A Love Blew From No Where - A love story with Lee Taemin Pt.28

A Love Blew From No Where - A love story with Lee Taemin


I hope he sleeps well :)


“Let’s go to a beach.”

“Okay.” Alex simply answered to my sudden request.  I cast him a weak smile. He never seemed to go against my request. He knew too well what I needed and he always gave it to me.

“You spoiled me too much.”

The faint trace of a smile lightened his face. “Glad that you know.”

 I frowned. “You have been saying that a lot lately.”

“Glad that you know.” He played on. I lightly punched his arm; knowing exactly that he said it on purpose to lift my mood.


I examined what’s left of my room – few boxes here and there; all the things that had been living with me have now been stuffed in them.

‘Spacious’ would be the most optimistic tag for this barren room.

But I preferred the words ‘cold and empty’.

My gaze locked onto the scenery outside the window; yesterday’s memories flashed before my eyes – his words, his warmth, his touch, his scent, his breath…everything about him burns into my very soul,  leaving a lingering scar in its absence.


“Let’s go right now.” Alex’s voice broke my thought and his worried tone did not escape my ears. I must have unconsciously put on that miserable expression again.

“Okay.” I smiled wryly and reached out my hand to him, preparing to summon a wind that could send us off to our destination in an instance. He shook his head instead and earned a curious look from me.

“Let’s drive there in my car instead.” He suggested. I opened my mouth to protest but he beat me to it. “Sometimes the journey is even better than the destination itself.” I closed my mouth and thought his words through.

“Fine…” I gave in. “You have enough petrol?”

He flashed a crooked smile and jingled the car keys in his hands. “More than enough.”


As much as I hate to admit it (and boost this guy’s ego further), he’s right. Sometimes the journey IS even better than the destination itself. I marvel at the sights passing by us as the bright orange car drove along the long windy road around the gentle hills. Though it was the winter season, there was still some greenery coloring the areas. In the far distance, I could spot a few flying seagulls, their white bodies contrasted sharply against the wide teal background…

“It’s the sea!” I shook Alex’s arm in excitement and he yelped in surprise when he almost lost control of the steering wheel.

Ignoring his death glare, I rolled down the car window and the salty smell of the sea waft in. I took a deep breath, building up the scent and savoring it within myself.

 How long has it been since I last came here?


“It’s really the sea!” I shouted out to the open air once I hopped out of the car, kicked my shoes off and feel the beads of sand under my feet. There was no one here except us, everyone avoided this place like a plague since it was December, a time where the freezing sea breeze blew inland and chill you to the very core.

But I came here precisely for it.

I wanted the chilling sea breeze to freeze me and numb me to the very core, to fill my entire body and mind with so much cold until I couldn’t differentiate the coldness in my heart from this freezing sensation.

“WHAT A STUPID BIG SEA!” I yelled out, but the choppy waves crashing against the shore were drowning them out.

STUPID SEA!” I yelled louder again. “STUPID SEA!” I yelled with all the strength I could gather.



I took another deep breath.



I felt a sudden wetness trailing down my cheeks – continuously running and flowing down. I was shocked, I thought my eyes were too tired from crying that they could no longer shed any now…

But clearly…I was wrong. I turned my attention back to the open sea.


How big and wide it was…

How small and vulnerable I was against it….


My throat was hurting and protesting so much. But I couldn’t care more.



Now everything taste and smell salty to me. This was supposed to be a trip to calm my nerves, yet why am I so agitated now?

Because you can’t forget him…the little voice I had been trying so hard to push away came back to me so easily.

Because you still love him…The flat-out truth once again answered my question.


“Don’t cry.” A warm hand slipped over my eyes. “Don’t cry any longer for him.” His soothing voice was calming me down, soothing me from the aching pain. I revert back to a peaceful state and felt the warm hand slide away.

I looked up and met Alex’s eyes, his gaze was surprisingly tender.

“Instead of him, choose me, Seo-Yun...” He pronounced my name carefully and softly, as he brushed my cheeks with his long fingers.

“What…?” I gasped, trying to take in this sudden confession. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. But the charcoal eyes burned into mine, telling me that he was every single bit serious about his words.


“You’re too blind…” I said flippantly, wanting to alleviate this tense atmosphere. “Can’t you notice how many girls out there look at you every time you walked past them? Of all people, you picked me?”

 I tried to laugh it off like it was a joke. But his eyes remained unsmiling.

