Chapter 28: Change of Heart

Angel Princess


Play this song as you read the chapter --->


Serenity's POV


The sun's rays shine through my curtains and touch my face. I stir, pulling the duvet over my head; groaning in annoyance. I hear someone chuckle but I don't bother to see who it is. "Come on, Serenity. It's time to wake up, sweetheart." says the soothing voice of Kevin as he lightly shakes my shoulder.

"Do I have to get up, Kevin?" I mumble from under the duvet. Kevin giggles softly.

"Yes you need to get up my love." he says. I sigh and sit up in bed, the duvet falling from my face. I squint my eyes from the sudden bright light lluminating my bedroom.

"Why is it so bright in here?" I ask, shielding my eyes with the back of my hand. Kevin giggles again.

"Well, you're going to have to ask AJ. He's been in a bright mood since this morning." he says sitting down on my bed. I raise an eyebrow and look at him.

"Huh? Really?" I ask, blinking a couple of times. Kevin nods his head.

"Yap. You should go talk to him. He's sitting by the front gates." he says, kissing my forehead then exits my room. I sit there in awe. AJ's in a good mood? Hmm this I got to see. I think to myself as I quickly get out of bed and run into the kitchen. I take a quick shower and get dress. I style my short hair to my liking then exit my bedroom. I exit the castle and walk towards the gates. I stuff my hands into my pockets as I walk pass the garden. I stop in my tracks, seeing AJ sitting down on the grass beside the gates. I gulp, slowing approaching him.

"AJ?" I call softly. AJ raise his head and looks at me. I stand a couple of inches in front of him. I look at him and my eyes widen. AJ smiles up at me.

"Hello Serenity." he says, standing up from his spot and walks over to me. He looks down at me with the same sweet smile. I pinch my arm, making sure it wasn't a dream. Ouch! No it is not a dream. I look up at him.

"AJ? It's... nice to see you smile." I say, hoping that I didn't say the wrong thing. AJ chuckles.

"Thank you, Serenity." he says, ruffling my hair. I blush a light shade of red. "Would you care to take a walk for me?" he ask. I slowly nod my head. He takes my hand, lacing our fingers together. I look down at our hands then up at AJ. He smiles down at me then opens the gates. He closes it behind us and we walk down the path, holding each other's hand. The wind lightly blows, sending a small shiver down my spine. AJ takes notice and lets go of my hand to wrap his arm around my shoulders and pull me close. I blush a deeper shade of red as we continue down the path. The walk is silent as we listen to the birds chirping and the leaves shaking. We arrive to the flower garden where Kibum had told me the story. My eyes widen as I look up at AJ. "Like it? It's a garden that I found yesterday after that whole mishap about the wedding." he says, sitting down on a bench. I sit beside him.

"I see. It's very beautiful." I say, looking at the garden with a soft smile. Ever since Kibum told me that story, all I've been thinking about is Cynthia. I wonder if she ever found her daughter after taking care of that no-good of a husband of hers. I think with a small sigh. AJ looks over at me.

"Are you okay?" he ask. I look at him, nodding my head.

"Oh, yes I am fine." I reply with a smile. AJ blinks then returns my smile. He looks ahead at the fruit trees as the sun shines brightly in the sky. I look up at the clear blue sky, covering my eyes with the back of my hand.

"The weather feels very nice." I say. AJ looks at me.

"Really? Heh, thanks. Guess I'm in a cheery mood." he says with a shrug. I look at him with big eyes before smiling softly.

"That's good to know." I say softly, looking down at my lap. AJ looks at me then back to the tree.

"You hungry?" he ask. I raise my head.

"Huh? Umm... a little bit." I reply, rubbing the back of my neck. He smiles and stands from the bench. He extends his hand out to me. I look up at him, confused.

"Here, let's go eat some fruits." he says. I hesitate for a moment before taking his hand and he lifts me up from the bench. He leads me towards the fruit trees while holding my hand in his tightly. When we reach the trees, AJ lets go of my hand and reaches up to grab a apple from a branch. He hands me the apple and I look at it oddly. The apple was a shade of dark purple. I look up at AJ, who laughed at my facial expression. "Don't worry, it won't change your skin color or anything." he says. I smile a bit then I take a bite of the purple apple. I was expecting it to taste really weird but the taste was actually very good.

"Hmm. This is very good." I say, smiling up at AJ. AJ smiles and takes a another fruit from the tree. It was orange banana. He peels it and takes a bite.

"The fruits here may have a odd color but they taste very good. But becareful with some fruits." he says.

