Chapter 22: I can't do it...

Angel Princess


play this song please --->



Serenity's POV


"Serenity Noona, are you okay? Please wake up!" I hear someone beg, touching my cheeks gently. I groan a bit, turning my head to the sound of the pleading voice. I feel a tight grip on my hand as my eyes flutter open. I wince from the sudden dim lighting of the room. My vision remains blur for a couple of seconds before forcusing on the male holding my hand. "Sungjong?" my voice barely audiable. A soft smile appears on his face as he pressing his forehead against our interlaced hands.

"I'm so happy to see that you're okay. How are your wounds? Do they hurt?" he ask, staring into my eyes. I couldn't help but blush from the way he is staring at me. I look away, shaking my head.

"Aniya... they don't hurt." I reply, sitting up from the bed but a sudden pain shoots up from my lower back and I wince in pain. Sungjong's eyes widen as he quickly helps me lay back down.

"Becareful Noona, you're not fully healed yet. Dongwoo hyung said that it will take a couple of minutes before your wounds recover. They should be fully healed by the time we take you back to Neverland." Sungjong explains. I slowly nod my head before laying it down against the pillow. I sigh, raising my hand to touch my forehead. The room is silent until I break the silence.

"Sungjong... Do you know... who I am suppose to fight against next?" I ask, partially afraid of who it may be. Sungjong lowers his head once he heard my question and remains quiet for some time. I turn my head to look at him. "Sungjong?" I ask. He looks up at me, bitting his lower lip. A couple of moments pass by he responds to me.

"I-I... am. I'm your next opponent, Noona." he replys. My eyes widen as I stare at him in disbelif.

"You're joking... right?" I ask, hoping it was a joke but to my dismay, Sungjong shakes his head.

"Aniya... it's not a joke, it's true Noona." he says. I turn my head away and stare at the ceiling, a sigh escaping my lips. Sungjong stares at me before closing his eyes and lowering his head.

"Wae...?" I whisper. Sungjong looks up at me with confusion.


"Wae? Why does it have to be you?" I ask, resting my arm against my forehead. Sungjong looks down, bitting his lower lip.

"Why wouldn't it be me? Noona, I'm not weak... I'm a lot stronger than you think." he says. I shake my head once.

"It's not that SungJong... I mean, why do I have to fight you? Why can it be one of the other guys?" I ask, turning my head to the side to look at him. Sungjong looks at me, raising an eyebrow.

"What? You don't want to fight me?" he ask, sitting up straight. I narrow my eyes for a moment before nodding my head.

"Ne. I don't want to fight you. I can't fight you." I say. Sungjong looks down, clenching his fists on his thighs. He stands from the chair and looks down at me in rage. I look up at him in confusion. "Sungjong?"

"Why can't you?! Is it because I look weak or do you just pity me?" he ask, his clenched fists shaking slightly. My eyes widen as I sit up in bed, my wound no longer hurting me.

"Sungjong, that's not what I meant... I meant-" he cuts me off before I could finish.

"Just save it Noona! I don't want to hear it!" he says and storms out of the room, leaving me there dumbfounded. My jaw hangs open as I try to process what just happened. I sigh, laying my head against the pillow, running my hands through my hair. I remain there for a couple of minutes before sitting up in bed. Even though the pain is gone, I can still feel the tingling sensation on my skin. I look down at my arms, faintly seeing the ice blue dragon Markings on my forearms. I tilt my head to the side.

"I wonder what is my new Marking. I remember gaining a new power from my fight with Dongwoo." I say, looking around the room. My eyes land on a full-lengh mirror at the far end of the room. I stand from the bed and walk over to the mirror. I stand before it, looking at my reflection. "My face... it's changed a bit... maybe it's because of my Markings?" I whisper to myself. I look towards the door, double checking if no one will open it at the moment before turning my attention back to the mirror. I slowly lift up the helm of my shirt, revealing my toned abs. "Nothing there." I say, lifting up my shirt slightly higher until my bra is showing. I shake my head and turn around only to gasp lightly. There on my lower back was my new Marking, radiating a black glow. My eyes widen as I turn a little more to the right to get a better view the Marking.

The black Marking reached from the small of my back to mid section of my upper back. The design loops and turns into the form of two dragons with a sword like image down the middle. I lower my shirt and look at my reflection once again before walking towards the door. I open the door, poke my head out to make sure there was no one in the hallways. I make my way down the hall quietly. I desend down the stairs with feather like steps and make my way towards the doors, leading outside. "I don't want to bother the boys about taking me home... I know Sungjong is mad at me." I whisper to myself as I exit the castle and enter the ruined Paradise.


