In the present pt.1

The guy who broke my heart

Fast forward to about 6 years later

-Age wise you are now 23-24 years old

You were running late to your new internship position since the line to get coffee was so long that you ended up just going to a nearby 7/11 and got a energy drink instead.

After arriving to your desk you quietly sat down since your manager hadn't arrived yet.

(Co-worker 1)-Yah how do you manage to always arrive a minute before being late? it's a talent at this point

(You)-I just ran as if I was catching the last bus since that always seems to get me going

(Co-worker 2)-Hey I heard our department has a new team manager coming in today, that's why our manager is probably not here yet.

(You)-Oh great that means we'll have to attend the late night dinner to celebrate their arrival, ugh can we not go drink at this company for at least a week?!

(Co-worker 1)-(looks up at the new manager)-Yah you might want to rethink your decision since the new manager is a total babe

(Co-worker 2)-Yeah how is he even real?

(You)-(You then look up to see what the fuss and fangirling was all about and that's when you saw him again.)

As he was walking over you immediately acted as if you didn't notice him and luckily for you none of the co-workers were required to introduce ourselves this time.

During your coffee break

You immediately texted Jennie and Irene about what was happening in your group chat

(Irene)-Wait so he's back in your life? Girl this must be fate!

(Jennie)-We know how hard it's been for you to open up your heart again because of him, but maybe this is a second chance to gain clarity as to why he lied to you.

(You)-Aren't you two supposed to be telling me something like: "show him that you're better off without him"?

(Irene)-You'll have to talk to him eventually so why not just start with a simple hi and see where it goes, since I'm sure Sejeong is out of his life now.

(You)-I'm not interested in him anymore anyway

(Jennie)-Oh really? Since I just saw his Instagram page and I would beg to differ, just admit it he's still hot in your eyes.

(You)-I have to go back to work so byeeee

You then managed to get back to your seat in one piece and finished working on your report for rest of the afternoon.

While working on your report you got a message from your manager to come into his office to look over your presentation slides.

After getting advice on edits to make on your presentation and being told to conduct more research you realized it was already night time.

(Co-worker 1)-Hey let's go its late

(You)-I'll be down in a minute I have to save my files into my thumb drive real quick

Soon after getting everything organized you got your bag and headed downstairs to meet your co-workers

(Co-worker 1)-Wait here I'll go get us a taxi

As you were waiting you heard a familiar voice that said:

"Long time no see, Y/N-ah"

In that moment you felt your heart racing as you recognized his voice

(You)-Yeah it has been a while 

(Sehun)-Don't worry I'll get out of your hair, I just thought we would have to talk at some point and I know you're probably not going to the company dinner tonight because of me. It's good enough that I got to see your face though, you seem to be doing well.

(You)-You seem to doing well too

The awkward silence went on until your co-worker finally yelled that she found a taxi and you then said bye to Sehun before running off to get inside the car.

During the car ride home

(Co-worker 1)-What was that back there? you know the new team manager? you should've told me!

(You)-Yeah we actually went to the same high school

(Co-worker 1)-Well you two must be close then! If that's the case then would you mind giving him my number and asking him what he thinks about me? (she says with pleading eyes)

(You)-Alright fine, but don't tell me to ask him out for you instead as well

(Co-worker 1)-You're the best! (she says hugging you aggressively)

(You)-It's nothing really now get off of me, and I don't exactly have his number so it'll take some time

(Co-worker 1)-That's fine just let me know if he replies back 

You then headed back to your apartment after feeling tired and overwhelmed with the workload you had to finish by this week.

Later that night

You ended up getting Sehun's number through going to his Facebook account as you had still remained online friends with him.

Going on the Kakao Talk app you found his profile and hesitated on how to ask if he was single and if he was interested in your co-worker

However just as you were conflicted on messaging him, he actually ended up sending you a message first:

(Sehun)-Hope you got home safely, it was nice to see you again.

(You)-Same here and yeah I just got back, are you still at the dinner?

(Sehun)-Yeah you know how they are with their drinking games, everyone is about to head home soon though thankfully.

(You)-Hey can I ask you something?

(Sehun)-Sure what is it?

(You)-If you're interested in dating at the moment I have someone in the office who asked me to give you their number.

(Sehun)-Do I know this someone?

(You)-Yeah it's (Last and First name), (you also included a photo of her to show him)

(Sehun)-Oh yeah I spoke with her today, she seemed nice if you send me her number I guess we can figure out the rest for ourselves. Thank you Mrs. Cupid~

(You)-No problem hope everything goes well between you two

(Your thoughts)-"did he just call me Mrs. Cupid? weirdo"(you thought while smiling)

The next day at work

You walked into the office to see both your co-worker and Sehun walking together to get coffee.

(Your thoughts)-"I did the right thing right? it's time for me to let him go...but why does it hurt me so much to see him smile at her? Life is not a fairytale after all"

To be continued

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Derpypotato #1
Chapter 20: Love the story 😊❤️
planet_p #2
Chapter 20: Thanks for sharing.
abarna #3
Chapter 11: Why sejeong comes between them all the time?😢😢
Chapter 9: Omg keep updating plz.....
Chapter 2: Okay, this is definitely interesting but the format's throwing me off a bit. Maybe more people will notice this if you follow the usual format for novels. 🙂
Okay, let's do this! *starts reading*