Chapter 21: Eternal Darkness

Angel Princess

Took me forever to look for a Dark Element picture for this chapter! XD
I almost pulled my hair out while looking for a picture. Sorry if it's not the best like in the previous chapter xD

Oh! Thic chapter will not contain much blood so I won't rate it "M".



Play this song as you read =3 ---> 



Sungjong's POV

I place a wet cloth over Noona's forehead as she rests in my bedroom. I let out a sigh as I look at her burned and scarred face. Woohyun hyung over did it a little with Noona during their training session. There was a soft knock on the door and I reply to it. "Come in, hyung." I say as the door opens and Dongwoo hyung steps inside. He walks over to Noona and I, sitting on the edge of the bed, by her legs. He frowns as he reaches out, touching her cheek softly.

"Damn, Woohyun over did it a little bit." he says, pressing his hand against her cheek firmly and his hand giving off a soft white glow. In an instant, her burns, bruises and cuts heals and fades away. I smile a bit, holding Noona's hand tightly in my own. Dongwoo looks over at me, his lips in a tight line. "Sungjong-ah." he says. I sigh.

"Ne, hyung?" I ask, staring at Noona's sleeping face.

"You do know that I am next to train her, right?" he asks, a worried look in his eyes. I sigh, nodding my head.

"Ne, hyung. I know that." I reply, still looking at Noona's face. I hear Dongwoo hyung sigh and stand from the edge of the bed. His footsteps make their way towards the door.

"Sungjong!" he calls. I raise my head, craning it to back at him. He gave me a warm smile.

"Ne?" I ask.

"Take care of her. We need to take her back to Angel Kingdom." he says. I smile a bit, nodding my head once again. Dongwoo hyung turns and leaves the room. Once the door closed, I turn my attention back to Noona. I her hair gently.

"Serenity Noona... I'm sorry about what Woohyun hyung did to you but you need to careful when obtaining a new power. I hope you can hear me when I tell you this, " I begin. I lean forward, pressing my lips to her ear. "My other hyungs and I... we won't be as easy as Woohyun hyung. Woohyun hyung went easy on you because you didn't have any powers to begin with. So... please on gaurd tonight when you fight Dongwoo hyung." I explain softly. I look at her face, noticing her muscules tensed up. I sigh once again before kissing her cheek.

"Be careful with her, Woohyun. Don't go running through the meadow or woods and bang her head against something." Sunggyu hyung says with a frown. Woohyun hyung rolls his eyes as he holds Serenity Noona bridal style in his arms.

"I'm not hyung. I know how to carry a lady." he says, clearly annoyed by Sunggyu hyung's comment. I giggle softly at Woohyun hyung's facial expression.

"Just be gentle with her hyung. Remember, try to sneak into her bedroom and lay her down on her bed GENTLY. No accidents." Myungsoo hyung says with a smirk. Woohyun hyung glares over at Myungsoo hyung, opens his mouth to say something back but Sunggyu hyung pushes him out the door gently.

"Okay! Out you go! We don't want the Neverland princes suspicious about Serenity's absence." he says. Woohyun hyung rolls his eyes once again before walking away from the castle and towards Neverland.

Woohyun's POV

I grumble under my breath as I carry Serenity in my arms towards Neverland. I walk down the path towards the pond, leading towards the meadow. I am gentle when walking across the rocks in the pond. I look down at her sleeping face, laying on my shoulder. I can't help but smile a bit. I cross the pond and enter the path towards the meadow. The cold night air hits my face, arms and chest as I walk across it towards the path to Neverland Castle. Good thing I never get cold so I can wear a shirt, showing off my toned arms and chest without feeling a chill. I reach the path that leads to the castle as the wind becomes colder and Serenity shivers a bit in my arms. I look down at her, noticing her buring her face more into my shoulder, seeking warmth. I smile softly, sending some of my powers to my arms and hands, warming her. I see her relax, gripping my shirt lightly. I laugh a bit as we reach the castle. I stop a few feet away, gazing at the castle. "Wow... it sure hasn't changed at all." I say, a sad smile appearing on my face. I enter through the gate quietly and walk to where her bedroom window was located. Once I find it, I jump to a tree, holding Serenity closer to me and land gently onto her balcony. I open the window and step into her room. I walk to her bed, gently laying her down on her bed. I cover her with her duvet, tucking her in. I her hair gently. "Good night Serenity." I whisper, leaning down and kissing her forehead. Before pulling away, I leave small butterfly kisses down her cheek to her ear. "I'm so sorry for hurting you during our training. I hope you can forgive me." I whisper, placing one last kiss on her cheek. I look at her now marked arms. I gently pass my hand over both of them, causing the Marks to disappear. "Don't want your fiancees to see these and get suspicious." I say with a soft chuckle. I turn, walking towards her balcony, I grip the curtains before craning my neck to look at her sleeping form. I smile softly. "Sweet dreams, Serenity." I whisper then I leave her room.