Author's POV


Serenity makes her way out of Paradise and into the meadow, connecting both Paradise and Neverland together. She walks towards the path to Neverland but suddeny stops when a noise from behind distracts her. She quickly turns her head and searches the area behind her. "Hello?" she calls out. There was no answer. Serenity checks the area one last time before resuming to follow the path towards Neverland. A strong wind picks up and she rubs her arms, seeking warmth. "Man... I wish Woohyun was here... I could use some warmth right about now." she whispers to herself as she reaches the pond. She walks along the stone path with caution, not wanting to fall into the water. She continues down the path until Neverland Castle comes into view. She smiles softly as she walks towards the gates. She opens the gates quietly, slipping inside and closes the gates behind her. Opening the doors, Serenity walks inside and heads up the stairs and down the hall quietly, not wanting to wake up the boys. She enters her room and slips into bed and falls asleep.

Outside Serenity's window, a male stands on her balcony as he watches her sleep. The male's purple fringe sweeps against his eyes as the wind lightly blows. He enters her bedroom and makes his way over to her bed. He looks down at her sleeping form as a soft smile appears on his pale face. "She really is beautiful... just as Zander hyung said." he whispers silently. He leans down, her cheek. "Very soon... we will meet Serenity... very soon." Serenity stirs in her sleep as the male leans away from her and disappears on her balcony.

Tbe morning rays peek through Serenity's curtains and kisses her face. She stirs, rubbing her eyes as a yawn escapes her lips. She sits up in bed, stretching out her arms. A soft chuckle is heard from beside her and she quickly looks beside her to see Soohyun sitting on a chair, smiling at her. "Good morning, Serenity." he says. Serenity smiles back.

"Good morning Soohyun." she replys back, swinging her legs from under the covers and leaves them dangling from the side of the bed. Soohyun smiles as he stands from the chair and makes his way towards her. He leans down and kisses her on the lips. Serenity kisses him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. Soohyun smiles against the kiss as he pulls away.

"Come on. Breakfast is ready." he says. Serenity smiles.

"Okay! Just let me change and freshen up." she says, standing from the bed and walks to the bathroom. Soohyun laughs gently and waits for her by the door. After a few minutes, Serenity emerges from the bathroom in shorts and a off the shoulder band-T with a black tank top underneath. Soohyun smiles, taking Serenity's hand in his and interlace their fingers together. They exit Serenity's room and towards the kitchen. IN the kitchen, Kevin and Kiseop were cooking breakfast as Hoon, Eli, AJ and Dongho were sitting at the table. Soohyun pulls a chair out for Serenity to sit down. Hoon smiles over at her.

"Good morning, princess." he says with a smile. Serenity smiles back.

"Good morning, Hoonnie." she says. Hoon smiles as he leans over and kisses Serenity on the lips. Serenity kisses him back gently before pulling away with a light blush. Hoon chuckles softly. Kevin and Kiseop walks into the dinning room with breakfast.

"Breakfast is ready!" Kevin chimes with a eye smile. Kiseop smiles softly as he and Kevin place everyone's breakfast in front of them. Serenity smiles and thanks Kevin as he hands her her breakfast. Once Kevin and Kiseop are seated, everyone begins to eat their breakfast. The atmosphere was light, with a occassional coversation here and there. As Serenity enjoys her dinner, she senses someone's gaze on her. She looks up to see Kiseop looking at her with a look that wasn't all that happy. Serenity tilts her head to the side, wondering why he is gazing at her like that when she remembers what he said to her.

"Can you make sure... to have whoever it is to walk you to the gate so I can truely see if they are alive? Please."

Serenity gulps down her food as she breaks eye contact with Kiseop and continues to eat her breakfast. After everyone finished up their breakfast, Serenity quickly leaves the kitchen and walks to the garden outside. She finds Chi there like she does everyday and picks him up. She kisses the top of his head and sits down on the grass, petting his white fluffy head. Small animals gather around her, wanting to play. Serenity giggles softly as she pets a baby bird's heads with her index finger. Chi jumps off her lap and begins to play with the animals. Serenity giggles as she watches her bunny play with the little animals. A pair of arms wrap themselves around her shoulders and she jumps, quickly turning her head to find Kiseop looking at her. Her eyes widen as she stares into his beautiful hazel eyes. "Ki-Kiseop." she whispers. Kiseop smirks, leaning closer until their noses were lightly brushing against each other.

"Hello... Serenity. Can we talk?" he ask. Serenity hesitately nods her head and stands up from the ground with Kiseop helping her up. They walk away from the garden and towards the gates of the castle. They exit the castle and got for a walk towards the river.


