The Plans

Fate Encounters
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I am annoyed as Hell. Jiyoung, my closest and best friend chose to send me instead of herself on her supposedly task. Interviewing. We're both majoring Business, and Jiyoung actually has an appointment to meet the famous Chinese-Korean Bachelor, named Zhang Yixing. We all know him, everyone in Asia certainly knows him. He's well-off, heir, successor, young, handsome. Everyone likes him. Everyone dreams of being his bride. But rumour has it, that Yixing is gay. Therefore noone ever sees him with a girl.

I prepare my semi formal attire to do the interview later at 14.00. It's still 06.00. There's so much time, and I don't need to feel rushed. I wear my pencil jeans with a long brown coat with comfy white tshirt inside, and flat shoes. I need to wear something comfy to drive. I look.. okay.

The weather is somehow not so friendly. I need to drive my Mercedez Benz-C200 for 250 miles far. It took approximately 4-5 hours in normal traffic. It's a looong way to go. Ah, actually Jiyoung booked a hotel room for me, for 3 days, because tomorrow Jiyoung will join after she finished her so-called important meeting. What meeting? It's a date. She chose to priority her date with some random guy she met online rather that her grade on final exam. And I'm obliged to be the replacement, how unbelievable!

"Oh Come on, stop sulking you princess. I know you'll do great. And you need to meet your Father in Seoul. So vice versa. You are the top of our class. It will be your thing!" She slapped my thigh after sees me whining all morning long preparing for the long journey.

"Geez, it's for your grade, you moron!" I snapped while stuffing my 3 days' stuff into the luggage. Oh yes, originally I will go to Seoul, to meet my father. Oh yes, she remarried after divorcing with my mom 7 years ago, when I was 15 years old and remarried 2 years after, when I was 17. My Mom too, she married a one child widower who now being my new lil brother. Me and my brother are so close. His name is Mark. He is 15 when our parents married. He treats me well because I always with him when our parents are busy with each other.

"Done yet?" Jiyoung asks with her cute-acting face. Oh t, I hate her but she is my life-besties.

"Yeps. Don't you at least lend me you Mustang EV? It's so comfy to drive that instead my car!"

"Hell know, and how about my date? It's so comfy to have in 2 seater, FYI" oh, she and her hormones. She is the true definition of the queen, while me, I'm her bodyguard. She is so pretty, and I.. don't mention it. While her wardrobe is full with all the accosories woman needs, me...? I don't even have any wardrobe. I chose to rebuild it to be a mini library. I'm nor nerds, I just love reading.

"How about you settle with a man instead of going here and there scatter your hormone everywhere." You know what I mean.

"Hahahahaha, we're still 22. I'm not gonna waste my youth." She scoffs, "hey, Choi Aerin, how about Luhan's confession? Every boy wants to be your boyfriend yet you turn them all. And it's Luhan for God's sake. He is the man you're always dreaming in our first year in school! And he works in Zhang too, you know. He is well off."

Here again.. with love lectures. "Luhan Sunbae? I don't think it's going to work."

"WHYYY YOU GIRL? He is succesfull and sooo handsome!"

Well, Luhan is our Sunbae. He was on the final year when we were freshman. We have 4 years gap, and right now he's famous after accepted in Zhang Enterprises. But again, I want to focus on my study first, then working, then.. then.. then.. so many plans. There is no room for dating.

"Hmm.." me, being me..

"Hmm, you eventually moving to Seoul. You'll meet him one day. He heads over heels with you, girl." She

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