something.

"Thank you."

Then Taehyung is back in his lap. He offers Jeongguk a cookie which the mer accepts, happily nibbling on it while Taehyung is busy with his phone.


After a few minutes, Taehyung does a tiny fist-pump into the air that's way too cute for a grown man like him. Jeongguk doesn't even try to fight the besotted smile making a home on his face.

"In the second village south from here, there is a bus station. I could drive there, leave my car in that other village, and then take a bus somewhere else. That would be a lot less obvious, don't you think?"

Jeongguk shrugs, then nods. He doesn't really understand much of car chases. But if Taehyung says it's a good idea, then it probably is.

"So what would be your final destination, then?"

"I, uh, I dunno. How far away can you feel me when I get into the sea?"

The mer tilts his head.


"Hmm. So if I were to wait for you like, twenty kilometres down south, could you still find me?"

Twenty kilometres? Jeongguk scoffs. Twenty kilometres are nothing. But more importantly-

"I'll always find you," he promises with a gentle hand on Taehyung's cheek and a peck to the tip of his nose. "Just maybe give me a few minutes to reach you."

He kisses Taehyung again, soft and lingering. Lets the starlight seep into his scales, gills and fins and the silver he knows is gleaming in his eyes flare up for Taehyung to watch one last time tonight, then begrudgingly pulls away.

"You should probably go back now, before Jimin does notice. I don't want you to get caught - or to get sick because of staying in the cold for too long."

"You could just warm me up, you know."

The mer chuckles. Squeezes around Taehyung's hips, then pries Taehyung's hands off his chest to thumb over that one ring amongst several others Taehyung likes to don that he knows is theirs.

"Not here. Not half as good as I'd want."

Taehyung pouts, and Jeongguk quietly laughs again. "Don't be angry with me, Taehyung. I'll wait for you to call me. Then you'll have all of my time, and whatever part of me you want. Deal?"

Taehyung grumbles around some more, but finally nods. "But you'll have to kiss me lots!"

This time, Jeongguk really has to clamp a hand over his mouth to stifle the loud laughter threatening to burst out of him. 

"That's an easy promise," he says with some happy tears already prickling at the corner of his eyes. "And one I'll be more than happy to fulfil." 

With that being said, he takes a hold of Taehyung and carefully lifts him off himself, onto the pier, then glides into the sea, the waves welcoming him in a near-silent embrace. Nails digging into the wet wood, Jeongguk hoists himself up once to give another peck to Taehyung's forehead where he already leaned down, and falls back.

"Go now, Taehyung. Be safe. And goodnight. I'll wait for you."




Taehyung only realises once he has found his way back (and got the green light from Yoongi to come out of the closet - quite literally) that he completely forgot to give Jeongguk his new book.

He groans into his pillow.

But sure enough, he does have a good night. A good rest with a nice dream. He dreams of Jeongguk taking him on a world trip, with Taehyung riding on his back like an anime character on a dolphin, and the two of them collecting silly souvenirs wherever they go until Jeongguk is covered in a bright pink Hawaiian shirt, three sunglasses, a straw hat, and a necklace with way too large conchs on it to be worn as jewellery.

He wakes up with an exasperated giggle.

And then gets ready to put their plan into action.

With this - with finding yet another safe place for Jeongguk and him to meet up - he does not ask for Yoongi's help. No matter how impressed he still is with the whole tunnel thing. His late-night trip to the pier yesterday was one born of desperation.

And in hindsight it was a more than reckless thing. What if he'd gotten stuck in the tunnels, or if some part of it collapsed while he was there? What if he'd had no way of getting help because his phone got no connection down there? Or if, born of the hurry with which the entire tunnel system seems to have been built, there are less than healthy substances leaking in somewhere and nobody bothers or even knows? No, no... as long as he still has a choice, it's probably better to stay away from those tunnels. There must be a reason no villagers go there.

Additionally, if Taehyung is real honest with himself, he is still not sure how far he can trust Yoongi. So instead of taking the easy route and just shooting his landlord (who is back at work) a quick message asking for a good spot in another village for him to meet up with Jeongguk, he does the research all on his own. Spends half his day in front of his phone looking up bus routes, shorelines, street maps and whatnot.

