Chapter 31: Escape

Angel Princess

Hey sorry if I haven't updated in a while. I've been kinda busy for the past few weeks. Here's chapter 31 and I hope you guys like it!


Play this song as you read the chapter --->


Author's POV

The Boss stands in front of the giant window in his office with his hands behind his back. He stares out to the forest until there was a loud knock on the door. "You may enter." he calls. The door swings open and in enters Belmus with a sleeping Serenity in his arms.

"Where should I place her?" he ask.

"Lay her on the couch." the Boss replys. Belmus smirks and walks over to the large couch in the Boss' office. He gently place Serenity on the couch, resting her head against the armrest. His hand lowers and her cheek. "I think you've touched her enough, Belmus." the Boss snarls. Belmus laughs.

"Yes, of course. She kept me quite entertained." he says, turning his attention towards the Boss. The Boss turns his head slightly to the left and glares towards Belmus.

"I assume so, due to the way you treat woman. You sick basterd." he says throught gritted teeth. Belmus laughs once again.

"You, out of all people, should know why I am this way, no?" he says, folding his arms across his chest. The Boss frowns.

"Unfortuntately I do. Now leave. I don't want you waking up the girl." he says. Belmus laughs.

"Yes, of course. See you around, old man." he says then exits the office, slamming the door behind him. The Boss sighs, remaining in the same place for a moment longer before making his way over to the couch. The Boss looks down at her, his eyes searching her sleeping face. As he takes in her features, his eyes darkend.

"I can't believe how much she looks like her." he says softly. His eyes became slits as he reaches out and grips her chin tightly. "Same eyes, same nose, same lips, same cheekbones, everything resembling that wretched woman!" he yells and drops her chin as he storms away from the couch. He throws open the double doors to his small closet and takes out a first aid kit from the top shelf. He slams the medical kit on top of the desk and opens it. He takes out a small tube of meds and downs three of them. He sighs heavily as the meds slowly calm down his nerves. The Boss looks over to Serenity and snarles. "Curse you... curse you for having the same blood as that no good woman!" he says.

"Ugh..." a soft groan escapes Serenity's lips as she stirs in her sleep. The Boss' eyes widen as he looks towards the princess on the couch. Serenity's eyes slowly open groggily as she sits up slowly. "Wh-Where am I?" she ask softly then quickly feels the pain strike her heart. Her left hand grips over her heart as the strong pain shoots through out her small frame. The Boss looks over at Serenity and stands up sraight. He takes out a small bottle from his drawer and hands it to her.

"Here. It should stop the pain." he says. Serenity looks up at him, wincing as the veins in her small hands become more visible. "Trust me or not but it's the only way to get rid of the pain." he says. Serenity bites her lower lip, not taking any chances of dying from a heart attack, she takes the bottle from him and downs it completely. The Boss watches her as she drinks all of the liquid. Serenity lowers the bottle from her lips and sighs in relief as the pain in her organs die down. She looks up at the man and bites her lip.

"T-Thank you." she whispers. The Boss slowly nods his head as he walks towards the desk.

"You're welcome, Serenity." he says as he sits down in his chair.

"How did you know my name?" she ask, sitting up straight on the couch. The Boss rest his chin on top of his hands as he looks at her from across the room. A deep from forming on his face.

"That is something for you to find out, Serenity." he answers as he continues to stare at her. Serenity frowns and stands from the chair.

"What do you want with me? Why did you take me away from my family?" she ask. The Boss' frown deepends as he snaps his fingers. Serenity lets out a yelp as electricity strikes her, causing her to fall to her knees.

"What the hell?" she ask, lifting her head to glare at the man.

"Don't ask such stupid questions. You'll get hurt if you do." he threatends. Serenity glares at the man before slowly standing from the ground. The Boss stares at her and sighs. "My my, Belmus sure did do a number on you. You have scars on your face, neck, chest and arms." he says shaking his head lightly.

"What?" she ask. She looks around the room and finds a mirror hanging on the wall. She quickly runs over to it and looks at her reflection. She gasp lightly. The man was right. On her face were many visible scars. Two long scars lines both of her cheeks from the knife wounds from Belmus. A scar from the whip was plasters on her forehead, above her left eye. On her neck were two bite wounds from when Belmus had bitten her. Her collarbones each became a home to of three or four scratch marks while her arms were red and bruised from the whippings. Serenity slowly raises her hands and glances down at her wrists. On both wrists, there were red marks and scared flesh from the restrains holding her down when Belmus was torturing her. She lifts her head to stare into the mirror once again before her eyes became slits and destroys the mirror. She holds her head a bit. The Boss sighs and snaps his fingers again. Serenity screams once again when she feels electricity shoot through her body once again.

"You shouldn't really break other people's belonginngs just because someone else gave you scars." he says with a bored tone. Serenity whips around stomps towards his desk. She slams her hands firmly onto the surface of the wood and glares at the man.