“You’re the blind one, Seo-Yun.” He stopped short; his hands reached out and gently turned me around to face him properly.  “I couldn’t see them because my eyes only fall on you. I couldn’t care less about how everyone else looks at me. The only person whom I want to notice me is you.”

“Why…?”I began, and then paused, unsure of how to continue with the jumbling thoughts in my head.

His dark eyes scorched from under his lashes, I could see a defeated frustration welling in his gaze.

“Do I have to lay it all out in plain words before you finally realize how I feel about you?” He gave my shoulder a desperate yet gentle shake. “What do I have to do to make you conscious of me the way I am conscious of you and your everything?”

My head was spinning at the rapid change in direction the situation has taken.

I stared back at him, trying to recollect my pace back, trying to find words, any words to answer back to him. But I fall silent upon his beauty – The sea breeze was whipping his light-honey hair back, exposing his glorious features, his deep black eyes, his flawless lips, his perfect nose, his faultless skin complexion. No one could deny such a breathtaking splendor.


With deliberate slowness, I raised a hand up and caressed his cheek delicately, tracing the contours of his face, careful not to make one unexpected move. He closed his eyes and allowed my touch.

 “You’re everything a girl wish to have – drop–dead handsome, kind, smart, witty and always there for me when I’m down.” I finally said. “My head is telling me that I’m an idiot if I don’t accept you.”

I sighed, dropped my hand and leaned away. He opened his eyes and gazed at me with probing intensity.

“But here…” I point awkwardly at the place where my heart is “won’t listen.” I murmured.

“I must be an idiot then.” I frowned and looked down to study the distance between our feet. 

Will things between us end with my words?


He gave a soft laugh. “A cruel idiot.” He added on.

I smiled at the forgiving tone in it. “I’m not going to say sorry. It’s not going easy for me either.” Our eyes met, and we laughed together at this strange moment passing between us.

“Tell me about it.” He contemplated for a moment and we laughed again.

“If only my heart is an object that can be taken out, erased and draw on again. Like a blank piece of canvas.” I stared into the distance; the sun was already making its descent into the sea’s horizon.

“Perhaps time will present me the chance?” He smiled sadly; the setting sunlight glinted off his attractive face; creaming a soft orange hue on his skin.


I stayed silent at his words.

I can’t give him an answer; not when my entire heart and soul is filled up by that one specific person.


#Author's note - How's everyone feeling after the previous chapter? I didn't expect such strong emotions from all of you! But I'm slightly thrilled at that my story has such an effect on all of you =x

As for me, I've been feeling a bit tired and down lately since I'm suffering a lack of sleep. It's the holidays for me now and I'm taking a vacation job! Downside is that I'm getting less and less sleep since I spent my rest time for writing =x

5 hours became 4 hours...

4 hours became 3 hours...

And today I slept a total of 2 hours :D It's the caffine and sweets that's supporting my systen now (@_@)

But no matter what, I'm going to contiune this last last last lap of writing! I'm just one and a half chapters from finishing! *cough cough*

Thanks for all the comments! They are seriously my happy energy pills!

Please subscribe and comment! <3<3<3

P.S - I'm currently trying to finish up Chapter 29! Expect to see Chapter 29 in about 3-4 hours later? I decide to post it up early to make up the lack of Taemin in this chapter :P

Hee hee hee *getting too high from caffine and sugar-overdose*  =xxx

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Hahaha I cant believe I read this all in 3 hours and tome check its 3 20 am :) love the story its not like those other usual stories I read on Aff (no offence to anyone out there) -.-
Laney1822 #2
Chapter 3: Taemin could get away with anything he's y hot.
AliAsia #3
i loved reading this story it was brilliant!! it was so good that i stayed up till 12:30am just to finish it. i think that it was very well written and it should be made into a film. my heart wouldn't stop beating faster and faster the closer i got towards the end XD
I REALLY REALLY REALLY enjoyed reading this story. Seriously, I read this straight through no stopping. It's seriously 12:45 AM and I have school soon LOL.
kissabletaetae #5
love story with taemin!! OMO
Only half way and it sounds really good !!
Love this~! I must read on~~!!! ♥
Woah~ I finally finish and wow this story was last year O.O
I love it though > v < ~
I hope there's a sequel for it xD YOU ARE DAEBAK!!
OOH~~ I love this fanfic!!
It's also gives me an anime feel to it :DD
even though, the story is already complete, i subscribe to support it xD
You are Daebak!!
Wow, this story is Daebak..
this is probably the best Taemin fic I've ever read. (:
Keep up the good job~ ^^