This Love Undecagon...



Love triangles are a staple to any love story you come across, there always seems to be three sides: two where love is reciprocated, and one where love is unrequited. As it is, love triangles can be deadly, and if you think one-sided love is difficult, try an eleven-sided love story. From here on, your average love triangle will never be the same.


So what is a ‘Love Undecagon’? Well, in geometry, an undecagon is a polygon with eleven sides, translated to a love story, we have eleven different people caught up in a web of love, hate, and all sorts of conflicts relationships






It happens when you least expect it, almost always when you don’t want it. It’s always when you think that you think you have everything under control that life s a whirlwind cliche storm at you. Then again, cliches make the best fairy tales.

On another side, we have the classic case of the head saying a completely different thing from the heart: the eyes turning blind to whats already in front of them- something that had always been there all along. Everyone wants to be loved and to love someone else in return, it’s a fact none of us can deny no matter how hard we try.

You can’t not think about it. About the possibility that your feelings won’t be returned. The possibility of unreciprocated feelings, the simple yet dreaded response that may or may not turn your world upside down. But what happens when you find someone else has also stolen a place in your heart without you realizing it?

Just friends. Who really believes that? It’s difficult enough figuring out your own feelings, let alone theirs. Throw in a separate love/hate relationship, and perhaps a spectator who’s more than just a spectator, and chaos ensues as natural laws dictate.


Hello all. This is staticdream, and together with, xAndImLuckyx,  oxygenbubble, lanabonamana, we have created this epic 2PM collaboration. All four of us have worked on this lovely piece and I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as we enjoyed writing.

A brief history on How Love Undecagon Came Into Existence, or How static Met Everyone Else.

It all began one day while staticdream was looking around for a few good fics to read. She had come across Gimmie the Night, and being the...person that she was, she had somehow managed to flood Lucky's comments section, and it was from there that a lovely AFF friendship had started. It was by that time the two realized how similarly they wrote 2PM, and so static had coerced suggested that she and Lucky write an epic fangirl collab. Around this time, static had already been harassing wall-to-wall-ing (w2w-ing) two other Hottests, Lana, and oxygenbubble.

Lana she had met first, as the amazing graphics-maker had commented on Unglam, Lana had admitted to being a silent reader until Unglam, and static was appropriately honored to receive such a comment from Lana. Here began static's and Lana's w2w-ing.

Meeting oxygenbubble may be just a little bit stalkerrific to a certain degree. static had been looking around for a good read when she found this, and commented about reading it before on livejournal, and so began the w2w-ing.

And so it had been decided that it was meant to be.

Oxygenbubble speaking. I guess you can say I'm the resident editor, just dropping by to say hi. Hope you like the story. I don't think I've ever thought so hard for a fic. Yes, this story is that thoroughly thought through (that's right, so much that those 3 words had to match each other). We worked hard to make this realistic.
We've clicked the Check Spelling button. We've done our research. This story is just that real (or at least I wish it was). Drop a comment down below. Click the little red heart by the top. Or just read and enjoy. Although we'd love you more if you did all three (/four) =D

It's Lana here, stopping by to welcome everyone :D if oxygenbubble is the resident editor, you could say I'm in charge of providing visuals for all you lovely readers out there. This being my first ever collab, I'm lucky to have done it with three amazing writers and we hope you fancy this little story as much as we've put in effort putting it all together :)

This is your maknae of the group Lucky here. If you are reading this that means you have found the epic 2PM fangirl collaboration (shameless, I know *sighs*) and you have made four writers very happy :D. As the resident editor, oxygenbubble, has said, the four of us have tried to make this as realistically real as we possibly can - because if it were ALL true, we'd all be fangirling like crazy. Thanks to Lana for our amazing graphics (yes, there will be more x]) and static for coming up with the idea of having this collaboration in the first place (who knew my first collab could be so fun ^-^) So get reading/subscribing/commenting, go go!!


*credits go to Lana for all the lovely artwork.

  <-- see that? that is the oxygenbubble stamp of approval. 

We're back. We're not dead yet, although Lucky and O2 did go on hiatus. LOL so fine. I did too. You know, life got in the way. But we're here now. Yay.


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Chapter 1: I really like this! Cool stuff!
Chapter 21: Was reading this story for the past four months. Unfortuantely, it doesn't grab my attention like I hoped it did. I liked that it stayed on real time but maybe because the relations between the girls and the 2pm members. I guess because I couldn't quite tell who liked who up to chapter XIII well and I didnt feel anything towards the girls. :/ Maybe I'll continue it in the future though!
hellopanda23 #3
wahhh.. i remember that music video. .the irony. ha ha ha KASS and Cass beer
hellopanda23 #4
goodness poor kass. ha ha ha has to do the work. i can totally see her jumping up and down for joy as she sees taec and fuu.. ha ha ha.. can she do it???
WHAT???... No One Knows Mai's B-day... O_O ... Hahahahahahahaha I'm actually not surprised by that... I just find it hella funny... hahaha... I'm sure they know more about Fuu then they know about Mai... and Fuu haven't been there as long... and ::Face Palm:: ... Come On Fuu... You really don't get it... Taec you have issues for getting Fuu that shirt thou... hahahahaha... Kass Channie... I wonder how that's gonna play out... I really like the present he got her... and Of course there's something fishy going on... You seen Junho's reaction... it was not happy one... nor an embarrassing one... Wait did he do anything about the gift thou?... did he let Mai keep it?... I find all of this hilarious... waiting for the next Chapter
hellopanda23 #6
as usual an awesome update despite the long wait... ahhh ha ha ha.. i always seem to like to pair junho and mai together hee hee
Is it wrong for me to say that I want Jay for Renn?
zakhia #8
Finished all the chapters and I'm really curious about everyone's crushes :p
zakhia #9
Renn's mini story was fun to read, especially the conversation at the bottom ;)<br />
And I think Static and Oxygen are getting pretty tired of me stalking their stories and spamming the comment section :p