Serenity's POV

I slowly open my eyes, looking around the room. My room. I sit quickly, looking around. "How did I get home? Did one of Infinite bring me home?" I ask myself, taking the duvets off me and running towards my bathroom. I snap on the light and look in the mirror. A light gasp escapes my lips. My burns and bruises were gone. It was as if they were never there. "Did on the boys heal my wounds?" I ask myself. Suddenly, I feel this cold chilly feeling in my arms. I glance down at my arms and gasped once more. On my arms, were outlines of a Marking. As my eyes scan over them, I take in the design. The Marking was a blue dragon. The head rest at the top of my forearm as the body and tail ran down to my wrist. Before I am able to freak out, they disappear as if they were never there. I blink. "Huh? That's weird. They disappeared. Well, that's a good thing. I don't want the boys to see them." I say. I sigh, closing the door and begin to wash up. I take a shower, brush my teeth and get dressed. I leave my room and head down the hallway. As I am walking down the hallway, I run into Dongho. I gasp lightly, looking down. Dongho rolls his eyes, stopping right in front of me. I come to a halt, not wanting to bump into him.

"Finally you wake up, lazy ." he says, a frown on his face. I blink, looking up at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Dongho folds his arms across his chest, looking at me as if I was crazy.

"It's passed one o'clock in the afternoon!" he says. My eyes widen in shock.

"Bwoh! I slept that long?" I ask, gripping his forearms. He looks down at my hands before glaring at me. It takes me a second to realize what I am doing and quickly let go of him. "Mianhae.." I say, bowing my head. Dongho raise an eyebrow before rolling his eyes.

"Whatever you weirdo." he says, turning and walking back down the steps. I watch him leave as I sigh. Suddenly, I feel my hands become cold as I follow him down the stairs. I look down at my hands, noticing they are glowing light blue. I gasp, rather loudly. Dongho stops and looks back at me. "What the hell woman!" he growls. I shake my head.

"Nothing! Just almost tripped." I say quickly. Dongho rolls his eyes once again before shaking his head. As he reaches the bottom of the stairs, I walk pass him, bowing my head. He stares after me, shaking his head again. I walk out of the castle and sigh. I look down at my hands, seeing them still glowing slightly. I bite my lower lip. "Why are my hands glowing?" I ask myself. I lower my hands, ruffling the back of my hair as I walk to the garden in search of Chi. I walk to the garden, seeing Chi there. I smile, walking over and picking up my bunny. "Chi!" I say in a sing-song voice. Chi looks at me and quickly nuzzles his head against my cheek. I giggle softly, taking a seat on the grass, petting his head. After a few minutes, I gasp upon seeing a shadow hovering over me. I look up to see Dongho staring down at me. I quickly stand up, holding Chi close me to. "Do-Dongho." I say. Dongho looks down at me with a frown.

"Put down the rabbit and let me see your hands." he orders. I stare at him as if he was crazy.

"Bwoh? Wae?" I ask. He frowns.

"Put the rabbit down and let me see your hands!" he repeats in a louder tone. I flinch. I slowly place Chi on the grass and look back at Dongho. I slowly show him my hands and he yanks them towards himself. He yanks it so hard that I find myself crashing into his chest, my face pressed agains his throat.  Dongho growls and pushes me away from him enough to look down at my hands. He looks at them for a moment before his hand and mine begin to glow bright blue. I gasp softly. Dongho's eyes widen. "What the hell?" he ask. He looks at my arms, being able to see my Markings. He looks up at me. "You have Markings?" he ask. I bite my lower lip.

"I-I don't know... I don't know since when..." I say, scared he might get angry with me. Dongho's grip on my hands tighten. I wince.

"How. Did. You. Get. These. Markings?" he ask, clearly getting frustrated with me. I shake my head frantically.

"I don't know! Please let go of me!" I say, looking at him. His grip tightens more. I yelp.

"Answer me Serenity!" he yells.

"I don't know Dongho!" I yell back. From that yell, Dongho's eyes widen. he looks down at his hands, seeing them frozen. I grip my hands away from the ice, pick up Chi and run away from the garden just as Dongho freed his hands from the ice.


I lay down on the soft green grass in the meadow, waiting for one of the Infinite boys to come and get me. I sigh, stretching my arms out in front of me. I had been avoding Dongho all day today ever since I accidently froze his hands. I look at my arms, noticing the markings are starting to become visible. I look at them for a while until I hear someone clear their throat. I quickly sit up, seeing on of the boys there. I stand just as he is taking off his hood and I see his face. Myungsoo. I smile softly, bowing my head slightly. "Hello Myungsoo." I say. He smiles at me.

