
JJ Drabbles

Jinyoung sees Jaebeom’s Instagram story early on in the day. He’s been aware of Jaebeom’s occasional drops in mood for years now, but it still breaks his heart every time he’s reminded of them. And because Jaebeom is one of the people he cares about most in the world, he’s out the door and on his way to Jaebeom’s apartment before he has time to think too hard about it.

He stops on the way to pick up some of Jaebeom’s favorite dishes from a restaurant they both love, because if he knows Jaebeom (and he does, way better than anyone else does), he definitely hasn’t eaten since waking up.

When Jinyoung reaches the apartment, he doesn’t bother knocking or announcing his arrival, instead letting himself in using the key he was given when Jaebeom moved. As he places the bag of food on the kitchen counter, he’s greeted by Odd, who runs over to him and starts rubbing against his legs. Allergies be damned, Jinyoung can’t resist a cute cat, so he crouches down and pets Odd gently.

“Where’s your daddy, huh?” he asks softly, and the cat only purrs in response. “How is he doing?”

“Better, now that you’re here,” a voice replies, and Jinyoung looks up to see Jaebeom leaning against the doorframe, watching him and Odd with a faint smile on his face. It doesn’t quite reach his eyes, but it’s still a relief to see that Jaebeom isn’t in as low of a mood as he has been before.

“Come eat, hyung,” Jinyoung says, smiling at Jaebeom in return. “I brought your favorites.”

“I wasn’t expecting a feast so early in the day,” Jaebeom says, even as he walks into the kitchen, arms coming up to wrap around Jinyoung’s waist as he draws nearer.

“Someone has to make sure you take care of yourself,” Jinyoung says, unable to keep the affection out of his voice as he leans into Jaebeom’s embrace. “I’m just glad you’re okay with it being me.” He opens several of the boxes of food and makes a plate for Jaebeom. “Here, take this and go to the living room. I’ll come in a second.”

“Okay.” Jaebeom does exactly as he’s told without question, and Jinyoung is reminded of the unwavering trust they have in each other. Because as much as Jaebeom has been playing it up recently, saying “I believe in you” and “I trust you” over and over again at fan events almost to the point of ridiculousness, it’s absolutely the truth.

Jinyoung joins him in the living room a few moments later with a book in hand. He pauses to take in the adorable sight of Nora settled on the couch next to Jaebeom’s lap and Jaebeom watching her with the most loving gaze imaginable. He turns to look at Jinyoung when he walks in, but his expression doesn’t change, and even though Jinyoung is used to it after all these years, his face still heats up a little.

“Keep eating, hyung,” Jinyoung says as he sits on the other side of Jaebeom, noting that Jaebeom had been starting to move his plate to the side upon Jinyoung’s arrival.

Jaebeom again obeys without hesitation, and Jinyoung watches him for a moment before opening his book and starting to read aloud. If Jaebeom is surprised, he doesn’t show it, and once he finshes eating, he lies down on his side with his head in Jinyoung’s lap and his legs forming a little crevice for Nora. Jinyoung gently Jaebeom’s long hair as he keeps reading, and he sees Jaebeom’s eyes close at the soothing sensation.

“Jinyoungie,” Jaebeom finally says about an hour in as Jinyoung reaches a natural pause in the story, his eyes fluttering open as he looks up at Jinyoung. “What is all this?”

Jinyoung brushes some of Jaebeom’s hair off his forehead. “I was worried about you,” he admits quietly. It’s an understatement, doesn’t really capture the icy feeling in his heart when he read the words in Jaebeom’s story, but he knows Jaebeom understands what he means even without him saying it all. “And this is what you usually do when I’m not feeling good or I’m not happy, so it’s my turn this time.”

He can see Jaebeom’s eyes glistening a little, but not out of sadness. “Thank you,” Jaebeom finally whispers after a long pause. “Thank you, Jinyoungie.”

“You don’t need to thank me,” Jinyoung says. “Don’t worry about being strong all the time, hyung. I’m here to hold you up, and I always will be.”

Jaebeom nods, and his smile is a little more genuine than it was before. “I know,” he says. Then, quieter, but just as sincerely, “I love you.”

Jinyoung smiles back warmly. “I love you too.”

It isn’t a perfect solution, but it’s something. And maybe Jaebeom still won’t always be happy, but can anyone really be happy all the time? The important thing is that he knows that there’s someone looking out for him, and Jinyoung will do whatever it takes to make sure that Jaebeom never doubts that he has people in his life who will never stop trying to find reasons for him to smile.

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Chapter 21: i couldn't get the video out of my head and now this seems so believable haha
NCaddict #3
Chapter 14: Oh God its so warm..

Keep make cheese things, will you?
NCaddict #4
Chapter 13: Ouch. Im blushing af