Chapter 17: Paradise Princes

Angel Princess


Play this song as you read this chapter:

Sorry if I keep changing the font in each chapter x3


Serenity's POV

"My name is Sungjong. I am the youngest prince of Paradise." the boy replys with a sweet smile. My eyes widen a bit as I look up at his gorgeous young face.

"Prince Sungjong?" I repeat hesitately. Sungjon smiles, nodding his head. A small blush appears across my face but luckyly the darkness covers my face enought for Sungjong not to notice it. I shiver a little bit as the rain continues to pour down. Sungjong looks down at me, noticing that I am shivering slightly. He giggles.

"Come on. Let's get out of this rain, you're going to get sick." he says, taking my hand in his and leads me out of the open wet field. We walk in direction of the path we came from but instead of walking towards the pond, Sungjong pulls away a pair of bushes, revealing another hidden path. My eyes widen slightly.

"Another hidden path?" I ask quietly. Sungjong giggles.

"Yes but U-Kiss no longer comes through here anymore because they think we are gone." he says with a shrug of a shoulder. I glance over at him, becoming slightly confused.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask, following him down the hidden pathway. I keep close behind Sungjong, not wanting to get lost. As we proceed, I trip over something and slam into Sungjong's back. Sungjong stops, looking back at me as I hold onto the back of his shoulders. I feel his body vibrate from his silent laughter.

"You okay back there?" he ask with another laugh. I blush, backing away from him a bit. Sungjong smiles, reaching out and taking my hand in his. "Here. Hold onto my hand so you won't fall or get lost." I slowly nod my head which was replied with another one of his heart warming laughs. Sungjong turns and continues to walk down the path. The rain falls to the ground around us, making my vision blurr a little bit. I stick close behind Sungjong as we reach nearly the end of the pathway. I bite my lower lip for a moment before looking up at him.

"Pince Sungjong... where are we going?" I ask. Sungjong looks down at me from the corner of his eye before smiling and answering my quesion.

"First, there is no need to call me 'Prince Sungjong' Noona. You may call me Sungjong or Jonggie." he replys smiling down at me. I blush lightly, looking away quickly. He called me Noona... no one ever really called me Noona before. I think to myself. Sungjong looks at me, stops and lifts my chin up. "Noona, are you okay?" he ask.

"Urm... Ne, I'm fine. It's just... I'm not used to being called Noona..." I say rubbing the back of my neck, shyly. Sungjong blinks then giggles. I look up at him, blinking twice.

"Arrasso. I'll call you by your name if you like, Serenity." he says with a smile. I blush deeply. There was something about him when he said my name just now. It sounds... soothing... reasurring... I don't know who to explain it. When I didn't reply back, Sungjong smiles. "Okay then, Serenity it is." he says taking my hand and continue down the path. I lower my head as I follow behind Sungjong.

 Once we arrive at the end of the path, I almost run into him when he suddenly stops. I look up to see him smiling down at me. I tilt my head to the side a bit. "What is it, Sungjong?" I ask. He points towards another field with a road leading to a gate in the distance. I squint my eyes to get a better look of Paradise but the only I could see is darkness and... black smoke. I blink while raising an eyebrow. I want to ask Sungjong why is there black smoke being seen from the distance but I didn't wanted to say something that might offend him. We proceed down the hill towards the road to lead us to Paradise We walk down the road in silence until we reach the gates, leading into Paradise. Sungjong stops in front of the gates, his head lowered and his shouldrs slump. I touch his shoulder. "Are you... alright?" I ask. He stays silence for a moment before nodding his head. He opens the gates and we enter Paradise but... it was something I didn't want to witness. My eyes scan the whole area in complete horror before opening my mouth to speak. "Is this really... Paradise?" I ask softly, my hand covering my mouth slowly.

"Yes... this is my home... this is Paradise." Sungjong replys and I can't help but look at him when I hear some sort of sadness in his voice. When my eyes land on his face, I feel somthing in my heart tug and twist painfully. The look on Sungjong's face was nothing but a look of such sorrow and agony, his eyes became moist as he looks ahead. At the destruction of Paradise. He takes my hand in his, leading me deeper into the ruines of the once probably lovely kingdom. My right hand covers my mouth once again as I take in the horrible sight before me. The small houses and buildings were destroyed, from what could had been a massive deadly fire. The deeper we get, the worse the disaster becomes. I hide my face into Sungjong's shoulder blade upon seeing the dead body of a young child under a border that had fallen from the building behind it. I lightly bump into Sungjong's back when he suddenly stops. I look up at him before my eyes travel towards what he was gazing at. My eyes widen again, seeing the ruines of the Paradise Castle... the castle where Sungjong most likely lived in.