Serenity's POV


We walk through the forest towards the river in silence. My hands remain at my sides until Kiseop takes my right hand in his and intertwine our fingers together. I blush lightly as I look away slightly embarrassed. Kiseop smirks as we walk down rocky trail. I stay close by his side, not wanting to fall on the ground. I look up at the tall trees, mesmerized by the beauty of the different colors of the leaves and fruits. Not paying attention, I trip over a rock and fall forwards only to have Kiseop's strong arms wrap around my tiny waist. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. I hear Kiseop's laugh as I slowly open my eyes to see his face inches away from mine. I blush a deep red as I slowly let him go as regain my posture. Kiseop laughs as he pulls me down the trail towards the river. I hear the sound of water and smell its fragrence in the air as we near the river. Once my eyes see the river, they widen.

The river runs over the rocks and a giant tree shields a large portion of grass near the water. Kiseop walks towards the tree and sits underneath it. He pats the grass beside him and I walk over and sit beside him. I watch as fishes of all kinds swim around in the water and splashes around. I giggle softly. "They are so pretty." I say. Kiseop smiles, nodding his head.

"Ne. They are." he replys. He stares at the water for a moment before turning his attention towards me. "Serenity."


"You didn't keep your promise." he says, looking at me through his dark fringe. I bite my lower lip as I lower my head.

"Mianhae... When I was brought home... I don't remember who it was since I was sleeping..." I say, rubbing my left arm. Kiseop looks at me before slowly nodding his head.

"I see." he says. The air around us becomes tense as I try to apologize. As I open my mouth to speak, Kiseop beats me to it.

"I've heard from Dongho... that you've have some Markings on your forearms." he says not looking at me. A light gasp escapes my lips as I look over at him.

"H-He told you that?" I ask, feeling afraid. Kiseop nods his head.

"Yes, he did. He told me that your Markings are blue... meaning they are either the power of ice or water." he says. He turns his attention towards me and stares at me with his intense gaze. I wince a bit and look away. "You have either the power of ice or water... am I correct, Serenity?" I bite my lower lip before slowly nodding my head. Kiseop looks down towards my arms. He grabs my arm gently and examines it. Praying that the Markings don't appear, I try to pry my arm out of his grip but it becomes tighter. Much to my horror, the dragon Markings appear and glow a bright blue. Kiseop's eyes widen as he stares at them. "Unbelieveable..." he whispers. I look down.

"Mianhae... for not telling you... about my Markings." I say, holding back my tears that were threatening to fall down. Kiseop looks up at me with a soft smile.

"It's alright Serenity. Don't worry, I won't tell the others yet... Once you have all of your Marking then I will but..." he says, his face becoming serious. "If something were to happen that your life is in danger, I won't hesitate to tell them. Understand?" he ask. I nod my head. Kiseop smiles. "Good." It becomes silent again but I speak.

"Kiseop... I have another Marking... I got it last night from my training sessions with the Paradise princes." I say. Kiseop looks at me.

"Really? Where is it?" he ask. I gulp as my face turns beet red. Kiseop notices and raises an eyebrow.

"I-It's... on my lower... back." I say, feeling really embarrassed. I lean away from the tree truck and slowly lift up my shirt. Kiseop looks at my lower back and sees my new Marking.

"This... is Marking holds the power of Darkness... just like Eli." he says, mezmorized by the Marking. I look over at him and pull my shirt down.

"Eli?" I ask. Kiseop nods his head.

"Yes. Eli has the power of Darkness and Shadow." he says. I make an 'o' shape with my mouth.

"I see." I say. We stay there by the river for almost the whole day until it was time for us to go back to the castle. Before we entered the castle, Kiseop looks down at me.

"Remember, be careful tonight. From what you told me, Infinite will not be easy on you from now on. Do take care of yourself and I will keep this a secret between us, alright." Kiseop says softly. I nod my head.

"Thank you Kiseop." I say. Kiseop smiles and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck, bringing him closer. Our foreheads touch as we gaze into each other's eyes.

"I love you, Serenity." he whispers.

"I love you too Kiseop." I reply, closing the gap between us. Kiseop kisses me back deeply. He bites my lower lip, wanting entrance. I accept and part my mouth slightly as his tongue enters my mouth, exploring my cavern. We fight for dominace but he ends up winning. He bites on my tongue gently before pulling away, partially breathless.

"Come on, let's go inside." he whispers. I nod my head and follow him inside the castle.



Stop song here and play this --->



I enter Paradise Castle and see Infinite gathered at the grand hall. Sunggy turns and sees me enter. "Serenity!" he says, running over to me.

"Hello Sung-" I stop short when Sunggyu pulls me into a tight hug. My eyes widen as I slowly hug him back. "Uh... what is the matter?" Sunggyu lets me go and looks down at me.

"Don't ever leave without telling one of us ever again! You scared us half to death!" he exclaims. I blink in confusion then I remembered. I left without telling them anything... I thought to myself. I look up Sunggyu and bow.