Slowly, a solid plan takes shape in his head - and in his head only. Taehyung has learnt his lesson the hard way. He is not going to leave behind any discriminating evidence Jimin can pick up when he snoops around his room the next time. The slightly annoying thing about this is, that Taehyung can't even do something like locking up his room, or, even wilder, change locks. Because this is Jimin's and Yoongi's house. They'll always have the last word in these things. Even if it means Taehyung really has no way to take measures of privacy once one of his landlords simply decides not to go by standard rules of decency any longer.

So he keeps looking at the map on his phone. Takes lots of screenshot, looks up landmarks and does everything he can to prepare himself. At the end of the day he almost feels as productive as he does during the hot phases of producing a new album. It's a good feeling, albeit slightly misplaced. These two things aren't truly comparable, are they? But this entire research mission gives him the sense of doing something useful. It's... nice. As if he is just shy of breaking through another wall - and that wall being Jimin's stifling presence.


The other half of the day, he spends with a new challenge he just created: how many jewellery and accessories can he get Jeongguk before going bankrupt or having any of the delivery guys figure out his whereabouts? Because maybe he ordered some silver shoulder scale-mail already. And a set of pauldrons that look like crashing waves. And bracelets. And more hairpins, in the shape of scales, translucent fins and pearly spoon drift. And a tiara and another crown, because , Jeongguk belongs crowned!

Is Miss Kang already complaining by the insane amount of commissions for custom jewellery he sent her within a day?


Does that stop him from writing just another mail to her about the specifics he has in mind for the diadem?

Absolutely not.

, he can't wait for all these things to arrive. And for Jeongguk to try them on. This is gonna be so rad!



Taehyung blinks at the fence he just climbed.

This was... almost too easy. Thorough planning indeed makes a difference.

In the morning, Jimin has been too baffled when Taehyung left the house to head for his car the first time in months. Had just stared after him with big, owlish eyes as Taehyung let down the window to inform the fisherman that he's going on a much needed shopping tour and might stay the night somewhere. Or not. Who knows. Anyway, bye.

He didn't notice anyone else tailing him either. Which. Taehyung might not know much about the topic (he only watched a worrying amount of k-dramas with some car chases here and there, that's all). But he reckons the poorly maintained, narrow streets winding their way down to Nakseongdae would make it difficult to miss any other traffic participants. So yes, he deems himself unfollowed. Which would be a horrible thought in every other context of his idol life, but this time he is more than glad.

The bus has been on time too, he got his bus stop right at the fifth village they came through, and when he wandered through the - noticeably less hostile - village, he was actually delighted to find so many places that made accessing the sea easy. With not a single 'Stay away' or 'No swimming' sign in sight.

After buying a few snacks from a very nice old lady who ran a food stall with local specialities - Taehyung already forgot the names of them but they sure tasted good - he'd found this very spot. A high-class restaurant with large, sprawling patio that reached right to the sea. A heavy, cream-coloured paper on the entrance door informed potential customers that the staff was on vacation for the next two weeks. Taehyung has taken a cautious look over his shoulder and then quickly swung himself over the low fence. No alarm was blaring. Nobody shouted at him to get away there. A middle-aged man just walked past, raised an eyebrow, shrugged, then gave him a thumbs-up, and that was that.

Now here he is, feet dangling over the granite edge of one of the wide steps leading from the patio straight into the waves. He has his face turned towards the light grey sky, faint drizzle sprinkling on his skin, leaning back onto his hands, bag laying to his left and a thermos flask with a steaming cup of hot choc to his right. A slow smile spreads from ear to ear. Like this, with no fear for staring eyes, badly hidden daggers and snarky comments, he feels so much lighter than he has for weeks. It's as if he's been walking around with boulders strapped to his limbs without him even noticing, and suddenly the ropes got all cut at once. There is a certain sense of disconnection, of exhilaration. As if, if he jumped a bit too powerfully, he could just take off. Fly up to the clouds. This is what he's been missing. Freedom. A disbelieving laugh bubbles up in his chest, then bursts free. Still nobody is coming. Nobody even cares what the young man on the closed-down patio is doing. He is so uninteresting to the locals, it's wonderful.