"What are you planning to do to me?" she ask, her voice showing no signs of fear. The Boss sighs and makes eye contact with Serenity. Serenity lightly gasp as she sees the ugly burn mark on the man's face. "Y-You're face..." she says.

"It happened many years ago. Got hit by fire." he says. Serenity's eyes widen as she takes a step away from the man's desk.

"A burn mark? Wait? Was it by a woman with long brown hair?" she ask, fear seeping into her voice. The Boss smirks.

"Why yes, it was. How did you know, Serenity?" he ask, standing from his chair. He makes his way towards her as she moves back away from him.

"A-Are you...w-who I think y-you are?" she ask, her back hitting the wall. The man stops in front of her, looking down at her scared face.

"Hm? Who do you think I am, Serenity? Do you know me from somewhere?" he ask, cupping her chin with his hands. Serenity jerks her face away.

"Y-You... a-are C...Ce... Cecil." she says. The Boss smirks then turns on the light. Serenity's eyes widen as she looks up at his scarred face. His brown eyes glares down at her as he brown hair was brushed back.

"Yes, you got it right. I am Cecil. The ex-King of Sarada." he says with a growl. Before Serenity can say anything else, Cecil's hand makes contact with her cheek. Serenity yelps. Her hand touches her now red cheek as she looks back up at him.

"W-Why are you here? From what I heard, you were killed by.." Cecil cuts her off.

"By Cynthia, the Queen of Sarada? Yes, that's what everything thinks. But no, I wasn't killed. Cynthia thinks she killed me but she didn't I managed to escape." he says, glaring at Serenity. Serenity's eyes widen.

"W-What? What do you mean?" she ask. Cecil smirks and walks away from her, back to his desk.

"It's to much to explain now. When the time is right, then you shall know the real story... sweet little Serenity." he says. Serenity opens to speak but closes it when she hears a knock on the door. Cecil doesn't look up. "Move out of the way, Serenity. Come in!" he says. Serenity quickly moves out of the way just as the door opens. In steps Lucian. He bows to Cecil.

"Sir, everything is ready. When do you wish to begin?" he ask. Cecil stares at Lucian for a moment then he smirks when he notices Serenity running out of the room.

"We begin now. You are in for a rude awakening, Serenity." he says.


Serenity's POV

I run down the hall, away from Cecil's -- oh whoever he really is --- office. I hear someone shouting behind me and I turn to look back. I gasp. A group of people were chasing after me. "." I curse under my breath as I faster down the corridor. I make a sharp turn to the right and continue down the darkening corridor. I stop for a quick moment then enter the room located to my left and slam it behind. The room is dark and I frantically look for a light switch of some sort. When I finally find it, I switch it on and take a look around the room. It was a storage room with piles and piles of files and other junk. I hear the people outside the door and I look for a place to hide in for the meantime. I spot a brown door beside the curtained window and I run over to it. I twist the doorknob and find that it leads to another room. I quickly run inside, closing the door behind me and locking it. The second room is dimly lit and I hide under a large table facing the wall, away from the door's view. Pulling my legs to my chest, I try to calm my rapid breathing. The sound of the door being kicked open, startles me and I cover my mouth, masking the heavy breathing. I can hear the voices of the people inside the next room.

"Where is she? She must be in here somewhere." a man's voice ask.

"Check the whole room! She doesn't know the facility so she couldn't have gone far." another man's voice answers. I closed my eyes and take deep breaths to stop the rapid beating of my heart. I jump with a start when I hear them trying to open the door.

"She's in here! I can feel her aura in here!" Man Number 1 shouts.

"What are you waiting for? Open the damn door!" Man Number 2 yells.

"I can't! She's locked it!"

"Well break the ing door down!"

They begin to kick and punch the door, trying to break the lock to get inside. I begin to panic as I frantically search the dimly lit room for a way out. To my dismay, I can't find any. I curse under my breath again and emerge from under the table. I quickly move the table with my mind to barricade the door to buy me some time. My head throbs for a couple of seconds then soon relaxes. I raise my hand and emit a small blaze, lluminating the room a bit more. I scan the area, looking for something, anything, that can get me out of here. My eyes land on a curtain at the far right end of the room and I run over to it, hearing the kicks and punches on the door get stronger. I move the curtain back and a bright light shines in through a window. My eyes takes a while to adjust as the fire in my hand dies out and I reach for the handle on the window. The window is lock and I curse under my breath. The door breaks a bit and I see light from the next room peek inside. I look towards the door, gasping as I see a man looking inside.

"There she is!" he yells.

I bite my lower lip and look back to the window. " this." I mumble and I break the window, the glass shattering at my feet. I run out of the room and into the forest. I run into a random direction, not knowing where my legs are taking me. "Any place is better than here." I whisper as I run pass bushes and trees, away from that building.


