Crossing the Boundary

The Grocery Store
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Sakura was eager to show Chaeyeon places from her childhood even though dusk is falling. This was a rare evening where she felt safe to walk and for a longer distance. She was like a child talking nonstop with silly content when they reached her kindergarten and the open playground she used to play with her childhood friends. Chaeyeon felt that Sakura was highly charged with nostalgic emotions so she just let her hold onto her arm and led the way. It was a test of patience to match her slow pace, but Chaeyeon accepted it willingly.

Chaeyeon has reminded Sakura a few times it will be dark soon, and grandma is waiting for them for dinner. 

But Sakura kept on dragging Chaeyeon here and there until she finally decided she has to sit down for a while.

"Are you okay?" Chaeyeon checks Google Map and found they are not very far from home – it will be just a 3-5 minute walk for Chaeyeon, but Sakura may need 15 minutes.

"I am fine, don't worry about me."

"Okay, you rest a bit and we start our return journey?" 


Chaeyeon sits by Sakura and the two quietly shared and finished the bottle of tea Chaeyeon bought.

After some time, Sakura stood up and prepared to leave, but she senses something is not right. Dull pain starts to develop in her left foot.

It will be gone with some walking, she tells herself. She intertwines her arm with Chaeyeon's and commences as if nothing is happening. She must stay composed. She needs to leave a good impression on her guest. They walked for about 100 metres when Chaeyeon noticed something is wrong. Sakura's pace has become slower and she is leaning more towards her while slightly limping.

"Saku-chan," Chaeyeon stops, "what happened?"

"Nothing." Sakura tries to hide.

"Is your foot in pain?"


"It is not far from home, I can carry..."

"No. I can walk." Sakura cuts in.

Chaeyeon is not convinced, but it is not polite to argue in this situation. "Okay, so you put more weight on my side and let me be your support?"

Sakura nods.

It was fine for the first few steps, but then the pain gradually becomes sharper with each step to the point that Sakura had to stop.

"I think...I need" Sakura says weakly and limps towards some stairs.

Chaeyeon becomes very worried. "Saku-chan, you are not fine."

Quiet! Sakura cries in her heart. She regrets not having stopped and gone back sooner. Why was she so indulgent and excessive?

Chaeyeon bends down to speak to Sakura's eyes, "can you please let me help?"

Sakura shakes her head. She is panting from the pain and doesn't want to speak. Now it hurts even when she is sitting. She must have strained some muscle or ligaments. She feels scared, but she doesn't want Chaeyeon to see her being weak.

"Saku-chan, it is less than 100 meters now, I can piggyback you, I really can!"

Sakura looks down and shakes her head – don't think that you've done it once means you can do it again!

But Chaeyeon does not stop. She squeezes a smile and says, "you just treat me like a wheelchair with legs, okay?"

Sakura suddenly looks up and stares at Chaeyeon with a gaze that is far from friendly and tears start to roll in her eyes. "Don't cross my boundary, please." Her voice is barely audible.

Oh! Miyawaki Sakura are you crazy? She is your guest! Okay, it is you who spoiled your day, so don't blame another. A voice rings in Sakura's head. All the feelings of guilt and humiliation she has swallowed hard in the past three months suddenly gush up her and she finally breaks down.

Chaeyeon panicked. "Sorry, did I say anything..."

Sakura clenches her hands into a fist and banged them on her head. She has never imagined such a fine day will end up like this. You are such a failure, Miyawaki Sakura, you never did a thing well in your life!

"No!" Chaeyeon sinks down to her knees and forcefully grabs Sakura's hands. She pulls them gently behind her back and does not worry if Sakura is going to hit her. With that, she pulls the sobbing woman into her embrace.

"I'm sorry." She says softly while patting Sakura's back lightly.

This only made Sakura cry harder. 

How dare you! How dare you destroy my fortress! God damn, why are you treating me like this! The angry voice in Sakura's head yells. But then another voice starts to speak: can you stop rubbing in? She is so painful already. Can you forgive yourself? Oh gosh! She is so strong... 

Chaeyeon tightens her hug and presses Sakura's head onto her shoulder. She can feel her tee shirt is slowly getting wet, but she can also feel Sakura's hands more relaxed and now hugging her back. 

Seems like a century has passed before the sob starts to subside. 

"I'm really sorry," Chaeyeon says quietly.

Finally, Sakura mutters in her tearful voice, "I hate wheelchair."