The water, of course, is beyond freezing without Jeongguk here. So Taehyung doesn't dip his feet in, not really. What he does, is playfully kick at the waves. Every time he succeeds, another laugh breaks out of him. This goes on for several minutes, until the water doesn't feel quite as cold anymore. It still is, Jeongguk is not there yet, but his toes have gotten used to it. So he idly sits there, as relaxed as he hasn't been in forever, and waits. With how attuned Jeongguk is to him, he has no doubt the mer will pick up on his presence and come here soon enough.


He ends up being right.

It doesn't even take ten more minutes, then there is a familiar nip at his big toe.

This time, Taehyung doesn't sock Jeongguk in the face. It's a close call, though.

"You really have to stop surprising me like this," he huffs through an endeared chuckle.

The mer just grins up at him. Then casts a vary glance around. And suddenly looks very uncomfortable.

"Taehyung," he warns. "This... this is not... this doesn't feel safe at all."

He has a point. This is by far the most visible spot they have ever met in. At this place, people could actually see Jeongguk if they just tried.

But that's the thing: nobody does. There is only some old man crossing the street not too far away who shouts "Don't catch a cold, lad" in Jeongguk's direction, as if it were completely normal for people to be in the water here, and at such time of the year. Aside from that, nobody spares them a second glance. For the locals, the two men chilling at the patio are about as intriguing as a brick. So Taehyung stays calm. Keeps smiling reassuringly as he lets Jeongguk absorb how fundamentally different the atmosphere is from Nakseongdae.

After a few more minutes, the mer relaxes, tension leaving his lines.

"This is not a bad place," he admits.

Taehyung nods. It isn't. He might have actually picked this village over Nakseongdae as his temporary home, were it not for, well. For the fact that Nakseongdae is much more secluded. Here, Taehyung needs to be a bit more on guard. So far he doesn't think there were any potential fans around, but once he goes back, he better puts his face mask on. It is worth it, though. If that's the price he has to pay for meeting Jeongguk in a less hostile setting, then so be it.

Something else is nagging him. This village is such a stark contrast to Nakseongdae, Taehyung can't help but compare. Maybe it is exactly because Nakseongdae is so much more remote, that things are so very different. As if it's cut off the world and stopped developing for centuries. And the way people (namely Jimin) are so obsessed with their hatred towards merfolk, with their sickening fixation on the matter, makes it almost look like, well. Like some kind of sect. Not that Taehyung knows much about such things. He is an atheist through and through, only believing in one's hard work and its payoff. And maybe karma. But his gut tells him he is not all too far off with the comparison.

The idea both saddens and angers him. Because. It is so easy to imagine how different things could be. If Jeongguk would have met people from just a few villages more down south, if he would live here instead, and come to experience this laid-back tolerance, there wouldn't be all those walls up. No gaping abyss between both people. It's frustrating, is what it is.

He doesn't voice any of these thoughts to Jeongguk though, content to thread his hands through the mer's hair, tugging out the star-shaped hair clips so he can braid it like one of the many elven hairstyles he saw on Pinterest earlier and put the pins back in place afterwards. The entire time, Jeongguk has his chin propped up on both hands, eyes closed and a serene smile tugging up the corners of his mouth as he gives Taehyung free reign. He doesn't hum, however, like he usually would when they'd be alone. Taehyung lowkey misses the soothing sound but also understands that the circumstances are different.

Once he is done, the mer pulls out just enough to sit at the lowest step without his tail visible. Taehyung considers to follow suit and make his way two steps lower, then decides against it, thinking it might look too strange indeed. Sidling up behind Jeongguk and straddling him so the mer can lean back against Taehyung's chest feels pretty good too, so it's not a loss at all. 

They share another cup of hot chocolate and Taehyung giggles at the little foam beard over Jeongguk's upper lip before leaning down and it away, the mer grasping his chin and keeping him there for a deep kiss. Taehyung quietly moans into his mouth, equal parts surprised and eager. He hurries to match Jeongguk's intensity, feels his entire chest igniting, and only remembers where they are when he hears a grandma crossing the street with her rattling walking chair while loudly arguing with some relative on the phone that she is perfectly capable of doing a crossword puzzle with normal sized letters, thank you very much!

