Chapter 7 - Confirmed and Pending Thoughts -

My First and Last

Talking with Xiumin just felt so natural, that the two idols pretty much forgot, that the adorable boy in front of them was actually pretty much still considered a stranger. Also, for Minseok it rather felt like a reunion with old school friends; in both situations you had a lot to catch up and therefore talk about.

If it wasn’t for Minseok’s mobile that rang a known melody, their conversation wouldn’t have given any time to take a long breath. Minseok glanced on his mobile wondering who might call him. Seeing that it was Jimin, he knew that he had to take this call. Excusing himself from the younger men he earns two gentle smiles making him feel instantly understood.

Luhan and Baekhyun watch the older make some steps away from them, giving Luhan the opportunity to talk to Baekhyun:

“I guess your friend wasn’t so happy to see you after all… Did you guys have a fight?”

Baekhyun definitely knew about Luhan’s genuine intentions, knowing very well that he doesn’t mean any harm towards him, but Baekhyun couldn’t help but feel like there was a small dagger jabbed in his back. Remembering their encounter in the main hall, Baekhyun couldn’t help but feel miserable at that though, that the one person he was yearning for so long doesn’t even remember him. He had to correct himself at that thought, the person he was talking to was Xiumin not Minseok. Nevertheless, it was still somehow hard to believe. He kept his gaze on Xiumin while he answered Luhan:

“I guess you could just call it a bad day.”

When Minseok talked to Jimin he made sure to talk quiet enough for the idols not to understand what exactly he’s saying.

“You’re alright? They haven’t called the police yet? At least there was nothing in the media yet…” Sighing at this friend’s panicked worries he replies:

“No, don’t worry. Neither were there chairs flying nor tables… But I have to admit that things are going a little bit different than expected…”

“Huh, what do you mean…?!” Remembering that Jimin’s favorite EXO-member was Luhan and that he even started to learn Chinese for him, Minseok could only say bluntly: “You would hate me if I told you.”

“Stop talking nonsense! Where are you, let’s meet up when you have time.

“Uugh, well I’m…” making a short pause rethinking his choice of words, he chose to say he was in a café, which technically wasn’t wrong and since he was a coffee lover it wasn’t even suspicious. However, Minseok took this call as an opportunity to leave this building. Only when talking to Jimin he completely comprehended the whole situation that was going on.

The oldest from the three returned and was welcomed by two gentle smiles. Again, he excused himself, this time however in order to leave. Completely understanding Baekhyun and Luhan even apologized for keeping him so long to what Xiumin reassured them that it wasn’t a problem at all. In fact, he really enjoyed his time.

It felt like a déjà vu for Baekhyun. Again, they had to part ways after talking so freely together. Again, it was a phone call that would separate them. Again, Baekhyun hated this feeling in his chest.

Today however he had the guts to say something. Something that might change his fate. The fate he chose to take into his own hands. Thanks to his will not to let that happen again that was two years ago, he finally was able to speak up after two long years:

“Say… Xiumin, wanna give me your number?”

He was determined not to let it end this way, not again, not until he had at least tried.

Minseok only stared for a moment at Baekhyun, contemplating what to do. He felt only more confirmed when Luhan asked for his number as well. Smiling reassuringly, Xiumin affirmed Baekhyun’s question and each of them unlocks their mobiles and Minseok dictated his number. Baekhyun happily entered the number, almost feeling excitedly agitated.

What Minseok didn’t know was, that Baekhyun actually saved his contact under the letter “M” instead of “X”.

“Okay, I’ll be leaving then!”

“Sure, bye! Get home safely!” the idols said in unison as they watched Xiumin leaving the building with a manager accompanying him.

Turning to his younger friend, Luhan told Baekhyun cheerfully:

“He’s great! No wonder you like him so much. As expected, he’s cool and if he’s your friend, he’s mine as well.” Luhan winks, already wanting to give some kind of sign that would indicate in any way, even if it would be farfetched, that he had genuine interest in Baekhyun’s friend, hoping that the gesture didn’t go completely unnoticed. (It did though)

On their way to the dorm they chatted partially about Xiumin. The whole way back, Baekhyun held his mobile firmly, pressed against his chest. Baekhyun still had this swaying feeling about Xiumin’s identity. They just look so alike and he was just like how Baekhyun had Minseok in his memory. It really felt like a bad joke to him. But if he really remembered there was no need to use a new name and then leave him his mobile number, because if he remembered and never contacted him it would mean, that he didn’t want to take part in his life. Therefore, it only made sense if Xiumin in front of him was actually Xiumin and not Minseok. Minseok wasn’t the person for having a twisted personality after all.

Unintentionally sighing to himself, he simultaneously gave up the thought of Xiumin being actually Minseok. If he once was shallow enough to feel excited for a stranger who didn’t turn out to be the one he wanted, maybe he could be shallow enough again, letting things go their flow with Xiumin.

On his way home, hands in his trousers’ pockets, Minseok couldn’t help but wonder about today’s outcome. He only wanted to get his chain back and eventually he exchanged numbers with two idols. One of them being his friend’s favorite. Shaking his head confusedly, he couldn’t comprehend all of Baekhyun’s actions or even his own…

As he walked down the street towards the sunset, he thought about his chain again and how those boys actually made him completely forget about it. Looking into the yellow sky, he wondered why Baekhyun approached him back then and why he, in a way, felt grateful for that…





I already mentioned it once, but there are many hints in the story that lead to the ending and there are many connections between what is said etc.

Without spoiling anything: Baekhyun defended Minseok by saying that it was propably just a bad day. Now think back to the first chapter. There, Minseok was the one to say that it was just a bad day.

There are many more hints and clues, but I won't point them out.

Are those hints/connections I placed too subtle? Or are they too obvious? Please let me know what you think. Comments are always welcome!

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And finally the story is over! The whole story was planned out before hand and the ending might be surprising. Though attentive readers might have already guessed with the foreshadowing. Anyway, please let me know what you think about the story!


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Chapter 9: THE POTATO WHIRLY THINGYS --Literally just like a fry but fanned out and on a stick
Tastes good and would recommend~
Also liking the story!