 I feel Sungjong squeeze my hand tightly, causing me to look back at him. His head was lowered, his fringe covering his right eyes and his lips in a tight line. "Sung-" before I can finish, I'm pulled into his tight embrace as he buries his face into the crook of my neck. My eyes widen from the sudden hug, my hand making their way to his shoulders to push him back slightly but when I grip his shoulders, they are shaking violently. I hear small sobs coming from him as his grip around my tiny waist tightens, pulling me closer to him. My brown orbs to moisten as I slowlyn wrao my arms around his neck, holding him close. "Shhh... it's okay Sungjong, let it out. It's alright... Serenity Noona is here." I whisper. With that, he breaks down on my shoulder, clinging onto me for dear life. He cries out his sorrows as I whisper words of comfort into his ear while rubbing his back slightly. I look up at the ruines of the castle before me as I hold Sungjong close to me, my lips forming into a tight line. Who could had done this? I have a feeling... it was Chaos. How could he do this to his own home? To his own sons? I wonder where are his other sons are located. I think to myself. I feel Sungjong lift his head from my shoulder and look down at me. His eyes were red and puffy, red tinting his cheek. I frown slightly, raising my hand, his cheek and wiping the tears away. "Are you alright?" I ask softly. Sungjong slowly nods his head.

"Ne. I'm alright. Gomawo, Serenity Noona." he replys softly. I smile, nodding my head, still his cheek.

"Sungjong... where are you brothers?" I ask hesitately, not wanting to make him cry again. He smiles, pointing towards the castle.

"They are in the castle. Come Noona, they are waiting for us inside." he says, taking my hand and leads me into the ruined castle. I blink as I follow close behind him. From the outside, it looks horrible and soaked with the fire smoke but inside... it was beautiful. My mouth drops to the floor as my eyes scan the big room.

"Wow... how... did everything burned but the inside of the castle?" I ask in amazement. Sungjong giggles as he looks at me facial reaction.

"My hyungs and I fixed it up after everything happpend. It was quite difficult to do." he explains, rubbing the back of his neck. I look at him before looking around the grand hall.

"Sungjong!" a male voice calls from the top of the stairs. Sungjong and I look towards the stairs to see a tall muscular male running down the stairs. He tackles Sungjong with a bear hug, squeezing him to half to death. My eyes widen as I stare at the male. He was drop-dead gorgeous! He had short black hair, his fringe stuck up, showing his forehead. His clothing was black, his V-neck shirt showing a portion of his toned chest. I feel my face heat up a bit as I look at his toned arms. Damn... he's muscles are really hot... Yah! Serenity stop thinking thinks you aren't suppose to! I think to myself. The male lets Sungjong go then looks straight at me. My face flush. "Jonggie, who is this?" he ask looking at Sungjong.

"Oh! This is Serenity Noona, she is U-Kiss' hyungs new fiancee." Sungjong says with a smile as he wraps his arm around the male's small waist. The male's eyes widen as he looks at me.

"Oh I see. So I guess they finally gotten over Century after so many years." the male says with a smirk. "She's a cute one too." he winks at me. I blush deeply. God he's so hot! Sungjong light slaps the male on the arm with a laugh.

"Yah Woohyun hyung! Don't embarrass Noona!" he says with a smile, looking over at me. I bite my lower lip, lowering my head shyly. Woohyun laughs as he ruffles my hair.

"Mianhae, Serenity." he says with another wink. I shyly nod my head. "My name's Woohyun by the way." he says extending his hand out to shake my hair.

"Annyeong... I'm Serenity..." I say shyly, bowing my head. Woohyun smirks, ruffling my hair once again. Sungjong smiles, taking my hand as he and Woohyun leads me towards the right side of the stairs. I stand in between Sungjong and Woohyun as we walk down the hallway. Woohyun looks down at me from the c0rner of his eyes with a smirk on his face. I squeeze Sungjong's hand for reasurrement and Sungjong squeezed mine back. We stop in front of large double doors. The doors were a dark brown color with odd designs on them. Woohyun steps forward, opening the door. He steps aside, allowing Sungjong and I to enter first. Sungjong walks in first, pulling me along with him. Woohyun follows behind us, closing the doors.  We stand in the middle of a giant library! There were what seems like millions of books on the many books shelves, first and second floors. There was a desk in the middle of the room where a male sat in, reading a book. Woohyun walks up to the desk, stands beside the male and ruffles his hair.

"Annyeong Myungsoo-ah." he says smiling down at the boy. The boy looks up from the book to stare up at Woohyun.

"Annyeong Woohyun hyung." he replys with a small smile. Woohyun smirks, leans down and whispers something into Myungsoo's ear. Myungsoo smirks, placing the bookmark on the page he was on and closes the book. He stands from the chair and walks over to Sungjong and me. When he stands in front of me, he looks down at me. "Hello there, Serenity. We've heard about U-Kiss hyungs having a new fiancee." he says as he looks at me. I look up at Myungsoo and just like with Sungjong and Woohyun, he is gorgeous.

Myungsoo has short black hair, similar to Woohyun's but his fringe wasn't sticking up like Woohyun's. His eyes were smaller than mine but where lovely. His nose was shaped nicely and his lips looks smooth. He smirks, showing a dimple. Oh God! A dimple? It's so cute! I shake my head as I look away from Myungsoo's face. He laughs as he leans away from me and looks at Woohyun. He motions his head towards a door behind the desk. Woohyun nods then walks towards the doors with Myungsoo. I look over at Sungjong. "Where are we going?" I ask him. Sungjong smiles at me.

