
JJ Drabbles

Jinyoung is in the middle of a break when the notification pops up on his screen. oh…y…

He can’t help the fond laugh that escapes him as he opens Jaebeom’s comment. It’s been a while since his last post, so he can’t say he’s surprised that Jaebeom said something almost immediately. The reactions from the fans are even more amusing, and Jinyoung entertains himself for several minutes just by reading through the frantic replies to Jaebeom.

When he’s tired of that, Jinyoung opens his messages instead.

To: Jaebeommie-hyung

you’re becoming more shameless every day jaebeommie

it’s almost impressive

As he anticipated, he gets a reply almost immediately.

From: Jaebeommie-hyung

you love it

Jinyoung smiles, his chest warm. He really misses Jaebeom a lot, and he knows Jaebeom feels the same about him. Ever since Jinyoung’s solo activities started, they’ve been trying to video chat when their free time aligns, but it happens so rarely that texting has to suffice most of the time.

To: Jaebeommie-hyung

i guess i do

From: Jaebeommie-hyung

good ♡

To: Jaebeommie-hyung

try not to miss me too much though

the kids won’t leave you alone if you keep this up

From: Jaebeommie-hyung

i think i’ll survive

you’re worth it after all ♡

To: Jaebeommie-hyung

ew so sappy

From: Jaebeommie-hyung

and yet you still love me

anyway i was just excited!

i’ve been begging you to post something for weeks :(

To: Jaebeommie-hyung

i know i know

but it seems like you really~~~ liked this post so you’re welcome ;)

“Five minutes!” a staff member calls, and Jinyoung is startled out of his little world where it’s just him and Jaebeom.

“Okay, I’m just wrapping this up!” Jinyoung says, smiling politely before turning back to his phone.

From: Jaebeommie-hyung

you little brat…

me and gyeommie are about to go practice for our dubai performance so i have to go soon

we miss you :(

the babies miss you too :(

but i miss you most :(

Jinyoung feels his heart melting at Jaebeom’s brazen affection.

To: Jaebeommie-hyung

i have to go soon too

say hi to everyone for me

and give the babies kisses from me

i miss you most too :(

don’t tell anyone but i’m counting down the days until i’m back

From: Jaebeommie-hyung

you really do love me ♡♡♡

ok now i have to go for real

i’ll talk to you later jinyoungie

work hard!

To: Jaebeommie-hyung

of course i do

and you too hyung ♡

Before putting his phone away, Jinyoung checks Instagram one final time. Many of the comments are calling for him to reply to Jaebeom, and he has to laugh a little at that. Shaking his head in amusement, he closes the app and switches his phone back to silent mode.

People can think whatever they want, after all - but he knows that what he and Jaebeom have is perfect, and neither of them would change a thing.

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Chapter 21: i couldn't get the video out of my head and now this seems so believable haha
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Chapter 14: Oh God its so warm..

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