Chapter 5

My Unscripted Life


Jungkook opens his eyes, staring at the ceiling, feeling fatigued, as the pain on the side of his head continued to throb. He hated crying, even with just a sniffle he would always get a headache afterward, but he could not escape the heaviness on his chest.

“,” he says, wishing he could stay in bed today or at least forever at least he won’t have a chance of running into Jimin.

“Jungkook!” a knock comes at his door, it was Namjoon, “Hey, you forget you have school?”


“Hurry up, I’m going to be late, if not you can lock up the house,” says Namjoon, banging on the door. 

Jungkook sits up, annoyed, “Alright, I’m up, hyung!”


With his brother in a hurry, Jungkook took a quick shower and got dressed for school. He runs a comb through his hair, not caring much, as he grabs his backpack and skateboard. As he closes, the door, he sees Jennie, coming out of her room, they glance at each other for a split second. Jungkook clears his throat, she looked better than he did, and she was the one who got rejected, her eyes were a little swollen and red but she makes up made her look fresh.

“Are you feeling better?” asks Jungkook.

“It’s none of your business,” roars Jennie, heading down the stairs. Jungkook scoffs, stunned,

“Whatever,” he mumbles, “Like I give damn.”


Jungkook greets his brother who hands him his lunchbox since he hates eating lunch at school, his mom makes him sandwiches or if it’s his lucky day, like today, a full Korean meal such as Kimbap filling is made with beef, carrot, spinach, yellow pickled radish, and crab stick with Spinach side dish, egg side dish, and the seasoned dried squid.


Jungkook bids Namjoon goodbye as he walks out of the house, Jennie was already half, it made sense since she was probably avoiding Jimin. Jungkook gets on his skateboard and as he was about to move, he spots Jimin, who was heading his way. Jungkook freezes, not sure of what to do. Many things went through his mind, a small voice screamed for him to walk away but his feet remained glued to the floor and skate. Jimin pulls up beside him,

“Good morning, Namjoon-hyung!” he greets him. Jungkook turns around and sees his brother who was heading to the car with his backpack over his shoulder,

“Good morning Jimin,” he replies with a wave as he gets in the car.

“Good morning, Jungkook,” says Jimin.

“Ah…Good mor…morning,” says Jungkook, stuttering. Cursing at himself, he takes a deep breath, composing himself, “Jennie already left.”

“I know,” says Jimin, “I saw her, I guess she’s mad at me.”

“Yeah, she’s pretty upset,” says Jungkook, glancing at everything but Jimin, avoiding his gaze.

“Hmm? She told you why?”

“Yeah,” he says, “I…just…can I ask you a question?”

“Yeah, go ahead but let’s move,” he says, “We’ll be late for school.”


Skating at the same pace, Jungkook glances at him, trying to phrase the question without sounding weird.

“Um…why didn’t you tell Jennie you are gay?”

“Huh? Oh,” says Jimin, “I don’t know, I mean I assumed she knew.” 

“How does someone assume that?”

“Well, I mean I never really dated or said I liked girls, and besides I don’t owe anyone an explanation. I’m gay so what?”

Jungkook stares at him, confused. He knew Jimin can be a bit odd and even weird, but this was just strange, he doesn’t seem to think he did anything wrong.

“Well, it’s like that, its just she is probably mad that you hid yourself from her than you are being gay, you’ve been friends since you were kids.”

“Well, I’ve known you since we were kids, are you mad at me?”

“I…that’s…I don’t think that’s the same,” says Jungkook, “She’s your best friend, she thought she knew you better than anyone, so she is probably disappointed. And it doesn’t help that she fell in love with you.”

Jimin grunts, annoyed, “That makes sense, I guess. It’s just I never liked the whole “coming out” thing, it’s so apologetic and stereotypical.”

Jungkook chuckles, not sure if he should feel offended or intrigued, “What do you mean?”

“I mean, straight people don’t have to go around telling people who they prefer to sleep so why should I?”

Jungkook stares at him silently, he was pouting, he seemed more annoyed than upset as if he is not fighting with his best friend.

“Well, I think if you want to make up with her, you should start by apologizing.”

“I know,” he says, glancing at his watch, “I gotta go, I have to review my notes before the first period. Bye.”


Jungkook watches him, increase his speed, they were a couple of minutes away from school.

Coming out is apologetic and stereotypical? I never thought of that before.


As Jungkook approaches the school building, he can already sense the love in the air by the number of heart balloons that were flying in the sky. There was a line of people wanting to buy their last-minute Valentine’s Day card, flowers, and chocolates held by the student councils, besides the entrance. Jungkook rolls his eyes, annoyed.


Valentine’s Day is so freaking dumb.


“Happy Valentine’s Day,” says Lisa, coming out of nowhere and wrapping her arms around his shoulder, startling him.

“What the hell?”

“Why’re you cussing for?”

“You scared the out of me.”

“Whatever,” says Lisa.

“Maybe you shouldn’t space out so much,” says Taehyung.


They arrive at their usual spot where they hang out before the bell rings, at their lockers near the History classes, since they have AP World History, together.

