A Love Blew From No Where - A love story with Lee Taemin Pt.9

A Love Blew From No Where - A love story with Lee Taemin

My Rooftop Boy *smiles*

A four mini picture series of Taemin’s trademark Shh! <3


I opened my eyes to the hand phone ringing tone. I wasn’t sleeping at all. In fact, I’m merely closing my eyes and resting on the bed. I have been lying on this bed and simply rest for two days straight. For the moment, I couldn’t summon enough strength to move about freely. My condition felt like a feverish patient who was too tired and lethargic to move. I wasn’t feeling ill of course, just simply weak and drained.

 I welcomed this rest though; it’s been a while since I could get a good long rest without worrying about going to school in the morning. My lazy arm stretched out and reached for the hand phone. Flipping the cover open, I looked at an instant message sent by an unknown number:

Hey, I haven’t seen you around lately? Are you sick?

I smiled as I reached to the end of the message Taemin

I saved his number immediately under the name of ‘Rooftop Boy’ and replied back to him:

I’m just anemic from working too hard. Being a responsible savior isn’t an easy task. Sorry for making you worry (>.<)

In less than a minute, ‘Rooftop Boy’ replied back:

I’m just slightly curious that’s all. Anyway, one has to be responsible to her own health as well…my hyungs always said that to me. So you have to take care of yourself alright? =x

I smile at his message, something flutter lightly in my heart as I eagerly typed out my message and sent to him:

Aye, sir! I will report back to you in good health at the same place tomorrow! =3

Rooftop Boy replied back again:

I see you tomorrow then! Got to go! My hyungs are telling me to practice our dance performance again. Boo =x

I laughed slightly at the message and settled back to bed again. The thought of tomorrow suddenly seemed so great and exciting to me. It s amazing how all these were happening to me. Never once in my life has my heart and mind been so captured by the presence of this single person right by my side. All these emotions were resounding so strongly within me that my heart felt like it was about to explode just from a simple action of his.

 I stared at the ceiling and sighed to the blank wall above me. At the same time, all these emotions were creating uncertainty that were slowly pilling up the troubles in my mind. Why does he affect me so much so? I closed my eyes and submerged myself into the vision of darkness.


Taemin’s happiness was not blind to his other Shinee hyungs while they practiced their Ring Ding Dong routine. His entire body practically danced out the aura of happiness and filled the entire practice room. The Shinee hyungs exchanged looks between each other and simply danced on. When the break was finally issued, they plopped down onto the floor to rest and shared the drink between them.

“Hey Taemin,” Key umma spoke out as he passed the bottle to his maknae. “What’s with you?”

“What?” Taemin turned to look at him with an adorable smile plastered over his face. “What is it Key umma?”

“This!” Jonghyun hyung cuts in and pinched both of Taemin’s cheeks playfully. “Looking so happy like a fool!”

“Ouch hyung! Stop it!” Taemin cried out and Jonghyun hyung released his cheeks with a laugh. “I know what’s wrong with him.” Jonghyun hyung added and gave him a knowingly look.

“Loveeeeeeeeee…..” he prolonged the word’s pronunciation.

“Ahh….” Onew hyung and Key umma catches on.

“No, it’s not true….” Taemin mumbled, trying to keep his cheeks from blushing.

“Come on…tell us…who is it?” Key umma pressed on with an interrogating tone and leaned closer to his face with a serious look.

“Errr…...shhh!” He hastily pressed a finger to his lips, grabbed a cap to cover his flustered face before leaving the room.

The Shinee hyungs were left behind, staring after his disappearing back view.

“Why are you keeping a secret from me?” Key umma called out to the open air. Taemin shook his head in disbelief as he caught on Key umma’s words faintly – sometimes, his Shinee hyungs are really overprotective of him.

#Author's note - Wow! My story has reached 1000 hits! Though it may mean nothing much to others, it meant a lot to me. I hope all of you enjoyed what I have written so far. Please show support by subscribing or even just a simple 'hi' in the comments.This way, I will be able give my thanks to you all! *bows*

An extra thanks to the mysterious person who gave my story at facebook like! I'm so sorry for not noticing it earlier! (>_<)

Anyway, I'm really glad my exams are finally over. I will continue on this story and try to complete it to my best abilites! 

Enjoy! (^v^) 

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Hahaha I cant believe I read this all in 3 hours and tome check its 3 20 am :) love the story its not like those other usual stories I read on Aff (no offence to anyone out there) -.-
Laney1822 #2
Chapter 3: Taemin could get away with anything he's y hot.
AliAsia #3
i loved reading this story it was brilliant!! it was so good that i stayed up till 12:30am just to finish it. i think that it was very well written and it should be made into a film. my heart wouldn't stop beating faster and faster the closer i got towards the end XD
I REALLY REALLY REALLY enjoyed reading this story. Seriously, I read this straight through no stopping. It's seriously 12:45 AM and I have school soon LOL.
kissabletaetae #5
love story with taemin!! OMO
Only half way and it sounds really good !!
Love this~! I must read on~~!!! ♥
Woah~ I finally finish and wow this story was last year O.O
I love it though > v < ~
I hope there's a sequel for it xD YOU ARE DAEBAK!!
OOH~~ I love this fanfic!!
It's also gives me an anime feel to it :DD
even though, the story is already complete, i subscribe to support it xD
You are Daebak!!
Wow, this story is Daebak..
this is probably the best Taemin fic I've ever read. (:
Keep up the good job~ ^^