It's enough of a turn-off for Taehyung to pull away. He quickly gives the mer a few pecks on the lips before the other can even begin pouting and then watches a smile blooming like a shy blossom on Jeongguk's face, starting at his crinkling eyes and spreading over raised, flushing cheeks, a scrunched nose and finally his mouth, lips parting wide to reveal teeth. 

Despite Jeongguk continuously claiming to be a child of the night, he shines bright like the sun when smiling like this. It leavesTaehyung breathless. He can't look away, not with how utterly mesmerising the mer is. Happiness looks so ing good on him. Taehyung's eyes water a little. 

He busies himself with getting out the different bottles of nail polish before Jeongguk can notice.

Or so he thinks, because sure enough there is a warm hand cupping his cheek while he is still lining up everything neatly, followed by soft lips on his eyelids.

Taehyung hiccups.

He can't help it, okay? Excuse him for being a goner for Jeongguk. Everyone in their right mind would, after just looking at him. And looking, Taehyung does, eyes wide as he tries not to miss a single part of the mer's splendid smile.

"Sorry," he croaks.

Jeongguk just tuts at him. "None of that."

And then gingerly places both hands in Taehyung's lap - which is a dangerous move in and on itself - with palms down and chapped nail polish on display, all giddy excitement now.

Naturally, Taehyung takes his job as manicurist very seriously.

Their voices mute down to hushed whispers barely louder than the waves as they keep talking about this and that while Taehyung works, until the tiny glittering galaxies are back on Jeongguk's sharp nails, and all the small rhinestones glued in place along his nailbeds.

Only once Taehyung has assured him twice that yes, everything has dried properly, does the mer ask him if he would like to go somewhere.

Taehyung tilts his head, curious.

"Where to? One of the caves?"

Jeongguk shakes his head slowly, with something like mirth twinkling in his eyes. "Not quite. I was thinking of somewhere else."


This is when Taehyung thinks it might be less mirth and more so nerves he sees on the other's features. 

"Yeah, I mean, if that's okay for you? It's kind of a long trip, but I saved up energy the past days and, uhm, yeah."

He hesitantly lifts a hand for Taehyung to take, as if afraid he'll say no. Which is about as stupid as one can get. Taehyung has already taken it before the mer finished the sentence.



In Jeongguk's defence, he did indeed say it would be a long trip.

That doesn't mean Taehyung saw it coming that they would end up in Vietnam, though.

Because if he is not entirely mistaken, these insanely steep rocks with greenery on top laying scattered in the water belong to the Ha Long bay. And if not, they sure look a lot like it. Taehyung has seen pictures of it a few times, on large photo calendars, and in one of his National Geographics coffee table books. Isn't the bay some kind of world heritage site too? He thinks it is. And if not, then it's at least a very popular and instagram-able place. 

Speaking of which, maybe it is a look-alike after all, with the entire lack of... well. People. Wouldn't a famous bay be crowded by tourists all year? Is there something like an off-season for such a place? He figures that asking Jeongguk about it wouldn't help much, as the mer probably doesn't know much about human country names. 

And they really must be all by themselves here, for Jeongguk barely gives Taehyung a warning before lifting them up one of the rocks with a huge wave. Taehyung only yelps a little. And then forgets about the initial scare altogether once he takes in the sight in front of him. 

What a sight it is! He understands why the place is world famous. And with the golden autumn (winter? Is it winter already? , which day do they even have) glittering on the calm water surface, looking over the bay from up here is just...


He thinks Jeongguk might be grinning next to him, but can't be sure as for once he doesn't take time to look at the mer. This is incredible!

Jeongguk takes the short lack of attention - not completely, never, Taehyung's thumbs drawing idle circles on the mer's wrists where the latter has his arms loosely slung around Taehyung's waist - into stride. But not for long. After a few minutes, he bites at Taehyung's shoulder, effectively drawing every single ounce of attention back to himself.

Taehyung huffs out a laugh but indulges him, because of course he does. Turns his head with the intention to shower Jeongguk with sweet kisses only to see him already waiting with puckered lips. And, ah, here it is again. The proof that Taehyung is one very weak man. All Jeongguk has to do, is pout a little, for Taehyung to melt like chocolate chips on cookie dough in the oven. He is putty in the mer's hands. Always has been, always will be. Kissing him the way Taehyung knows he likes comes like a reflex by now, as easy as breathing. It is an unhurried thing, their kiss. Languid and indulgent, without any rush or hidden intentions, just kissing for the sake of kissing, to be closer to each other. Taehyung can still taste some traces of cocoa as he keeps mapping out Jeongguk's mouth as if they had all the time in the world. As if they were the only two people on Earth.