"Hey there, Serenity. Ready for your fight today with Dongwoo hyung?" he ask as I walk over to him. I sigh, shaking my head.

"Not really." I say, ruffling the back of my hair as we walk out of the meadow and to Paradise Castle. Myungsoo smiles as he glances over at me.

"Be ready. Dongwoo hyung may look sweet but he can be very hard to beat in battle. Just be on your guard." he says. I look up at him, nodding my head. In no time, we reach Paradise Castle and my heart is pounding out of my chest as we enter the castle. Myungsoo stops and looks at me. "Go straight down to the training room. Dongwoo hyung is there waiting for you. Remember, be on your guard." he says. I nod my head and before I leave, he pats my shoulder. I walk slowly down the corridor to the elevator that will take me to the training room. I press the button on the wall and wait for the doors to open. When they open, I take a deep breath and walk inside. The doors closed behind me and decend down to the bottom floor. I try to calm down my racing heart as I wait for the doors to open. The elevator comes to a stop and the doors open. I take one last deep breath before stepping out of the elevator and into the training room where Dongwoo was waiting for me.


Stop the music here and play this song for the rest of the chapter please =3 ---> 


I look around the training room. The whole was changed just like it was when I trained with Woohyun the previous night expect there were some changings. Instead of trees, there were huge white pillars in the room. In the center was a white tiled floor as if it were a arena. I walk towards the middle and stop in my tracks as I look around the room. I feel the chilly feeling in my arms as my hands and arms suddenly turn frost blue and mist emerging from it. I blink once, looking towards the left. I blink, looking towards the right. I blink, looking ahead of me then I turn, blinking to look behind me and my eyes change from light brown to ice blue. I open my mouth. "Dongwoo?" I call. There was silence. I look around again. When I turn to the left, I am sent flying to the right. My feet hits the floor, stopping me in my tracks. I look up and widen my eyes. In the pale, blinding light, a figure steps forward. My icy blue eyes forcus on the figure as I slowly stand up. The figure stop in the center of the titled floor as the light fades away. As the light fades, I am able to see the figure. Dongwoo. A small gasp escapes my lips as I look at his appearance.

Dongwoo's normal brown orbs were now a clear pale blue. running from his arms and neck, were bright markings. Suddenly it registers in my mind. Light. He has the power of light. Dongwoo begins to step closer to me, slowly lifting his right arm. Before I am react, I am hit by a burning blast to my stomach. I wince loudly, kneeling down, clenching my stomach. I hear Dongwoo walk towards me. Before he is able to reach me, I press my hand firmly against the ground. My eyes flash, making the flor in front of me freeze. The ice makes its way towards Dongwoo. When it comes in contact with his feet, his whole lower body is trapped in frost. Dongwoo's eyes widen as he tries to get out of my frozen grasp. I slowly stand, looking at him. He stares at me before grinning. "My my, that was a pretty good move, Serenity." he says beaming at me. I smile back, although my eyes were starting to burn from the pure light radiating from him.

"Thank you Dongwoo." I reply. Before I am to freeze his body completely, he shines his light to the fullest, blinding me. I quickly cover my hands, removing my grasp on the ice containing his lower legs. He frees himself from it and raises his hand, sending  a bright blast down upon me. It hits me head on as I let out a scream. I hold my shoulder, feeling a sharp pain coming from it. I stand slowly, staring at Dongwoo. My eyes brighens as I swing my arm, sending ice shards towards him. He smirks, light engufing him, making it hard for my ice shards to find him. I curse under my breath as I take off running to the left. As I am about to run pass the pillars, I am hit my a bright light. I yelp, stepping back. "What the hell?" I ask. I move forward to walk pass the pillars but I am hit by the light once again. "Why can't I get out of here?" I ask, getting frustrated. I hear Dongwoo laughing behind me.

"That's because of my light pillars. Once they are up, no one can take them down, only by me." he explains. I turn to look at him as I curse under my breath.

"Nothing can take them down?" I ask, making sure I heard correctly. Dongwoo smiles at me, nodding his head.

"Yes. Unless someone takes me out, they remain standing tall and bright. Shining their purest light to everyone near them." he says, admiring the bright white pillars. I bite my lower lip. Damn it! I am unable to break free of these pillars unless I take out Dongwoo. But how the am I going to that? I only have the power of ice with me... I thnk to myself. Dongwoo smiles at me, raising his hand. "Come. Let us play some more." he says and blast bright light towards. I growl, dodge the beam and take off running away from him. I run to the farthest side but stop in my tracks when I see more pillars.