Cecil's POV

I look out the window, just in time to see Serenity running into the woods. I sigh, shaking my head lightly. "Very stubborn girl. Stupid idiots! Letting her get away from the facility." I say with a frown but it slowly becomes a smirk. "But... she won't get far... not in the Dark Forest that is." I say with a wicked smile.

"Would you like me to fetch her once again?" Belmus ask from behind me.

"No let her go. She's going to have her hands full just being in the Dark Forest anyway." I say with a laugh.

"I still don't see what's the big deal about that girl. What is she to you anyway?" Belmus ask, sitting down on the couch, where Serenity once was sitting.

"It's something you wouldn't really understand, Belmus. She and I, got way back." I say, stepping away from the window and towards my desk.

"Really? Are you sure? Are you just mad about her because she resembles your daughter?" Belmus ask. I look towards him with a glare in my eyes.

"She is my daughter! I know it." I growl. Belmus smirks.

"How can you be so sure? Last I've heard, your daughter only knew how to use fire. Serenity knows much more than that. Are you certain that she is Cecilia?"

"What nonsense are you speaking?! Of course she is Cecilia! There's no doubt about it!" I yell, standing from my chair. Belmus laughs sickenly.

"I'm just saying. I've seen pictures of your daughter, Cecil. Serenity may look like her but she doesn't have the same spirit as your daughter. She could be a completely different girl or maybe..." he says, tapping his chin. I raise an eyebrow.

"Or maybe what, Belmus? What are you going to say?" I ask, suddenly curious as to what he is implying. Belmus smirks at me.

"What if she is the reincarnation of your daughter?" he ask.

"What bull are you saying! It's only been a couple of years! Not decades! There's no possible way!" I yell, clearly frustrated with the babble of this idiot.

"Are you sure? Look at her, Cecil. The same face as your daughter, the same age, the same attitude, it could be a possiblity."

"Preposterous! Stop your useless speaking!" I snap, sitting back in my chair. Belmus smirks.

"You denial it now, but just you wait to see. Who knows, she may be your daughter but she may not be, who knows. She may have a different soul inside her. Remember, your wife extracted the memories of Cecilia many years ago." Belmus begins. "Let's to say, that Serenity is Cecilia, but with a different soul and motive."

"What?" I ask, staring at me.

"It could be true. Serenity could be Cecilia but completely different at the same time. For example, if she were to somewho gain Cecilia's memories, she will still be Serenity but just with Cecilia's memories. Do you understand what I am saying, Cecil?"

"What ARE you saying?" I ask. Belmus rolls his eyes.

"What I am saying, clueless Cecil, is that Cecilia could be Serenity's alto ego! Sure, you being banished from Gaia was merely a couple years ago but the possiblilty of Serenity's somehow connection to Cecilia could be just that. Besides, Cecilia's memories are trapped in that pendant your wife used. If Serenity were to somehow have possession over that, she will gain Cecilia's memories."

I lower my eyes to the ground as the information Belmus have just given me sink it. What if it's true. What if the soul of my daughter is Serenity's alto ego and is locked inside that cursed pendant that Cynthia used? There is only one way to find out. I look up at Belmus, a glare in my eyes. "Belmus, retreive the pendant from whoever holds it. I want to test this theory of your out. It may be worth it." I say. Belmus smirks and bows his head.

"As you wish." he says then disappears from my offifce. I look out the window once again and sigh.

"Maybe... maybe that basterd could be right. It's been many years and it could be a possiblily that my daughter's memories may be nothing but the past for Serenity. Hmm..."


Please tell me what you guys think and if anyone is confused with this chapter, please let me know and I will happily help you! Please comment and subscribe! Love you guys! ~♥

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Sorry if I am taking to long in updating. Hopefully I will post an update tonight or tomorrow after school


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kpopmusiclover #2
Chapter 33: Pls update soon! It's been quite a long time since you updated though :( chanyeol still misses her right?
Please update soon.
girlyoudontknow1708 #4
Chapter 33: Ooh~ I wonder how many different power she has. Hmm. I hope she can make Zander and Kabul come back to life, I wish. Plzz update
The_Silent_Reader #5
Chapter 33: Ohhhhhh so if she leaves Neverland, there's a big chance that Chanyeol we'll find her, recognize her, but he'll think it's Cecilia not Serenity, causing him to think that she still likes him
Chapter 33: Update soon please ;DD
Chapter 32: I've been gone for a while....all the feels your updates gave me is hard to explain>.<
sonesn #8
Chapter 32: update soon!
Tihlee #9
Chapter 32: YAY She's going back home.
Frenshyiiz4 #10
Chapter 32: Oh so somehow Chanmi and Chanyeol are still alive, somehow Serenity and Cecilia are one like some kind of transfer or something, AND somehow Cecil is himself alive too... WOW so now what? S needs to master her powers in order to kill these gyus bcoz they seem UNBREAKABLE!