"I'm sorry for scaring you guys like that. I won't do it again." I say. I look up and am is pulled into a hug by Dongwoo.

"You're forgiven. Now go down to the training room. Sungjong is waiting for you there." he says. My eyes widen and I look down. Dongwoo looks at me.

"Are you alright?" he ask. I shake my head.

"What's the matter?" I hear Sungyeol ask. I look up to see them all staring at me with concern. I bite my lower lip before answering.

"I...I can't... I can't fight Sungjong... I just can't..." I say. Sunggyu looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean 'you can't'? You have to." he says. I shake my head again.

"I can't. I can't fight against Sungjong... I can't deal with it." I say, near tears. Sunggyu looks at Dongwoo and the others. Woohyun looks at me and opens his mouth to speak but Hoya interrupts him.

"Go! You have to fight him Serenity! There's no turning back, you need to do this!" Hoya says, walking over to me. He grabs my shoulders and forces me to look up at him with teary eyes.

"But Hoya..."

"No buts! Listen Serenity, you agreed to take these lessions with us and you must follow through with it til the end!" he says, looking me straight in the eyes.

"But..." I try again but Hoya interrupts again.

"Serenity! You have to go down there and face Sungjong. You need to... so you can prepare yourself with what's to come." he says. The boys' eyes widen as they look at Hoya.

"Hoya! That's enough! You're saying way too much!" Sunggyu snaps. Hoya continues to stare at me as I look up at him.

"What do you mean?" I ask. Sunggyu pulls me out of Hoya's grasp.

"Nothing! Don't listen to him, Serenity. Just please go down and face Sungjong... please." he begs. I look down for a few moments before finally nodding my head.

"Alright... I'll do it." I say, looking up at Sunggyu. He smiles down at me and moves aside. I begin to walk towards the elevator but stop and turn to look back at them. They all nod their heads towards me but I lock eyes with Hoya, who looks at me with a expression.... or sadness. But why? I tilt my head to the side for a moment then turn back around and walk towards the elevator. I press the button to the bottom floor and the elevator desends downward. My heart begins to beat out of my chest wildly as I try to think positive. The elevator stops and the doors open. I take a deep breath before stepping out and into the battle arena. I slowly look around the area, in search of Sungjong.

"Noona." I hear from behind me. I quickly turn and see Sungjong standing in the middle of the room, staring at me with serious eyes.

"Sungjong." I say about to run over to him but stop dead in my tracks when I see the many object floating around him. He stares at me before raising his left hand.

"Let us begin, Noona." he says. My eyes widen as he sends the objects from his left side flying towards me. I dodge most of them but received a blow to the arm by a rock. I wince, holding my arm. I feel the warmth of my blood under my palm as I stare at Sungjong. I... I can't do this... I can't fight Sungjong... I can't... I won't... I thought to myself as I stand up straight and watch as he raises his right hand and sends the object towards me. I stand my ground and take every blow. I fall to the ground with cuts and bruises.

"Noona! Fight me! Why don't you fight back!" he yells at me. I shake my head as I slowly try to stand up. I wince from the fresh cuts and wounds.

"I can't Sungjong. I can't and I won't fight you!" I call back. This seems to anger him since next thing I knew, he begins to send more objects towards me.



Hey guys! I am so sorry for not posting a chapter in so long! I've been kinda busy. I'm really sorry and please continue to love my story. Serenity's fight with Sungjong will continue in the next chapter. Do you think she will fight back? Please comment! It will make me really happy if you tell me what you guys think! Hopefully I can update tomorrow. Bye bye ~

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Sorry if I am taking to long in updating. Hopefully I will post an update tonight or tomorrow after school


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kpopmusiclover #2
Chapter 33: Pls update soon! It's been quite a long time since you updated though :( chanyeol still misses her right?
Please update soon.
girlyoudontknow1708 #4
Chapter 33: Ooh~ I wonder how many different power she has. Hmm. I hope she can make Zander and Kabul come back to life, I wish. Plzz update
The_Silent_Reader #5
Chapter 33: Ohhhhhh so if she leaves Neverland, there's a big chance that Chanyeol we'll find her, recognize her, but he'll think it's Cecilia not Serenity, causing him to think that she still likes him
Chapter 33: Update soon please ;DD
Chapter 32: I've been gone for a while....all the feels your updates gave me is hard to explain>.<
sonesn #8
Chapter 32: update soon!
Tihlee #9
Chapter 32: YAY She's going back home.
Frenshyiiz4 #10
Chapter 32: Oh so somehow Chanmi and Chanyeol are still alive, somehow Serenity and Cecilia are one like some kind of transfer or something, AND somehow Cecil is himself alive too... WOW so now what? S needs to master her powers in order to kill these gyus bcoz they seem UNBREAKABLE!