"." I mumble, running to my right but once again am stopped by the pillars. "! He has me trapped in a box full of light!" I say, ruffling my hair. I bite my lip, scanning the area around me, trying to find a way to get rid of all this light. I spot the center of the arean. "Maybe I can somehow stop the light transfering to the pillars. It's worth a shot." I say, running towards the center of the area, where the tiled floor lays. I step onto the white floor, looking around for a source where the light is coming from but I find nothing. "Where is the source? It should be here." I say. I look around some more until it registers in my mind. Source? Dongwoo is the source of the light! Before I have time to react, I am hit in the back by a burning beam of light. I land face first onto the hard tiled floor.

"Serenity, there is no way to turn off these lights unless you defeat me but with only the ice power, you aren't able to." he explains. I turn on my back, only to widen my eyes. Up in the sky, I see a bright light forming. I sit up, looking at Dongwoo. he is standing outside the area and waves his hands. I am instantly trapped in a bright yellow triangle. The triangle closes on me and I see the bright light coming down at me. I scream as the light engulfs me. I close my eyes as I lost in nothing but bright light. I thrash around, looking for some shade to escape to but no avail.

"How am I going to escape this? There is not one trace of shade... I need to get out of this light before I am melted away... please.. help..." I say, closing my eyes. I feel this strange sensation run from under me. I slowly turn my head to the side, my eyes widening. I see a small bit of shade, inviting me over. I slowly get up and run towards the small shade but I am no where near it. I push and push to reach it but it keeps moving away. I let out my arms, trying to reach it. When I see that it was no use, I let out a scream. "HELP ME!"

Suddenly I feel the burning light fade away quickly as I am engulfed in nothing but completely darkness. I feel the cool sensation in my bones as I wave my hands around the dark area. Then I feel something stinging on my lower back as if someone was engraving something into my skin. I wince but the pain soon faded as I feel nothing but the cold darkness around me. I closed my eyes, letting myself become familar with the feeling before slowly opening them. My icy blue orbs become shadowed and hallow, becoming nothing but black holes to emptyness. I raise my arm and violently swing it to the side. Suddenly the darkness makes a swirling vortex in front of me, opening for me to step through. I slowly walk through the opening and am met with the blinding light once again. I cover my eyes before letting out a growl and swinging my arm to the side in a quick motion. The light around slowly begins to fade away as complete darkness swallows it whole. I see Dongwoo's eyes widen as I slowly step out of the darknes. I see step back as I step forward. I smirk and swing my arm, black bats dashing towards him, attacking him. "ARGH!" he yells as he slowly falls to the ground. I look up at the pillars before sending mulitple bats to destory them. One by one, each of the pillars colapse to the ground, making the light fade away. Once the room is dimly light, my eyes changes back and I fall to the ground right beside Dongwoo. I stare at his face before blacking out.


Finally! Here's chapter 21! I hope you guys like it! It took me a while to write it. Please comment and subscribe. Oh! Before I show you the markings they have, I need a favor from you all. I just posted up a blog about starting a horror fanfic but I don;t know which one to start. Cna you guys please go and check it out after reading this chapter? I really want to know which one you guys will like to read. Okay! Here are the Markings Serenity now has and the ones Dongwoo has.

Serenity's Darkness Marking. --->

Dongwoo's Light Marking These run from his neck, down to both his arms. --->

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Sorry if I am taking to long in updating. Hopefully I will post an update tonight or tomorrow after school


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kpopmusiclover #2
Chapter 33: Pls update soon! It's been quite a long time since you updated though :( chanyeol still misses her right?
Please update soon.
girlyoudontknow1708 #4
Chapter 33: Ooh~ I wonder how many different power she has. Hmm. I hope she can make Zander and Kabul come back to life, I wish. Plzz update
The_Silent_Reader #5
Chapter 33: Ohhhhhh so if she leaves Neverland, there's a big chance that Chanyeol we'll find her, recognize her, but he'll think it's Cecilia not Serenity, causing him to think that she still likes him
Chapter 33: Update soon please ;DD
Chapter 32: I've been gone for a while....all the feels your updates gave me is hard to explain>.<
sonesn #8
Chapter 32: update soon!
Tihlee #9
Chapter 32: YAY She's going back home.
Frenshyiiz4 #10
Chapter 32: Oh so somehow Chanmi and Chanyeol are still alive, somehow Serenity and Cecilia are one like some kind of transfer or something, AND somehow Cecil is himself alive too... WOW so now what? S needs to master her powers in order to kill these gyus bcoz they seem UNBREAKABLE!