A Love Blew From No Where - A love story with Lee Taemin Pt.12

A Love Blew From No Where - A love story with Lee Taemin

Taemin with his headphone on. Wonder what he’s listening to?

I think…I like you…?


The moment when the school bell rang and signal the end of school for today, I found myself making my way hurriedly to the place I really wanted to be.

I reached the door before me and hastily opened it and stepped into the open area rooftop.  The first thing I laid my eyes on was him….

He lay perfectly still on the floor, his headphone covered his hazel-brown head, his pale eyelids were shut. His skin, smooth and fair, seemed to glisten upon the natural light. A perfect statue, glowing under the soft afternoon sunlight, it is almost surreal to me.

The wind was gentle, ruffling with his hair. I curled beside him, my chin on my knees, my eyes unable to take the gaze off him.

“Hey…can you hear me?” I whispered softly. “What music are you listening to?” I tried again.

He made no response. Was he asleep in his own musical world?

Hesitantly and even afraid to break this precious moment, that he would disappear like a dazzling illusion, too beautiful to be real…hesitantly, I reached out one finger and brushed across his smooth hair. I marvel at the soft touch of his hair and again, with more confidence, I lightly placed my hand over his head and his hair gently, feeling each strand beneath my touch. His eyes were still closed.

“Hey…are you really asleep?” I whispered and lifted my hand away.

My mind trailed off as I stared at his angelic sleeping expression.

The words on his Giant Pepero present flooded my thoughts.


Hey...hope you like this present! I had to disguise myself to go into a convenience store to buy this! Aigoo....the troubles! ^^;;

All this time, I was glad to follow my instinct that day and went to the rooftop. If I had not, I wouldn't have met a precious friend like you. Though the time we spend together wasn’t long, but I feel strangely at ease with you. Haha…I don’t know what to write any longer. I'm embarrassed! (^^);;

Anyway, winter is approaching. Do wear more clothes and make sure to keep yourself warm. You still have my scarf with you. Use it wisely! Hehehe...

Happy Pepero Day! ^^


I continued gazing at him and couldn’t help but feel a smile forming on my lips.

The way he smiles, the way he laughs, the way his eyes always seem to be speaking to you, the way his cheeks blushes when he is shy…everything suddenly seem so cherished and dear to me.

The breeze was gentle, the air smelled sweet. I was drunk in this blissful moment.

My lips parted.

“I think…I like you…?”

I let my own words sink in; the effects dawned on me for the first time. My cheeks instantly flushed at the realization of my feelings towards him.

I like him? I like him?

I brushed my fingers through my hair in confusion and disbelief.


But these feelings, I can’t deny it.

My heart was pounding so hard against my chest, it hurts.

“I like you.” I whispered out to him and to myself.

This is the undeniable truth.

I sighed and glanced at his peaceful sleeping face.

And he would never know about it.


The moment shattered upon the vibrating sensation in my pocket. I stood up quickly whilst whipping out my stupid handphone and checked the caller – it was Alex.  Not wanting to wake him up, I left the scene. I certainly didn’t want to be here when he does wake up and explained futilely why my cheeks were so red.


Taemin opened his eyes and sat up, removing the headphones from his ear. There was no music emitting out from it. He wasn’t even listening to music in the first place. In fact, he was perfectly aware of everything that has happened.

He raised his hand and covered his mouth that was gaping in disbelief. Her words were replaying over and over again the way he replays his favorite music. His heart was speeding on the beats; his ears were flushed from the happiness pouring out from nowhere. The place where her hands had touched upon seemed to burn into his very skin.

“She likes me?” He couldn’t believe his own ears. “She likes me?”

His smile was so wide that his cheeks were complaining. But he didn’t care. The only thing he was secretly concerned about in this world has revealed the same feelings she has for him too.

He jumped in the air in excitement, trying to release this bubble of energy exploding in his body.

“She likes me! She likes me!” The child in him was shouting to the open air. He couldn’t care about anything right now, not his image, not his goofiness or dorkiness.

Only her, it was only her…who can make him feel and act this way.


Finally exhausted, Taemin plopped down to the floor and rest. As he breathed in deep, a voice that he was trying his very best to keep out came back to him.

Do you think it’s the right time to like someone now given our status? Have you thought about what will happen when you like someone? A lot of things will upset both you and her.

Minho hyung’s concerns rang in his head like a warning bell.

In an instant, his heart dropped to the very depth of a bottom pit. He sighed in frustration and messed his hair up in anger, ignoring the fact that Mr.Gem hairstylist will nag at him later.

For the first time in his life, he truly wished he wasn’t an idol.


#Author's note -  All of you are probably thinking about "Finally!!!!" when you read the end of this chapter right?

I'm so sorry that Seo-Yun's and Taemin's relationship is progressing at a snail's pace (-_-);; You have to blame it on me, the author. I'm always kind of slow and shy about love, so it influence the story =x

But hopefully, you find cuteness from their innocence! :D And as usual, love isn't exactly easy for the both of them =x

Because there is.....*cough cough* that will be revealed in the next chapter! Hee hee...

What do you think of this chapter? Please subscribe and comment =D (I will be waiting with anticipation! (>v<)!)

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Hahaha I cant believe I read this all in 3 hours and tome check its 3 20 am :) love the story its not like those other usual stories I read on Aff (no offence to anyone out there) -.-
Laney1822 #2
Chapter 3: Taemin could get away with anything he's y hot.
AliAsia #3
i loved reading this story it was brilliant!! it was so good that i stayed up till 12:30am just to finish it. i think that it was very well written and it should be made into a film. my heart wouldn't stop beating faster and faster the closer i got towards the end XD
I REALLY REALLY REALLY enjoyed reading this story. Seriously, I read this straight through no stopping. It's seriously 12:45 AM and I have school soon LOL.
kissabletaetae #5
love story with taemin!! OMO
Only half way and it sounds really good !!
Love this~! I must read on~~!!! ♥
Woah~ I finally finish and wow this story was last year O.O
I love it though > v < ~
I hope there's a sequel for it xD YOU ARE DAEBAK!!
OOH~~ I love this fanfic!!
It's also gives me an anime feel to it :DD
even though, the story is already complete, i subscribe to support it xD
You are Daebak!!
Wow, this story is Daebak..
this is probably the best Taemin fic I've ever read. (:
Keep up the good job~ ^^