Oh No

Forgotten Fighters

Ok, so this is the King here and well uh, things happened. At the moment D.mon is talking to D.va and trying to calm her down as D.va kinda barged in all of a sudden. I am still in the meeting room, mainly because I can't fit through the vents and I can't really go out the door so I am hiding in an ice box, hoping that D.va doesn't look in the ice boxes especially since I am not the only one in an ice box, Casino is inside the adjacent ice box at the moment. I should explain why there are ice boxes in a meeting room such as the one I am in, the ice boxes are in here ever since the 3 of us got injured from the battle mentioned earlier and we needed ice packs so that our wounds could heal, so this is where those ice packs were stored. Now that we don't need ice packs, these ice boxes are pretty much empty and are waiting to be moved out of here. I don't know where Overlord is at the moment, but knowing him, he probably went through the vents and is hiding somewhere in the base, he is the only one who can fit inside the vents. Hopefully he went to the hangar and can fire up Mastermind's comm system, that way we can A. get an idea on what D.mon and D.va are saying, and B. maybe me and Casino can communicate as to how to get out of here since if D.va finds the 2 of us it can immediately lead to D.va into thinking that we have been conspiring against her, which we might be. I also hope that D.mon can calm D.va down as the King's gotta pretty bad feeling that D.va is not happy. I am also kinda curious as to why D.mon is the one talking to D.va, I mean their names are pretty similar, so maybe she feels like she can calm D.va down better than the rest of us. Oh, using the King's psychic abilities I can guess that you are probably wondering why we call each other by our handles and not by our real names, and that's pretty simple, when we introduced ourselves to each other we introduced ourselves by our handles and not our real names to preserve our sense of security and safety, this is also due to how complicated our names are. The only person in our entire group that I know of, that knows our real names is Myrung and she is pretty good about keeping them secret. Now that I think about it, if Overlord does activate Mastermind's comms, Casino or I need to communicate to him to limit it down to just Casino and I so that we can plan on escaping if there is a way to escape, but he probably does not know that me and Casino are hiding in ice boxes in the meeting room, so he might activate comms for everyone excluding D.va and that could set off warnings to D.va if she hears one of us trying to tell Overlord to reduce it down to us, or if D.va hears D.mon’s comms. I really just hope that D.mon can get D.va out of here and then we can just be done with this, we can think of a plan to get recognized. I still haven't heard anything through the comms and I can't exactly look out of the ice box because I risk D.va seeing me. These iceboxes is also very insulated to keep all the cold inside, thankfully since these are planned to be removed, they aren't plugged in so I don't have to worry about freezing to death, but it also puts me in a position where I am unable to hear D.mon tell us that we can come out of these due to how good the insulation is. Mastermind comms still are not up yet and now I am starting to that Overlord might've gone back to his room so that he can hide there, it wouldn't be unusual as he can be kinda shy, but he can be pretty smart, so maybe he realized that he should help us. Now that I think about it, if D.mon can't get D.va out of here, the only thing that would get D.va away from here is if there would be an omnic attack, but I don’t know when the next one should be happening. I mean it's not unlikely that there would be one, today as sometimes they do attack sooner than we expect them to attack. Now that I think about it, would Overlord fake an omnic attack. It would get D.va out of here, but any false alarms made by one of us would cause that person to be instantly kicked out. No, Overlord would never do such a thing, he's too skittish to do something like that. Wait, if Overlord where to fire up Mastermind's comm system, would Casino be able to hear it? Unlike us gamers, Casino doesn't wear headphones and instead uses these weird small invisible communication things because they are more aerodynamic, I don't know what they are called, the King doesn't take time to know every single little thing about his friends, but what the King does know is Casino hates wearing them, as it makes difficult for him to hear ambient sounds, and makes his ears hurt really bad. While for us gamers we can just lower our headphones so that we can still hear any important communication things from them, we can also listen to what's going on too. You know what I am taking a look to see what is going on as I want to know if I can come out of here as I feel like I am rapidly losing oxygen, so give me a sec. 

*a few seconds later* 

Nope, nope nope. I regret doing that, D.va is still there talking to D.mon, and I think I might've been spotted. I guess I will only know if D.va comes over and opens this thing. It's also possible that D.mon can distract D.va, but even still I can't take another peak. Man do I really wish Overlord is firing up the comms because I could really use something to do right now, at this point I would be happy if the King could just talk to someone since there is not a lot that the King can do inside an icebox. I mean all that I am doing is sitting here and hoping that... oh no. Someone opened this box up by a crack and then closed it, since I could see some light coming inside all of a sudden. I don't know if it's from D.mon or D.va. I got a pretty good feeling that it was D.va as D.mon would have opened it fully to let me know that it's safe to exit. If it was D.va though she probably would have also looked into the box so I don't know if she saw me or not. If D.va did see me, how would the King explain why he was inside of an icebox. I could say that it was a prank, but what prank w... "Oh hi there, I was ... uh ... hanging out inside this super chill icebox, it seems like the perfect place for the King." 


Oh no.

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