Chapter 14

Remember, look up
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As Yuna's eyelids fluttered open, the stark reality of the hospital room came into focus. The sterile scent and the muted sounds of medical equipment filled the air. Beside him, Chaeryeong anxiously clutched his hand, her eyes filled with a mixture of relief and worry.

"Yuna, you're awake," Chaeryeong whispered, her voice trembling with emotions. "Thank goodness you're okay."

Yuna mustered a weak smile, his voice feeble as he spoke. "Chaeryeong... I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you like this."

Tears welled up in Chaeryeong's eyes as she pressed her lips against Yuna's hand, seeking solace in their shared touch. "Yuna, it's not your fault. We'll get through this together, I promise."

As he looked into Chaeryeong's tear-filled eyes, Yuna felt a mixture of gratitude and guilt. He needed to confess the true extent of his pain, to let her in on the torment that had led him to such a desperate act.

"Chaeryeong, I... I need to tell you something," Yuna began, his voice filled with a tremor of anguish. "I discovered something that shattered me, that pushed me to the edge. It's about Ryujin, my bully... and you."

Chaeryeong's brow furrowed, a mix of confusion and concern filling her expression. "Yuna, what are you talking about? What happened between Ryujin and me?"

Yuna's voice wavered as he continued, his pain evident in his words. "I found out that you and Ryujin... you had a one-night stand. It felt like a betrayal, Chaeryeong. The thought of you being with her, even before we were together, it tore me apart."

Chaeryeong gasped, her hand flying to , her eyes wide with shock and regret. She never anticipated the devastating impact her past actions would have on Yuna's well-being.

"Yuna, I never meant to hurt you," Chaeryeong whispered, her voice filled with remorse. "It was before we got together, and it meant nothing to me. I love you, only you."

Yuna's gaze held a mixture of pain and vulnerability as he reached out to grasp Chaeryeong's hand. "I know, Chaeryeong. I know it happened before us, but the betrayal, the feelings of inadequacy... they overwhelmed me. I couldn't escape the pain, the haunting images in my mind."

Chaeryeong's tears fell freely, her heart breaking for the immense suffering Yuna had endured. She clutched Yuna's hand tightly, desperate to provide him comfort and reassurance.

"Yuna, I'm so sorry," Chaeryeong choked out, her voice filled with regret. "I never imagined it would hurt you like this. Please believe me when I say that you are the one I love, the one I want to be with."

Yuna's tears mingled with Chaeryeong's, their pain and love intertwining in that moment of vulnerability. He leaned in closer, seeking solace in her presence.

"I love you, Chaeryeong," Yuna whispered, his voice filled with raw emotion. "But the pain consumed me, and I lost sight of everything else. I couldn't bear the weight of it anymore, and it drove me to that desperate act."

Chaeryeong's voice trembled as she replied, her love pouring forth

"I understand now, Yuna," Chaeryeong said, her voice filled with compassion. "I ca

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I am back! I apologize for being gone after a long time and I hope you like my update.


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lilykizaki #1
Chapter 13: 😭😭😭😭none of the couples are doing right this is sad but I love it 💟
yeonniestan94 #2
Chapter 13: Sob. Sob. What is going right with anyone?😭😭😭
maomao88 #3
Chapter 13: Goodbye. It was fun until the end. IZONE ❤️
lilykizaki #4
Chapter 13: okay, me too
take care ❤
Chapter 12: Wahhh.. WenKkura Forever hehe ^_^
lilykizaki #6
Chapter 12: can we just have seungwan x Sakura as the ending, he treats Sakura way better than Chaeyeon

Hyejoo and Yuna the proud boyfriends LoL

thanks for this chapter I love it
reigngrey #7
Chapter 12: Well thats good that someone is taking care of sakura
Chapter 11: Can sakura end up with seungwan ? Want him for her ..
sitikay #9
Chapter 10: I dont know why but I kinda want Kkura to end up with Seungwan. He seems like a good guy.
lilykizaki #10
Chapter 10: don't worry Wonyoung ah, you'll always be the baby :)