"Wae yo?" I ask.

"There are some fruits that are poisonous and no the poisonous ones aren't green." he says with a smirk. I giggle a bit before taking another bite of the apple.

"Then how do I tell them apart from the good ones?" I ask. AJ hands me his banana to hold as he picks a fruit from the tree, this time it being a orange.

"Like this." he says and rips the fruit in half, showing me the inside of the fruit. "Good fruits have this blue-ish color to them while the poisonous ones have a red or orange color to the inside. Remember, don't eat a fruit right away if you don't know where it's been grown. You can eat these because they are grown here but anywhere else, just make sure if it's edible or not. Alright." AJ explains, looking me in the eye. I look up at him, nodding my head.

"Okay. I understand." I say. AJ smiles.

"Good. Here, let's take a look at the flowers." he says, taking my hand and leading me away from the trees. We walk along the garden and AJ shows me the different color flowers, just like how Kibum did yesterday. I look at AJ's smiling face as he points to his favorite flowers. We walk to the end of the garden as AJ shows me one last thing. "Close your eyes." he says. "I have something for you."

"Oh okay." I say, closing my eyes. I feel AJ's hands slip away from mine as he walks away to get me something. I ruffling as he looks for whatever it is he is going to give me. I feel his presence in front of me as he lean down, his nose touching mine. My eyes twitch, wanting to open up. I hear AJ chuckle.

"Don't open your eyes yet." he whispers. I slowly nod my head as I feel a like blush coming onto my cheeks. AJ chuckles once again before placing something in my hands. "Now you can open your eyes." he whispers into my ear. I shiver a bit and open my eyes to see a teal covered box. I blink.

"What is this?" I ask softly. AJ smiles.

"A present. Don't open it now. Open it before you go to bed tonight." he says, my hair. I blush once again and nod my head.

"A-Alright." I say softly. AJ smiles softly and kisses my forehead. A small gasp escapes my lips as I look up at him with wide eyes. AJ laughs again.

"You must be really surprised about my behavior with you, right?" he ask, digging his hands into his pockets. I nod my head slowly. AJ smiles a bit. "You changed my mind about marrying you, Serenity." he says.

"Huh? I-I did?" I ask. AJ nods his head.

"Yes, you did. What you said yesterday to our fathers was really something else. I always expected you to be the spoiled little daddy's girl but you're not." he says, looking down at me.

"You... You thought I was spoiled?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. He nods his head.

"Yap. I also thought that you didn't cared about who you married. I really thought that you were a y princess." he says, rubbing the back of his neck. I giggle softly.

"Wow, I never really thought that you saw me as that way. Mianhae if I sent you that kinda vibe about myself." I say, looking down shyly. AJ laughs.

"It's alright. I know now that I do want to marry you. You are a strong girl and I am sorry for never seeing that in you. Do you forgive me?" he ask, with pleading eyes. I look up at him and a smile appears on my face.

"Yes, I do forgive you, AJ." I say. AJ smiles big and wraps his arms around my small waist and lifts me up from ground. I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck as he swings me around in a tight hug. He puts me down and connects our lips together in a soft and gentle kiss. I kiss him back with the same care. AJ pulls away slowly and smiles down at me.

"Come on, let's go back to the castle." he says, taking my hand in his and leading me out of Cynthia's garden. We reach the castle in no time and we enter the oddly noisey castle. AJ and I exchange looks with one another and walk into the living room where all the noise was coming from. The other princes were talking, more like yelling at one another.

"Hey! Guys, what is going on?" I ask, tilting my head to side. The boys all look at AJ and I and took noticed at our intertwine hands.

"I knew it! I knew AJ had a change of heart!" Soohyun says. Dongho rolls his eyes.

"Damn it AJ hyung, you really fell for her didn't you?" he ask as he looks at us. AJ nods his head with a smile.

"Yes I did, Dongho. You should do the same. Trust me, you won't regret it." he says. Dongho rolls his eyes once again.

"I think I'll pass on that." he says, waving his hand. I look at Dongho with a pout and I saw him look at me from the corner of his eye and I could had sworn, I saw a slight smile touching his lips. Hoon stands from his seat with a smile.

"Let us celebrate AJ's change of heart for our lovely fiancee, Serenity!" he says. AJ rolls his eyes.

"Yah! Hyung, that isn't even neccassary!" he says, his face changing to a light shade of red. The others laugh at their brother's flushed face. I giggle softly.

"Here, let me get us all some drinks." I say, setting down my things. Eli stands from his seat.

