Chapter 12: Trip to the Past

Angel Princess


Play this song for the rest of the chapter =-)


Serenity's POV

The doors to the King of Neverland's office opened and I walked inside to see the King sitting at his desk, reading a book. Kevin had left when he led me to his Father's office to tend to the garden. I clear my throat, getting the King's attention. He looks up and smiles sweetly. "Ah! Serenity! Do come in." he said in a fatherly voice. I bowed ninety degrees and sat in the seat that was in front of his desk. I clear my throat once again.

"Hello Your Majesty." I say timidly. The King gave a lively laugh.

"Dear child! There's no need for formailies! Please call me dad." he says with a fatherly smile. I shyly return his smile.

"O-Okay Dad." I say with a timid smile. The King laughs, raising from his chair and approach me. He kneels down and touches my knee. I look at his handsome face.

"How are you liking Neverland so far, Seremity?" he asks. I figdet with my fingers as I look for the right words to say.

"Um... Uh, I like it very much here. It's very nice and pretty." I say, hoping I said the right words. The King smiles.

"I'm glad to hear that, Serenity." he says with a smile. "Remember, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to tell me or the boys. Okay." he says with a smile. I slowly nod my head and he smiles again.


I close the door to the King's office behind me and sigh. I guess I should put my things back into my room since now I want to learn more about Alexander I thought to myself as I walk towards my bedroom. My mind is filled with nothing but Alexander and the fact that Kevin didn't see him right beside me. I stop in my tracks, with my hand on my hip. "Wait... if Kevin couldn't see him and only I could... does that mean... no, it can't be.." I say to myself in a low whisper. I ran to my room, grabbing my suitcase (which was still by my door) and enter my room, closing the door behind me. I place my now empty suitcase back into the closet and head towards the bathroom for a nice hot shower. As I stand under the water, I decide that I would to Alexander's room and talk to him. I need to know why Kevin couldn't see him. I turned off the water and get into bed and fall into a light sleep.

I quietly open my bedroom door, peeking my head out, checking if the coast was clear. It was. I tip toe into the hall, light closing my door. I tip toe down the hall, pass the boys' room without making a noise to wake them. I quietly made it pass the stairs and I thought I was on the home stress but I end up hitting my toe against the leg of a table with a vase. I lightly let out a yelp and quickly grab the vase from falling onto the floor. I gently place it back on the table then kneel down and hold my aching throbbing toe in my hand. Once the pain subsided, I continue to walk towards Alexander's room at the end of the hall. When I reach the door, I slowly opened the door and enter the room. The room white pure white and bright like it was when Alexander led me here. I walk to the center of the room only to jump slightly when I hear the door close behind me. I quickly turn and saw Alexander standing by the doorframe with his hand on his hip and a smile on his face. I sigh in relief as I look at him. "It's  nice to see you again, Serenity." he says walking over to me. He stands in front of me and looks down at me. He ruffles my hair and I close one eye.

"Hello Alexander. I need to talk to you." I say looking up at him. Alexander folds his arms and smiles.

"What do you want to talk about?" he asks while walking over to his bed and sitting down. My gaze follows him as he sits on his bed.

"I want to... learn more about you. Yesterday when Kevin came over to me, he didn't see you at all. How come he couldn't see you if you're his older brother?" I ask with curiosity in my eyes. Alexander gives a sad smile as he looks at me.

"Serenity... the reason why Vinnie couldn't see me is because... I'm dead." he says his smile becoming tight. My eyes widen as my head lowers for a moment. I stare at the ground before I lift my head to look at Alexander again.

"But... how can I see you? Why am I the only one who can see you when Kevin couldn't?" I ask taking baby steps towards him. He let out his hand for me to take. I slowly place my hand in his, but I quickly jerk away. His hand is ice cold. I look at him, seeing saddenss in his olive-green eyes. Suddenly a tear fell from his eye and on instinct, I reach out, wipping the tear away with my thumb. His eyes widen and I retreat my hand. "Sorry." I mumble. He chuckles a bit.

"It's alright, Serenity. Now to answer you previous questions: Yes, you are the only one who can see me while my brothers can not... for now." he says softly.

"But... how can I see you?" I ask, not fully understanding. Alexander chuckles softly, lightly shaking his head from side to side.

"It's because of your powers, Serenity. Well, one of them acutally." he answers.

"My... powers? I don't have any powers... a least I don't think I do." I say, rubing the back of my neck. Alexander grabs both of my hands into his cold ones. I glance down at our hands for a minute then look back at his beautiful face. He smiles.

"Yes Serenity. Your powers. You have many powers but you've yet to awaken them." Alexander says softly.

"How can I awaken them?" I asks looking into his eyes in some sort of trance.

"I can help you awaken them. You need to find it in your heart to use them."

"How are we going to do that?"

"Hehe. You ask a lot of questions don't you Serenity?" he asks with a slight smirk. I blush, looking away. He chuckles, lifting my chin. "Now... do you want me to explain some of my past to you?" he asks. I quickly nod my head. Alexander laughs, his dimples showing. "Alright. I'll tell you about me. What to know first?" he asks, his hands traveling down my arms, stopping at my wrists. I look down at him, trying to say something.

"I-I want to know... how did you die?" I strain to say without wanting to offend him in anyway. Alexander lowers his eyes for a moment, thinking to himself. After a while, Alexander's hands grab ahold of my waist tightly. I yelp softly, afraid I may had made him angry. But instead, he sighs and slowly stands from the bed and looks down at me, still holding my waist. I look up at him, blinking. "Alexander?" I say softly. He opens his eyes and looks down at me.

"Here... I think it's better to show you rather than telling you." he says calmy.

"Show me? How are you going to do that?" I asks.

Alexander smirks.

"Likes this." He snaps his fingers and a portal appears by the window. He lets me go and walks over to the dark passage. I gulp, not wanting to go but my feet won't listen to me and I follow behind him, scared less. He takes my hand and we enter the portal to his past.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for a couple of days. I've been busy with school since I'm graduating this year. Thank God! I'm on Spring break so I may update once or twice. I hope you guys like this chapter and oh! I need your opinion on something. I'm planning on having Serenity have her first kiss with one of U-KISS but I don't know who. I know she hasn't had her little moment with Eli, AJ or Soohyun but I am wondering who should she have her first kiss with. Can you guys let me in know who do you want her to kiss first please! If I don't get a lot of answers then I will pick the one most requested k ;3

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Sorry if I am taking to long in updating. Hopefully I will post an update tonight or tomorrow after school


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kpopmusiclover #2
Chapter 33: Pls update soon! It's been quite a long time since you updated though :( chanyeol still misses her right?
Please update soon.
girlyoudontknow1708 #4
Chapter 33: Ooh~ I wonder how many different power she has. Hmm. I hope she can make Zander and Kabul come back to life, I wish. Plzz update
The_Silent_Reader #5
Chapter 33: Ohhhhhh so if she leaves Neverland, there's a big chance that Chanyeol we'll find her, recognize her, but he'll think it's Cecilia not Serenity, causing him to think that she still likes him
Chapter 33: Update soon please ;DD
Chapter 32: I've been gone for a while....all the feels your updates gave me is hard to explain>.<
sonesn #8
Chapter 32: update soon!
Tihlee #9
Chapter 32: YAY She's going back home.
Frenshyiiz4 #10
Chapter 32: Oh so somehow Chanmi and Chanyeol are still alive, somehow Serenity and Cecilia are one like some kind of transfer or something, AND somehow Cecil is himself alive too... WOW so now what? S needs to master her powers in order to kill these gyus bcoz they seem UNBREAKABLE!