"Oh!" Chaeyeon exclaims in surprise, "I...oh please forgive me! I don't mean to..."

And Sakura was surprised to see two lines of tears hanging on Chaeyeon's face.

"Chaeyeon, you are crying too."

"Oh, am I?" Chaeyeon uses the back of her hand to wipe her face and found that it is wet.

"Why are you crying?"

"Hey, should I be the one to ask this question?"

Sakura pouts and lowers her head – can you pretend nothing has happened?

"Okay, Saku-chan, I know you hate me to say this, but it is really late."

Gosh! You are really like my mom...Sakura thinks. Without a word, she grabs Chaeyeon's shoulders to stand up. And she frowned and squeezed her eyes shut – this god damn foot!

"Chaeyeon, can we call a taxi home?" 


"A taxi with legs I mean." Sakura looks into Chaeyeon eyes in a faint but sweet smile.


"Are we turning to the carpark here?" Chaeyeon asks, panting heavily.

"Yes. Be careful. I'm really sorry to put you into this situation."

"Gwenchana." Chaeyeon tries to sound at ease. 100 meters with another person on her back is really pushing her to the limits, but that also means she is not strong enough and lacked practice. "Keys ready?"

"Yes. Sorry."



"You are saying sorry for the 32nd time."

Sakura gulps and shuts up.

She really feels guilty but at the same time, she realizes she is also enjoying a guilty pleasure being so close to Chaeyeon. The scent of her sweaty nape and hair, the humidity and heat radiated from her heaving back, the sound of her gasping for breath and the rhythm of her pounding heart, all create a sensation that is so foreign yet so sweet to Sakura. She secretly hopes the journey will never end and immediately felt guilty about it.


Rino is shocked to see Sakura on Chaeyeon's back when the basement door was opened.

"Saa-chan, what happened?" Rino quickly pulls over a chair so that Chaeyeon can put Sakura down beside the dining table. Despite being exhausted, Chaeyeon has not forgotten to pull another chair to put Sakura's injured leg in a horizontal position.

"I am fine..." Sakura recoils.

"What did you do to yourself?" Rino gazes sharply on Sakura. 

Sakura just lowers her head and stays silent.

Chaeyeon filled two glasses of water, and she gulps one whole glass of water down before replying. "I think it is just from fatigue, and should not be any repeated damage." She hands Sakura the water and immediately goes to fill up another glass for herself.

Rino sighed and turns to Chaeyeon, "come help me. Let's eat."

"But..." Chaeyeon hesitates. "Dinner is not included...I must pay you..."

Chaeyeon regrets immediately when she realizes she has diverted Rino's sharp gaze to herself. She immediately goes to help prepare the meal.

Grandma has cooked curry. That is Sakura's favourite meal. Grandma must be in a very good mood today, but Sakura has lost her appetite. She is exhausted from the walking and the crying, not to mention the pain. The pain is subsiding now, hopefully as Chaeyeon has diagnosed.

"Saa-chan, aren't you going to eat?" Grandma looks at Sakura with a softened gaze.

"Yes," Sakura says and pick up the spoon, "itadakimasu."

Chaeyeon thinks Sakura is very cute when she picks up her spoon and says "I gratefully receive

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So the long journey finally came to an end, and a new beginning is heading to start. Thank you all for supporting this story to its end.


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1718 streak #1
Chapter 26: oh my goodnesss!!!!!!!!!! this is so sweet! yes yes yes!!!!
1718 streak #2
Chapter 25: i'm so glad everyone got to meet and get the closure they deserve!!! here to the bright future for this big happy family!!
1718 streak #3
Chapter 24: ooo la la!!! go get them tigers!!
1718 streak #4
Chapter 23: sigh... man it went from the couple have a moment to the miyawaki family reunion!
1718 streak #5
Chapter 22: gahhh!!! i'm so happy! everyone is getting their happy ending!!!
1718 streak #6
Chapter 21: goodness, that secret was pretty big!
1718 streak #7
Chapter 20: wow wow wow!!! yes yes yes!!! go kang go!
1718 streak #8
Chapter 19: oh man, the rollercoaster ride with these visitors! no wonder she was tired!
1718 streak #9
Chapter 18: yes yes yes! a relationship is a two person job, both should push and pull to make it work! and communication is key!
1718 streak #10
Chapter 17: ohh so sweet! will kang and eunbi end up together or what!? they are so cute together and you can see how kang is treating eunbi like a gentlewoman!