"I'll help you." he says with a smile. I smile back.

"Gomawo, Eli." I say and he follows me into the kitchen while the others continue to make fun of AJ. I grab a few cups from the cabinet as Eli takes out some refeshments from the fridge. He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I am really happy that AJ finally accepted you. Now we can all marry you in peace." he whispers into my ear. I laugh, craning my head to the side.

"All but Dongho. He still doesn't want to marry me." I say with a pout. Eli laughs and gives me a gentle squeeze.

"He does, trust me. He just doesn't want to admit to it." he says.

"Chincha?" I ask. Eli nods his head.

"Yap. He secretly does love you... a lot. He just doesn't want to admit to it." he says, nuzzling his nose into the crook of my neck. I giggle softly.

"Well, that's good to know. I'm happy to know that Dongho and AJ finally accepts me." I say, my eyes tearing up. Eli and I gather all of the drinks and takes them to the other boys in the living room. I sit beside AJ, who wraps his arms around my shoulders and kisses my cheek. Kiseop sits beside me and holds my hand, lacing our fingers together. He leans into my ear.

"I'm glad that we finally get to marry you. I can't wait for that day to come." he whispers and kisses my temple. I giggle softly and smile at him. Kiseop smiles back gently.



Stop the song here and play this for the rest of the chapter --->


Author's POV


It was a little passed midnight when U-Kiss and Serenity went to bed. Serenity exits her bathroom in sweats and a tank top while drying her short brown hair with a towel. She sets the towel on one of the chairs and sits on her big bed. She lays back onto her bed with a sigh. She looks up at the ceiling for a moment before remembering the present AJ gave her. She grabs the teal box from her nightstand and upwraps it. She opens the box and a gasp escapes her lips as her eyes widen in size. "O...Omo..." she says, gently taking out the blue object. Serenity moves the box aside and places the object on her lap.

"T..This is so beautful.." she says. The object was a crystal blue music box shaped in the form of a heart with two crystal blue roses with the golden stems and leaves.

She slowly opens the box and a soft, lovely tune begins to play. Serenity covers as she holds back sobs of joy. She looks over to the box and sees a sheet of folded up paper. She sets the music box down on her bed with the tune still playing and takes the paper from the box. She unfolds it, realizing it was a note AJ had written for her.

'Serenity, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met. I am so sorry for not realizing that the moment I met you. Please forgive me. Forgive me for not giving you a chance in the very beginning. I know in the past I could never say a single nice thing to you or even say 'I love you' but now I know that I am able to say sweet things to you, that I am able to say those special words to you. I love you, Serenity. Always remember that. I hope you can forgive me for everything I done. You're like a precious jewel that I must cherish and protect with my life. You are a precious jewel and a delicate flower. From now on, I will always protect you, no matter what, my love.
- AJ'

Tears stream down Serenity's cheeks once she read AJ's letter. She covers as she lets out soft sobs. She wipes her tears away as a smile touches her lips. "Thank you, AJ. Thank you so much. And... I forgive you." she says softly, holding the letter to her chest, over her heart. She gently folds the paper and places it back inside the box. She picks up the crystal music box and place it on top of her nightstand. She lays down on her bed, turning off her light; letting the room be filled with the lovely tune of the music box. She closes her eyes and falls into a peaceful sleep.

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Sorry if I am taking to long in updating. Hopefully I will post an update tonight or tomorrow after school


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kpopmusiclover #2
Chapter 33: Pls update soon! It's been quite a long time since you updated though :( chanyeol still misses her right?
Please update soon.
girlyoudontknow1708 #4
Chapter 33: Ooh~ I wonder how many different power she has. Hmm. I hope she can make Zander and Kabul come back to life, I wish. Plzz update
The_Silent_Reader #5
Chapter 33: Ohhhhhh so if she leaves Neverland, there's a big chance that Chanyeol we'll find her, recognize her, but he'll think it's Cecilia not Serenity, causing him to think that she still likes him
Chapter 33: Update soon please ;DD
Chapter 32: I've been gone for a while....all the feels your updates gave me is hard to explain>.<
sonesn #8
Chapter 32: update soon!
Tihlee #9
Chapter 32: YAY She's going back home.
Frenshyiiz4 #10
Chapter 32: Oh so somehow Chanmi and Chanyeol are still alive, somehow Serenity and Cecilia are one like some kind of transfer or something, AND somehow Cecil is himself alive too... WOW so now what? S needs to master her powers in order to kill these gyus bcoz they seem UNBREAKABLE!