A seagull dives right past them with a piercing shriek, followed by a much quieter splash as it breaches the water surface deep below.

Taehyung flinches, accidentally biting down on Jeongguk's lower lip, hard. Considering the drawn-out moan it drags out of him, the mer doesn't seem to mind all that much, though. Soon enough, hands start roaming and squeezing. It takes all of Taehyung's willpower to stop Jeongguk from undressing him, and three attempts of explaining to him that no, they can't have out in the open in the middle of November. Because that's the month they currently have... right?

Jeongguk reluctantly pulls his hand out of Taehyung's trousers, but not off his body, doesn't ever really stop touching. He sulks, just a little. Taehyung coos and a thumb over the stars on his cheekbones. And then remembers the gift he's been carrying around all day.

It is worth the brilliant smile Jeongguk dons when he finishes unwrapping the present and marvels at the large, rather heavy book in his grasp. It got golden edge colouring on all three sides, gold foil inlay in the shape of tiny stars on the cover, and a thick board with texture. Pretty, just like Jeongguk. A trove promising to reveal all kinds of wonders once opened. (Taehyung thinks he has a new favourite publishing house.) "Mysteries of the universe" it reads, an encyclopaedia of knowledge about stars, planets, asteroids, the galaxy and more.

Taehyung doesn't need to ask whether Jeongguk likes it. The mer is already half through the intro, one finger fiddling with the ribbon he tugged out of the book's middle and another one tucked into the pages with the index.

They sit like that for quite a while, Jeongguk reading and sometimes mumbling to himself while Taehyung watches the seagulls and ships in the distance. After a while, Taehyung remembers the fuzzy blanket he packed. He probably could have remembered sooner, given how it takes up like 5/6 of his bag anyway, but Jeongguk has been such an exceptionally great distraction. So yeah. Fuzzy blanket it is, and then they go back to cuddling, reading, and watching. There is especially a lot of watching happening on Taehyung's end.

Time passes like that. With the two of them cuddling on top of a rock needle in another country, Taehyung drawing nonsense patterns on Jeongguk's skin as the mer works his way through the book. And slowly, the sun dips into the sea and melts into a puddle of bright, warm colours. Everything turns a bit softer around the edges. Jeongguk is still tracing star constellations in the book and muttering something to himself. Taehyung watches him with a fond smile. He is so, so in love.

With a soft sigh that he can't help himself, he leans down and kisses the shell of Jeongguk's ear. The mer turns around, humming in contempt, and gives Taehyung an equally besotted look as the one he must sport himself. Taehyung swears he could watch him forever. It is still mind-boggling to him that someone like Jeongguk actually returns the sentiment. Magical.

"Have you..." He can't help but whisper. Feels a little choked up, as Jeongguk keeps looking at him with such reverence. "Have you ever been in love, Gguk? Like, before? Maybe with another mer?"

Jeongguk shakes his head. Swipes a few strands out of Taehyung's face, then tugs out the necklace from under Taehyung's pullover and fiddles with the pearl pendant.

"It's rare for mers to feel romantic love for each other," he admits. "Our bond works differently. All mers are as close as family but at the same time as distant as strangers on two different ends of the universe. Which is no surprise, if you think about it. Who knows where the stars that birthed us came from, how far they travelled?"

Taehyung frowns. He doesn't like how much all this sounds like loneliness. With careful movements, he tugs the galaxy book out of the merman's grasp and pulls him close. Guides Jeongguk's head into the crook of his neck, arms splayed around him in a lose, comforting hug, should he need it.

Jeongguk huffs a little laugh into Taehyung's ear but lets himself be manhandled. The next breath he takes is a bit wobbly around the edges.

"Uhm, yeah, so." The mer clears his throat. "I mean, that's why. That's why romantic relationships don't happen often, for us. To most mers, it feels too strange. Like marrying a great-cousin. Stranger enough to not feel like family yet close enough to make it weird."

