Casino's story

Forgotten Fighters

Alright so now it's my turn to go second, I am Jae-eun Kwon (Jay-e-un Kwa-on) but most people know me as Casino due to amount of risks that I have taken throughout my life. I pilot the fastest mech of the 5; La Princesse Sereine or La Princesse for short which is spanish for The Serene Princess. I am one of the two younger members of MEKA, compared to everyone else but I am not the youngest. My story goes like this, as a child I had always dreamed of being the fastest. It was how you would appeal to others in elementary school. Either you had a really cool toy that everyone wanted that you would constantly bring in or you were the fastest amongst everyone else. I, however, was never the fastest, nor was I ever the second fastest, I was one of the slowest kids in my classes. This caused me to constantly have my lunch money stolen by bullies as I couldn't exactly run away, nor could I figure out any good comebacks, I mean the ones that I had learned were decent, but they would often not be affected by any of them. I even tried going online to find some better comebacks, but I couldn’t remember them. However, it wasn't until 7th grade in Middle School when I finally got my big break due to me joining cross-country in the fall and track in the spring. While I wasn't the fastest, I was constantly recognized by the coach as one of the most diligent members of the team he had ever seen and was constantly trying to get the attention of colleges to take a look at how hard I was working. Turns out, hard work will only get you so far in impressing colleges as colleges expect results and diligence. I only had diligence. While I was working as hard as I could and I could feel a somewhat notable difference in my speed, no colleges were really interested in me and would always focus on one of the more faster athletes. This caused me to never obtain a scholarship from any college. I did not care however as college or no college I had found a new way to gain some more speed in my life that did not require college… Kart Racing. While I was a tad bit young, so I did kinda stick out among the other drivers, I didn't care if I stuck out, I actually loved it whenever I would stick out because that meant that I could show off the fact that I was different compared to everyone else, and in the end I was faster than I was before. I managed to score a decent amount of wins, and that was when I got recruited to join an FIA Formula 4 team where I demonstrated my need for speed. I even actually won a really good amount of championships before I got even faster when I joined an FIA Formula 3 team. I did not like that though, as I felt like I had moved up too fast and I needed time to get used to the increase in speed so at the end of the season I felt like it would be best for me to go back to Formula 4 and get my bearings back together. After a few years of winning races and becoming one of the most decorated drivers in the league at that time, I decided to go back to Formula 3 where I had felt a whole lot more comfortable and had become even more decorated. I stayed in Formula 3 for about half of the amount of time I spent in Formula 4 before I finally decided to take the offer to increase my speed even further by joining an FIA Formula 2 team. Formula 2 is the second fastest motor racing sport as it's behind FIA Formula 1, so I was very much needy to go to the FIA Formula 1 level as soon as possible that way I could finally become the fastest and achieve my dream of speed. This lead me to spend more time than I should focused on Formula 2 more than I should have been, which most likely caused my family to feel neglected. In the end, my family stopped sending me any messages as i would almost always never respond the day my parents would send them. I was slowly starting to become an outsider in my family. It was from these emotions that I had crashed during the Monaco grand prix of 2058 as I had felt disowned by my family, and I could not truly race, so after fighting off some more bad emotions for not doing this sooner, during the summer break of the season I decided to visit my family. It did not go as well as I had hoped as the reunion had ended with my mother throwing a vase at me and missing as I had made my way out the door as fast as I could. On my way to the next race I began to think, while my parents were the source of my extra speed, why am I relying on my parents for everything. I am my own independent human being, I should be able to give myself my own speed boost, what if in reality, my parents were slowing me down. That's when I started performing a whole lot better than I was earlier that year, possibly better than in Formula 4 and Formula 3. I managed to finish second in the championship as the guy who finished in first that year had been performing pretty well throughout the season and I however only started performing well in the second half of the season instead of all around. This however did attract some FIA Formula 1 teams to me as they saw that I had the potential to be the fastest and perform at a level they would accept me. The next year after I had won the world championship, which lead to me receiving an offer to join a Formula 1 team and I took that offer with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face. Finally, I was where I wanted to be. I was finally able to be the fastest and accomplish my goal of having the most amount of speed. After about five years of racing I had managed to become one of the best Formula 1 drivers around, and I even wanted to show off how great I was, I suddenly developed a flashy style that allowed me stick out even more than I had already. To show off my speed I greased my gray hair back to look like fins instead of just plain hair, I started to act very glamorously on the podium during year three, but even still I had one rule, I was not allowed to insult the other drivers on the podium in any way because they raced their hearts out and deserve credit too. However during my sixth year, I had received a letter from a group called MEKA who offered for me to protect my country. Initially I had refused as I was too busy racing, but a part of me had a weird moment in it's thinking when I had considered that maybe I could regain respect from my parents. This lead me to instead of refusing the offer, I had decided to accept it. While I did feel like an oddball compared to the other squadmates as they were all retired gamers and I was the only former Formula 1 driver which caused me to stick out and at that point I was so used to sticking out that I felt proud of sticking out. I even thought it was a good thing really and even despite that over time I bonded with my teammates, but to an extent as robbed us. I remember on mech choosing day seeing La Princesse Sereine for the first time, and thinking "that looks pretty aerodynamic, maybe it's the fastest one" and I was right as Myrung said that it was the fastest one when I picked it. This made me feel very ecstatic on the inside as I found myself able to continue my quest for speed. However, with all this excitement and newfound fun,  can come with a lot of negative things as I never truly accomplished my goal for joining MEKA as my parents won't recognize what I am doing as all they care about is and not me anymore, and it feels like they have disowned me and adopted Which is why I joined this cause, I want my parents to see me going out to fight the omnic and react with "wow, look at our son go, going to save us all" instead of "wow, look at go, going to save us all, if only Jae was like that but all he wants is to go fast" as sometimes I wish that I could have my parents by my side because sometimes I felt like I would be driving faster than what I would normally go whenever I felt like my parents were on my side, and that brings me to the end of my story. Not only that, but what I see doing, is completely against my values as she is stealing credit for what we do, I would never steal credit or fame from the other drivers on the podium because I respected them, but does not seem to respect the rest of us, she never gives us any credit for assisting with any of the fighting or any of that. Casino out.

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