“Have you guys bought the tickets to the dance?” asks Lisa

“I’m not going,” says Jungkook.

“Wait why?”

“Because I don’t want to,” he replies.

“Same,” says Taehyung, “I’ll use this time to finish my project for photography class.”

Lisa frowns, glaring at them, “You’re going to leave me hanging.”

“Come over and hang out,” says Jungkook, “I’ve been getting a headache, and the loud sappy romance music is only going to irritate me.”

“I hate you guys.”

“Go with Jacob,” says Taehyung.


Lisa’s mouth opens to protest but before she could utter a word bell ring.

“Oh, let’s go to class,” says Jungkook, closing his locker and walking away, along with Taehyung, leaving Lisa frowning for a few seconds before slightly jogging to catch up



The classes were even worse, the teachers gave the students time at the end of the class to give each other their Valentine’s Day presents. Jungkook surprisingly received two boxes of chocolates, five cards, and a rose, all from girls. He was baffled but accepted them as to not be rude even though some of them claimed that they were from an “anonymous” friend who didn’t want to be named. Oh, well, more sweets for me, he figured.


For lunch, he sat outside the bench, finishing his food before going to the library. The breeze was refreshing and cool, it was the perfect weather for this romantic filled day. At the table in front of him sat a boy and girl, gazing at each other with huge smiles as they eat. Jungkook sighs, feeling a bit jealous.

The closest he got to being in a relationship was when he went to a party during his sophomore year and met a cute Hispanic boy with blonde hair and brown eyes. They hooked up, as all teenagers do when they were at a party, drunk and high, afterward they got each other’s number, but it seemed like no one made the call, so Jungkook figured it must have been the alcohol. He was just glad he was from another school and avoided awkwardly bumping into each other.

The most awkward thing about his almost relationship was going home and freaking out because he wasn’t sure if he used protection. He spoke to Namjoon, who took him to get tested- glad that he was safe and afterward gave him a long-needed speech about safe and also taking him to the store to buy a bunch of condoms.

 Jungkook shivers at the thought of it, he has never been more embarrassed than he was on that day and ever since then, he had few almost relationships, here and there but nothing serious.


After finishing his lunch, he makes his way to the library, in hopes that his pen pal left a note. Not sure why he was still entertaining them, he finds himself excited at what his anonymous friend wrote.

He makes his way to the computer, not many people were at the library which makes sense, since it was Valentine’s Day, everyone was out buying, giving and receiving gifts. As soon as he sits down, he looks for the note, smiling widely as he sees the sticky note but this time it was not yellow but pink. Jungkook chuckles, it seems like his anonymous friend is a fan of Valentine’s Day, he reads the note but stops.

 does this mean he or she wrote this today?  

Baffled, he stares at it, they could’ve written it in the morning or during first lunch.

“Oh, well,” he mumbles, going back to reading it.

♫ Oh, I'm a beautiful wreck

A colorful mess, but I'm funny. ♫

PS: Happy Valentine’s Day. I’ve had better days, just wondering why people get disappointed when they learn something different about you that is not the same as what they thought. Being green is healthy as long as you don’t forget yourself in the process. I sometimes get a little green too.


Jungkook smiles, feeling a bit better about learning that Jimin has a boyfriend, feeling silly for getting jealous over someone who has not ever looked at him twice. They come from two different worlds, and to Jimin, he will always be Jennie’s little brother. Jimin exhales loudly, despite trying to think too much, he couldn’t help but wonder what kind of guys Jimin is into? What kind of person is his boyfriend? Who asked who out? Is Jimin in love with him? How long they’ve been together…He shakes his head violently to stop thinking about things that are none of his business. He decides to reply to the note, instead, at least he had someone to listen to him. Whoever they are.

♫ Oh, I'm a heartbreak vet

With a stone-cold neck, I'm so charming, oh, oh. ♫

PS: Happy Valentine’s Day. It seems we’re both not having a fun wish. My heart got torn into pieces yesterday but now I’m not sure of what to do anymore. Any advice? 

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I'm sorry for not being able to update. I have decided from now on, I will properly update every Wednesday. So don't give up on me okay. lol. thank you for reading.


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Sorry, I haven't updated because I kind of forgot my password but I found it now lol...
Kim_Suki #2
Chapter 16: Hopefully this secret won’t cause problems between the siblings. I hope Jiminie is the one secretly writing JK.
Chapter 15: Oh dearrrr it’s ok JK don’t regretti the spaghetti
Kim_Suki #4
Chapter 15: That was hot. Sorry Kookie got in trouble, but he at least had fun.
Chapter 13: Go go JUNGKOOK (ง'̀-'́)ง
Kim_Suki #6
Chapter 13: Yeah!!
Chapter 12: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuhuhuhuhu yassss
Chapter 12: Ahhhh I need another chapter!! This is so interesting >.<
I hope after their kiss, jimin brave enough to acknowledge his feeling and not say 'heat in the moment' or blame the drinks. Go JIMIN!!!
Kim_Suki #9
Chapter 12: Go Jimin!!