Crawling in the Ventilation

Forgotten Fighters

I am scared. Scared like I have never been scared before. This is most amount of fear I have ever felt, and that's saying a lot due to my stage fright. Shoot, I forgot to say who is speaking, this is Overlord, and I am venting right now. Not because I am angry, but actually it’s because I am inside of vent. This is because someone found us, and possibly figured out what we are doing. Most likely it was , however, I am not fully sure as after the first word was said, I immediately went straight to the vents at a very fast speed. I find the vents as a bit of a safe haven for myself as no one else can go inside of the vents, so this area feels pretty private. Anyway, the vents connect to pretty much every area of the place and have a hatch in every room. This does allow for some spying, but I don't want to be snooping in my other team members rooms, but anyway after taking sometime to think things through, here are my options, I could A. go to the hangar and activate Mastermind's comm system that way I can figure out who barged into our private conversation, as well as to figure out what the heck is currently happening, B. go to my room and hide there, C. go to's room and either search for evidence of her actions or plant some fake information in her room about her doing certain things. I value this job to the highest degree so C is out of the question as I risk getting fired for doing that. The problem is though is that A and B both seem like very selfish things to do. I believe that A is the better option than B but if I choose A, it will just throw in more questions like who's comms do I activate, when do I turn them off, would our intruder know if our Mastermind’s comms were suddenly switched on. I guess the best thing would be if I were to just surrender to the intruder. No, this is no time to just give up, Overlord, I must go and activate Mastermind's comms. If I can get Mastermind's comms running and have it set for just Casino, D.mon, and King, I might be able to help them all get out in this situation, and get them out of there. Gimme a sec, gotta crawl through these vents. 

*2 minutes later* 

Hey, could you do me a favor and play Running in the 90s, but replace running with crawling and 90s with ventilation, because I am Crawling In The Ventilation, it's a new way I like to be. Please don’t sue me for this line, I worked really hard thinking about that minature song parody, if needed I am more than happy to just give you mom’s credit card information to avoid getting sued, but only if it is on valid term as I don’t want to give out mom’s credit card information to everyone.

*5 minutes later* 

I am almost at my destination the hangar. I know where I am going in these vents as I have studied and even made a map of the vent system so that I have locked inside both my room and my head where each little tunnel goes, where each one ends and which ones I shouldn’t go into because it either takes me to one of the other pilot’s rooms or because it takes me to a restricted area, and here we are at our destination … the hangar, where all five of our mechs and just chilling out. I see mine on the far right, and of course I see's in the middle because she is the one that everyone cares about so she should be the center of attention, even though Casino's mech should be in the middle that way he can easily get in front of the rest of us and start stalling the Gwishin like he’s supposed to do, but that’s what happens when everyone only cares about one person and no one else that is part of the same squad. Anyway, I am inside of my mech now I just gotta fire up the comms, and limit it so it's between D.mon, Casino, and King, so that does not involve in case she was our intruder. Let's see if this works, might as well sound like I am a 50 year old man just like what all the pilots on airplanes sound like because for some reason they all sound like 50 year old men, and there's never someone who sounds like they are under 50 years old or something. Anyway let's get this thing started; "Check, check this is Overlord to D.mon, King, and Casino do you copy for a comm test over,". 

"As much as I would like to talk ,Overlord, it's recommended that you come over here and see the rest of us, right NOW, over," I hear. 

"Uh can I ask as to why I should come over there, also, who is this over as you do not sound like D.mon, King, or Casino and I should warn you, tampering with MEKA technologies is a violation of South Korean law and can give you jail time and other pretty bad penalties, over". I respond unsure of what is happening.

     "You should come over that way I don't have to find you, as this isn't D.mon, Casino, or King, this is and with what you just said, it allowed me to put the last few pieces of the puzzle together, so make this easy for me and just come back over here otherwise I might as well expose your little CONSPIRACY against me. By the way, I am using D.mon's headset to communicate with you, which is not tampering with MEKA equipment, over'' comes the response.

 “Last few pieces of what puzzle? What conspiracy are you even talking about? Can you at least explain to me what the heck you are even talking about, over," I respond hoping that things can just become explained that way I can do something that does not involve me returning to the meeting room.

 "Normally whenever you do a comm check it is with everyone, not just D.mon, King, and Casino, so I already know that something is not right. Oh, by the way, don't think that any of your friends are safe as they are all in the same room as me, and I even have King and D.mon right in front of me, and as much as they would certainly love to talk to you, they seem a little bit tied up. Now that I have made myself clear, make this simple for me ,otherwise, I feel that I should report this entire thing to Myrung, and I think that means that you, and your friends are going to be out of a job as last time I checked these actions can be referred to as treason, and to be charged with treason is not something you want on your resume, or something you even want as I believe the penalty for that is death, so do me a solid and just come back to the meeting room as I just want to have a talk. If you do, I promise that I won’t report it to Myrung. out,". 

Just when I think things start going good for me, everything just gets turned upside-down on me... perfect.

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