"We're going to meet the rest of the hyungs." he says, pulling me towards the doors where Woohyun and Myungsoo were heading too. I gulp as I follow the boys. Myungsoo opens the door, walking inside along with Woohyun and I follow with Sungjong. The room was a back patio a house would have but it was connected to a giant green house. There I see four other males. Myungsoo, Woohyun and Sungjong walks over to the four males and greets them. I watch as I one of the four males, hug Sungjong tightly, fixing his wet hair. I wrap my arms around, just remembering that I am soaked from head to toe. The cold air kiss my wet clothes, making me shiver violently but I try to make it let obvious that I am freezing my off. One of the males looks towards me. His hair is light brown and long to the back of his neck. He smirks, tapping the shoulder of a big muscular male beside him. He stares towards me as well. I look away, hiding my face behind my long fringe. I feel someone grip my arm and pull me towards the group of boys. I yelp, looking up to see the long haired male pulling me towards the guys. I look at his left ear, noticing it was almost filled with piercings! Good lord! How can he have all those piercings in his ear? They look like they must have hurt bad. I think as I stop in front of the guys, who, are now staring down at me. I gulp.

"Guys, this is Serenity. U-Kiss' new sweet little fiancee." Woohyun says to the males. They look at me with little smiles on their faces. The long haired one is still holding onto my arm in his grip. Sungjong walks over to me.

"Noona, these are my hyungs. You already know Woohyun and Myungsoo hyungs. This is Dongwoo hyung, " he says pointing to the dark haired one beside Woohyun. He gives me a huge gorgeous smile as he waves to me. I smile a little, giving him a small wave back. "This is Hoya hyung and Sungyeol hyung," he points to the muscular male and the long haired one, who is still holding my arm lightly. Hoya nods his head towards me and Sungyeol smiles down at me, flashing me his big pearly whites. Sungjong smiles, standing beside the last male. "and this is the oldest hyung, Sunggyu hyung." he finishes, looking up at the male. Sunggyu smiles at me, bowing his head slightly. His eyes were small and his face was chubby but he was a cutie pie.

"Annyeong Serenity-ah. It's nice to meet you. We are the Paradise Princes. Welcome to our castle and our home." Sunggyu says with a soft smile. I nod my head and slowly bows my head. I feel Sungyeol's hand slide down my arm, giving me goosebumps. I try not to shiver but I have a feeling Sungyeol notice because he smiles widely, showing his lovely teeth once again.

"Annyeong, it's nice to meet you guys." I say shyly. Sunggyu smiles sweetly at me. He notices my wet clothing and my legs shaking slightly. He chuckles a bit. He looks over to Sungjong.

"Sungjong-ah, take Serenity-ah upstairs so she can change out of those wet clothes. She's probably going to catch a horrible cold in the morning," he says. Sungjong smiles, taking my hand and dragging out of the room. We walk through the library and up the stairs in the grand hall. I look over at Sungjong.

"Your hyungs seems nice and friendly." I say rubbing the back of my neck uneasily. Sungjong laughs.

"Yes I know. They are very sweet." he says as we reach the top of the stairs. We walk down the hall, passing a couple of doors. We stop in front of a white door at the end the hall. "This is my room, Noona. Come on, let's get you out of these wet clothes." he says with a smile and a wink. I gulp as he drags me into the room and closes the door behind us.


Hey guys! Here's an update for you guys since I am off school today due to the thing I wrote about in my blog. I hope you guys like it and please tell me what you guys think of the chapter. Subscribe and comment! Love you guys! ♥~ Oh! Do tell me if the font is to hard to read okay! x3

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Sorry if I am taking to long in updating. Hopefully I will post an update tonight or tomorrow after school


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kpopmusiclover #2
Chapter 33: Pls update soon! It's been quite a long time since you updated though :( chanyeol still misses her right?
Please update soon.
girlyoudontknow1708 #4
Chapter 33: Ooh~ I wonder how many different power she has. Hmm. I hope she can make Zander and Kabul come back to life, I wish. Plzz update
The_Silent_Reader #5
Chapter 33: Ohhhhhh so if she leaves Neverland, there's a big chance that Chanyeol we'll find her, recognize her, but he'll think it's Cecilia not Serenity, causing him to think that she still likes him
Chapter 33: Update soon please ;DD
Chapter 32: I've been gone for a while....all the feels your updates gave me is hard to explain>.<
sonesn #8
Chapter 32: update soon!
Tihlee #9
Chapter 32: YAY She's going back home.
Frenshyiiz4 #10
Chapter 32: Oh so somehow Chanmi and Chanyeol are still alive, somehow Serenity and Cecilia are one like some kind of transfer or something, AND somehow Cecil is himself alive too... WOW so now what? S needs to master her powers in order to kill these gyus bcoz they seem UNBREAKABLE!