He trails wet lips up Taehyung's throat, barely there and ticklish, then flicks his tongue against the pearl earring and presses a kiss against warm skin, right above Taehyung's pulse, inhaling him. Taehyung tightens his grip, nails subconsciously scratching over Jeongguk's . The mer plants a messy line of kisses onto Taehyung, until he reaches the corner of his mouth, then pulls back, bringing the two of them face-to-face, his gaze impossibly gentle.

How in the could anybody ever call him a monster?

He is smiling again, but it's a different kind of smile than the bright one from before. Smaller yet no less sincere, more secretive. It's his smile. Taehyung's. The one Jeongguk has only for him.

Taehyung's lips wobble slightly. 

And of course, the mer is quick to lean in and kiss the tremors away, all ginger and fleeting touches, as if he were the most delicate artwork in the world.

Taehyung sniffs.

Jeongguk chuckles quietly again, the sound as much of a secret between just the two of them as his smile. It only takes a slight tilt of the mer's head for him to rest his forehead against Taehyung's, his hands cupping both sides of Taehyung's face. A small fire is burning in his eyes, fuelled by passion, devotion and so much love, Taehyung doesn't know what to do with himself.

"My lovely, lovely Taehyung," Jeongguk croons. His voice wraps around Taehyung like midnight-coloured velvet. "My little pearl. Please rest assured I'll never leave you for another mer. Or anyone or anything else in this world. I won't ever let you go again. Just like I know you won't let go of me. Right?"

"Never," Taehyung croaks. , why is his throat so dry?

"Even after everything you heard in Nakseongdae about me?"

There is just enough insecurity seeping into the whispered question that Taehuyng looks, really looks, and notices the vulnerability in the mer's gaze before he can hide it away.

"These stupid little tales are hardly something worth called 'everything'," he tries to joke. When Jeongguk doesn't laugh along, he goes serious again. It always takes two to make a journey. If Jeongguk puts his heart on his sleeve so readily, then it is only natural Taehyung will do the same. He noses up the mer's jaw. Kisses his gills once, twice, then brushes the tips of their noses together. "Show me your thorns and I'll show your hands ready to bleed."

By the way Jeongguk's breath hitches, Taehyung knows he understood it as the vow it is.

"How dangerous," the mer muses, pupils blown as he keeps staring at Taehyung as if he wants to consume him whole - and Taehyung would let him. Would even thank him for it, and ask if he had a good meal. Jeongguk's eyes turn just that tad bit darker, as if he knows exactly what Taehyung is thinking. He drags a thumb over Taehyung's lips and watches in rapture as the latter opens his mouth around it.

"How very dangerous, to finally have something worth losing."


It's Jeongguk who later on picks up the blanket and wraps the two of them up tight until they are one big burrito on a rock beneath the pink sky. The mer has put the book away for now but is still very much fawning over it.

Taheyung thinks it's adorable. And is forever grateful for the bookseller who had looked for special, gift-worthy books about stars. This one is an absolute hit.

"You truly care a lot about about the universe and the stars, babe." 

He smiles. Splays a hand over Jeongguk's chest so he can feel his heartbeat even better, then tucks his head under the mer's chin.

Jeongguk hums. "Of course. It's where we live, what we're made of. We are made of stardust, you said so yourself." And like the hopeless romantic he is - they both are - he leans down to place the most tender kiss on Taehyung's cheek and adds, "My little star."

Taehyung simply cannot cope. So he tries to play it cool. Rummages his memory for some random trivia he could drop, only to clear his throat and come up with, "Stardust that comes from an explosion."

The mer blinks, dumbfounded.

"...An explosion?"

He nods. He got this! Except, that's the very moment Jeongguk decides to slip his fingers between Taehyung's in a way that has their rings clinking together, reminding Taehyung of their existence, and. Ah, those rings. Those god-damn rings. Their rings. Focus, Kim Taehyung! He swallows around the lump in his throat.

"I, uh, yeah. I read a while ago that the universe is an ongoing explosion, apparently. So this is where we live, in an explosion. And we are just, well. When an explosion explodes hard enough, it seems the stardust wakes up and starts thinking about itself. That's us. And you are even more of a literal star than me. I mean, you can glow!"

