
JJ Drabbles

"Ooh, let's get this," Jinyoung says excitedly, adding yet another unnecessary item to their cart.

"Jinyoung," Jaebum sighs for what feels like the hundredth time, "we really don't need it." Their trips to IKEA are always like this, Jinyoung piling things into the cart and Jaebum removing them immediately afterwards.

"But it'll make the apartment so much better," Jinyoung insists as usual. "We need more decorations."

Jaebum thinks about their already cluttered living room and raises an eyebrow. "Do we, though?"

"Hyung," Jinyoung pouts, and now Jaebum knows he's playing dirty - Jinyoung rarely calls him hyung anymore, except for when he's really trying to butter Jaebum up.

But it won't work this time. "We're going to run out of space, you know," Jaebum says matter-of-factly. He takes Jinyoung's hand and squeezes it lightly. "Nyoungie, I know you love collecting things, and I'm glad you have a hobby you like, but don't you think maybe you should try redesigning what we already have now?"

Jinyoung frowns even more deeply, and Jaebum thinks it's unfair how incredibly adorable it makes him look. "Why do you have to be so rational and boring all the time," he grumbles, but he doesn't let go of Jaebum's hand, which means he can't really be all that upset.

"Okay, how about this?" Jaebum says, internally cursing how weak he is for Jinyoung. "You can pick out three new decorations to bring home, but you have to promise to get rid of something we aren't using anymore, too."

"But -" Jinyoung looks at him with pleading eyes, but Jaebum forces himself to stay strong - he's already given in enough by allowing even three items.

"Jinyoungie," he says as sternly as he can manage.

"Fine," Jinyoung finally concedes, and Jaebum heaves a sigh of relief. "But then you have to get rid of some of the cats' old toys too."

"Deal," Jaebum agrees immediately, because Jinyoung doesn't need to know he was planning on doing that anyway. He squeezes Jinyoung's hand warmly and smiles at him. "Now come on, let's go get whatever you want."

Jinyoung reluctantly smiles back, and Jaebum might not have heard it if he didn't know Jinyoung so well, but the little "Thanks Jaebummie" makes him feel like their shopping trip has been a success after all.

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Chapter 21: i couldn't get the video out of my head and now this seems so believable haha
NCaddict #3
Chapter 14: Oh God its so warm..

Keep make cheese things, will you?
NCaddict #4
Chapter 13: Ouch. Im blushing af