Purpose of Life
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Myungsoo arrived at the front of Hamilton. At first he can't see Len but both of the passengers of the car were shocked when the passenger's seat side door opened.


"Ahhh PALAKA sorry" Len slam the door closed. She backed away from the car to look once more if she got the right car. It is Myungsoo's car alright. She just went straight to the backseat of the car.


"Hi" Myungsoo looked back and flashed a killer smile to Len that made a lot of girls fall for him. That smile disappear slowly and it turn into an awestrucked look.


"Why are staring? Start driving." Myungsoo just cant help it. It is the second time he see Len dressed up nicely. She is wearing a jumper dress with a plain white longsleeve top on the inside. She tied her hair in a half pony. If Myungsoo is right she's wearing eyeliner and lipstick.


"You dressed up nice today" his voice is quite shaky. Myungsoo turn back to the front and tried to calm his system down a little


"You told me we are going to meet your nephew and I should not look dumb in front of kids. They are too precious. " The woman reasoned out but in reality she dressed up to look nice for Myungsoo. Out of a sudden after realizing she now have a feelings for the man, she start to be insecured how she present herself.


The man in the passenger seat reach her hand in front of Len and introduce hinself. "Hi! I'm Myungsoo's brother, Munsoo. My kid is the one you are babysitting" Len accepted the handshake and nod as an acknowledgement to the Munsoo.


Myungsoo start driving to their destination. Munsoo is busy checking up something in his bag while Len at the back is busy scrolling the feed in her blue bird app.


"Len-shi, how did you and hyung meet?" Len stop her scrolling and locked her phone to give her attention to the man asking her.


"I'm his current housekeeper. That's how we met" Munsoo just nod with the answer "for how long?"


"3-4 months, I guess?" Len answered


In the other other side Myungsoo is just driving quietly and listening to their conversation. Myungsoo knew what Munsoo is doing. Munsoo is good at feeling people. He ask questions to the persons and he will feel the vibe of that person. He did it to Daeun before and according to his little brother, Daeun is too scripted. He can be civil with her but not to the point where he could hang out with her. Munsoo said to him before that he can feel that Daeun is not for him. Myungsoo just always see it as a teasing from his brother but realized that he is not when one time he brought Daeun to a family gathering and Munsoo never talk with Daeun even once.


"Can you describe my brother?" Munsoo asked in a serious tone. Len just make a face that tells that she doesn't know where this is going.


"I just want to know from other people's perspective how my brother is" The younger male said again.


Len looked at The back of Myungsoo's head " Myungsoo is really a stubborn person and kind , but not the kind type he show on media. Does that make sense?" She scratch her head because of her own answer.


"What do you mean ? Im faking my kindness in the media?" This time Myungsoo it the conversation he sound quite exasperated.


"Hmmm Yes, I mean you tend to tell compliments to people that you don't mean. You also agree to things which you don't like just because the cameras are on. You also act like you dont like playing with girl in the media which is in fact the opposite." Myungsoo stepped on the brake hard that made Len fall out of her seat since the back seat doesn't have a seat belt.


"Yaah!! what was that for!!" Len screamed. She touch her right right cheeks . that was been scratched and blood start start dripping from it.


Myungsoo just had a sudden reaction due to Len's last sentence about him. When he heard from Len's mouth that she find him as a guy who toy with girls he suddenly feel a jolt inside his chest. He suddenly feel disgusted on what he have done in the past. He remain starring at the stirring wheel and he can feel it he body is trembling. Munsoo became alarmed because his brother is showing signs of anxiety attacks. "Hyung breath properly" Munsoo pleaded


Len became worried too that she just ignore th stinging pain from her cheeks and went out to the car and open the door of the driver's seat. "Get out." Len said in flat tone but Myungsoo didn't budge. "Get out." Len repeated again but this time she hold Myungsoo's hand so Myungsoo followed her unconsciously. Len bring him to the backseat of the car and shut the door. Myungsoo is still quiet , staring at his shaky hands.


Munsoo dont know if he will interfere but he himself is not good at handling his brother's anxiety attacks normally if you tried to talk to him while he is having an attck he will be more enraged.


"Messaging as a friend" len start of saying and grab both of Myungsoo's hands and make him face her. "I'm sorry if I offend you in my statements earlier but those are true.


Myungsoo react to it by starting to cry. Len put her hand on Myungsoo's cheeks and wipe his tears. It seems useless because of the continuous flow of tears. "But you also know what's true? I won't hate because of those things" then Len smile genuinely to Myungsoo and his hands stop trembling. Len starts humming a song as he hug Myungsoo. The man burried his face on Len's nape. Len just let him and continue humming a sweet melody. The crying of the man subsided and turn into quiet sobs.


Munsoo was amaze how Len handled it. That's one thing Myungsoo's fans didnt know. His brother is not mentally well. Since Daeun lef

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I actually wrote this base on how my imagination works. about Leonora's profession. I choose it because thats the field I have knowledge of and no more deeper meaning to it.


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