Jeongguk chuckles into the crown of his hair. Then squeezes Taehyung's hand and thumbs over both of their rings.

"That's such a typically human thing to say. Always trying to understand everything and lay out all the facts."

It's Taehyung's turn to pout. "As if you don't want to understand things. You asked me to teach you basic arithmetic, not the other way around, remember?"

"Yeah, maybe. But I don't try to rationalise all secrets away. If you understand every little thing, I think it makes life very dull. I'm fine not knowing how many atoms I have in my pinkie. And I prefer to think of the universe as a magnificent wonder, rather than an explosion. Just how I like to think of you as a wonder, too."

"Ugh." Is it hot in here, or is it just him? Taehyung's face is burning. "You are such a sap."

The self-satisfied grin is clearly audible in the mer's answer. "But you love it. You love me."

And, well, true. Taehyung doesn't have any fighting ground. Not, that he really wants to. So he just settles for a grumbled "You're insufferable" and accepts defeat. Losing isn't that bad when he gets to listen to Jeongguk's joyful giggles in return.


They keep talking about stars, the galaxy and all these things, Taehyung only grudgingly thinking about how they have to get back on time for him to catch the last bus in the direction of Nakseongdae. When he brings it up once, Jeongguk asks him when he has to be back and promises they will be on time no problem.

Taehyung also learns a few more things about merfolk that afternoon. Keeps asking a lot of questions once Jeongguk tells him how mers are never lost on the open sea because they all know to read the stars for guidance and feel a deep connection towards them. As if the stars that haven't left the sky yet are always trying to actively help their siblings finding the right way.

And when Taehyung voices disbelief - mainly just to rile up the mer a little, Jeongguk makes him lift his head with one finger under his chin, eyebrow arched in challenge. It's easily the iest thing Taehyung has seen all day.

"Who do you think told the sailors about stars and how to read them, hm? You really think your ancestors were that smart without any help? What a silly idea. You owe most of your successful expeditions to an ancient mermaid, an incredibly kind lady. She lives secluded in a deep trench now and is one of our most honoured living legends."

Taehyung just gapes. And makes a mental note to himself to never argue with a mer about stars because he will lose, inevitably.

Jeongguk refuses to tell him any more about that legendary mermaid. Keeps saying that it is not on him to decide how much a human is allowed to know about her. Which is something Taehyung can respect. Instead, Jeongguk tells him more about what great astronomers mers are in general. Tries to give Taehyung an example right there, pointing at the now purple sky and ranting about some constellations above their heads. This is how they learn just how different their sight is, because where Taehyung is squinting at a sky that's just fifty shades of purple to him, Jeongguk can make out the milky way already.

"Whoa, your eyes really are sensitive, huh?"

The mer shrugs. "Maybe your eyes are just very bad."

That one earns him a swat to his chest.

"Yah, my eyes are perfectly normal for a human my age, thank you very much! And if my eyes really were that bad, I could have never told that you are a stunner, so you better shut up."

Jeongguk apologises and declares surrender under several laughing fits.


Jeongguk holds word and gets him back on time for the last bus. They swim the last part to the village and the restaurant's patio, just in case. Just so nobody can wonder where the two dudes suddenly come from. They kiss each other goodbye for several minutes, until the alarm in Taehyung's phone chimes, reminding him to get going right about now.

He promises Jeongguk to be back as soon as possible. The mer nods, and squeezes his hand. 

Taehyung squeezes right back, gives him one last kiss, then gets up, jumps over the fence and makes a beeline for the bus stop. The driver is kind enough to wait up for him. Even wishes Taehyung a good night when he gets off.

By the time he has made his way back to Nakseongdae, the sky has cleared up to reveal the night in all its splendour, with a huge moon and thousands of twinkling stars on display, the sea beneath them a dark, glittering mass. Taehyung smiles to himself, even as he drives down the slopes towards Nakseongdae and loses sight of the sea. He bets Jeongguk is shining so beautifully right now. Like a lunar deity. A god of the night and the sea.

His smile freezes once he opens the door and comes face-to-face with Jimin. The fisherman has both arms crossed in front of his chest and gives Taehyung a menacing glare. 

Someone is not amused.

Taehyung gulps.

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xlmrclnsmnpk 24 streak #1
This sounds really interesting, I will read soon!